COMM 1010 CHP. 1

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Sofia is giving a speech to her public speaking class. She notices some of her classmates looking out the window and a few others texting on their phones. Based on this ______, she changes the tone of her voice and begins to move more animatedly around the room.

the most culturally diverse society in the world.

The United States is

build your confidence

choosing a speech topic that has personal meaning top you allows you to

are more confident and successful

research has shown that people who select speech topics that mean a great deal to them

adds an increased degree of difficulty

Making a speech to a culturally diverse audience


The oldest known handbook on effective speech was written 4,500 years ago in

with more practice

making speeches tends to become less intimidating

thinking negatively

stage fright is most likely to be experienced by someone


you create confidence for a speech by thinking

sirens from a passing emergency vehicle.

An example of external interference for a speech in class would be

Social media is used by people communicating across geographic barriers.

How has technology made people part of a worldwide network?

1. facial expressions 2. applause 3. body language 4. total silence

In the communication process, which of the following are types of feedback in public speaking?

1. responsiveness to the audience 2. tailoring the message to the audience

Lucia is telling a new home owner how cellulose insulation should be installed, when she sees a puzzled look on his face. She realizes he may not know the construction term she used, so she explains it. He then says, "I understand now." Which skills useful to public speaking does Lucia demonstrate in this encounter?

1. making eye contact 2. gaining experience by presenting speeches when given the opportunity 3. thoroughly preparing your speech 4. visualizing yourself giving a great speech

Which of the following can help most speakers deal with nervousness in a public speaking situation?

A reception hall on a Saturday afternoon

Which of the following describes the situation of a wedding speech?


Which of the following elements of the speech communication process does the speaker have the MOST control over?

Believing that one culture is better than another

Which of the following is the best definition of ethnocentrism?

1. you have a sympathetic audience of students who are facing the same tasks you are 2. you get a chance to test your ideas and learn from your mistakes 3. you can get feedback from a trained professional instructor

by participating in a speech class, which of the following are true?

the means by which a message is communicated

in the process of communication, the channel is defined as

in many locations thousands of years ago

the study of the process of public speaking originated

taking control of your fear

when preparing to begin a speech, positive nervousness refers to

is it irrelevant because of the internet

which of the following is NOT true of public speaking?


According to the 2012 study, more people are scared of giving a speech than of dying

proceed as if the mistake did not happen

Braxton is speaking about types of plumbing systems. As he is explaining types of pipes, he realizes that he has reversed the order in which he intended to discuss hot and cold water systems. What should he do?


Bronson sends a text message to his friend in China. His friend responds immediately with "great to hear from u!" In the context of the communication process, Bronson's friend's response is called

using the microphone

Andreas is giving a speech to convince audience members that they can become millionaires by investing 20% of their income in stocks or real estate. He uses a microphone to make sure they can hear him. As he is talking, it begins to rain loudly, so he closes the windows. After he is done, Aya thanks him and says she did not realize how quickly investments can grow. Which action concerns the speech channel?

clearly recognize the relationship among ideas

critical thinking, which can be developed in a speech class, is the ability to

are not noticeable to others

most symptoms of nervousness that a speaker feels

your instructor accepts that you may be learning new skills

when you take a speech class,

organizing his thoughts logically

Gary takes his car to the mechanic because the car vibrates when he applies the brakes. When the mechanic asks him what's wrong with his car, Gary says, "Sometimes I drive too fast, so it may be my fault, but it does this thing, but not always. There's like a noise, but today there isn't. When I try to stop, well, it also rattles when I start the engine on a cold day. It's messed up." What basic skill that is useful in everyday conversation and public speaking is Gary lacking in this example?

unlikely be able to know how nervous he feels

Helmut is about to make a presentation to his class, but he is very nervous. He feels like he may explode or faint. When the members of the audience see Helmut in front of them, they will

1. someone whose friend is talking to her on the phone 2. the audience for a speech 3. a person who receives a communicated message

In the process of communication, examples of listeners include

the message that is sent back to the speaker.

In the process of communication, feedback is defined as

the time and place of the communication.

In the process of communication, situation is defined as

1. TV 2. the radio 3. a live voice 4. the internet

In the process of communication, which of the following are examples of a channel?

interference; feedback

Joe is speaking at a funeral, so he decides not to open with a joke. He is responding to the situation. As he begins to speak, someone in another room begins hammering on the wall, causing ____ . At the end of his speech, everyone stands up and enthusiastically claps, providing ____ .


Katie yells to Carly that the speech will be given at 3 p.m. in Smith Hall. Katie has just described the ____ of the speech.

adapted to interference

Terrance is giving an outdoor speech when he sees people worriedly looking in the direction of dark clouds building on the horizon. He quickly decides how he can shorten his speech and assures the audience he'll wrap up well before it rains. What has Terrance done?

1. a listener filters a message through a particular frame of reference 2. a listener might give feedback to the speaker

Which of the following are characteristics of a listener in a communication situation?

1. Language barriers can result in misunderstandings. 2. Nonverbal signals differ from culture to culture and thus can make effective communication more challenging. 3. Different cultures attach different meanings to gestures.

Which of the following are reasons why speakers must consider the cultural diversity of their audience?

1. critical thinking skills can help you listen more effectively 2. organizing speeches is related to critical thinking 3. critical thinking skills can be applied to other disciplines

Which of the following are true of critical thinking skills practiced in a public speaking class?

1. being in an overheated warm room 2. traffic noise outside the speaking venue 3. listener illness 4. listener anxiety

Which of the following can be sources of interference in the communication process?

the message

Which of the following is what is communicated by the speaker?

a speaker

With what or whom does the process of communication begin?

is impossible to achieve

an absolutely mistake-free speech delivery

1. have been written on papyrus in Egypt 2. were discussed by Plato and Cicero 3. existed in China and the Americas

ancient examples of the study of public speaking

critical thinking

The process of identifying weaknesses in other people's speeches to prevent you from having the same weaknesses is one element of

answer questions during the speech

in the process of communication, effective public speakers should usually do all of the following EXCEPT


the best practices of speech-making have little value if the speaker lacks

public speaking

the top fear cited in a study of more than 9,000 people was fear of

picture yourself being successful

the vital part of visualization is top


true or false: public speaking is no longer needed in this age of internet communication

1. interjecting stock phrases 2. incorporating slang

which of the following actions common in everyday conversation would be unacceptable in a public speech?

Portia told a ghost story that made everyone scream when she revealed the secret at the end of it

which of the following examples would show that Portia has a skill for public speaking

fear of the unknown

experience makes public speaking easier, because the biggest cause of stage fright is

1. the speaker tries to anticipate listeners' questions 2. the speaker tries to effectively organize the ideas to be presented 3. the speaker tries to avoid vocalized pauses, such as "um"

select all following items that are true of an effective public speaker

the more likely you are to succeed

the more clearly you create visions of yourself successfully presenting a speech


the nervousness and anxiety you feel at the start of your speech is a normal consequence of your body's production of

is similar to the nervousness felt by others performing publicly

the nervousness you feel before giving a speech

intended; actually coimmunicated

the objective of public speaking is for the ____ message to be the message that is ____.

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