Chapter 6 - Lipids

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long-chain fatty acids

fatty acid with 14-24

essential fatty acids

fatty acids that must be supplied by the diet

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels, includes coronary artery disease, stroke, and disease of blood vessels


hard particles that can accumulate in the gallbladder or become lodged in one of the ducts carrying bile from gallbladder to small intestine

as little as possible

how much trans far should we include in our diet?

enterohepatic circulation

process that recycles bile salts in body


group of long-chain fatty acids with hormone like functions

based on density

how do we classify lipoproteins?

fatty acid

hydrocarbon chain found in lipids; one end of the chain forms a carboxylic acid, and one end forms a methyl group


occurs when a clot blocks an artery in brain, brain cells that are nourished by vessel die

myocardial infarction

heart attack, occurs when a thrombus completely blocks blood flow to heart muscle


lipoprotein that transports cholesterol away from tissues -created by liver and picks up cholesterol released from cells

alpha-linolenic acid

omega-3, 18 carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid with 3 double bonds

bile salts

component of bile, aid in lipid digestion

oxidized LDL

damaged by free radicals and contributes to atherosclerosis

pancreatic phospholipase

digestive enzyme that removes one fatty acid from the phopholipid molecule

pancreatic lipase

digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule


elevated LDL is strongly linked to increased risk of ....

lipoprotein lipase

enzyme in capillary walls, breaks down the triglycerides and cells can use it for energy

adipose cells

VLDLs shuttle lipids to ....

three types of lipoproteins

Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) low-density lipoprotein (LDL) high-density lipoprotein (HDL)


a lipid that has two fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol.

olive oil

a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)

small intestine

lipid digestion begins in the _____


lipid found in animal foods, precursor for: -steroid hormones > estrogen and testosterone -bile -vitamin D


lipids in chyme stimulates ____ response


long-term disease process in which plague builds up inside arterial walls


low HDL is linked to increased risk of

low-density lipoprotein

low protein, high cholesterol


group of conditions caused by gene mutations that cause homocysteine to accumulate in the blood

High-density lipoprotein

high protein, low lipid

an emulsifier

substance that helps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds mix with each other


surgery to remove a diseased gallbladder


the food manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to liquid vegetable oil, forming trans fats.


thrombus or part of a plaque that breaks free and travels through the bloodstream

three major classes of lipids

triglycerides phospholipids sterols

false occurs in small intestine

true/false majority of lipid absorption occurs in the stomach


true/false the body can make cholesterol in the liver


type of lipid needed to make cell membranes and for proper functioning of nerve cells

cis fatty acids

most naturally occuring unsaturated fatty acids

unsatuated and saturated fatty acids

most triglycerides contain a mixture of ....

linoleic acid

omega-6, 18 carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid with two double bonds


part of molecule that attracts water


part of molecule that avoids water and attracts lipids


partially water soluble because the phosphorus-containing portion of the molecule is hydrophilic, but it also has a hydrophoibic portion


presence of lipid in stool

high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)

protein produced primarily by liver in response to inflammation; marker of CVD


class of eicosanoids that produce a variety of important effects in the body


class of nutrients that do not dissolve in water


"bad" cholesterol, small, dense ___ contributes more to plague formation


"good" cholesterol, does not contribute to plaque formation

prostaglandins effects

-stimulate uterine contractions -regulate blood pressure -mediate immune system response

major functions of lipids in the body

1. providing and storing energy 2. forming and maintaining cell membranes 3. producing steroid hormones 4. insulating body against cold temps 5. cushioning the body against bumps and blows 6. forming body contours 7. absorbing fat-soluble vitamins and phytochemicals

oleic acid

18 carbon monounsaturated fatty acid

stearic acid

18 carbon saturated fatty acid

Glycerol backbone

3 carbon alcohol


american heart association recommends limiting saturated far intake to less than ____ % of total kcals


amino acid that may play a role in the development of atherosclerosis

precursors to eicosanoids

arachidonic acid (AA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)


because of its hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, phospholipid can serve as an...


cell membrane of lipid

adipose cells

cells that store triglycerides

a phospholipid

chemically similar to a triglyceride except that one of the fatty acids is replaced by a chemical group that contains phosphorus

plant sterols & stanols

chemicals found in plants that are structurally similar to cholesterol; found in: -grains -fruits -vegetables


fixed bunch of clots that remain in place and disrupt blood flow

absorptive cells of villi

short and medium chain fatty acids diffuse into the.....


should we eat foods rich in fiber to reduce risk of atherosclerosis?


we should consume 5-10% of total energy intake in the form of what fatty acid?


what does the chylomicron leave the enterocyte into?


which are more dense? lipids or protein

Fatty acid

a hydrocarbon chain found in lipids; one end of the chain forms a carboxylic acid, and one end forms a methyl group.


as blood concentrations of triglycerides increase, HDL levels ____


condition that results from atherosclerosis and is characterized by loss of arterial flexibility


cholesterol of lipid

saturated fatty acid (SFA)

fatty acid that has each carbon atom within the chain filled with hydrogen atoms ... hard at RT

monounsaturated (MUFA)

fatty acid that has one double bond within carbon chain

polyunsaturated (PUFAs)

fatty acid that has two or more double bonds within the carbon chain

unsaturated fatty acid

fatty acid that is missing hydrogen atoms and has one or more double bonds within the carbon chain... liquid at RT

short chain fatty acids

fatty acid with 2-4 carbons

medium-chain fatty acids

fatty acid with 6-12 carbons


is a lipid that has one fatty acid attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol.


largest and least dense lipoprotein

essential fatty acid

linoleic acid (omega-6) alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3)


lipid that has three fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol. -main one we consume


lipids that have a more chemically complex structure than a triglyceride or fatty acid


lipoprotein made in liver -carries much of TG in bloodstream


lipoprotein that carries cholesterol into tissue -VLDL stripped of TGs and cholesterol is left in a ....


main lipid we consume

cholesterol and bile absorption

plants containing soluble fiber interfere with ____ and ____

lipoprotein profile

series of blood tests to evaluate blood lipid levels


the body makes how many different types of lipoproteins?

false long chain fatty acid absorption requires additional steps

true/false long-chain fatty acid absorption happens through the absorptive cells of the villi just like short and medium chain fatty acids


type of lipoprotein formed in enterocytes to transport lipids away from GI tract

trans fats

unsaturated fatty acids that have a trans double bond

very-low-density lipoprotein

very low protein, high triglycerides


water soluble vitamin-like compound and is a component of lecithin


water-soluble structures that transport lipids through bloodstream

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