Informatics Test 2

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general guidelines for poster presentation

-use color to emphasize -use large fonts easy to read from 3-4 ft -text minimum of 48 point -use minimal text -present text succinctly -begin bullets with action verb -use consistent punctuation -organize info using headings -use borders to separate sections -design in columns -don't overcrowd

absolute formula

-uses $ to signify it will retain the specific column or cell when moved -Asterisk (*) multiplication -Forward slash (/) division -Caret (^) exponent -Equal (=) formula

level 3 heading

A section title that is indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. First letter of the first word is uppercase, the rest are lowercase.

P - patient, population, or problem

What are the characteristics of the pt or population? What is the condition or disease you are interested in?

O - outcome

What are the relevant outcomes (ex: morbidity, death, complication)?

I - intervention or exposure

What do you want to do with this pt (ex: treat, diagnose, observe)?

C - comparison

What is the alternative to the intervention (ex: placebo, different drug, surgery)?


Who is the website sponsor? Who is the website owner?

information technology skills

ability to use computers, computer software, and peripherals to access electronic information

flat database

all data is located in one table; a spreadsheet is the simplest flat database model; very easy to construct and use

advanced search option

allows entry of multiple search items and define fields (AND, OR, NOT) to narrow search

using a search engine - stop words

articles and prepositions, search engine will not include unless in quotations

evidence-based practice

clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and patient characteristics and preferences

handheld reference resources - Lexicomp

clinical reference resources for nurses and advanced practice nurses -

handheld reference resources - Unbound Medicine

clinical reference resources for nurses and nursing schools - -DATA SECURITY ISSUES

Best research evidence

clinically relevant research

creating the presentation - colors and sounds

colors: have emotional appeal, select those with strong contrast, and be mindful of the most common color blindness (red/green) sound: audio file, clip art sound, and narration

pie chart

communicate the portion of items in relation to a whole (percentages)

handheld reference resources - Skyscape

drug books, medical dictionaries, laboratory and diagnostic test books, NCLEX review manuals, and nursing procedure manuals -

handheld reference resources - Epocrates Rx

drug database (free and fee-based versions) -

bibliographic databases - MEDLINE/Pubmed

for biomedical research topics that cross healthcare disciplines

bibliographic databases - CINAHL

for nursing specific searches of literature

bibliographic databases - Cochrane library

for searching systematic reviews of literature

seminal work

frequently cited by others, influences the opinions of others

handhled reference resources - STFM Group on Immunizations (free)

immunization schedules for children and adults -

Quotes with less than 40 words are

in paragraph in quotations

Quotes with more than 40 words are

indented as a block of text

level 4 heading

indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. First letter of the first word is uppercase, the rest are lowercase.

level 5 heading

indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. First letter of the first word is uppercase, the rest are lowercase.


mathematical equation that gives the computer instructions on how to process data

relational database

more flexible that the hierarchical; two or more tables connected by identical information in the key fields

bibliographic databases -PsycINFO

psychology, mental health, and behavior research

handheld reference resources - Pepid

reference resources for clinical nursing, oncology, and critical care -

intrinsic cognitive load

relates to the difficulty of problem solving or making sense of the learning material

germane cognitive load

relates to thought processes or schemas that organize categories of information for storage in long-term memory

extraneous cognitive load

relates to unnecessary information delivered in the design of instruction

column charts

show comparisons using rows and columns

difference in spreadsheets and word processors

spreadsheets have formula and chart functions

hierarchical database

tables are organized in the shape of an inverted tree

purpose of a spreadsheet

to crunch numbers and analyze data

scope creep

unanticipated growth in a project of database design

relative formula

when copied it changes the referenced cells

using a search engine - wildcards

(uses questions mark ?) replaces single unknown character or letter (ex: hea? Gives results for terms such as head and heat)

level 2 heading

A section title that is bolded, left-margin justified, and has the first letter of each major word capitalized. Occupies a line by itself.

using a search engine - truncation

(uses asterisk*) searches spelling variations (ex: nur* finds variation of nursing)

creating a simple database

(1) Identify the question the data needs to answer (2) Identify the data needed to answer them (3) Develop a purpose for the database (4) Identify what is needed to provide the answer

Computer performs operations based on algebraic protocols:

(1) Parentheses (2) Exponents (3) Multiplication and division (left to right) (4) Addition and subtraction

APA formatting requirements - 4 main sections

(1) Title page (2) Abstract -Should reflect keywords and assist in finding paper in electronic database -Does NOT have to be written first (3) Body -Begins with introduction -Ends with conclusion/summary -Use headings to organize the paper (4) Reference list -The words {Reference} - regular font, not bold, and centered

In-text citations are displayed in parentheses

(Author, year)

other shortcomings of mobile devices in nursing

-Access to mobile devices -Access to wifi -Expense -Time involved in selection, preparation, and education -Potential for misuse (camera, scanner app, social media) -Faulty devices -Short battery life

principles for slide presentations

-Always state the purpose -End with a summary -Use citations and references to avoid plagiarism -Chunk info to prevent cognitive overload -Incorporate practice questions if applicable -Polling software -Visual literacy -cognitive load theory

widespread adoption of mobile devices in nursing has been limited by:

-Attitudes of students and faculty -Costs -Rapid change in technology

information literacy

-Awareness there is a need to know information, ability to find it, analyze it, and interpret it for use -Necessary for healthcare workers to be able to identify valid and reliable health information

creating the presentation - video

-Can be inserted from file or website -Limit length to 45-60 seconds

spreadsheet basics

-Cell: rectangles on the table -Row: horizontal group of cells -Column: vertical group of cells -Cell address: name given to the cell; use letters (column) and numbers (row) -Cell range: contiguous group of cells; can be used in commands {EX} A2:B6

creating the presentation - text

-Choose one visually appealing and that elicits the emotional response you want -Smallest text size should be 24 points -Bold emphasizes -Italics: more difficult to read; give audience more time to read -Underline: indicate hyperlink -Be consistent

databases in nursing

-Clinical data entered into databases can help us answer many nursing questions and in turn improve patient care -Examples of databases nurses utilize web search engines, library databases, electronic patient records, etc

Common types of plagiarism

-Copying exact text without citing -Reordering words without citing -Self-plagiarism (presenting own work as new)

privacy and disclosure

-Does the site include and easy-to-understand privacy statement or nondisclosure agreement? -Does the site meet a recognized privacy standard, such as "health on the net" (


-Graphical presentation of a set of numbers -Used to interpret relationships of quantitative and categorical data -First step in creating a chart is identifying the cells that include the data you need represented in the chart


-Is the site a not-for-profit site? -Is there any commercial funding? -Are there any potential conflicts of interest? -Are there any advertisements on the site? If so, are they clearly labeled?

validity and quality

-Is the site last update date specified? -Is there a clear statement of the website purpose? -Is the information accurate and referenced to current scholarly nursing and medical resources? -Is the information current? -Is the information peer reviewed or verified by a qualified editor? -Is the site free from content and typing errors? -Is the information free from bias and opinion? -Are all the links to quality reputable resources?

digital databases

-Knowledge-based: index published literature (ex: journal articles) -Factual databases: replace reference books with searchable and updateable online information (ex: drug and lab manuals) -You can search these databases using keywords

scholarly journal articles

-Only qualified nurses with expertise in the subject area write articles for scholarly nursing journals -Go through a peer review process: editor approves, and then 2 or more nurse experts

creating the presentation - animation

-Progressive disclosure: items revealed one at the time until all are on slide

word processing tools

-Spelling and grammar check -Squiggly red underline = misspelled word alert -Squiggly blue underline = grammatical error -Page ruler -Automatic bullets and numbers -Find and replace -Table of contents -Footnotes and endnotes

embarking on the quest for knowledge

-Step 1: Recognize an information need -Step 2: Searching for appropriate evidence -Step 3: Critically analyzing literature findings -Step 4: Applying/Implementing the findings -Step 5: Evaluating the results and effectiveness of practice changes

steps to writing a scholarly paper

-Step 1a: identify audience -Step 1b: select a topic -Perform a literature search -Step 2: choose a word processing tool -EX} Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, Google Docs -Step 3: writing the paper -Outline the paper -Identify headings

Levels of research evidence

-Systematic reviews *top* -Single randomized controlled trial (RCT) -Cohort studies -Case-controlled studies, case series/reports -Expert opinion

anatomy of a database

-Tables: contain all of the data; serve as the foundation of the database; contains records located in rows -Queries: used to ask questions of one or more related tables or other queries; these are the most powerful tools in a database, it is only limited by the abilities of the creator -Forms: used to add, edit, and view data from a table or a query -Reports: used to display data from a form or query; can present info from more than one table or query

secondary data use

-The use of health information for purposes beyond direct patient care -Can improve healthcare by increasing knowledge of diseases and treatment

creating the presentation - transitions

-The way a slide makes an entrance -Can be dramatic, enhance, or distract -Use sparingly

advantages of mobile devices in nursing

-Time saving -Time management -Improved communication -Improved decision making -Improved access to resources -Improved confidence -Decreased errors

presentation styles

-Traditional style: title and bullet design -New style: innovate with high tech visual images -EX} TED, assertion-evidence order, PechaKucha, Lessig, etc -New styles reduces cognitive load

creating the presentation - images

-Use images to better communicate your message -Can be retrieved from internet -Some have copyrights and license terms -Cite the source of images you didn't create -Small font near the image

data mining

-Used to organize and make sense of data -Used for pattern identification -Three types of data mining applications: classification, regression, clustering


-Who is the author? Are the authors credentials noted? Is the author an expert in the subject area? Is the author qualified to write the information? -What is the author's affiliation? -Is there a link that will allow the user to contact the author?

creating the presentation - storyboarding

-a plan for visuals -Forces to organize thoughts into a coherent presentation -Outline thoughts using title and text -Use slide sorter view to look at layout/order -Drag slides to rearrange -Finish out slides by filling in info

visual literacy

-abilities that enable one to find, interpret, evaluate, use, and create images and visual media - correctly convey what meant to convey and are appropriate -Culture effects this ability -Image may be clear to one profession but confuse another

line chart

-can communicate changes in elapsed time period data or show data trends -category placed on horizontal axis and data on vertical axis

data warehouse

-comprehensive collection of data from many different databases -possible to data mine with a regular electronic database but it's more effective when done on a data warehouse

internet and search engines

-consider google scholar when searching for scholarly articles -can enter preferences to narrow search -can access free full-text articles

intermediate presentation skills

-customize the presentation menu -create handouts -add clip art to slides -add smartart to slides -move and resize objects -incorporate multimedia into slide design -modify multimedia for presentations -demonstrate competency using two presentation software application -save a presentation in different file formats for use with other software applications -share/collaborate with others on presentation design -apply pedagogical principles to presentation design -print out a slide presentation handout

Basic Presentation Skills

-design a simple presentation -apply a template to the background -insert a new slide -apply the use of different slide layouts -use spell check -save a presentation -add shapes to a slide -view a slideshow -print a presentation

advanced presentation skills

-design on screen navigation -customize presentation toolbars -embed/edit a spreadsheet -create a macro -add slide transitions -add slide sections -design slide animations -demonstrate advance text and graphic editing techniques -build custom slide amster, handout masters, and custom note masters -create a presentation template -publish and distribute presentations -demonstrate competency using more then two software applications

facilitators for EBP in nursing

-education on how to conduct -professional memberships -continuing education courses

online journals

-fully online with no print version -feature peer reviewed articles -archives

bar chart

-generally, comparison of amounts -can display vertically and horizontally

cognitive load theory

-information flowing into working memory at any given time -Brain has limited short-term memory and unlimited long-term -It is difficult for brain to read slides and listen to presenter if the two do not coincide

open access journals

-no fees -limited copyright/licensing restrictions

barriers for EBP in nursing

-nurse perceptions -difficulty critiquing literature -difficulty applying findings -lack of time to conduct research -lack of resources


-process for asking a research question (P)atient, population, or problem (I)ntervention or exposure (C)omparison (O)utcome

ethical implications of secondary data use

-safeguard patient rights -fully de-identify data by removing name, record number, social security number

print journals with web presence

-some have full-text available online for subscribers -fee may apply to nonsubscribers

database model

-the way data are organized -flat, hierarchical, relational, or object oriented

Three factors determine order of operations:

-type of computation required -placement of expression in parentheses -left-to-right placement

What edition of APA is Troy BSN going by?

7th edition APA manual

level 1 heading

A bolded, centered section title in which the first letters of major words are capitalized. Occupies a line by itself.

handheld reference resources - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC podcasts -

handheld reference resources - AHRQ ePSS

Electronic Preventive Services Selector for HCPs to use with their pts -

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