Digital Electronics Logic Gates
A small electronic device used in a circuit as an amplifier or switch.
AND gate
A type of Gate that requires All HIGH level inputs in order to output a HIGH level
OR Gate
A type of gate that requires only one input to be HIGH in order to output a HIGH level
NOR Gate
Gate that requires all inputs to be a LOW level in order to output a HIGH level. Opposite (inverted output) of an OR gate
Opposite of an AND gate (inverted output). All outputs are one (HIGH) except for when the all inputs are 1 (HIGH), then output is a 0 (LOW).
XOR Gate
Outputs 1 when inputs are different. (Exclusive OR)
Inverter gate
This gate takes the input level and reverses it
Two-input logic circuit that produces a high output only when the inputs are equal or the same.
AOI Logic
What is the shortened name for AND OR Inverter Logic?
XOR symbol