OSF orientation

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You were writing a note, but were interrupted. Where can you find the note to continue writing? Group of answer choicesChart Review > NotesChart Search > IncompleteNotes > IncompleteSummary > Pending Notes


The patient has a new closed-suction drain. What do you click to add the new drain to allow documentation of site and drainage? Group of answer choicesInsert ColumnLDA AvatarAdd LDAAdd Group

LDA Avatar Add LDA

____ creates a good impression of others before the patient or family meets them

Managing Up

Examples of conflict of interest (COI) include:a. Having financial interest in a vendor's company or businessb. Receiving discounts or personal gifts from actual or potential suppliersc. A and B

a & b

Ethics involves which of the following topicsa. Keeping our professional promisesb. Serving with the greatest care and lovec. Caring for our patients and one anotherd. All of the above Group of answer choices

All correct

Which of the following vital signs require you to document a Unit of Measure? Group of answer choicesTemperature and HeightPain Rating and SpO2Height and WeightTemperature and Weight

Height and Weight

On the MAR, what does this red due time represent?

overdue meds

When documenting in Flowsheets where can you find additional information about the row or group you are documenting on? Group of answer choicesUnder the Epic buttonRow Information details reportPatient ProfileCall the help desk

row Information details report

You are giving your patient their morning medication, match the action with the correct order. Group of answer choicesScan the Patient's Wristband [ Choose ] 3 1 4 2 Scan the Medication barcode [ Choose ] 3 1 4 2 Administer the Medication to the Patient [ Choose ] 3 1 4 2 Use the Mar Action Given

1 Scan the Patient's Wristband 2 Scan the Medication barcode 3 Administer the Medication to the Patient 4 Use the Mar Action Given

Match each OSF Healthcare Cultural Belief with the corresponding definition

1. Patient First 2. Be One 3. Align Priorities 4. Embrace Decisions 5. Be Accountable take personal responsibility for achieving results 6. Live It a. serve each person with the greatest care and love b. align my service with the mission and goals c. listen and respond to patient and family needs d. engage others because we are better together e. take personal responsibility for achieving results f. support decisions and align my behavior to achieve key results 1. c. 2. d 3. b 4. f 5. e 6. a

osf healthcare strategy summary

1. perform: serve w excellence: a) quality & safety: system of care and service lines, appropriatenes of care, exel in clin outcome,delivery system redisign b)person cent serv: pt and mission partner expirience, person empowered access, transparency c)affordability and sustainability: aggressive cost management, emergency prepardness 2. grow:share t ministry:academic partnership, employer relationship, payor products and partnerships, partnership development 3. Innovate: design t future: virtual care (care when i am), brk through innov-n, digital transf-n, advanced analytics, personalized medicine

% of the way our messages are conveyed is via body language


Epic will allow you to administer medication XX minutes before and XX minutes after the due time. Group of answer choices90 minutes30 minutes60 minutes

60 min

How early or how late can you give a medication?

60 min bef and after

Match the phrase with the definition Fraud i. Charging Medicare, Medicaid, or any other health insurance carrier for unnecessary costs, such as tests or exams, that were not really needed Abuse ii. Intentionally submitting false claims and charges to Medicare, Medicaid, or any other insurance carrier that were not provided

Abuse i Fraud ii

AIDET stands for

Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, and Thank You.

Before you start documenting vitals in Flowsheets, be sure to... Group of answer choicesAdd a column for the time you took the vitals.Review the Last Filed and Required Documentation.Enter the person who took the vitals.Scan the patient's wristband to confirm you are in the right chart.

Add a column for the time you took the vitals.

Which Flowsheet do you chart your patient assessment in ? Group of answer choicesAdult PCS Body Systems FlowsheetVitals ComplexAdult Assessment FlowsheetAdult Assessment Scoring

Adult PCS Body Systems

Your patient has a urinary catheter. At the end of your shift your empty the bag of 500 mL of urine. Where would you chart the Output. Group of answer choicesAdult PCS FlowsheetMake a NotePCT Daily Documentation FlowsheetPatient Profile Flowsheet

Adult PCS Flowsheet

Where on the MAR would you find a medication that can be given PRN. Select all that apply. Group of answer choicesAll Meds tabPRN Meds tabScheduled Meds tabAny Meds tab

All Meds tabPRN Meds

Which of the following is not a Key Result? Quality and Safety Workforce Commitment CAUTI Number of Persons Served patient experience operating margin virtual clinical interactions


A nurse is trying to stop an infusion. An administration alert appears asking for an override reason for not scanning the bar code. What is the step that the nurse needs to take to stop the administration? Group of answer choicesAll of the aboveHave another nurse enter their id/password for dual verificationChange the MAR action to StoppedCall the help desk

Change the MAR action to Stopped

If you cannot find a scanned file on the appropriate tab in Chart Review (like a Healthcare Power of Attorney form on the Advanced Directives tab), where can you find a list of all scanned documents in the patient's chart? Group of answer choicesChart Review > Media tabSummary > ReviewChart Review > Misc Reports tabSummary > Chart Search

Chart Review > Media tab

You have an order for Morphine 2 mg IV every 2 hours PRN. The Pyxis machine dispenses a 4 mg vial. You scan the Morphine and get a warning that the dose you are giving is higher than the dose ordered. What should you do? Group of answer choicesScan the patient's barcode to confirm you have the right patient's chart openClick Partial Package and manually enter the dose actually given.Select an override reason for the alert and continue administering the medicationStop administering the medication and send the syringe back to pharmacy

Click Partial Package and manually enter the dose actually given.

What ways can you search for notes in the Notes activity? (Select all that apply.) Group of answer choices: Click on the top of the columns to sort by filed time, author name, service, author type, etc. Use the Search Notes Icon located in the secondary toolbar Click filter and narrow your search by author type Use the tabs within the Notes Activity to see notes grouped by note type

Click filter and narrow your search by author type Click on the top of the columns to sort by filed time, author name, service, author type, etc. Use the tabs within the Notes Activity to see notes grouped by note type

What does CPG stand for?

Clinical Practice Guides

There are nine core values of OSF Healthcare. The values include (Select all that apply):

Compassion Employee Well Being Integrity Teamwork Leadership Stewrdship Supportive work env Trust

The types of isolation at OSF Healthcare include: Contact Special contact (wash hands with soap and water) Droplet Airborne Modified Pulmonary (CF, Young Peds) Special airborne

Contact Special contact (wash hands with soap and water) Droplet Airborne Modified Pulmonary (CF, Young Peds)

What ways can you open a patient's chart? (Select all that apply.) Group of answer choicesClap your hands.Double-click on the patient from the Brain.Single-click on patient and click Open Chart.Say "Alexa, open the chart."

Double-click on the patient from the Brain. Single-click on patient and click Open Chart

Your patient says they like to learn by watching videos. Where do you document this? Group of answer choicesFlowsheetsCare PlansPatient Education AssessmentMake a Note

Education Assessment

Which of the following is true of an Encounter in Epic? Group of answer choicesEncounters help monitor patients virtually with video and audio.Encounters are important for organizing documentation so we can bill appropriately.Encounter types include admissions, surgeries, medication refills, or office visits.Encounter history can be reviewed within the Chart Review activity.

Encounters are important for organizing documentation so we can bill appropriately. Encounter types include admissions, surgeries, medication refills, or office visits. Encounter history can be reviewed within the Chart Review activity.

At a minimum, Patient Education should be documented how often? Group of answer choicesBeginning of ShiftWeeklyTwice a DayEnd of Shift

End of Shift


In the spirit of Christ and the example of Francis of Assisi, the Mission of OSF HealthCare is to serve persons with the greatest care and love in a community that celebrates the Gift of Life.

You would like to document the assessment that you did 20 minutes ago. To ensure that it is documented at the correct time, what do you need to click first? Group of answer choicesAdd to the column that the system addedInsert ColLast Filed ValueAdd Col

Insert Col

Which of the following would be considered LDAs? (Select all that Apply) Group of answer choicesIncisionJackson Pratt DrainContinuous TelemetryIVPulse OximetryTracheostomyBody PiercingTattooWoundFoley CatheterImplanted Port

LDA is the abbreviation used in Epic@UNC for lines, drains and airways. Incision Jackson Pratt Drain IV Tracheostomy Wound Foley Catheter Implanted Port Body Piercing Tatoo

Where should you document starting a new medication this patient has never received to ensure you see the full list of current medications?


if u want to find Lippincot u click


Which of the following are true if you forget to Sign In at the beginning of your shift? Group of answer choices: You cannot document in your patient charts. Other mission partners will struggle to contact you when necessary. The My Patients list will not have your current patient assignments. All nurses on the unit will be assigned to cover your patients.

Other mission partners will struggle to contact you when necessary. The My Patients list will not have your current patient assignments.

Care Plans are comprised of ... Select all that apply. Group of answer choicesProblemsGoalsInterventionsPatient Action Plan


The Perform pillar of the OSF HealthCare Strategy Summary is comprised of: Quality and Safety, Academic Partnerships, Virtual Care Quality and Safety, Person - Centered Service, Affordability and Sustainability Person - Centered Service, Affordability and Sustainability, Academic Partnerships

Quality and Safety, Person - Centered Service, Affordability and Sustainabilit

RACE stands for ____ ____ _____ _____a. Rescue Activate Confine Extinguishb. Rescue Achieve Control Extinguishc. Rapid Achieve Compare Evacuated. Release Activate Confine Extinguish

Rescue Activate Confine Extinguish

A hospital employee commented on Twitter about her ex - husband's new girlfriend. Some of the information came from the girlfriend's medical record. After seeing the comments, the girlfriend called the hospital's compliance hotline.

The employee should be disciplined for inappropriately accessing the girlfriend's records.

What does the highlighted area represent? *** Group of answer choices: The patient is Deceased. The patient has been Discharged. The patient is Unknown. The patient is a Do Not Announce.

The patient is a Do Not Announce.

Break The Glass

There may be times that upon selecting a patient you receive a Break the Glass notification. This notification is alerting you that you are trying to access a restricted patient record. A restricted/secured patient record may simply mean that the patient is new to our service area and we have not established care with the patient or that the patient has a restricted/secured chart. If you have a valid reason to access the patient's chart, select a reason from the quick buttons and re-enter your password.

What does the "!!" icon mean when seen on the MAR? Group of answer choicesYou can click this icon to send a message to pharmacyThis order has not been verified by pharmacyA dose for this order is overdueThis medication requires dual sign-off

This medication requires dual sign-off

Care Plans start... Group of answer choicesWhen the patient enters the hospitalWithin 12 hours of admissionWithin 24 hours of admissionWithin 36 hours of admission

When the patient enters the hospital

What does WDL stand for? Group of answer choicesWithin Defined LimitsWorkflow Description LanguageWorkflow Defined LimitWithin Description Limits

Within Defined Limits

What does "Within Defined Limits" mean for each system grouper in Flowsheets? Group of answer choicesYou have assessed everything in the pre-defined list and the patient meets some of those criteria.You have assessed everything in the pre-defined list and the patient meets all of those criteria.You have reviewed the provider's definitions for when they want to be notified and the patient does not meet that criteria.You have discussed your assessment with the patient and this is normal for them.

You have assessed everything in the pre-defined list and the patient meets all of those criteria.

If you make a mistake in your documentation, then... (select all that apply) Group of answer choicesYou should go back and fix it.The change needs to have dual signoff.Other clinicians can see that a change was made.You must enter a note explaining what was wrong.

You should go back and fix it. Other clinicians can see that a change was made.

You used a SmartText to write your note and are ready to click Sign. What will happen next? You will need to enter your password. You will need to remove the colorful highlighting. You will have the option to place a charge. You will have to address the unanswered SmartTool.

You will have to address the unanswered SmartTool.

The Learning Home Dashboard is your one stop for: Group of answer choicesQuick Start GuidesMonthly Release InformationTip SheetsAll of the above


You may receive a 'Break the Glass' pop up if Group of answer choicesthe patient is new to the service area and has not yet established carethe record has been securedAll the above


Which of the following statements are true:i. Ethics comes from the Greek word ethos and looks to right and good actionii. For the ancient Greeks, the ethical person was the happy personiii. The goal of healthcare is health and well-being; ethics is one way of enabling persons to flourish - to be the best they can bea. i.b. i. and iic. i. and iiid. all three statements are true

all are true

Specifically at OSF Healthcare, particular concern is expressed fora. Poor personsb. The marginalizedc. All vulnerable personsd. A and B but not ce. A, B, and C Group of answer choices

all correct

Where can you review a comprehensive list of notes written about this patient? Chart Review Chart Search Notes All of the above

chart review

Standard isolation basics include a. Wear gloves if you think your hands may get contaminated. b. Wear a gown if you think you might get your clothes contaminated c. Wear a mask if your patient is coughing or sneezing d. all of the above


Deleted notes are hidden from the view of other care team members. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


If the patient's barcode shows an error, you can just give the medication without scanning. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


In Results Review, new results can be individually time marked. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


Patient Education applies only to the patient. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


You must click File to save your documentation. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


You should use the Summary activity to review all surgical, medical, and family history with your patient. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


Patient Lists are... Group of answer choicesdisplaying every patient we've ever cared for in the OSF HealthCare system.editable so you can manage the unit census and remove patients that no longer need that level of care.updated by the charge nurse on each unit throughout their shift.maintained automatically based on the patient's current location, active orders, or mission partners listed on their treatment team.

maintained automatically based on the patient's current location, active orders, or mission partners listed on their treatment team.

CUS is an acronym for assertive statements which stands for Concerned Uncomfortable Safety. True False


Chart Review contains data from a patient's past hospitalizations. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


Chart Search allows you to do a keyword search of the patient's record at OSF and outside records via Care Everywhere. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


Pass stands for PULL AIM SQUEEZE SWEEP and is an acronym for using a fire extinguisher. True False Group of answer choices


SmartTools allow you to put together your own note templates to document quickly. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


Special safety issues within OSF Healthcare include not allowing latex balloons due to potential latex allergies. In addition, the hallways and corridors are to remain clutter free with an 8 foot clearance in all patient care areas.


The Flowsheets activity is the hub of inpatient documentation and informs many other mission partners who are reviewing the patient's chart. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


When logging into Epic, it doesn't matter what department you are logged in to. You will always be able to accomplish all tasks for your job role. Group of answer choices


When you document in a row with a cascade icon, new assessment or intervention rows may be added to the Flowsheet template. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


Within Defined Limits (WDL) means that the patient assessment meets all elements of the defined definition/criteria. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


You can change your department when you are logging into Epic. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


You can document educating the patient on more than one topic at a time if his response is the same. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


You should always look up a patient by entering in as much information as you have for the patient.


you can add your own reminder in pt timeline


The Vision of OSF Healthcare is

to serve persons with the greatest care and love in a community that celebrates the Gift of Life.

The Ethical And Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services or ERD is considered policy within OSF Healthcarea. TrueB, False


The Vision of OSF Healthcare is "Embracing God's great gift of life, we are One OSF Ministry transforming health care to improve the lives of those we serve." Group of answer choices


There are five regions within the OSF Healthcare System comprised of 145 locations.


You go to administer the scheduled medication, but notice the medication is listed with two different forms. What does this mean?

u can administer on or another

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