Exam 3 (chapter 15, part of chapter 16)

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True/False: In an inheritance situation, you may not pass arguments to a base class constructor.


In an inheritance situation, the new class that you create from an existing class is known as the ________.

derived class and child class

The ________ destructor is called before the ________ destructor.

derived, base

Multiple inheritance is when a ________ class has ________ base classes.

derived, two or more

The compiler performs ________ on virtual functions

dynamic binding

When member functions behave differently, depending upon which object performed the call, this is an example of ________.


In the following statement: class car : protected vehicle ________ is the derived class.


True/False: A derived class may not have any classes derived from it.


True/False: A member function of a derived class may not have the same name as a member function of a base class.


________ is commonly used to extend a class, or to give it additional capabilities.


Arguments are passed to the base class destructor function by the ________ class ________ function. (a)derived, constructor (b)derived, destructor (c)base, constructor (d)base, destructor (e)None of these

None of these

The following statement: class Car : private Vehicle allows the ________ members of the Car class to access ________ members of the Vehicle class. (a) private, private (b) public, private (c) protected, private (d) public, protected (e) None of these

None of these

When more than one class is derived from a base class, the situation is called: (a)polymorphism (b)population (c)multiplicity (d)encapsulation (e)None of these

None of these

______ to a base class may be assigned the address of a derived class object.


_______ members of a base class are never accessible to a derived class.


True/False: A derived class may become a base class, if another class is derived from it.


True/False: In C++ 11, if a derived class attempts to override a final member function, the compiler generates an error.


True/False: More than one class may be derived from a base class.


True/False: Pointers to a base class may be assigned the address of a derived class object.


True/False: Static binding occurs when the compiler binds a function call with the function call that resides in the same class as the call itself.


True/False: The base class access specification can be viewed as a filter that base class members must pass through when becoming inherited members of a derived class.


True/False: When arguments must be passed to the base class constructor, they are passed from the derived class constructor's header line.


________ functions are dynamically bound by the compiler.


A ________ of a base class expects to be overridden in a derived class.

Virtual Function

The base class's ________ affects the way its members are inherited by the derived class.

access specification

Multiple inheritance opens the opportunity for a derived class to have ________ members.


In the following statement: class car : protected vehicle What is being protected?

base class members

The ________ constructor is called before the ________ constructor.

base, derived

_______ allows us to create new classes based on existing classes.


When you derive a class from an existing class, you ________ add new data and functions.


Polymorphism is when ________ in a class hierarchy perform differently, depending upon which object performs the call.

member functions

When a derived class has two or more base classes, the situation is known as ________.

multiple inheritance

A virtual function is a member function that expects to be ________ in a derived class.


C++ 11 introduces the ________ key word to help prevent subtle errors when overriding virtual functions.


The term ________ means the ability to take many forms.


Protected members of a base class are like ________, but they may be accessed by derived classes.

private members

The base class access specification determines how ________ members in the base class may be accessed by derived classes.

private, public, and protected

When the compiler binds a member function call with the version of the function that resides in the same class as the call itself, this is considered ________ binding.


In the following statement: class car : public vehicle ________ is the base class.


A virtual function is declared by placing the key word ________ in front of the return type in the base class's function declaration.


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