chapter 15 - 20 MKT351

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What two factors can prevent consumers from disposing of current products and replacing them with new ones?

b. space limitation c. financial limitation

When conducting an online search of information, consumers are often faced with information overload. This has led to the creation of _____ which have the ability to filter information on the Internet based on criteria set by the consumers.


Consumers often do not have the ability or motivation to seek optimal solutions to recognized problems and are subject to ______, which limits their capacity to process information.

bounded rationality

When a consumer has a limited capacity for processing information, the consumer is experiencing

bounded rationality

When a consumer believes that a brand strengthens and reflects some aspect of his or her self-concept it is called

brand identification.

When decision-making units (DMUs) meet for the purpose of making a purchase decision, they are functioning as

buying centers

What is a way managers can improve marketing of new products when consumers are reluctant to dispose of an existing item?

by allowing consumers to trade old items for new ones

Currently, direct sales calls cost businesses about _____ per call.


What are the five primary sources of information available to consumers?

-Experiential sources -Marketing sources -Personal sources -Memory -Independent sources

Which of the following are factors that typically increase a consumer's engagement in an external search for alternative solutions to a recognized problem?

-gift-giving situations -pleasant physical surroundings

What are the five decision rules commonly used by consumers?

1. Lexicographic 2. Compensatory 3. Conjunctive 4. Elimination-by-aspects 5. Disjunctive

What two statements regarding advertising aimed at adults but potentially viewed by children are true?

1. Marketers must take precautions when commercials aimed at adults may be viewed by children 2. Ads that clearly target adults can have potentially harmful consequences on children

What are two major areas of concern associated with the large amount of time children in the United States spend viewing television?

1. the impact of commercial messages on children's values 2. the impact of commercial messages on children's health and safety

One study indicated a _____ in awareness when two or more ads for a product are placed in the same issue of a specialized business publication.

20% increase

Identify the most suitable example of omni-channel shoppers.

A consumer who compares prices of products online and buys the products in a store

What is an example of an online "superstore"?

Which statement best describes the relationship between business and government in the United States?

Business and government commonly have an adversarial relationship

Which statement demonstrates a consumer's commitment to a brand?

"I trust this store."

Which consumer decision rule establishes a minimum level of importance for each product attribute?


Which statement accurately describes the relationship between expectations and performance in the evaluation process?

Expectations and perceived performance are not independent of each other.

Select the true statement regarding Internet usage in the United States.

Growth of new Internet users has slowed considerably.

______ strategies, which enable consumers to compare prices of a product in various other stores while inside a particular store, have given consumers more control over their shopping experience.

Local mobile search

What is an accurate statement about the influence of location on international business-to-business (B2B) sales?

Operation strategies change with location, which must be reflected in marketing communications

Match the types of reinforcements associated with products to the amount they influence consumer engagement in external search.

Positive products : Increase external search Negative products: Decrease external search

Match the consumer segments of mobile phone users to their appropriate description. Instructions

Prodigies - Constantly-connected, mobile-centric tech trendsetters Personals - Mobile-savvy; prefer connecting with friends through direct messaging Pragmatists - Mobile professionals who manage home and work with their phone Talkers - Use mobile phones mainly for verbal conversations and an occasional video call

Which equation illustrates the compensatory decision rule?

Rb = ∑i=1nWiBib

What is involved in projective techniques for determining consumers' evaluative criteria?

Respondents are asked to designate criteria that someone else might utilize

What is an accurate statement about omni-channel shoppers?

They rely heavily on mobile shopping applications

Which of these examples demonstrates ways a company can assure consumers have adequate information when making a product choice?

Whole Wheat Pizza Inc. has nutrition labels on all of its products

What are three situations that might cause customers to become dissatisfied with a product or company?

a. ethical problems b. service encounter failures e. attraction by competitors

In the context of appropriate alternatives to consumer problems, brands that are viewed in a neutral manner by consumers despite their awareness about those brands comprise the ______ set.

a. inert

Most of the factors that have an impact on the effectiveness of point-of-purchase (P-O-P) materials in generating "lift" by consumers in retail stores relate to the

ability to capture consumer attention

What are three tools and strategies used by firms to implement relationship marketing with its customers?

advanced employee motivation and training customized mass communications a consumer database

On a company's website, ______ is/are customized games that integrate the company's products and brands in the game.


Janet wants to buy a laptop that suits her budget. After looking at a few laptops, she chooses the one that looks trendy and will complement her personality. In this scenario, Janet has most likely made an ______ choice.


What term is used to refer to the organizational culture of a business firm?

corporate culture

Select the true statement regarding Internet usage in the United States.

d. Growth of new Internet users has slowed considerably.

Affective performance of a product is always independent of its instrumental or symbolic performance.


A characteristic of a modified rebuy purchasing strategy is that the decision-making unit will most likely

include several representatives and some midlevel managers

The process of grouping organizations with distinguishing firmographics into market segments is called


In terms of marketing, what has been blamed for the unhealthy body image issues and the desire to be thin among young children?

marketing of products such as cosmetics

Paid advertising which looks like the media format in which it appears is called _____ advertising.


The flow of purchase influence within an industry through which a firm aims at maximum positive endorsement is referred to as

reference group infrastructure

A price of a product with which other prices are compared is called a

reference price

A company's attempt to develop an expanding, ongoing exchange relationship with its consumers is known as

relationship marketing

Any source of services or products for consumers is referred to as a

retail outlet

Advertising is frequently criticized for encouraging which values in children?

self-focused, short-term, and materialistic values

Once consumers recognize a problem, they often prefer using ______ to search for information on potential solutions.

the internet

What must marketers do to maintain existing loyal customers? (Select all that apply)

-Avoid out-of-stock situations -Maintain product improvements and development -Use reinforcement advertising

Which of the following are market characteristics, perceived by consumers, that influence the extent of external search conducted by them? (Select all that apply)

-the number of alternatives available to solve problem -the extent of store distribution -the availability of information -the perceived price range in a product class among equivalent brands

What are the two major concerns of consumer groups regarding products?

1. How safe are they? 2. How environmentally sound are they?

Which two aspects of advertising covered by CARU are not true?

1. Its guidelines are enforceable through steep fines and legal penalties 2. It opposes marketing that generates desires for products that many families cannot afford

Suzy is shopping for a new refrigerator. What are two examples of tangible criteria Suzy might consider when evaluating various refrigerators?

1. LG is an energy saver and has the most efficient ice maker 2. Kenmore costs $150 less than the Whirlpool

What are three of the FTC guidelines on disclosure for online marketers?

1. Make the language of the disclosure understandable for the intended audience 2. Make the disclosure prominent 3. Make sure disclosure are adequate in volume, size, and duration

What four standards are included in the Federal Trade Commission's "notice and choice" approach?

1. Notice- of information collected and sharing practices 2. Choice- as to how personally identifying information is used 3. Security- of information collected should be ensured 4. Access- to their information and to correct or delete information

List the steps that are taken in perceptual mapping of consumers' evaluative criteria in a sequential order, with the first step at the top.

1. Ranking of alternative brands by consumers based on similarity 2. Processing of ranks by a computer 3. Creation of a perceptual map of brands

In sequential order, with the first step at the top, list the steps taken by consumers using the elimination-by-aspects decision rule to evaluate alternatives to a recognized problem. Instructions

1. The evaluative criteria based on significance are rated by consumers and cutoff points for each criterion are established 2. All brands are considered on the most significant criterion and those that do not meet or surpass an established cut-off point are eliminated 3. Remaining brands are similarly evaluated by consumers on criteria with progressively lower importance until one brand remains

In sequential order in which they occur, list the steps, with the first step at the top, to develop marketing strategies appropriate to a target market's purchase situation. Instructions

1. The rules or combination of rules most likely used by a target market in a particular purchase situation should be determined 2. Marketing strategies that correspond to the decision-making activities conducted by a target market should be developed

In what two ways do lead users influence the overall infrastructure?

1. They have a direct impact on firms who tend to follow market trends 2. They add credibility to the product and supplier

What are two aspects of a firm's organizational culture?

1. an organization's distinct way of operating 2. attitudes and beliefs an organization's members have about how it operates and how it is

What are the three types of consumer choice processes

1. attitude-based 2. attribute-based 3. affective

What are two types of shopping orientation?

1. bargain hunter 2. mobile warrior

Daily Apps Inc. is a high-tech start-up that has grown exponentially in just six months. What are three values that would be associated with this company?

1. change is positive 2. any problem can be solved 3. active decision making is essential

What two things make up firmographics?

1. characteristics of the composition of an organization 2. characteristics of an organization

According to the survey cited in the text, the top two categories shopped for on a mobile device are

1. clothing 2. electronics

What are two triggers of problem recognition within a firm?

1. conflicts between sales assistants and field agents 2. problems related to customer service

What are two of the motives that drive the management of a privately held firm?

1. doing what the family expects 2. building a lasting "empire"

What are the top five categories of online purchases in the US?

1. home furnishings 2. electronics 3. personal care products 4. apparel 5. beauty items

What are three possible roles members of a decision-making unit might play?

1. key influencer 2. purchaser and user 3. information gatherer

What are two factors that influence healthy business relationships in business-to-business (B2B) sales?

1. learning bonds 2. social relations

What are the three categories of purchase involvement for organizations?

1. modified rebuy 2. new task 3. straight rebuy

What are four sources of price reductions that can lead to an increase in retail sales?

1. nonproduct category buyers assigning superior value to discounted brands 2. arrival of new customers 3. stockpiling by current brand users 4. switching to discounted brands by users of competing brands

What are the two biggest reasons consumers abandon an online shopping cart prior to purchase?

1. not ready to make the purchase 2. shipping costs are too high

What are two aspects of website design that are important drivers of B2B website effectiveness?

1. privacy/security 2. ease of navigation

What are three factors related to sales personnel that influence the effectiveness of sales efforts in driving consumer purchase behavior?

1. relationship between a customer and a salesperson 2. knowledge, authority, and skill of a salesperson 3. nature of the consumer's buying task

What are three factors that affect a store's atmosphere?

1. sound 2. lighting 3. odors

What are three types of measures consumers can take to express their dissatisfaction with a company or product?

1. stop purchasing from that store or buying that brand 2. complain to the store or manufacturer 3. engage in negative word of mouth

What are the three major concerns about the information that marketers provide to consumers?

1. the information's adequacy 2. the information's cumulative impact on society's values 3. the information's accuracy

What are three factors that influence the importance a consumer places on different evaluative criteria?

1. usage situation 2. competitive context 3. Advertising effects

What two organizational values are common in well-established, innovative organizations as well as to start-up, high-technology organizations?

1. viewing problems as opportunities 2. encouragement of risk-tasking behavior

According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, children do not have the ability to completely process and comprehend marketing messages until around _____ years of age.


In what decade did many stores begin to develop their own store brands to compete with national brands?


It is projected that mobile retailing will exceed _____ by 2021.


Research indicates that about _____ online shopping carts are abandoned before the purchase is made.

7 in 10

Identify an example of partitioned prices.

A product with separately mentioned product price and shipping charge

Which five are segments of mobile phone users as proposed by Experian?

Browsers Tribalse Personals Occasionals Prodigies

Which statement best expresses the primary concern of the Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU)?

CARU is concerned with the ability of children to comprehend commercial messages

Which consumer is an example of an omni-channel shopper?

Carol compares prices of purses using a mobile application while standing in a retail store

_____ is a consumer's psychological state in which anxiety regarding a service has been eased, and he or she is calm and worry free and enjoys peace of mind regarding service encounters with a particular service provider.

Consumer comfort

What is one drawback of full disclosure of all relevant marketing information to consumers?

Consumers may experience information overload

Match the type of motives that influences a consumer's purchase behavior (in the left column) with the appropriate examples (in the right column). Instructions

Consummatory motive - a person purchasing an expensive smartphone because it makes him or her appear trendy Instrumental motiven - a person purchasing a scientific calculator to solve complicated numerical problems

Match the consumer characteristics that influence the extent of consumer engagement in external search (in the left column) with their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Experience - Increased probability of a repeat purchase reduces the likelihood of external search Shopping orientation - Reduced likelihood of external search just before purchase when consumers engage in ongoing search Social status - Decreased likelihood of engaging in external search as consumers move through different stages of life Perceived risk - Increased probability of threat increases consumer engagement in external search

What are the five primary sources of information available to consumers?

Experiential sources -Marketing sources -Personal sources -Memory -Independent sources

Match the types of reference prices (in the left column) with their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

External reference price - A marketer presents this price for a consumer to compare with the product's current price Internal reference price - A consumer recalls this price or price range from memory to compare with a price in the market

Brand loyalty is expressed by a consumer immediately upon noticing a brand for the first time.


The number of individuals in a DMU typically stays consistent over the life cycle of a product


Typically, consumers only use one of the five decision rules when making a decision.


Which of the following are evaluative criteria for customers choosing among brands in an evoked set?

Features Emotional considerations Price

The primary federal agency involved in regulating pricing activities is the

Federal Trade Commission

Which of these consumers is demonstrating the idea that the United States is not a throwaway society?

Heidi will only purchase a new printer if she knows her old printer can be rebuilt and provided to a school.

Decisions that are based on an affective choice would answer which question?

How do I feel about it?

What information should marketers have before implementing strategies to capture large shares of consumers who are involved in nominal decision making?

How does the target market engage in information search on recognizing a problem?

Jensen decides to change to another eye doctor after her last appointment when she was kept waiting in the exam room for 45 minutes before the doctor showed up. What is causing Jensen's dissatisfaction?


A consumer uses the lexicographic decision rule to evaluate two alternative tire brands, "Big Tread" and "Atlantis." Assuming that both brands exhibit maximum performance at each level for the most important criterion, which strategy should marketers of Big Tread use to influence consumers to purchase Big Tread tires?

Influence consumers to choose the next most important attribute of Big Tread

Match the time durations (in the left column) to the strategies used to shift a target market into a more extensive form of decision making (in the right column). Instructions

Long run : Product improvement followed by attention-attracting advertising Short run: Attention-attracting advertising specifically aimed at breaking habitual decision making

Match the types of purchases (in the left column) with the types of decision rules consumers typically use in those purchase situations (in the right column). Instructions

Low-involvement purchases - Relatively simple decision rules like disjunctive, conjunctive, lexicographic, or elimination-by-aspects High-involvement purchases - Increased evaluation efforts in the form of complex decision rules such as compensatory rules and different stages of decision making

What is an accurate representation of the Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU)?

Many consumer advocates want CARU's role to expand into other areas

Match the sources of information used by a consumer after problem recognition to their appropriate examples.

Memory - Personal experiences, low-involvement learning, and past searches Personal sources - Family, friends, and members of one's social group(s) Independent sources - Government agencies, consumer groups, and magazines Marketing sources - Websites, advertising media, and sales personnel Experiential sources - Product trial or inspection

Identify a true statement about omni-channel shoppers.

Nearly 75% of shoppers utilize two or more channels to browse and buy

Renata is participating in a research project in which she is reviewing three different microwaves that all have the same criteria. Is this an example of conjoint analysis?

No. Conjoint analysis involves a set of products in which evaluative criteria vary

Match the market characteristics that influence the extent of external search conducted by consumers, to the marketing strategies developed by marketers to reduce search time. Instructions

Number of alternatives : Development of a large number of strategic models to guide consumers toward exclusive models Perceived price range : Implementation of cost matching strategies perceived by consumers as signaling lower costs Extent of store distribution: Strategic location of outlets to decrease engagement of consumers in external searches Information availability: Avoiding consumer accessibility to too much details about products which keeps consumers' need for information active without overloading them

______ on the Internet provides opportunities for marketers to effectively use acceptance strategy for marketing their brands.

Search engine optimization

_____ refers to the costs of finding, evaluating, and adopting a different solution from the current solution to a recognized problem.

Switching cost

What effect does perceived benefits have on one's external search for information?

The greater the perceived benefits, the more time will be spent searching.

What is an example of point-of-purchase materials used to impact sales?

The grocery store chain places coupon dispensers for orange juice in the breakfast cereal aisle

What is a true statement about pragmatic implications?

They are not directly stated

What is an accurate statement about visual marketing communications?

They are regulated by the government and business self-regulatory groups

What is an accurate statement about the nature of evaluative criteria used by consumers to make a decision?

They differ in number depending on the product category under consideration

How do most consumers respond to external reference prices when they see them in the store?

They do not completely believe them

In which country is the practice of corporate downsizing to ensure a company's profitability widely accepted?

United States

Match the factors that influence the importance a consumer places on different evaluative criteria (in the left column) with their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Usage situations - These are conditions in which a service or product is utilized. Competitive context - Increased variance across rival brands leads to increased efforts by consumers in a decision-making process. Advertising effects - Those promotional campaigns which increase processing of a product attribute and the importance of that attribute.

Which of the following is an example of sensory discrimination?

Variance in the taste of wine

What is an example of a marketing strategy focused on emotions and motives of people involved in making an organizational purchase decision?

a marketer who offers a solution to a priority business problem

What did the Federal Trade Commission offer in its "notice and choice" approach toward regulation of collection of personal identifying information from consumers by commercial websites?

a set of guidelines

In the context of organizational buyer segments, buyers with low risk tolerance should favor relational exchanges because such

a strategy decreases the ambiguity over access to and quality of the inputs they buy

Why do marketers employing intercept strategy on a target market focus considerably on attracting consumers' attention?

a. because consumers are not considering the marketers' brand

What four aspects of a purchase affect a consumer's decision to take action when dissatisfied?

a. characteristics of the consumer d. importance of that product to the consumer e. ease of taking an external action f. consumer's overall level of satisfaction with a brand or firm

When a consumer sells a product directly to another consumer with or without the help of a commercial intermediary, a _____occurs.

a. consumer-to-consumer sale

What are two practices marketers can use to maximize consumer satisfaction?

a. maintain consistent quality that lives up to reasonable expectations created by a firm b. create reasonable expectations of a product through ad campaigns

What are three likely outcomes if a consumer's expectations with a product are not met?

a. making complaints d. unfavorable word-of-mouth communications e. brand switching

Techniques designed to ensure that the web pages of a company are easily accessible to search engines and are focused in ways that increase the likelihood that they will be found are involved in search engine

a. optimization.

What three things are determined during internal search for information?

a. ways of comparing potential solutions b. existence of a satisfactory solutiond. characteristics of potential solutions

When making a(n) _____ choice, consumers imagine using the product or service and consider how it will make them feel.


The emotional response that using a product provides is known as

affective performance.

In the context of advertisements for children, what is one item the Children's Advertising Review Unit recommends?

age appropriate wording and language

What is a typical format for native advertising?

an article on a webpage that is actually an ad

What emotion is generally associated with postpurchase dissonance?


Terms and conditions are critical and complex in business-to-business markets because they

are designed to prevent losses to either party

Research on the use of disclaimers in advertising directed to children has found that disclaimers

are unsuccessful with preschool children

In situations where a consumer must dispose of a product before acquiring a new product, it is advantageous for the manufacturers and retailers to

assist consumers in the disposition process

Caroline doesn't like shopping at Sweater Stop because the aisles are narrow and it's always crowded with people. Caroline is choosing not to shop at this store because of its'


Consumers who rely on summary impressions and intuitions when evaluating a product demonstrate a(n) _____ choice.


Kristine remembered that her roommate's SportsTrend bike worked well and looked sleek. Kristine had a Sunsetter bike when she was growing up which she liked but it was known for bright neon colors. At the bike store, she saw both brands for about the same price and decided to buy the SportsTrend bike. Which type of consumer choice process does this demonstrate?


When it is difficult to find information about a product and a purchase must be made quickly, consumers are more likely to rely on a(n) _____ choice.


Consumers who demonstrate high purchase involvement or motivation are more likely to use which type of consumer choice process?


The knowledge of particular features at the time a product choice is made and conducting a characteristic-by-characteristic comparison across brands are components of ______ choice.


Virtual characters that act as company representatives and can act as online sales clerks are called


In the context of appropriate alternatives to consumer problems, the brands that a consumer is aware of constitute the ______ set.


Hans notices a new brand of barbecue sauce at a point-of-purchase display in the grocery store. He picks up a bottle and plans to have a barbecue this weekend at his place. He puts the sauce in his pantry when he gets home but proceeds to forget all about it. This scenario is an example of

b. product nonuse.

Why do companies argue that data collection and mining of consumer information online is beneficial to consumers?

because it allows them to present a more targeted offering

The term negativity _____ refers to a typical consumer behavior in which the failure of a feature of a given product has a stronger effect on a consumer than the successful functioning of that feature.


A test, conducted by marketers to evaluate functional characteristics of a product, in which respondents are unaware of the product's brand name is referred to as a(n)

blind test

Barry is participating in a consumer research panel. He is asked to taste three different cola brands. Each cola is presented to him in a small cup that does not indicate the brand of the cola. What type of research is this company conducting?

blind test

A biased behavior of a consumer toward one or more alternative brands out of a set of potential solutions is known as his or her

brand loyalty.

The commercialization of American elementary and high schools has occurred because

budget constraints motivate schools to find other ways to get money

The complicated issue with a(n) ______ strategy is that the target market is not actively seeking information about the brand, so marketers must motivate consumers to learn about the brand.

c. acceptance

In the context of types of information sought by consumers, an awareness set is a part of a set of

c. all possible alternatives that can solve a consumer's problem.

In the context of temporal perspective, external information search of a consumer upon recognizing a problem ______ with a decrease in the availability of time to the consumer.

c. decreases

Behavioral targeting is a technique used to

c. determine banner ad placement.

In the context of finding potential solutions to a recognized problem, the process of evaluating brands in an evoked set requires consumers to

c. gather information about each brand on each applicable evaluative criterion.

The problem of ______ on the Internet has led to the evolution of specialized tools and services to help consumers in their search and decision making.

c. information overload

Before the popularity of smartphones, Cindy would go from store to store, manually comparing prices, to find the best deals for products. Now, she uses a mobile phone application to compare prices. In this scenario, Cindy has benefited from the ______ strategy.

c. local mobile search

Rita, a teenager, is obsessed with technology and keeps herself updated on the latest gadgets. She wants to buy a laptop. It does not take her long to decide on the brand and model. Which of the following consumer characteristics influences Rita's lack of need for external search?

c. shopping orientation

Once consumers recognize a problem, they often prefer using ______ to search for information on potential solutions.

c. the Internet

When a marketer's brand is evaluated by consumers who are using nominal decision making to evaluate alternative solutions to a recognized problem, the strategy typically employed by the marketer is to

capture as much market share as practical.

For which product category is brand identification by committed consumers the most common?


A large proportion of children in their teen years and younger now have ______, which makes it easier for marketers to target them with promotional efforts.

cell phones

The Children's Advertising Review Unit is also concerned about commercials that are neither aimed at children nor shown during children's programs because

children also view prime-time television substantially

According to Consumers Union, what are sponsored educational materials (SEMs)?

commercialized teaching materials provided to schools by corporation

A customer loyal to a brand, service, or store is known as a(n) _____ customer.


According to the ______ decision rule, a brand that scores highest on the sum of a consumer's judgment of significant evaluative criteria will be selected by the consumer.


Which indirect measurement approach presents the consumer with a set of products in which the evaluative criteria varies?

conjoint analysis

Mahut finds one dishwasher that meet the standards he is looking for and two that do not. He eliminates the two that do not and buys the other one. Which decision rule is he using?


Minimum required performance standards on each evaluative criterion are established and either the first or all brands that surpass or meet these minimum standards are selected using the ______ decision rule.


An evoked set of alternatives that a consumer evaluates to find solutions to a recognized problem is also called a(n) ______ set.


Perceived risk is considered a product characteristic and a _____ characteristic.


The Priestley family had a yard sale to sell all the things which were no longer of use to them. The yard sale is an example of a

consumer-to-consumer sale

When a consumer sells a product directly to another consumer with or without the help of a commercial intermediary, a _____ occurs.

consumer-to-consumer sale

Which action used by dissatisfied consumers against products, brands, stores, or firms is the most favorable from a company's perspective?

consumers complaining to a company

While ______ motives underlie behaviors that are intrinsically fulfilling to an involved person, ______ motives trigger behaviors of a person oriented to obtain a second goal.

consummatory; instrumental

Corinne bought a new car but feels some trepidation about her purchase after noticing that many cars in her neighborhood are hybrid models that save gas while her new car is not a hybrid. Her trepidation is an example of

consumption guilt

What is an example of the commercialization of American elementary and high schools?

corporate-sponsored contests and incentive programs in schools

Advertising run by a company to prompt consumers to unlearn inexact information they learned from the company's earlier advertising is known as ______ advertising.


What does the Federal Trade Commission view as a useful tool for protecting the public?

corrective advertising

Marketers need to ______ to prevent existing loyal consumers from searching alternative solutions to recognized problems in other brands or product categories.

counter short-term competitive strategies

Victoria needs a new dishwasher. Based on research across various measures, such as stores visited, brands considered, sources utilized, and total overall search, which of the following can we expect regarding Victoria's search?

d. Victoria will perform limited information search.

When negative emotions are aroused as the result of using a service or a product, it leads to

d. consumption guilt.

Shelly, a university undergraduate, wants to purchase a new phone. She engages in an internal search to find a phone that has a big screen, has the latest android operating system, and complements her personality. In this scenario, the desired features that Shelly wants are her

d. evaluative criteria.

When a particular consumer problem is solved by the evaluation of certain brands or products, then those brands or products comprise the ______ set.

d. evoked

When consumers seek appropriate alternatives while purchasing a product, the brands that a consumer views negatively constitute the ______ set.

d. inept

Extended decision making with the brand in a consumer's evoked set requires a ______ strategy.

d. preference

Consumer comfort reflects the _____ state of the consumer.

d. psychological

Employees from different functional areas of an organization who come together to participate in decision making regarding a given purchase are called

decision-making units

Behavioral targeting is a technique used to

determine banner ad placement.

When a company uses a focus group to ask consumers about one of its products, it is an example of a(n) _____ method to determine evaluative criteria.


Use innovativeness by consumers helps marketers as

discovery of new applications of their products greatly increases their sales

The _____ decision rule establishes a minimum level of performance for each important attribute of a product.


Firms attempt to maximize consumer satisfaction to subvert the ripple effect caused by

dissatisfied consumers engaging in negative WOM about that firm

What three demographic factors account for many of the reasons people in the United States do not use the Internet?

education age income

A direct result of the advent of mobile and mobile applications in the context of in-store shopping is that they have

enabled consumers to search for deals, prices, and brands while being in a physical store.

In response to a particular problem, a consumer looks for the various dimensions, benefits, or features that are referred to as

evaluative criteria

The characteristics or features of potential solutions to a recognized problem that are desired by a consumer and are determined through his or her internal search are called

evaluative criteria.

Match the marketing strategies (in the left column) with the type of products consumers who prefer to buy under those marketing schemes (in the right column). Instructions

everyday low prices = preferred by shoppers who purchase a large number of items at once partitioned prices = preferred by shoppers who purchase products online

A target market's nominal decision making process should be disrupted if a brand is not part of a target market's ______ set.


A(n) ______ refers to a price that the manufacturer or retailer of a product provides in addition to its actual current price.

external reference price

Tyler shops at Peterson's Fashion Discount for his clothes. He likes this store because the price tag shows how much the item is at Peterson's and also shows the suggested retail price. Tyler shops at this store because it provides a(n)

external reference price

Match the qualities consumer groups want in prices (in the left column) to their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

fair = competitively determined accurately stated = contain no hidden charges

Depictions of casual attitudes toward sex and beauty are the only ways advertisements affect values.


In the retail gravitation model, store size is assumed to be a measure of the effort, both physical and psychological, to reach a given retail area.


Mobile Warriors are likely to engage in webrooming over showrooming


Mobile apps have little influence over consumers when they shop at a brick and mortar store.


Online advertising has been found to be the most important persuasive element of the communications mix in most industrial markets.


Retail outlets include only physical stores and catalogs


Retail outlets include only physical stores and catalogs.


The corporate culture of a firm does not influence the decision-making process of the firm


The corporate culture of a firm does not influence the decision-making process of the firm.


The greatest proportion of consumers perform an extensive external search of information prior to purchase


The three consumer choice processes are mutually exclusive. True false question.


The types of individuals who work in an organization have no influence on its organization culture.


Very few marketing approaches aimed at children are controversial. True false question.


Match the stages of decision-making process used by firms to evaluate and select vendors (in the left column) to their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

first stage = typically uses a conjunctive decision rule to screen vendors in order to make a list of approved vendors second stage = uses a combination of decision rules to select the most appropriate vendor

Match the types of information search organizational buyers engage in (in the left column) to their corresponding examples (in the right column). Instructions

formal information search = investigating possible product specification, conducting laboratory tests of a prototype or a new product, and visiting sites to evaluate a potential vendor informal information search = reading industry-specific journals, attending trade shows, or having discussions with sales representatives

Which ad size has been shown to be more effective in generating inquiries?


In which country, according to Point-of-Purchase Advertising International, are in-store decisions made much less frequently than in the other two countries?


Purchasing procedures that generate positive experiences for a buyer business

get institutionalized in policies and rules

Studies show that consumers have particularly negative reactions to delays in service when they believe that the service provider

has control over the delay and the consumer has little to do during the delay.

For most durable goods, consumers are reluctant to buy a new item until the old item

has fully depreciated its value

If a consumer does not take an external action when dissatisfied with a firm or brand he or she is likely to

have a less favorable attitude toward that firm or brand.

Marketers must especially help those consumers visualize the experience of consuming a product who

have not consumed the product before

Match the categories of pragmatic implications (in the left column) to their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

hedge words = words that practically imply something not directly stated juxtaposed imperatives = making two unconnected statements seem connected by placing them next to each other

When marketing to consumers who use the affective choice process, companies should

help consumers envision the experience of consuming the product

When considering perceived risk for retailers, an online retailer would be viewed as having _____ risk.


It is critical for firms to invest in search-related marketing efforts because

highest priority listings can be obtained by their website for the most appropriate search terms.

What has caused industries to improve self-regulation of marketing strategies for violent entertainment products?

highly publicized acts of violence by teenagers

In addition to being interested in the information-processing skills of children, the Children's Advertising Review Unit is interested in the

impact of the content of children's advertising

If a purchase is made with little or no deliberation because of a sudden, powerful urge to have a product, it is known as a(n)

impulse purchase

Kary is shopping for a dress to wear for her office gala when she notices Blush brand of watches for women. She thinks the design of the watches is trendy and really wants one so she purchases a watch. In this scenario, the type of purchase made by Kary is an example of a(n)

impulse purchase

At Kylie's high school, there is a sign for Big Jim's Burger Palace on the scoreboard in the gym. Which form of commercialization does this ad represent?

in-school advertisements

Greenhandle Corp. and Lovepeace Inc. are large private companies operating in the same city. They are both architectural consultancy firms and prefer to hire architects who have more than five years experience. However, Greenhandle Corp. specializes in designing bridges and roads, while Lovepeace Inc. undertakes contracts to design buildings. The organizational cultures of the two companies differ in their

industrial categories

Metamora Inc. and Bishop Corp. are small, private enterprises based in Chicago. Both supply agricultural food products. Metamora Inc. deals in organic products and Bishop Corp. deals in genetically modified products. These two companies differ in their

industrial categories

Match the factors that influence the type of exchange in a business-to-business (B2B) sale (in the left column) to their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

industry structure = Buyers prefer relational exchange when the buyers have more power over sellers decisions-making culture = buyers, when they belong to a firm's procurement department, prefer transactional exchanges decision-making structure = buyers with cross-functional and typically larger decisions-making units (DMUs) prefer relational exchanges risk tolerance = buyers should prefer relational exchanges when they have high peril on uncertainty tolerance nature of purchase = buyers prefer relational exchanges when purchases are complex and require substantial after-purchase support

When consumers seek appropriate alternatives while purchasing a product, the brands that a consumer views negatively constitute the ______ set.


If the favorite alternative brands of consumers are not available, then consumers opt for brands that are part of the ______ set.


The reason consumers do not completely believe in external reference prices, although they are influenced by them, is that

inflated reference prices are used by some retailers

What does the federal truth-in-lending legislation ensure for consumers?

information adequacy

Jenna takes a prescription medicine every day for her high blood pressure. She is always amazed at the long descriptions and list of limitations on the packaging and the separate pharmacy papers. There are so many details, she doesn't both to read them. What is Jenna experiencing?

information overload

The problem of ______ on the Internet has led to the evolution of specialized tools and services to help consumers in their search and decision making.

information overload

Saturn Inc., a software development firm, introduced a new mobile application, Easy-Cent, for making payments. For Easy-Cent to be successful, Saturn Inc. requires positive endorsement from reference groups located along the distribution chain. This distribution chain of reference groups is known as the reference group


Which dimension of product performance relates to the physical functionality of a product?

instrumental performance

When implementing a new task approach for an important purchase decision, a decision-making unit typically would have _____.

insufficient experience with the purchase decision or with a service or product

Information search by consumers, using relevant information from long-term memory, once a problem is recognized, is known as ______ search.


One feature of perceptual mapping is that it does not

involve specification of evaluative criteria by consumers

If everything else is basically equal, a consumer will generally choose to shop at the store which

is closest to them

The minimum amount one product can differ from another, with that difference being noticed by consumers, is called the

just noticeable difference

In the context of pragmatic implications, "Have the best breakfast drink in the world. Taste Oran's juice." is an example of

juxtaposed imperatives

Match the shopping orientation (in the left column) with their corresponding preferred shopping channel (in the right column). Instructions

knowledge seekers = webrooming brand desires = boutique shopping bargain hunters = large discount retailers practical players = service-oriented retailers

Match the sizes of organizations (in the left column) to the variety of individuals typically required to make a purchase decision (in the right column). Instructions

large organization = greater number and variety of specialists managing different departments of the organization small organization = limited number of individuals, typically the owner or manager of the organization

Innovative organizations that derive a great deal of their success from leading change are known as

lead users

Which group can add credibility to a product just by adopting it for use?

lead users

Many critics who are against the emphasis on beauty and sex appeal as benefits in advertisements argue that this

leads to injurious consumption patterns

Match the value dimensions that influence healthy business relationships in business-to-business (B2B) sales (in the left column) to their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

legitimacy and compatibility = trust, perceived quality that is represented by brand reputation, and actual delivered quality economic and shares values = the extent to which seller and buyer organizations are integrated through information technology, values, and joint manufacturing social relations = friendship, closeness and extent of buyer-seller communication learning bonds = cooperation of joint research and development, staff exchanges, and training

Kendra forgot to take her favorite shampoo along on vacation. She is in a hurry to get to the hotel so she stops at a convenience store and buys another brand even though she believes it won't be as good. Kendra's expected level of performance for this new shampoo is


Match the types of products (in the left column) with the types of avatars that are the most effective in sale of those products (in the right column). Instructions

low-involvement products - attractive-looking avatars because they are more likable high-involvement products - expert avatars because they are more credible

Match the type of purchase situations faced by consumers (in the left column) with the type of service required by them in those situations (in the right column). Instructions

low-involvement purchases = predominantly self-service high-involvement purchases = greater likelihood of interaction with sales personnel

Tide Water Inc., a financial institution, offers various investment options to firms. It recently experienced a large increase in the number of other firms employing its services. The company decided to categorize its clients into market segments based on firmographics by using


The management in a public firm is anticipated to run the firm in a such a way that it will _____.

maximize the shareholders' economic gains

The general nature of the outcome a consumer seeks is referred to as a


Sconio Inc., a company that develops computer games, advertises its newly released game through a text-in contest. Its aim is to target mainly teenagers and young children. This marketing approach is an example of ______ marketing to children.


A firm implements a _____ approach when its purchase choices are more complex than repurchasing basic supplies or when the purchase is moderately significant to the firm.

modified rebuy

A firm implements the _____ purchase approach when its choice is quite complex and the buying decision is very important.

new task

Match the types of decision-making process used by consumers (in the left column) to their corresponding constructs of purchase situations used by businesses (in the right column). Instructions

nominal decision making = straight rebuy situation limited decision making = modified rebuy situation extended decision making = new task situation

Discovering the precise meaning of marketing messages and judging their deceptiveness are

not simple processes

The first assumption of rational choice theory says that consumers seek _____ and make their choice on that basis

one optimal solution to a problem

Ally Appliance Corp. has implemented a two-step verification system that customers must go through to access their account online. This system is an example of how companies are addressing

online privacy concerns

Fears of consumers about how their personal information that is collected online might be utilized are referred to as their

online privacy concerns

Match the aspects of firmographics (in the left column) to their corresponding dimensions (in the right column). Instructions

organization characteristics = organization activities, location, objectives, industry category, and size characteristics of the composition of an organization = age, gender, income, distribution of employees, and education

Ferris Inc. and Hanson Inc. are large private enterprises that manufacture shipping equipment. They are both located in Portland, Maine. However, Ferris Inc. mostly consists of employees under age 35, whereas Hanson Inc. mostly consists of individuals over 40 years old. Ferris Inc. and Hanson Inc. have different

organization compositions

A consumer's shopping style that puts particular emphasis on certain activities or shopping motivations is called the shopping


The most recent report cited in the text, notes that Amazon accounts for _____ of US online retail sales.

over 40%

It has been found that search engines are involved in _____ of B2B decisions.

over 90%

A common reaction across cultures is that when marketing firms try too hard to respect a foreign culture, they are perceived as being

overeager and not genuine

While purchasing products, the ability to _____ enables consumers to shop willingly and purchase more.

pay by credit card instead of cash

E-waste refers to the waste associated with

personal electronic devices

Dina doesn't like to complain when she has a bad shopping experience because she wants everyone to like her. What is preventing Dina from voicing her dissatisfaction?


To reflect the cultural diversity of American society, marketers should

place ads in shows that also highlight diversity

Anxiety or doubt felt by a consumer after making a difficult and relatively permanent purchase decision is referred to as _____.

postpurchase dissonance

The implied meanings that consumers derive when interpreting language in a practical way are known as

pragmatic implications

Delilah engages in limited decision making to replace the brand of hair products she currently uses. Lesner, a brand of hair products, is not a part of the evoked set that Delilah considers. Identify a strategy that marketers of Lesner are most likely to use in order to influence Delilah to purchase the product.

preference strategy

Kim is involved in extended decision making before purchasing a new car. She considers the brand Elance. Which of the following is a strategy that the marketers of Elance most likely uses in order to ensure that Kim purchases the car?

preference strategy

In regards to B2B sales, what is one of the top two search activities on a smartphone?

price and product comparisons

Match the sources of firm profit growth per customer over time (in the left column) with their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

price premium - committed customers who consistently purchase the brand rather than continually negotiating its price or waiting for a sale referrals - consumers who begin to purchase a brand as a result of recommendations from existing customers lower costs - consumers who learn how to interact with a firm more efficiently over time

Sunnies Baked Goods, a bakery in Seattle, wants to promote its new apple tarts. It provides coupons to consumers through lucky draws held on different days. What strategy is Sunnies using to advertise its products?

price reductions and promotional deals

As a sales representative, Brett has talked to several customers who are complaining that the new printer ink cartridges wear out long before the estimated time they are supposed to last. He notifies his manager of this situation. Which step in the organizational decision process does this portray?

problem recognition

The rate of in-store and unplanned purchasing varies by ,____________ consumer, and situation.


When a consumer actively purchases a product but utilizes it only sparingly or does not utilize it at all, it is an example of

product nonuse

Which situation is the most likely to lead to consumer commitment toward a product?

product performance that exceeds expected performance

The advertising industry in the United States presently aims to distinguish children's commercials from children's programs by

prohibiting overlapping characteristics

An example of an indirect method used by marketers to measure consumers' evaluative criteria is a(n)

projective technique

Match the following categories of commercial firms (in the left column) to their appropriate descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

public firms = these firms trade widely in their stocks private firms = these firms have their shares controlled by a single person or few individuals

The process of completing a transaction that a consumer had started, once he or she selected a retail outlet and a brand, is referred to as _____ a product.


What is a major component of after-purchase evaluation of products?

quality of after-sales service

The lexicographic decision rule differs from the other rules in that the customer must

rank criteria in order of importance

What did the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act passed by Congress in 1998 authorize the Federal Trade Commission to do?

regulate the collection and use of children's information from websites

Consumers who continue to buy the same product or brand though they do not have an emotional attachment to it are called

repeat purchasers.

Concerns about the ability of children to understand the nature of commercials have led to proposals that

restrict or eliminate toy-based television programs and films

The level of store attraction based on the distance of a store from a consumer and store size is calculated using the

retail attraction model

To ensure that waste-conscious consumers continue to purchase new products, firms must ensure

reuse of products they discard.

According to the Roper survey cited in the text, the number one reason consumers don't like to shop in stores is

salespeople are poorly informed

What is considered to be the number-one online shopping tool?

search engines

Match the aspects of the consumer model of buyer behavior (in the left column) to their corresponding aspects of organizational culture (in the right column). Instructions

self-concept = attitudes and beliefs of an organization's members about how it operates and how it is lifestyle = an organization's distinct way of operating

What is probably the most widely used technique for determining consumers' judgments of brand performance on specific attributes?

semantic differential scales

A person can differentiate between similar stimuli if he or she has the ability known as

sensory discrimination

The atmosphere of a business such as a bank or restaurant is called the


The concern regarding manipulative Internet practices targeted at children often revolve around

sites that merge entertainment and advertising

At Mercury Electronics Corp. there are separate departments for purchasing, finance, marketing, and warehousing. What aspect of firmographics do these various departments reflect?


Which product category is more likely to lead to customer dissatisfaction due to failed instrumental performance?

smart phones

With more information available on the Internet, the role of a salesperson has changed. They now must be

solution providers instead of information providers

A disadvantage of using a direct method to determine the evaluative criteria used by consumers is that

sometimes consumers are unable to vocalize their evaluative criteria

Tess, a fashion designer, decides to purchase a red ABC brand hand bag. She goes to a retail outlet and purchases a red ABC brand hand bag. Which Point-of-Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) category does the purchase fall into?

specifically planned purchase

If additional items are sold to customers who visit a retail store to buy an advertised item, it is known as

spillover sales

Marlo went to the store to buy her favorite shampoo that was on sale and ended up buying three birthday cards and some soda while she was there. The items she bought in addition to the shampoo are known as

spillover sales

If a particular brand is temporarily unavailable in a store, the situation is referred to as a


Micah suggested brighter light bulbs should be placed in the dressing rooms so customers could see better when trying on clothing. What aspect of the store is Micah trying to improve?

store atmosphere

Terry doesn't like to shop at Gilmore Clothing because the aisles are always a mess. Terry's perception of the _____ is stopping him from shopping.

store image

The _____ is a consumer's perception of all the attributes associated with a retail outlet.

store image

In the context of organizational purchase situations, a _____ situation occurs when a firm's purchase is not complex and is of low priority.

straight rebuy

The Children's Advertising Review Unit is concerned about the effects of the content of advertising messages on American children because of the

substantial amount of time they spend viewing television

Match the types of perceived costs that affect consumer response to a stockout (in the left column) with their corresponding descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

substitution costs - decrease in satisfaction a consumer identifies while replacing a product, brand, or size transaction costs - ascertained mental, physical, time, and financial costs of replacing a product or brand opportunity costs - decreased consumer satisfaction as a result of reducing or forgoing consumption of a product

In the context of evaluative criteria, an attribute used to denote or stand for or indicate another attribute is known as a(n)

surrogate indicator

Jenni is shopping for wedding shoes and narrows her decision down to two pairs. She decides to buy the more expensive pair because she believes that the higher priced shoe must be better quality. Her belief is based on a

surrogate indicator

Matthew has driven a Toyota for the last 12 years and decides to replace it with another Toyota because he doesn't have the time or patience to evaluate other brands. In other words, Matthew considers the _____ costs to be too high.


When the performance of a product relates to image-enhancement or aesthetic performance, it is known as a(n)

symbolic performance.

Successful vendors will find that positive experiences with a company are rewarded and

tend to be repeated

The details of payments, delivery dates, warranties, and other purchase-related information in a business-to-business sale are referred to as its

terms and conditions

Who issued the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, also known as The Rule, in 1999?

the Federal Trade Commission

Shannon plans to buy a television set. She prepares a list of evaluative criteria in decreasing order of importance. She decides on a cut-off for each evaluative criterion. Then, she evaluates televisions, removing those that do not meet the cut-off for the most important criterion. She continues her search using this method until one brand remains. What decision rule is Shannon using?

the elimination-by-aspects decision rule

Seller firms should not overlook the human component of buyer organizations because

the emotions and psychological needs of people influence organizational purchase decisions

What is the major focus of marketing regulation regarding adult privacy issues today?

the magnification of earlier privacy issues related to the Internet

In terms of adult privacy, what off-line issues were historically the focus of marketing regulation?

the selling of subscription and consumer lists

When a consumer's choice of a product is primarily influenced by the affective component of his or her attitude, the consumer's evaluation of a product is based on

the way the product makes him or her feel

Marketers need to ensure that their advertisements reflect American society's diversity in a realistic and positive manner because

this affects the way social groups are viewed by society and by themselves

How do marketers directly communicate most of their information to consumers?

through advertisements

How do buyer organizations form impressions of seller organizations?

through organizational activities, products, and people

Why do buyers for an organization conduct information searches?

to support their recommendations and actions within their organization

Match the types of exchanges between a buyer and seller (in the left column) to their corresponding characteristics (in the right column). Instructions

transactional exchanges = they involve single, short-lived transactions between a buyer and seller and involve low buyer loyalty relational exchanges = they involve multiple transactions between a buyer and seller extended over a period of time and involve high buyer loyalty

Those exchanges that involve few investments by a buyer and seller are called _____ exchanges, whereas those exchanges that involve significant investments by a buyer and seller are called _____ exchanges.

transactional; relational

After-purchase product evaluations are typically more formal for organizational purchases than for consumer purchases.


Emotions, such as the joy of riding in a brand new car, are a form of evaluative criteria.


Retailers are designing different shopping experiences, like lifestyle centers, to lure customers to shop in stores instead of online.


The majority of both online and offline purchases are preceded by an online search of information.


The more consumers search for external information, the more accumulated knowledge they gain and thus lower the benefits of search just prior to purchase.


James went to the store to buy ketchup. A brand he doesn't usually buy is on sale so he decides to purchase it instead of his usual brand. James made a(n) _____ purchase.


If a consumer makes purchases in a retail store that are different from those he or she wanted to make before entering the store, then those purchases are referred to as

unplanned purchases

Consumers who find different applications for a product are demonstrating

use innovativeness.

It is difficult to accurately assign meanings to marketing messages because of the ______ across different population groups.

variation in information-processing skills and motivations

Regulating the ______ content of advertisements is the most difficult in ensuring the accuracy of consumer information.


Treena searched online for the boots she wanted and then went to the store to buy them. She engaged in _____ to purchase the boots.


Which of these situations best exemplifies a straight rebuy situation for a firm?

when a firm reorders basic office supplies

Piaget's stages of cognitive development reveal what type of information that can be used in marketing efforts?

when children are able to fully process marketing messages

Lead users influence organizational purchase decisions and behavior because they cause _____.

widespread adoption of a new service, technology, manufacturing process, or product

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