history final

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divani lugat at Turk

code of turkic dialects, 11 th, Kashgari

serving the nation depends not so much on knowledge as on character


kazakh khanate



" free people" became ethnonym of the people

the ultimate goal was

achieve political and cultural autonomy

divani hikmet

the book of wisdom, 12 th, Yassaui

the states: golden horde, akorda, mogolistan, nogai, horde, Abulkhair khanate

between the 13th-15th

After the callapse of uluq ulys at the tern of the 14-15 th century the following state existed

akorda, mogolistan, nogai horde, khanate of abulkhair

1. Leaders of the 1916 uprising:

· Amangeldy Imanov · Tokash Bokin

· It is a system of fundamental views on principles and approaches ,goals, priorities and objectives of the foreign policy of Kazakhstan

· Cult of personality "of the first leaders · Political repression · Communist Party Monopoly

1. In the Khrushchev era,Soviet Kazakhstan was characterized by: Choose three correct

· De - Stalinization · Rehabilition of victims of political repression · Virgin lands campaign

1. The author of the idea of "Small October"

· F.Goloshchyokin

1. What peoples were deported to Kazakhstan in the late 30s - 40s of the XX century.Choose three correct

· Germans, Poles · Balkars, Koreans · Chechens, Ingush

1. What are the features of collectivization in Kazakhstan?

· Improving agricultural technology

1. The process of creating a machine - made production is:

· Industrialization

National ........ and the ......... particapation of our country in solving global and regional problems are the main idea of an active, ......... and pragmatic foreign policy of our state.

· Security; global; balanced

national liberation struggle under the leadership of Kenesary kasimuly


Russian Revolution


kazakhstan as part of the Russian Empire


the state of the Huns

3 Bc- 6ce

the states of the turkic khaganates

between 6th-13th centuries

the final stage in the process of the formation of the kazakh ethnos

the kazakh khanate

the main gaol of the uprising was

to counteratact the process of coloniazation

Actual problems of the history of modern Kazakhstan.

"The concept of the formation of historical consciousness in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

the state is a

historical phenomenon in the specific time and space

( turkic ) the state ideology

was based on the cult tengri

alash movement


independent kz

from 1991

the political power of the Huns

passed to the Turkic dynasty

Researchers who have monographic works on the history of the Alash movement (choose three correct answers)

. Nurpeissov, Amanzholova, Koigeldiev

statehood was restored in ... but after the suppression of the uprising in .... , the political power of Kz was again eliminated

1841 1847

administrative and political reforms of... , all the landes of the Kz have been declared state property of the Russian Empire


Turkestan autonomy , alash autonomy


the soviet statehood in Kazakhstan : KazASSR, KazSSR


the state Uysuns of and Kanly

3 bc- 3 ce

turkic khaganate

552-603 steppe space of Eurasia

Western Turkic Khaganate

603-704 all Kz

Turgesh Khaganate

704-756 ( 7su)

karluk khaganate

756-940 ( N-E & S kz)

the Saka existed

8th-3rd ce centuries


9-11 th cent. ( aral sea W kz)


942-1212 ( 7su, S kz , Maveranahr)

Who owns this statement "Serving the nation depends not so much on knowledge as on character"?


Select from the list three main features of statehood

Autochthonous population, Primordial Territory, Sovereignty

Who spoke on behalf of the Kazakh people in the 2nd State Duma?


Who spoke on behalf of the Kazakh people in the second State Duma on the agrarian issue in Kazakhstan?


Arrange in chronological order the events associated with the Alash movement

Karkaraly Petition( 1905), . Newspaper "Kazakh (1913), First All-Kazakh Congress (1917 28 июля )--> . Party Alash, Alash autonomy

after the February revolution of 1917 and the fall of the tsarist regime, statehood was restored in Kz in the form of

Turkistan (Kokan) autonomy, alash autonomy

The original name of the Golden Horde in the Turkish-language historical sources

Uluq Ulys

1. What are the main processes of the Khrushchev's "thaw"(ottepel) in the mid 50s - early 60s of the XX century? Choose three correct

attempts to modernize the Soviet economy, criticism of Stalin personality cult, accelerating socio-economic development

ancient state associations ( saks, uysuns, khangly,huns)

between the 8th-6th centuries

According to A.Bukeikhanov's statement, "Serving the nation depends not so much on knowledge as on ....."


The traditions of statehood are the fundamental basis for

consolidation of the ethnos

Alash autonomy

december 1917- march 1920 Bukeikhanov)

The leaders of the Alash party believed that the state should be (choose three correct answers)

democratic and federal republic secular parliamentary and presidential.


early 11th c-1219 ( desht-i-kipchak

the idea and practice of the national liberation struggle in kazakhstan until the 20th century was

expressed in the form of armed uprising

the bounders of the Turkic Khaganates covered

from mongolia to the danube

kutatgu bilig

knowledge that brings happiness, 11 th, Balasaguni

statehood in Kazakhstan was canceled

in the 19th century after the conquest by the russian empire

state legal structures and institutions perform

integration, mobilization and regulatory functions


is a specific historical form of the implementation of statehood 7in the life of particular people


is a state-organized form of society.

during the karakhanid period..

islame became the state religion, this led to the displacement of tengrism and turk writing

the first secretaries of the central committee of the communist party

nazabaev, konaev, shayakhmetov

Turkestan (kokan) autonomy

november 1917-february 1918 M shokay

When the Kazakh SSR became a sovereign state within the USSR based on the declaration of state Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR

october 25 1990

in the 1 half of 13 th c all the lands of the kipchaks became part

of the Ulus of Jochi

in the Turkic period ....appeared

original Turkic writing

the state is

political form of organization of society in a certain territorial

The turkic khaganates maintained

political, diplomatic, trades, economic relations with china, bizantium, persian

this period( 18 th)

remained as the Years of the Great Calamity ( aqtaban shubyryndy, alkakol sulama)

What were the form struggle of kazakh intrlligentsia

revolution struggle petition campaings participation in the state duma

the researcher Zh. Sabitov believed that

such a state of Akorda didn't exist, since it was perceived as the hole name of the residence of the Khan

The formation of ............. in the 11th century became the final stage in the development of a single Turkic historical and cultural complex and state traditions.

the Kipchak Khanate

Turkestan and Alash autonomous were liquidated by

the Soviet government

what is the importance of the traditions of statehood

the development of the state and formation of integrity of ethnic territory, the strengthening of the national identity

the heirs of the saka state

the state of uysuns the state of kanly

18 th

this period was the apogree of the longterm war of th kz people against the dzungarian people

What were the main demands put forward in the Karkaraly petition to the Russian government? (choose three correct answers)

to freely open printing houses for the publication of newspapers and books. to stop the withdrawal of land and return the withdrawn land and others. to provide suffrage and participation of representatives from the Kazakh people in the higher legislative system.

1. According to the Constitution,the Rebublic of Kazakhstan is an independent, democratic, legal, secular, social, ........... state


According to the Constitution the Republic of Kazakhstan is an independent, democratic, legal, secular, social, ......... state


the Kazakh Khanate was a centralized state, playing an important role in central asia

until the beginning of the 18th century

the beginning of the 18th

was the most tragic state of the statehood

1. In the 1960s, Kazakh student who studied at Moscow universities created an unofficial organization:

zhas tulpar

1. N. Nazarbayev is convinced that "large-scale transformations should be accompanied by advanced modernization of public consciousness. It will not only complement political and economic modernization - it will act as their core." What state program is being implemented in accordance with this statement?

· "Rukhani zhangyru"

1. What does the term "strategy" mean?

· Action plan · The art of forecast leadership · Analysis of the current situation · Long - term plan

1. .............. the President N.A.Nazarbayev introduced the idea of creating Conference on interaction and Confidence - Building measures in Asia

· In October 1992 at the 47th UN General Assembly

1. What is foreign policy concept of Kazakhstan?

· It is a system of fundamental views on principles and approaches ,goals, priorities and objectives of the foreign policy of Kazakhstan

1. The main character of the story "Volokolamskoe highway" by Alexander Bek

· Momyshuly

1. Complete the statement of A.Baitursynov "How much clearer the February revolution was to the Kazakhs, it seemed just as incomprehensible to them ....."

· October Revolution

1. Relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union are based on.....

· Partnership and Cooperation Agreement

1. Cooperation between EU member - states and Kazakhstan covers the following areas:

· Providing a basic for economic, social, financial and cultural cooperation

1. What social movements and organizations emerged in Kazakhstan in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century? Choose correct answers

· Public movement "Semey - Nevada" · Civil Movement "Azat" · Historical and educational society "Adilet"

1. What is a essense of the land and water reform carried out in 1921 - 1922?

· Return of Kazakh lands in the Irtysh region and on the left bank of the Urals, seized by the colonial power · Transfer of more than 1 million acres of land to peasants for use · Return to Kazakhs lands in Semirecheye and South Kazakhstan,seized by Cossack troops

1. Choose from the listed personalities three figures who are not supporters of the Alash movement?

· Seifullin S · Ryskulov T · Zhangeldin A

1. What is the idea behind the policy modernization of the Rebuplic of Kazakhstan?

· Society of Universal Labor

1. The transformation of agriculture in the USSR,which led to the formation of collective farms:

· collectivization

"Kazakhstan was and remains a colony" S.Sadvakasov said bitterly ,summing up the results of

· industrialization

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