KNH473 Exam 2

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A general guideline related to the progression principle of training is that the training load should not increase more than _________ from the previous training session.


The minimal age to compete internationally in gymnastics is:


Research definitively shows that intense training stunts the growth of female gymnasts (keeps them from growing).


Children can diversify (play many sports) early and still attain elite status in most sports as an adult.


Physical activity (particularly aerobic activity) leads to better academic performance for kids in math, language, and memory tests.


The unhealthy female athlete triad includes:

amenorrhea, osteoporosis, disordered eating

Early specialization has been linked to:

burning and dropping out of sport

Which of the following are positive benefits of physical activity and training for kids?

decreased fat stronger bones increased muscular strength better cognitive (academic) performance

Along with physical/emotional exhaustion, what other two symptoms are part of burnout in youth athletes?

devaluation of sport and reduced feelings of accomplishment

What type of stretching should athletes engage in prior to physical training sessions?

dynamic stretching

Which of the following is an effective strategy adults should use to help youth athletes effectively respond to the demands of sport competition?

expose them to pressure in training tell them that nervousness is okay and a normal feeling about competition explain that mistakes are part of the learning process

Coaches help young athletes experience flow when then make training extremely difficult and provide constant evaluation.


It's highly motivating to young athletes to make them uncertain about upcoming competition so they will perform better.


Youth coaches should attempt to get young athletes' levels of arousal as high as possible to help them perform better.


Social climate contributors to burnout in youth athletes include:

feeling trapped in sport participation

Which of the following is an active coping strategy for kids in youth sport?

focus on their personal goals for competition

Which of the following is NOT an example of an early specialization sport, as identified by Balyi et al. (2013)?

ice hockey

Which of the following characteristics require "early engagement" in sports, even though these sports don't require early, exclusive specialization?

kinesthetic feel visual tracking complex decision-making

Why may physical activity/training as child prevent osteoporosis later in life?

mechanical loading of bones stimulates bone growth and density

How does strength training typically lead to gains in strength for prepubescent children?

neuromuscular learning, or enhanced motor unit recruitment

Which of the following are predictors of eating disorders in young female athletes?

participation in gymnastics or figure skating

Stress is best thought of as a/an:


Which of the following make young athletes more susceptible to exertion heat illness, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke?

recovering from an illness

Which of the following sports does NOT require early engagement to attain elite status?


Which of the following are the best type of activities to stimulate bone growth/health during childhood?

tag, hop-scotch, dodge-ball, gymnastics/tumbling

The most important aspect of progressive resistance training with children is:


What is the "rationalization of sport" and how does it hurt youth athletes?

the performance of athletes becomes more important than the wellbeing of the athletes producing that performance

What is the main reason that specialization (which is not a bad thing at the right age) turns into over-specialization (which is problematic)?

the psychological development and wellbeing of the youth athlete is sacrificed

As the social evaluation increases in youth sport (e.g., pressure from parents, fear of failure), kids perceive more threat and may respond with anxiety.`


Children's ABCs (agility, balance, coordination) are best developed through physical play and game-like activities in childhood (e.g., tumbling, obstacle courses, relays, tag, kickball).


Research shows that parental pressure created anxiety in young swimmers only when the parents focused on outcomes, such as winning or beating opponents.


Research supports that early specialization is not necessary for MOST KIDS in MOST SPORTS for them to achieve success in sport later in life.


The more technically complex the sport, the more crucial is early practice.


Young athletes report more burnout as they increase in age from 7 to 17 years.


Which of the following is true about stress in youth sport?

youth athletes need small amounts of stress to help them develop coping resources

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