Schooling in a Diverse Society Midterm Exam

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Which of the following is part of the root belief of nativism?

"old" immigrants are "true americans"

Which of the following is a component of the concept of race?

(1) To classify people based on their biological skin color. (2) the social and emotional implications of skin color.

When the ideas of self-fulfilling prophecy and tracking are linked we can see that students who are placed in lower tracks:

(1) are perceived as low achievers. (2) are treated as low achievers. (3) Will react by fulfilling lowered expectations.

Power is key to the critical perspective because it

(1) determines who controls the type and pieces of knowledge given in schools. (2) determines the patterns of distribution of the knowledge among different students. (3) Who establishes both the academic and cultural standards and expectations of the schools

How do groups become an involuntary minority group in US society?

(1) slavery. (2) colonization. (3) conquest

What does it mean that a style of a component of culture is "privileged" in society and schools?

(1) the styles are seen as more appropriate, respectful, and important in school interactions. (2) students who display the characteristics are more highly esteemed. (3) that it is more often accepted and expected within society and schools

According to economic competition theory, what does prejudice result from?

Antagonism caused by competition among various groups for jobs and economic rewards.

The assigning of positive and negative characteristics to groups is part of which theory?

Attributional theory

What do we call groups that may be culturally or linguistically distinct but are not politically, socially, or economically subordinated to major degrees?

Autonomous minorities

Name on dramatic change that occurred during the Reconstruction Era

Blacks could vote and more Blacks seated in House and Senate then in total of next several years.

Which is NOT a way researchers have distinguished cultures?

By eye and hair color

Agreements made in a culture with oral traditions are made how?

By giving one's word or a handshake

Which of the following was the anti-immigration act that created a "bachelor society" among the immigrant group targeted by the act?

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Name 3 aspects of schooling controlled by those in power.

Classroom rules and regulations, rituals, and ceremonies, moral instruction in regular classroom.

Stereotyping is described as being which component of our perceptions of other people?

Cognitive Component

What term describes the desire for ease and comfort in dealing with perceptions of other people?

Cognitive Miser

Another term for imposition?


Name on of the stages of adjustment recent immigrants to the US go through.


Which perspective on cultural socialization illustrates that hose who have power in society use schools to keep their power?

Critical Perspective

For many children the culture of their home and their community is very different from the culture of the school system. Which of the following terms best describes this?

Cultural Discontinuity

What is described as being one of the main functions of American education?

Cultural Socialization

What does DACA stand for?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Name 1 of the 2 levels on which the traumatic experience theory operates.

Direct experience on you or when a loved/close one experiences it

Which form of racism related to the words we use to describe ourselves and others?


Which of the following allowed 100,000 displaced persons to enter the US each year with a priority to those displaced during World War II?

Displaced Persons Act of 1948

What does culture evolve from?

A specific history of a specific group that has a shared set of social and political behaviors

Who developed the "Hierarchy of Needs"?

Abraham Maslow

Name one rural cultural characteristic.

Agricultural communities

What is the purpose of function of DACA?

Allows immigrants to apply for consideration to defer detention or deportation action

Community teachers are

those who learned and can utilize a communities knowledge and skills in the classroom

What act, adopted by 20 states, allowed undocumented students to pay in state tuition to attend college?

Dreams Act

Which is NOT one of the categories of school life that deals with cultural socialization?

Ethical codified standards

T/F: Both Arizona and Alabama passed bills that encourage immigrants to bypass California and immigrate to their states to boost working population.


T/F: Categories in stereotyping are rigid and do not overlap


T/F: Community cultural wealth means only the wealthy get to participate fully in culture.


T/F: Earlier definitions of culture focused on underlying beliefs and perspectives that give rise to the manifestations of culture.


T/F: It has been found in research studies that an authoritarian personality rarely leads to prejudice.


T/F: One positive aspect of stereotyping is we really get to know someone when we stereotype them.


T/F: People who live in rural and urban locations have the same lived experiences because they are both Americans.


T/F: Racism exists in a vacuum.


T/F: Russian Bolsheviks are an example of refugees which have immigrated to the US to escape political violence.


T/F: Sofia, an immigrant high schools student from Albania, uses the term immigrant when referring to herself because it brings her so much positive attention.


T/F: Stereotyping and prejudice are two words that mean the same thing?


T/F: The "1.5 generation" are citizens of the US but are not actually documented within the Federal State Department.


T/F: The "melting pot" theory in practice has been a neutral blending of cultures in the US.


T/F: The "sorting machines" function is to sort all students into categories of race and gender.


T/F: The achievement gap refers to students who are white and have never felt any direct encouragement to think about another race.


T/F: The belief that certain races are superior to others is held because there is no evidence to the contrary.


T/F: The culture of schools never contradicts the home culture, if both are in the same community.


T/F: The freedom of religion for Native American tribes was established by the Indian Self Determination Act of 1975.


T/F: The lack of Black attorneys made defending Blacks against segregation easier because more popular White lawyers could take the cases.


T/F: The policies of the US toward Mexican immigration has always been consistent and steady.


T/F: The population of Native Americans rose significantly due to new medicines introduced due to the US imposition.


T/F: The rate of immigration has remained steady from decade to decade.


T/F: There are seven clearly distinguishable communication patterns shaped by culture.


T/F: There is no one who believes racism doesn't exist because the US had a black president.


T/F: Though China would eventually immigrate in great numbers, Japan was the first Asian country to have immigration to the US in large numbers.


T/F: Through years of interviews with Vietnamese families, we have learned that Vietnamese parents and children's view of discrimination against them is practically the same


T/F: We rarely base stereotypes on visible features because it is so difficult to do so.


Name 2 descriptors that go beyond race, according to Linnaeus.

Free and melancholy

Which of the following court cases determine aliens could not be denied welfare benefits simply on the basis that they were aliens?

Graham v. Richardson (1971)

Name one path available for those who want to immigrate to the US.

Green cards for qualified applicants to become permanent residents.

What recognizes that prejudices exist without trying to deny them?

Hermeneutical Consciousness

The concept that is defined as the schools indirect and unstated ways of socializing students into norms and standards of the dominant culture is called:

Hidden Curriculum

Which form of racism refers to world views, beliefs, and common sense ideas that are rooted in racial stereotypes and biases?

Ideological racism

Which of the following abolished the concept of restricting immigration based on national origin?

Immigration Act of 1965

Organizational style refers to how we organize our lives in relation to our orientation toward time and other people AND:

In relation to the physical space around us

When racism develops over time to be both allowed and solidified in laws and policies it is known as:

Institutional racism

Which form of racism has as its two most obvious examples hate crimes and bullying?

Interactional racism

Which is NOT one of the three main components of culture?

Interpersonal style

Japanese immigrants to the US were known as what?


Who has been a leading scholar on the effects of minority status on the identities of individuals and groups?

John Ogbu

Which pattern of immigration involves immigrants entering the US to join already established families?

Kin Selective

Name on individual component of culture according to Edward Tylor.

Knowledge, belief, art, custom

Name one of the six forms of capital that comprise community wealth according to Tara Yosso.

Linguistic capital

In which context of culture are those that communicate in direct, explicit, and precise ways?

Low Context

Heuristic thinking or heuristics is:

Mental shortcuts used to judge someone or something quickly and efficiently

Which of the following had lived on the soil of this country for centuries but were invaded and has an outside culture imposed on them?

Mexicans and Native Americans

Until 1848 what country help ownership of the current southwestern portion of the US?


When a characteristic is not an individuals fault and is rather viewed as the result of an outside circumstances it is called:


The earliest immigrants to the US came from what areas of Europe?

Northern and Western

When members of minority groups have to deal with constant negative depictions of themselves they may more strongly turn inward and try to build up there own ethnic group is called what?

Oppositional identity

How we organize our lives in relation to the physical space around us al well as in relation to our orientation towards time and other people refers to:

Organizational Style

Which style of privileged patterns of behavior include the traits of direct expression, serial exchange (taking turns), and competitiveness?

Organizational Style

Which of the following Supreme Court cases found that "separate but equal" was a legal reasoning for segregation?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

What do we call judgement about a certain person or object or event prior to understanding that person, object, or event?


Name 2 governmentally socially determined rights denied to slaved.

Property right and civil rights.

Which religious affiliation was not affected by nativism in the late 1800s?


The act of placing races into an order of importance is called what?

Racial Hierarchy

The theory of prejudice formation in which people have an instinctive fear and dislike of individuals who are physically and culturally different from themselves is called what?

Racial and Cultural difference theory

In which of the three stages of development and awareness of ethnic identity in Caucasians may the individual feel pressured by others to "not notice" racism.

Reintegration stage

Name 3 of the 7 forms of racism laid out by the field of sociology.

Representational racism, Ideological racism, and Structural Racism

What is the highest level people can reach in the Hierarchy of Needs?

Self Actualization

When teachers have known or unintentional stereotypical assumptions on students in the classroom it is known as:

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Give 1 example of how institutional racism benefits a member of the dominant group as discussed by Peggy McIntosh from her perspective as a white heterosexual woman.

She is sure if she talks to the person in charge, she will be talking to a white individual

What is the overriding background of African-Americans in refernece to the legacy of immigration in the US?


What is the term to indicate that our identities are formed within a complex mix of social and cultural influences?

Social Construction

In which theory of prejudice formation are individuals forced to conform to society's traditions and norms and are therefore taught and socialized to hold prejudice?

Social Control theory

The theory in which individuals gain their self worth in part from the groups they are part of or identify with is:

Social Identity theory

Between 1890 and 1914 the largest number of immigrants to the US came from where?

Southern and Eastern Europe

Personal space refers to:

Space that keeps people and objects at a distance

What is the creation of mental categories in order to group people, items, or events called?


Which two forms of racism, discussed together, refer to the long term, ongoing racism that exists in society due to the combination of all the forms of racism?

Structural and systematic

When schools, in expecting cultural socialization into the mainstream culture actually subtract the culture of students not from the dominant culture, it is called:

Subtractive Schooling

Rappaport and Seidman identified 3 describers that determine whether a characteristic of a person is vivid. Name one of the describers

Temporally Recent

Which of the following studied the idea of a fundamental, provable, and unmistakable difference between the older western and northern European countries and the newer southern and eastern European countries?

The Dillingham Commission

What did Shirley Brice Heath study?

The relations of a child's cultural traditions to communication and interaction patterns

Characteristics of people that go far beyond skin color are called what?

The social construction of race

What is the relationship between immigration and cultural imposition?

They are intertwined

Why do immigrants or voluntary minorities move to the US?

They choose to come for better opportunities.

How do schools serve to perpetuate the existing cultures?

They fit students into the societies norms to fit the dominant culture.

What, in relation to prejudice formation, has been found in studies of social interactions of young children?

They see no difference between each other

What were the goals of schools at the turn of the 20th century?

To Americanize students

Name 1 of the 5 consequences of stereotyping, prejudice, and racism in schools.


T/F: As a result of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) 21 states passes Jim Crow type laws that required legal separation of the races.


T/F: Because they go to school, immigrant children become assimilated to the US more quickly than their parents, which may cause stress to the family.


T/F: Culture shapes the structure of communcation.


T/F: Different cultural and legal ways of knowing hindered Mexican-Americans ability to negotiate with the dominant culture to keep their land, language, and identity.


T/F: For many students, their communication style is consistent with their culture but is not value of socialization.


T/F: Human beings engage in stereotyping because we encounter so much information and so many experiences every day we are not able to assimilate all of it.


T/F: Immigrant families that cross back and forth between their country of origin and the US are considered to be transnational.


T/F: In 1978 a change in immigration was it was finally not tied to region but looked at on a worldwide basis.


T/F: In the monochronic time organization there is a compartmentalization of time.


T/F: Intellectual style is a community's style of thinking and decision making, the knowledge most valued in a culture, and the way that learning takes place most prominently for people within the culture.


T/F: Its more likely that prejudice resulting from economic competition will arise in times of national, political, and personal turmoil.


T/F: Neither context or background is considered in a characteristic that is dispostional


T/F: One of the 5 functions of signs and symbols within representational racism is they may trigger emotional responses in us.


T/F: One possible result of misunderstanding of student communication style is more students are inappropriately placed in special education.


T/F: One student role in the functional cultural socialization process is they must believe in the value of socialization.


T/F: Plyer v. Doe (1982) determined undocumented children cannot be denied access to education solely on the basis of their immigrant status.


T/F: Schools and teachers instill in students values beliefs, routines, and expectations of the dominant society in which they live.


T/F: Sometimes immigration is initiated by the receiving country.


T/F: Stereotypes that are formed about people assume a set of stable and unchanging emtional or behavioral characteristics.


T/F: The danger in assuming a culture can be distinguished by few characteristics is that stereotypes about entire groups of people may be found.


T/F: The fact Mexicans residing in what was then Mexico but now the US had a culture imposed on them and have since immigrated to the US is an example of the complexity of interactions among people and cultures.


T/F: The five aspects of power described by Lisa Delpit are known collectively as the culture of power.


T/F: The intelligence test movement developed in at least part as a result of the US attempting to make every child know the same information and think the same way.


T/F: The purpose of the Freedman's Bureau was to establish night and industrial schools for Blacks.


T/F: The relationship between an immigrants home culture and country to the US is crucial to immigrants' acceptance by society.


T/F: The tracking of students perpetuates inequality.


T/F: The vision that developed of Mexicans and Mexican Americans affected their children's education by students either not getting an education or being segregated in schools.


T/F: Urban cultures have more diversity than rural cultures.


T/F: We tend to assume that one person's behavior in an outgroup applies to all people in that group.


T/F: When individuals are in the ethnic psychological captivity stage of the internalization of prejudice, they may deny their membership in their own ethnic group.


T/F: When nativism, assimilation, and legalized segregation combine in the imposition narrative, the result is the total destruction of a culture.


T/F:When an individual is consistently told that his or her ethnic group is less worthy, their reaction can be seen as an effort to protect his or her identity.


T/F: Race is a socially constructed definition rather than a biological one.


When people make attributions of characteristics of groups of people based on their tendency to present the in-group characteristic more positively than the out-group, what is it called?

Ultimate Error Attribution

Name one of the two intellectual styles.

Written and oral

Which describes the German concept of Gemeinschaft?

a culture based on this is personal and sharing oriented

The impact of generations of people born into a system of slavery was the long-lasting effect of:

being denied basic human rights

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Reconstruction?

freed newly emancipated slaved from immediate unfair taxation policies.

Why was the decision in Brown v. Board of Education significant?

it was the first time schools would be desegregated

Which of the following is an alien outside the US who is unable or unwilling to return to his country of origin because of persecution or a well founded fear of persecution?


Brown v. Board of Education (1954) was the legal end of:

school segregation

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