COM 225

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Birds-of-a-feather effect

(Similarity) we are attracted to those we perceive as similar to ourselves

Sharing Activities

(maintenance strategy)

Sharing Tactics

(maintenance strategy)


(maintenance strategy) emerges


(maintenance strategy) most reported relationship tactic


(maintenance strategy) reaffirm their commitment to each other

Beautiful-is-good effect

(physical attractiveness) Naturally view attractive people as being good communicators, intelligent, and well adjusted without even knowing them


(physical attractiveness)tend to form longer relationships with people we judge as similar to ourselves

Mere exposure effect

(proximity) you feel more attracted to people who you interact with more and vice versa


Friendly lovers. Love should be stable, predictable, and rooted in friendship.

Low Power Distance Cultures

People in high status positions strive to minimize the differences between themselves and the low status people

Personal currency

Physical beauty, intelligence, communication skills, and sense of humor

power's defining characteristics (5)

Power is always present, power can be used ethically or unethically, power is granted, power influences most conflicts, power currencies


Practical lovers. Love should be logical, rational, and founded in common sense

What kind of currency is granted power to in Asian and Latino cultures

Resource currency

Loyalty strategy

a passive, constructive approach to crises avoid confronting the problem suppress the discussion of it

Neglect Strategy

a passive, destructive approach to crises withdraw from the relationship cut back on time you spend together

Voice strategy

an active, constructive approach to crises

Exit Strategy

an active, destructive approach to crises threatening to leave or actually leaving


balance of benefits and costs exchanged by you and the other person

Relational Dialectics

tendencies manifest themselves as competing impulses, or tensions, between our selves and our feelings toward others

52% of women and 66% of men reported...

that they had been physically assaulted during conflicts.

Integrative Agreements

two sides preserve and attain their goals by developing a creative solution to the problem. Must remain committed to original goals.

Collectivistic Cultures

view messages regarding conflict as personal attacks. Manage conflict through avoidance or accommodation


we enter romantic relationships through choice. It does not strike us out of the blue.

Social Exchange Theory

you'll feel drawn to those you see as offering substantial benefits with few associated costs

Israel "sexual betrayal"

"eating to the side"

Japan "sexual Betrayal"

"going off the path"


"the rule of fathers" Men hold the authority. Denying women to power currencies.

What are the four ways people manage conflict?

(AACC) Avoiding, Accommodating, Competing, Collaborating

___% of people report having an acquaintance, friend, or family member in a romantic relationship with someone they met online


___% of people who recalled having discovered a lie reported breaking up heir romantic relationship because of that lie


___% of women and men would consider divorce if a spouse passionately kissed someone else


Only ___% of equitable romances broke up during a several month period


___% of people would divorce if spouse had romantic date


across a 3-month period, ___% of college dating couples broke up


__% of american adults know someone who has used an online matchmaking service


Where is united states ranked for gender-equal nations?


Divorce rate is around ___%


___% of inequitable romances broke up


___% of men said that sex would upset them more if cheated on


___% of people would divorce if spouse had serious affair


___% of interethnic marriages end in divorce because of lack of network support


Where is united states ranked in terms of women's political empowerment?


___% of people have reported using the internet to meet and date new partners


___% of women said they'd find emotional attachment more distressing


___% of people using online dating sites report having met others who they felt had misrepresented their physical attractiveness


_____% of undergraduates said that sexual attraction was critical when distinguishing being in love.


Women's Educational Opportunities compared to Men's


Women's health and medical support compared to mens



A feeling of affection and respect that we typically have for our friends

Accommodating Conflict

A person abandons their own goals and accepts the other persons desires.

Social network currency

A person who is linked with a network of friends, family, or acquaintances who have substantial influence

Passionate love

A state of intense emotional and physical longing for union with another.

Demand Withdraw Pattern

A women pursues conflict by demanding that her goals be met and a man responds by withdrawing from the encounter


Ability to influence or control other people and events

Individualistic Cultures

Agree to disagree and don't see clashes as personal affronts. Manage conflict through competition or collaboration

High tension, Lower relationship satisfaction, longer and more conflict

Avoidance long term outcomes

High Authoritarian

Believe that authority figures should be believed and obeyed - From high power distance cultures

Structural Improvements

Can result if people involved are able to control their negative emotions. Conflict itself becomes a vehicle for reshaping the relationship in positive ways.

Higher relationship satisfaction, less conflict

Collaborative Long term outcomes


Deeper and more intense emotional commitment and consists of three components: Intimacy, Caring, and Attachment

Power Distance

Degree to which people VIEW the unequal distribution of power as acceptable

Coming Apart

Differentiating, Circumscribing, Stagnating, Avoiding, Terminating

Dirty Secrets

Escalation can lead to this. Messages that have been kept hidden to protect a partner get revealed.

Sudden Death Statements

Escalation can lead to this. When people say they want to end the relationship.


Forgiving lovers. Love should be patient, selfless, giving, and unconditional.


Form of avoidance. A person avoids a serious source of conflict by joking or changing the subject.


Form of avoidance. communicating negatively and then abandoning the conflict by physically leaving the scene.


Game-playing lovers. Love should be uncommitted, fun and played like a game.

coming together

Initiating, Experimenting, Intensifying, Integrating, Bonding

Companionate love

Intense form of liking defined by emotional investment and deeply intertwined lives. Many long term romantic relationships evolve into companionate love.

High Power Distance Countries

Malaysia, Panama, Guatemala, Philippines, Mexico, Venezuela, China


Motivated couples who believe they can solve their problems - more likely to resolve conflict cooperatively

High Power Distance Cultures

Normal for people to be widely separated in terms of their power. Privileged treatment and extreme respect.

Low Power Distance Countries

Norway, Sweden, Ireland, New Zealand, Denmark, Israel, Austria

Avoiding Conflict

Notice the persons rude behavior but you won't directly communicate about it or challenge it.


Obsessive lovers. Love should be intense, tumultuous, extreme, and all-consuming


Opposing tendencies

5 important facts regarding its experience and expression

Passionate love is driven by idealization People from all cultures feel passionate love No gender or age differences exist in passionate love For adults, passionate love is linked with sexual desire

Competition Conflict

Pursue your own goals excluding theirs. More common online. People with more power currencies are more inclined to do this

Cumulative annoyance

Risk of the avoidance conflict. As we keep avoiding the conflict, our annoyance grows. Result is sudden explosion of anger.


Risk of the avoidance conflict. Perception that conflict exists when it does not.


Risk of the competition conflict. Dramatic rise in emotional intensity and increasingly negative and aggressive communication


Romantic lovers. Love should be sentimental, romantic, idealistic, and committed

Short Term Conflict Resolutions

Separation, Domination, Compromise, Integrative Agreements, Structural Improvements


Short term conflict resolution. The sudden withdrawal of one person from the encounter.


Short term conflict resolution. When a person gets his or her way by influencing the other to engage in accommodation and abandon their goals. "Win-Lose" Destructive when it becomes a chronic pattern

Moderate Power Distance Countries

Spain, Pakistan, Italy, South Africa, Hungary, Jamaica, United States

Expertise currency

Special skills or knowledge

Top 5 gender equal nations

Sweden Finland Norway Iceland Spain

Resource currency

The person has material things like money, property and food that you want. (parents, managers)


The simple fact of being in ones presence exerts much impact on romantic attraction

kitchen Sinking

Throw accusations at each other that have nothing to do with the disagreement


Transactional process between people who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, or interference in achieving their objects

Collaboration Conflict

Treating conflict as a mutual problem-solving challenge. Openly discuss incompatibility of goals. Use rhetorical messages - Increases relationship satisfaction

Autonomy Vs. Connection

We form romantic relationships largely out of desire to bond with other people yet if we don't want our individuality to dissolve, we may choose to pull back and reclaim some of our autonomy.

Novelty Vs. Predictability

We like to be able to know how our partner acts for security yet predictability can get boring and the novelty starts to wear off


both parties change their goals to make them compatible. Effective in situations with people of equal power.

Low Authoritarian

challenge authority figures and engage in conflict with people who have more power than you

12% of women and 11% of men reported...

committing physical violence


diversity in the ages and genders of the partners, as well as in their ethnic and religious backgrounds

4 pillars of gender equality

economic opportunity, educational access, political representation, and physical health

Small talk

facts that you and the other person consider relatively unimportant but enable you to introduce yourselves. - important

Openness Vs. Protection

form of relational dialect. As relationships become more intimate, we naturally exchange more personal information with our partners but also want to keep certain aspects of our selves protected.

Social Networks

more likely to survive if important members of the couples social networks approve the relationship


occurs when the benefits or contributions provided by one person are greater than those provided by the other

Women's political representation compared to mens

only 14%

Women's economic opportunities compared to mens

only 58%

5 key elements of romantic relationships

perception, diversity, choice, tensions,


physical attractiveness, intelligence, humor, money, and sexual interplay


romantic relationship exists whenever the two partners perceive it does. They have to perceive the relationship the same way

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