Chapter 19- Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution

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When conversation is escalating, try to move to private location Speak in a normal tone of voice Use "I" messages Maintain eye contact throughout Maintain an open body stance with your hands at your side or open toward the individual (but not invading the other person's space) Do not physically back away unless you perceive you are actually in physical danger Offer explanations, but do not make excuses If you say you will take care of something, or report something, or change something, do it

Professional Responses to Verbal Conflict:

Use positive communication techniques Provide a "safe" environment in which patients and coworkers can ask questions and learn Focus energy toward solving conflict Maintain clear, open, and sensitive communication

Promoting a Professional Nursing Image:


Pronounces basic rights without violating the rights of others States wants, needs, desires, and feelings using objective, direct comments Connotes style of positive declaration and confidence Preferred communication style for professional nurses To speak assertively: -Be sure of the facts -Carefully consider the options -Exude confidence while making the observation, request, or point


Quickly approaching working age Comfortable with multitasking, diversity, and technology Expected to pursue a college education as a matter of necessity Remains to be seen how they will relate in the workplace but will likely be articulate, motivated, and tech-savvy

Paraphrasing Reflecting Open questioning Acknowledging Summarizing Framing Reframing

Second step is to engage in active listening Reduces the emotional charge from the situation Active listening techniques:

Interpretation of information Filtration Feedback

Subcomponents of Communication:

Sender Receiver Message Dynamic, cyclic process whereby the receiver becomes the sender on responding to the message; this is followed by repeated alternating of roles

Three Primary Components:

Ad hominem abusive Appeal to emotion Red herring

Types of Logical Fallacies: ____________- Attack the person instead of the issue, The speaker hopes to discredit the other person by calling attention to some irrelevant fact about that person ____________- attempt to manipulate other people's emotions to avoid the real issue ____________- introduction of an irrelevant topic to divert attention away from the real issue

Western value

Use of direct eye contact is a _____________


Using agreement as a basis for approaching disagreements and impasses Conflict is viewed as positive


When verbal and nonverbal messages do not agree, receiver is more likely to believe the __________ message


one person achieves his/her own goals at the expense of the other person


one person puts aside his/her goals in order to satisfy the other person's desires


one person uses passive behaviors and withdraws from the conflict; neither person is able to pursue goals

Recognizes talents and innovative abilities Identifies an outlet for expression of aggressive urges Introduces innovation and change Diagnoses problems or areas of concern Establishes unity

Beneficial consequences of conflict:

Openness Empathy Supportiveness Positiveness Equality

Characteristics of Positive Communication:


Claim basic rights in ways that violate the well-being of others Commanding, dominant, and superior attitude Make accusations that blame or put down others Conveys dominance and implies an inclination to start quarrels or fights

Avoidance: Accommodation: Force: Compromise: Collaboration:

Common conflict resolution styles

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is seldom created intentionally May occur because of lack of awareness of how our own behavior contributes to interpersonal problems Important first step is to recognize one's own conflict resolution style

The Nature of Conflict

Conflicts stemming from differences in goals or desires are not good or bad Fundamental to conflict are information and perception -One person has information that another doesn't have, or two individuals have different sets of information -People see things on the basis of their unique belief systems

openness on the part of the nurse honesty, integrity, and dependability

Development of trust is enhanced by:

Baby Boomers

Experienced the reshaping of corporate culture Highly competitive and willing to sacrifice to achieve success Strive for recognition Desire a personable style of communication Desire a top-down organizational approach Place value on earning respect


Feeling what the other person is feeling and seeing the situation as he/she sees it Believing that the other person's feelings are valid, legitimate, and justified


Feelings and thoughts stated directly and honestly No attempt to disguise real object of disagreement


Feelings expressed with spontaneity rather than strategy Requires flexibility and a willingness to change personal opinions/positions

Who relays the message What is the message In what way is the message relayed To whom is the message relayed With what effect is the message relayed

Five Elements of Communication:


Generally work toward compromise Preserving relationships is of paramount importance Seek to communicate with sensitivity toward how the information is being received Value the process of communication itself as a significant part of relationships


Generally work toward winning Focus on goals and move aggressively toward accomplishment Communicate with a purpose to achieve an identified goal Typically use communication as a tool to deliver information


Great Depression and World War II were critical events Place a high premium on formality and the top-down chain of command Respect from others, including the use of formal titles, is preferred Comfortable making decisions based on what worked favorably in the past

Negative effect on emotional and physical well-being Emphasis on personal welfare over that of the group Diversion of time and energy from important goals Financial and emotional costs Personal fatigue

Harmful consequences of conflict:

Passive Communication

Influenced or acted upon without acting in return Uses apologetic words with hidden meanings Seems disconnected and fails to say what is meant


Newest members of the workforce Highly collaborative and optimistic Strive for a balance between work and home life Need a voice in organizational decision making Prefer communication that is framed in a positive manner


Occurs when the nurse responds with noncommittal and/or generalized answers A nurse who is uncomfortable with certain topics may consciously or unconsciously block communication through generalizations or closed responses

A. Interpretation Rationale: A is correct because interpretation of information can be influenced by such factors as context, precipitating events, preconceived ideas, personal perceptions, style of transmission, and past experiences that may cause the sender's message to mean to the receiver something that was entirely unplanned by the sender. B is incorrect because filtration is the unconscious exclusion of extraneous stimuli that affect the communication process. C is incorrect because closed communication is a type of communication that uses yes or no questions or closed body language such as crossed arms, which was not implied in this situation. D is incorrect because blocking is a type of negative communication in which the receiver responds with noncommittal or generalized answers.

A charge nurse has asked for the upcoming holiday off. The nurse manager calls her into the office and states, "The unit must be covered. Do you have any suggestions on how to cover it?" The charge nurse assumes her boss is upset with her for asking for the day off because she never asks her opinion on staffing. Which of the following elements most likely influenced the communication process? A. Interpretation B. Filtration C. Closed communication D. Blocking


All participants in the process are equal Respect for individual differences is apparent People are comfortable expressing themselves freely and openly

Cultural Diversity

An increase of slang terms can confuse a literal translation. Stress associated with illness and/or hospitalization adds to the potential for misunderstanding

Generation Xers

Associated with a high divorce rate among their parents, working mothers, and the latch-key phenomenon Characterized as skeptics who value a balance in work and personal life Value efficiency and may agree to working extra hours if the reason is deemed beneficial Expectations are immediate Communication is brief and direct

Passive-Aggressive Communication

Avoid direct confrontation Manipulate others to achieve their personal goals Appear to be honest but undermine others through gossip, playing the victim, etc. Win in situations by making others look bad

B. Aggressive Rationale: B is correct because aggressive communication conveys dominance and limits the focus on or understanding of the opinions, values, or beliefs of others. A is incorrect because with straw man, a person's position on a topic is misrepresented, and in this situation, the manager is very clear about her position. C is incorrect because with assertive communication, the sender states his or her basic rights without violating the rights of others; the manager was clearly violating the rights of the staff nurse in this situation. D is incorrect because passive communication includes the use of apologetic words with hidden meanings and failure to say what is meant.

While making patient rounds, the charge nurse is told that a staff nurse sat in the room with the family and watched television, causing the patient's medications to be late. When communicating with the staff nurse, the charge nurse states, "I will not tolerate lazy disorganized nurses on my unit. Either join my team or leave, and I don't want to hear any of your excuses." Which type of communication did the manager use? A. Straw man B. Aggressive C. Assertive D. Passive

logical fallacies

a flaw in reasoning- arguing incorrect information Related to culture, gender, background, and personal experiences Influential arguments based on flawed logic Barriers to meaningful communication Understanding ___________ help the nurse to recognize the difference between legitimate and faulty reasoning and promote effective communication


both people actively try to find solutions that will satisfy them both


both people give up something to experience partial goal attainment

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