Pre-AP US History Pruitt- A New World

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Christopher Columbus

After seeking financial support for 8 years, he got is major voyage in 1492.

Arthur Schlesinger

Argues it was challenge of the unknown that drove Columbus's voyages to America

Washington Irving

Author of Columbus's biography

Culture of Central and South Americas

Aztec (Mexico), Mayan (Peru), Inca (Quatemala). Extensive Trade and developed calendars

How did European expansion impact Native American society?

Badly, their land was taken and most were killed from sicknesses foreign to them.

Why is the United States population in modern times only 2 to 3% American Indian?

Because the NA popular decreases by 90% after European arrival.

Identify one similarity between societies that developed in Central and South America to those that developed in North America.

Both had their own ways to survive and managed to fulfill survival.

Identify one cause and effect of Spanish settlement in North America

Cause: Spain tried to change the Peublos religion. Effect: the peublos revolted.

Atlantic seaboard Settlements

Coastal plains, descendants of woodlands, built with wood, rivers provided food

Spanish exploration and conquests

Conquered many places and sent ships back loading with gold and silver. Encomienda systems


Critical to Columbus's heroicness

President Franklin Roosevelt

Declared October 12 a national holiday for Christopher Columbus

Which of these was the most significant?

Disease, it killed off millions ignore natives

Identify theee mayor consequences of European contact with the Indians

Disease, loss of land, and harsh treatment

Southwest Settlements

Dry region, farmed with irrigation systems

Fact or Fiction?

Either depending on Point Of View


English, Spanish, European

What were three chief features of the Spanish empire in American?

Established Settlements, christianize the Indians, completed explorations

In what ways did native people transform North American environment before European colonization?

Extensive trade, highly organized societies, men hunted and made tools, women gathered and grew crops

Columbus's Legacy

He doesn't in 1506 without finding his new route but discovered America in his trials

Dutch Claims

Henry Hudson 1609 around New Amsterdam (later NY)

Great Plains

Hunted, fished, agricultural systems, used all part of the buffalo for everything from clothing to tools

Midwest Settlements

Hunted, fished, had permanent Settlements

Northeast Settlements

Hunted, moved east and stayed due to farming, lived in long houses

How did new technology enable Columbus to dominate the New World?

It helped him go back and forth from his voyages.

French policy

Maintained a good relationship and became allies and gained trading opportunities

French Claims

New York Harbor. Based on voyages of Jacques Carter

Identify one difference between societies that developed in Central and South America to those that developed in North America.

North American societies were smaller and less civilized.

Explain the significance of the difference between Central/South America and North America.

North Americans hunted, farmed, and made tools while South Americans traded, created calendars, and had highly organized societies.

Northwest Settles

Pacific Coast, hunted, fished, gathered, totem poles


Permanent Settlements in saint augustine

Cultures of North America

Peublos, Great Plains, Woodland, Seneca


Plants, food(potatoes), animals(horses), and diseases

New Routes

Portuguese sea captain Vasco de Gama reached India by going south and east. At this time Columbus tried this and failed

Slave Trading

Portuguese traded various items for slaves

African Resistance

Ran away, sabotaged work, and maintain aspects of their culture

Improvements in technology...

Renaissance, gunpowder, sailing compass, better shipbuilding, and the invention of the printing press.

Religious conflicts...

Roman Catholic Churches were threatened by Ottomans who were followers of Islam.

New Mexico

Santa Fe was the capital of New Mexico. Tried to christianize the Indians

Developing Nation-States

Small kingdoms united into larger ones. Empires were breaking up a nationstate replace them.

Dividing the Americas

Spain and Portugal were first. The pope made the line of demarcation

Which of these consequences were the most significant?

Spanish Exploration and Conquest because they gained gold, silver, and the encomienda systems which made them very wealthy

Explain why 1607 is a major turning point in United States history.

Steady streams of colonists settled in the next 150 years.

Support or refuse?

Support because he discovered America, Europe gaining recourses, led to other voyages; but he killed millions of NA due to disease, he invaded their territory, and he treated them unfairly

How did European expansion impact European society?

The found new land that lacked gold but got new food and crops

What was the impact of the Catholic victory in Spain and the European Reformation on North America?

The launching of Columbus's first voyage gave hope and power to Europeans.

Native American Reaction

They were nice to the English and French but not Spain

Effects of Europe's expanding trade in the 15th century

Traded for slaves, slaved worked on sugar plantations, nation states developed

English policies

Traded, shares ideas, and overall coexistence. The population grew and the Indianan were upset and left.

Spanish policies

Used thhem for labor day and used the encomienda system

Identify the key difference between Viking Voyages of the 12th century to that of Columbus in the 15th century.

Vikings has visited North America but the voyages had no lasting impact. Columbus's voyages had a huge impact.

English Claims

Voyages of John Cakot, Jamestown

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