EMT Section 10A Exam: Chapter 27: Trauma, Chapter 28: Bleeding and Soft Tissue Injury, Chapter 29: Burns, Chapter 30 : Mus-skel Trauma and Nontruamatic Fractures, Chapter 31: Head Trauma

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QUESTION: A patient has suffered a small but jagged laceration to her left hand. When cleaning the wound, it is important that the EMT: A) Use sterile gauze and wipe in a direction away from the site of injury B) Apply an antibiotic ointment prior to cleaning the injury C) Place saline -soaked gauze in the laceration D) Carefully remove any embedded particles from within the laceration


QUESTION: A 57-year-old man tripped and fell on the sidewalk, hitting his head on the concrete. According to witnesses, the patient was unresponsive for several minutes following the fall. Which bit of information would be most critical to relay to the physician in the emergency department? A) Known history of alcoholism B) Knee replacement two years ago C) Position in which the patient was found D) Treatment provided by on-scene witnesses


QUESTION: As you approach a young male lying on the sidewalk who was called into 911 as an "unresponsive male," you observe an area of dark blood on his pants. He appears lethargic, pale, and diaphoretic. Your first action in caring for this patient would be to: A) Assess the airway B) Apply oxygen C) Elevate the leg D) Cut the pants


QUESTION: The release of myoglobin into the blood, caused by an electrical burn, can result in failure of: A) The kidneys B) The circulatory system C) White blood cell production D) Nerve endings near the burn location


QUESTION: Which statement made by the EMT indicates an understanding of the prehospital calculation of body surface area (BSA) burned? A) "Determining the BSA is an estimation and should never delay transport of the burn patient to the hospital." B) "It is important to get an accurate estimation of the BSA burned since this will affect the care provided by the EMT." C) "It is better to underestimate the BSA of a burn patient rather than overestimate the BSA." D) "The BSA can be quickly estimated before evaluating the status of the airway and breathing."


QUESTION: Your partner is off from work for an extended period because he is having surgery for a torn ligament. Which structure is in need of that surgery? A) Tissue that connects one bone to other bones B) The thick muscle that surrounds a joint C) Muscle that connects to a bone D) Connective tissue that connects muscle and bone


QUESTION: A construction worker has a metal rod impaled in his right forearm. Assessment of the injury indicates heavy bleeding from around the impaled object. What should you do first? A) Attempt once to remove the metal rod B) Apply direct pressure around the rod C) Apply pressure on the rod to stabilize it D) Place a tourniquet above the injury site


QUESTION: A patient exhibits retrograde amnesia when she: A) Is foggy about events occurring after the injury B) Cannot remember falling and hitting her head C) Is nonverbal following a head injury D) Responds purposely to painful stimuli


QUESTION: A woman strikes her forehead against the dashboard of her car as it strikes a tree. Immediately following the impact, her brain shifts back and forth within her skull. Based on the anatomy and physiology of the skull, which statement is true? A) The frontal bone is the thinnest portion of the skull and will most likely be fractured B) The ridges of the basilar skull can damage the brain as it moves back and forth C) The patient's brain will not be injured unless an object from the dashboard penetrates her skull D)The patient's brain will most likely not be damaged because the skull's flexibility is designed to absorb the force of the impact


QUESTION: Assessment of an 88-year-old female who fell reveals bruising to her right buttock. The skin is intact and the patient complains of tenderness to the area when you palpate. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize this patient has which type of injury? A) Open injury B) Contusion C) Avulsion D) Abrasion


QUESTION: While evaluating a patient who experienced a fall, you note crepitus in the left forearm in the area of the wrist. Crepitus in the wrist is typically caused by: A) Subcutaneous air pockets B) Bone ends grinding together C) Tearing of muscles near the site D) Nitrogen bubbles in the joints


QUESTION: When assessing a patient, you note a bruise to his chest. On the prehospital care report, this injury is properly documented as: A) Cyanosis B) Erythematic C) Ecchymosis D) Hematoma


QUESTION: Which type of muscle tissue is found in the forearm? A) Contraction B) Integumentary C) Voluntary D) Involuntary


QUESTION: A 13-year-old boy flipped his bicycle and landed on outstretched arms, which caused a fracture to his collar bone. This is an example of: A) A comminuted fracture B) A secondary fracture C) Direct force injury D) An indirect force injury


QUESTION: An awake but confused patient with a history of diabetes accidentally spilled a pot of hot water on himself while cooking. He has a partial-thickness burn on his right anterior leg. Following an unremarkable primary assessment, which action seems most appropriate? A) Determine the percentage of body surface area burned B) Assess for signs of infection at the burn site C) Apply a wet sterile dressing to the burn D) Check the patient's blood glucose level


QUESTION: Direct pressure has failed to control an arterial bleed on a patient's lower leg caused by an industrial accident. What would the EMT's next action be? A) Provide oxygen B) Provide immediate transport C) Splint the extremity D) Apply a tourniquet


QUESTION: Which statement best describes the technique to be used when hyperventilating a patient with a head injury who shows signs of brain herniation? A) Provide 1 ventilation every 5 seconds B) Provide 16 ventilations per minute C) Provide 30 ventilations per minute D) Provide 1 ventilation every 3 seconds


QUESTION: Which statement shows that an EMT understands field care of a patient with a possible joint dislocation? A) "Warm packs-not cold packs-are indicated for a patient with a possible joint injury." B) "If a joint injury is suspected, ice packs-but not splints-are indicated." C) "If a distal pulse is absent, three attempts to straighten the joint can be made." D) "The care for a patient with a joint injury is identical to that for a patient with a fracture."


QUESTION: You have been called to the local community hospital for a 48-year-old male who was involved in a motor vehicle collision 2 hours prior. He has been diagnosed with a cerebral contusion and must be transported to a trauma center for specialty care. As a knowledgeable EMT, you recognize that a cerebral contusion is: A) An open skull fracture with increased pressure in the skull B) Active bleeding between the brain and the skull C) The formation of a pocket of blood within the brain tissue D) Bruising and swelling of the brain tissue


QUESTION: A "whiplash"-type neck injury is most often observed with which type of collision? A) Rear-end impact B) Rollover C) Frontal impact D) Ejection


QUESTION: A 14-year-old male fell 10 feet from a retaining wall and hit his head on a metal post. He is responsive to verbal stimuli with incomprehensible speech. The secondary assessment indicates blood and fluid coming from inside the patient's left ear. Given these assessment findings, the EMT should: A) Place a piece of sterile gauze over the ear to catch the fluid B) Place a folded piece of gauze in the ear canal to stop the drainage C) Suction the blood from the ear so you can determine the source of bleeding D) Tilt the backboard to the left to allow the ear to drain freely


QUESTION: A 24-year-old female was an unrestrained driver of a car that struck a guardrail, causing her to sustain blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen. Vital signs obtained by Emergency Medical Responders are pulse 120 beats/min, respirations 22 breaths/min, blood pressure 100/78 mmHg, and SpO2 96%. As you transport her to the hospital, which finding indicates that the patient is deteriorating? A) Blood pressure 86/50 mmHg B) Blood coming from an abdominal laceration C) Heart rate of 124 beats/min D) Restless and confused mental status


QUESTION: A 27-year-old male fell down a full flight of stairs while escaping his burning apartment. Which assessment finding in this patient should demand your immediate attention? A) Burns on the face B) Tenderness to the right upper abdominal quadrant C) Deformity of the left wrist D) Full-thickness burn on the hands


QUESTION: A 28-year-old male was cutting limbs from a tree when he lost his footing and fell 20 feet. He is unresponsive and breathing very poorly, at 28 times per minute. His radial pulse is weak and thready, and his skin is cool to the touch. Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) have placed the patient on a nonrebreather face mask and are holding manual cervical spine motion restriction. A blanket has also been applied and covers the man. Based on these assessment findings, which instruction would you give to the EMRs? A) "Let's take off the oxygen mask and start positive pressure ventilation to assist his breathing." B) "Let's move him to the stretcher for immediate transport to the hospital." C) "Since he is unresponsive, let's open the airway with the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver." D) "Let's uncover him since increased temperature will dilate his blood vessels and drop his BP."


QUESTION: A 41-year-old male patient was struck in the head with a metal pipe during a fight with an angry neighbor. The scene is safe, and as you approach the patient, you note that he is combative and has blood on the left side of his head and face, and on his shirt. His breathing appears to be labored and he is incontinent of urine. Which care should you perform immediately? A) Take manual cervical spine motion restriction B) Check his pupils for equality and reactivity C) Expose the chest to look for possible bleeding D) Apply oxygen at 15 lpm via nonrebreather mask


QUESTION: A 49-year-old male has been stabbed in the lower right chest. Police tell you that the patient got into an argument with an unidentified man, who then stabbed him before fleeing the scene. After assessing the patient, you are suspicious that the knife punctured the lung and is causing internal bleeding. In this situation, the mechanism of injury would be: A) Stab wound to the right chest B) Assailant with a knife C) Internal hemorrhage D) Penetrating trauma to the lungs


QUESTION: A 52-year-old male is unresponsive and has bruises and lacerations to the head, chest, and abdomen. Bystanders state that the patient was intoxicated and got into a fight with several patrons of a bar. They state that he was beaten with his opponents' fists, but not other objects or weapons. The patient has snoring respirations, shallow breathing, and a strong radial pulse. His skin is warm and dry. After providing manual spine motion restriction, what should be your next action? A) Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver B) Start positive pressure ventilation C) Apply a cervical collar D) Insert a nasal or oral airway


QUESTION: A 57-year-old male fell 20 feet while setting up holiday lights on his roof. He impacted the ground feet first and has suffered open fractures to both tibias, with both bones protruding through the skin. Your assessment reveals him to be responsive to painful stimuli. His airway is open, his breathing is rapid, and his radial pulse is weak. The skin is cool and diaphoretic. Vital signs are pulse 132 beats/min, respirations 24 breaths/min, and blood pressure 106/90 mmHg. According to family, the patient has no pertinent medical history. Your partner is providing positive pressure ventilation. At this point in the patient's care, it is a priority for you to: A) Look for other injuries B) Cover the patient with a blanket C) Notify the hospital D) Immobilize the fractures


QUESTION: A 9-year-old boy has fallen from a swing. Assessment findings reveal no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation, but do indicate deformity, pain, and swelling to his right wrist. The right radial pulse is strong and is accompanied by skin that is pink and warm to the touch. Which action indicates that the EMT is properly caring for this patient? A) Applying cold packs to the wrist to reduce swelling B) Straightening the wrist to promote blood flow to the hand C) Massaging the wrist gently to decrease the pain D) Maintaining the wrist below the level of the heart to decrease swelling


QUESTION: A car, driven by an unrestrained male, strikes a utility pole at 35 mph. Given this scenario, which would be true? A) The internal organs struck the inside of the body at a speed of 35 mph B) The energy transferred to the body is increased by a factor of 2 C) The patient struck the steering wheel at a combined speed of 70 mph D) The utility pole absorbed half of the kinetic energy, so that the body collision occurred at a speed of 17.5 mph


QUESTION: A fair-skinned patient was exposed to the sun and has a painful superficial burn to her upper back. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that which layer(s) of the skin has been injured? A) Epidermal B) Epidermal and dermal C) Dermal D) Subcutaneous


QUESTION: A female lifeguard fell 10 feet from her chair and now has deformity, swelling, and ecchymosis to her right lower leg. The leg also is rotated medially. Another lifeguard has taken and is maintaining manual cervical spine motion restriction. As your partner conducts the primary assessment and finds no life threats or disturbances in her mental status, you should perform which action first? A) Manually stabilize the lower right leg B) Check the right foot for pulses and motor ability C) Align the leg in a neutral position D) Ready the traction splint for application


QUESTION: A male soccer player was struck in the head with a soccer ball. Players state that he was dazed for several seconds following the impact and then asked the same questions over and over. Presently, he is conscious and oriented to person, but confused about place and time. He also has a reddened area to the side of his head and face. As you proceed with your assessment, his memory continues to improve. Based on these findings, the EMT should suspect which type of injury? A) Concussion B) Epidural hematoma C) Cerebral contusion D) Open head injury


QUESTION: A middle-aged male died immediately after a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Which portion of the central nervous system was most likely damaged to cause such a rapid death? A) Brainstem B) Meninges C) Cerebellum D) Cerebrum


QUESTION: A partial thickness burn covering 8 percent of the body would be considered moderate for which patient? A) A 25-year-old patient with sickle cell disease B) A 40-year-old patient with accompanying superficial burns over 20 percent of the body C) A 20-year-old patient with an accompanying high-voltage burn D) A 30-year-old patient with burns to the genitalia


QUESTION: A patient complaining of a headache states that he fell and struck the back of his head. Which statement by the patient should be of most concern to the EMT? A) "I take a blood thinner for my heart." B) "I had a mini-stroke (TIA) five years ago." C) "I lost my balance after stumbling on the rug." D) "I had my appendix out two weeks ago."


QUESTION: A patient has a burn that completely encircles his right forearm and hand. After performing the primary assessment, the EMT should: A) Check for motor status, sensory status, and a pulse in the right upper extremity B) Evaluate and compare grip strength in the right and left hands C) Ask the patient to rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10 D) Carefully break the blisters to decrease the pressure caused by swelling


QUESTION: A patient has been pulled from a house fire. Assessment reveals him to be lethargic with stridorous respirations, minimal chest wall motion, and a rapid but strong radial pulse. Firefighters are dousing his body with water to cool him and ensure he is extinguished. Which action would the EMT perform immediately once the fire on the patient is adequately extinguished with water? A) Provide positive pressure ventilation with a bag-valve mask B) Begin removing the patient's clothes to determine the type of burn C) Determine if critical areas of the body have been burned D) Administer oxygen through a nonrebreather face mask and obtain a full set of vital signs


QUESTION: A patient has had part of his right thumb amputated in an industrial accident. Coworkers have retrieved the thumb and wrapped it in a towel. The EMT demonstrates appropriate handling of the amputated part when he: A) Wraps it in a dry sterile dressing B) Places the thumb in ice water C) Keeps the thumb warm during transport D) Places the thumb in sterile saline


QUESTION: A patient has suffered an open crush injury to his elbow. As you approach him, you note the patient is sitting upright and holding a towel to his elbow. Although the towel is soaked with blood, the elbow does not appear to be actively bleeding. Your first action in caring for this patient should be to: A) Evaluate the patient's airway B) Examine the patient's elbow C) Place a sterile dressing over the injury D) Apply supplemental oxygen


QUESTION: A patient who was involved in an altercation was struck on the side of the head with a baseball bat, in addition to suffering several blows to the arms and legs. When assessing this patient, which sign or symptom best indicates the patient has suffered a brain injury? A) Confusion and combativeness B) Complaint of a headache C) Weakness to both arms D) Ecchymosis to the side of the face


QUESTION: A patient whom you transported several days ago stops by your station to thank you. He reports that he was diagnosed with a strain to the lower right leg. As such, you recognize which structure as being affected by that injury? A) Muscle B) Joint C) Ligament D) Bone


QUESTION: A patient with diagnosed osteoporosis is more likely to sustain which type of bone injury? A) Fracture B) Joint sprain C) Strain D) Nontraumatic dislocation


QUESTION: A patient, who was constructing a bomb in his basement, has sustained a secondary-phase blast injury. Which presentation would the EMT most likely observe from this blast phase? A) Screwdriver impaled in the thorax B) Burns to the head, neck, and chest C) Complaint of nausea after inhaling fumes D) Headache and shortness of breath


QUESTION: A small metal rod was thrown from a metal lathe while it was in operation and is now impaled in a man's inner thigh. Assessment indicates that there is no active bleeding from the site, but the surrounding tissues are ecchymotic. The paramedic asks you to stabilize the rod with bulky dressings. You recognize this action is important because it will: A) Prevent motion of the rod and further internal injury B) Apply pressure to the broken blood vessels in the skin C) Control any internal hemorrhage that may be occurring D) Prevent bacteria from entering into the body


QUESTION: A student in a science lab has had an unknown chemical splashed into her eye. After assessing the airway, breathing, and circulation, the EMT would immediately: A) Flush the eye with copious amounts of tap water B) Cover both eyes with sterile dressing and provide rapid transport to the hospital C) Identify the chemical and determine whether a neutralizing solution can be used D) Examine the pupils and structures of the eye for damage


QUESTION: A young adult female was struck by a vehicle while she was riding her bicycle. She was not wearing a helmet. She is now unresponsive and has a deformity with a deep depression to the temporal area of the head. You do not see any bleeding, and the patient's scalp is intact. What is the greatest threat associated with this injury? A) Damage to the brain B) Loss of cerebrospinal fluid C) Potential for infection D) Fracture of the temporal bone


QUESTION: A young male was riding a motorcycle when he lost control and was thrown from the vehicle. The patient is unresponsive and receiving positive pressure ventilation. The secondary assessment reveals bright blood flowing from an unrecognized femoral bleed. Initial management of this bleeding would include: A) Direct pressure with a dressing applied B) Elevating the extremity and applying a cold compress C) Application of a proximal tourniquet D) Placing a tourniquet distal to the injury if direct pressure fails to stop the bleed


QUESTION: An 8-year-old boy fell forward off of a swing onto outstretched arms. He did not hit his head or lose consciousness and is complaining of left forearm pain. There is deformity to the left wrist, but no other injuries or life threats. His vital signs are pulse 132 beats/min, respirations 20 breaths/min, blood pressure 108/62 mmHg, and SpO2 100%. The proper care of this patient would be to: A) Secure the forearm to a padded board splint and apply a cold pack to the injury site before transporting the patient nonemergently B) Call ALS so that the patient can be given intravenous pain medications before splinting the forearm C) Immediately load and transport the patient, splinting the injury en route D) Apply supplemental oxygen and anatomically splint the forearm when the patient is placed on a long backboard


QUESTION: An intoxicated 28-year-old female has suffered burns to both legs after passing out next to a space heater, which ignited her pants. Emergency Medical Responders have removed her clothing and cooled the burns. Which action is most appropriate in the continued care of this patient? A) Cover the burns with a clean, white, dry sheet B) Carefully wrap the burn with a sterile wet burn sheet C) Place ice packs to the burn to continue cooling D) Clean the burn with sterile saline and cover it with gauze


QUESTION: An unrestrained driver of a car that has struck a tree at 45 mph has suffered a contusion to his heart. The EMT would recognize that this injury occurred during which impact of the collision? A) Organ collision B) Body collision C) Vehicle collision D) Physiological collision


QUESTION: During an in-service program focusing on care of the trauma patient, the medical director asks if anyone can correctly describe the "platinum 10 minutes." What statement by a participant is the best response? A) "EMS should initiate transport of the critically injured trauma patient to the hospital within 10 minutes of arriving on scene." B) "EMS systems should be designed so that it takes an ambulance no longer than 10 minutes to respond to a trauma call." C) "EMS should spend 10 minutes assessing the patient for life-threatening injuries prior to initiating transport to the emergency department." D) "If the transport to a trauma center will exceed 10 minutes, EMS should strongly consider the use of an aeromedical helicopter."


QUESTION: Family members report that their 62-year-old mother complained of dizziness and right leg weakness just before falling down a flight of stairs. Your assessment indicates that the patient is responsive, but confused and talking with garbled speech. Her breathing is adequate and her radial pulse is strong. Vital signs are pulse 84 beats/min, respirations 18 breaths/min, blood pressure 188/110 mmHg, and SpO2 96%. There is an open fracture to her right forearm. When instructed to do so, the patient does not move the fingers of her right hand. When caring for this patient, which sequence of actions seems most appropriate? A) Provide spine motion restriction precautions to include a cervical collar, long spine board, and straps before extricating her to the ambulance for immediate transport B) Splint the right arm in the position found and transfer the patient to the stretcher for immediate transport to the hospital without taking spinal motion restriction precautions C) Make sure that a radial pulse is present, and splint the right arm prior to moving the patient to the stretcher and then the ambulance, where she can be placed on a long spine board and provided with other spine motion restriction interventions D) Provide spine motion restriction precautions to include securing her on a long spine board, and then place a splint on her right arm prior to beginning a lights and sirens transport


QUESTION: For which patient would the palm method be best to estimate the body surface area affected by a burn? A) A 49-year-old patient with a partial-thickness burn to the inner thigh B) A 21-year-old patient with superficial burns to the entire back and neck C) A 27-year-old patient with full-thickness burns to the backs of the legs and arms D) A 3-year-old patient with partial-thickness burns to the anterior chest and abdomen


QUESTION: Severe external bleeding should be controlled during which phase of the patient assessment? A) Primary assessment B) Secondary assessment C) Scene size-up D) Reassessment


QUESTION: The EMT is by the side of a young female who was cut while washing dishes. She has a jagged laceration to her left forearm that is bleeding steadily and heavily. When attempting to control the bleeding, the EMT would first: A) Place a large sterile dressing over the site, with hand pressure applied over the top of the dressing B) Tightly wrap roller gauze around a large sterile dressing placed over the top of the injury C) Apply direct pressure to the elbow to slow the flow of blood into the distal arm D) Wrap the injury site tightly with roller gauze and apply a tourniquet above the laceration


QUESTION: The normal response of the pupils while examined with a penlight is described as: A) Consensual B) Diplopia C) Dilative D) Conjugate


QUESTION: The rapid secondary assessment of a male patient who was thrown off a motorcycle indicates instability and pain on palpation to the pelvic area. What is the EMT's primary concern related to this injury? A) Internal blood loss B) Pelvic or hip fracture C) Risk for infection D) Severe pain


QUESTION: What forms the physical barrier against the entrance of undesirable microorganisms, found in the environment, into the body? A) The skin B) White blood cells C) The small intestine D) Eschar tissue


QUESTION: What is an advantage of the Lund and Browder system of BSA estimation? A) It uses an age-related chart for more accurate determination B) It is integrated in the Broselow pediatric tape system C) It is more easily memorized than the rule of nines D) It is calibrated so that the EMT can use his own hand to estimate a small-area percentage


QUESTION: What is an emergency care measure for a patient with a possible bone fracture that can be an effective means to reduce pain? A) Splinting the fracture B) Administering oxygen C) Applying warm packs to the fracture site D) Gently massaging the injury site


QUESTION: What is considered to be a normal finding when assessing a patient with a possible head injury? A) The right pupil constricts when light is shined into the left pupil B) The right pupil dilates and the left pupil constricts when light is shined into the left eye C) The left pupil dilates when light is shined into the right pupil D) Both the left and right pupils dilate when light is shined into them


QUESTION: What is the best description of a topical hemostatic agent? A) A dressing that is specifically designed to stop bleeding B) A rapid-acting pill that promotes clotting in the body C) A topical medication that reduces the risk of infection D) A liquid that stops bleeding by "gluing" the edges of a laceration together


QUESTION: What is the best description of the goal of a trauma system? A) Getting the right patient to the right facility in the right amount of time B) Providing all trauma patients with a complete battery of diagnostic tests and access to specialists C) Providing the highest level of care possible within a 10-minute transport time frame for all patients D) Transporting as many patients as possible by air medical transportation


QUESTION: When managing a patient with a soft tissue injury, it is essential that the EMT performs which action? A) Use the appropriate personal protective equipment B) Cover hematomas with occlusive dressings C) Control bleeding with a tourniquet if the bleeding is arterial in nature D) Thoroughly disinfect dirty lacerations


QUESTION: When teaching Emergency Medical Responders about air bags, which point would you emphasize? A) The benefit of air bags is lessened in a multiple-vehicle collision impact B) Properly placed air bags eliminate the need for seat belts C) Air bags are effective in decreasing injury in a rollover-type collision D) Air bags prevent broken glass from striking the occupant


QUESTION: When triaging multiple burn patients, the EMT would recognize which patient as having the most critical burn? A) A 22-year-old patient with a partial-thickness burn to the right hand B) A 58-year-old patient with a scald burn to the anterior chest C) A 12-year-old patient with a superficial burn to the neck and chest D) A 41-year-old patient with a partial-thickness burn to the upper left arm


QUESTION: When using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), the EMT understands that: A) The higher score, the better the patient's neurologic status B) The score identifies the type of head injury sustained C) A lower score numerically indicates less severity, just like the Revised Trauma Score (RTS) D) The score must be combined with vital signs


QUESTION: Which assessment finding would best indicate that a patient has suffered a full-thickness burn to his leg? A) Dry skin with little pain B) Charred skin with intense pain C) Moist skin with blisters D) Red skin that is painful


QUESTION: Which assessment finding would contraindicate the use of the traction splint? A) Deformity to the hip B) Open fracture C) Numbness to the foot D) Decreased pedal pulse


QUESTION: Which bodily activity is a function of a voluntary muscle? A) Chewing food B) Contraction of the heart C) Movement of food through the intestines D) Release of hormones into the bloodstream


QUESTION: Which observations would cause the EMT to classify a patient's soft tissue injury as an abrasion? A) Skin is scraped and red; blood is oozing from the injury site B) Irregular break in the skin; bleeding is moderate but controllable C) Intact skin with large accumulation of dark blood underneath D) Intact skin with ecchymosis noted; patient reports minor pain


QUESTION: Which patient has an isolated brain injury that should be considered the most serious? A) A 21-year-old male wearing a deformed motorcycle helmet who does not respond to verbal or painful stimuli after crashing B) A 31-year-old male who fell from a roof and who is now nonverbal and extends his arms and legs when you pinch the muscles on his shoulder C) A 62-year-old female who fell and hit her head and who is becoming more confused and combative D) A 53-year-old female who crashed her bicycle and who has a large laceration that is bleeding heavily on the back of her head


QUESTION: Which type of injury is most likely to result in capillary bleeding only? A) Abrasion B) Avulsion C) Penetration D) Laceration


QUESTION: While on standby at a semi-professional baseball game, you are summoned onto the field at home plate for a player who complains of severe leg pain after colliding with the catcher of the opposing team. The primary assessment shows no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. The secondary assessment reveals a severely deformed knee that is swollen and ecchymotic. The leg is pale and cool, and the patient cannot move his leg when asked to do so. In addition, you cannot palpate a pedal pulse. What should the EMT's priority action be at this time? A) Attempt to straighten the leg until a pulse returns B) Check the patient's radial or carotid pulse C) Apply cold packs to the knee and transport immediately D) Apply a traction splint and enough traction until a pulse returns


QUESTION: While riding a bike, a young boy fell onto a stick protruding from the ground. The stick impaled him in the neck. The boy immediately pulled the stick out and ran home, where his mother called 911. Assessment reveals a gaping wound to the right neck. All hemorrhage has clotted off and manual cervical spine motion restriction is being maintained. Which instructions should you provide to the other EMTs on scene? A) "Place an occlusive dressing over the wound and tape it on all four sides." B) "Apply a sterile dressing over the wound and hold it in place by wrapping roller gauze around his neck." C) "Do not worry about covering the wound; just place a cervical collar on the patient and carefully transfer him to the long board." D) "Take some sterile gauze and carefully place it inside the open wound to prevent additional bleeding.


QUESTION: Why would an EMT be concerned about a partial-thickness burn circumferentially to the chest? A) Restriction of breathing B) Lung tissue involvement C) Impact on the heart D) Large burn area


QUESTION: You are assessing a patient who was involved in a motorcycle accident. He states that he saw an oncoming car and "laid the bike down" to avoid an outright collision. He was wearing a helmet. Which injury pattern would make sense given the action of the motorcyclist? A) Burn to the inside of the leg from the motorcycle exhaust pipe B) "Road rash" to the entire body surface C) Bilateral broken forearms with upper extremity trauma D) Angulation to both femurs with protrusion


QUESTION: You are called by the owner of a restaurant for a female patron who spilled hot tea onto her right thigh. Your assessment reveals the burn area to be soft, red, and painful. The skin is intact with no blister formation noted, although some edema is present. Based on these assessment findings, you would recognize this injury as belonging to which category of burn? A) Superficial B) Full thickness C) Deep partial thickness D) Partial thickness


QUESTION: You are called for an alert and oriented female who had a cesarean section several days ago. Today, the patient bent over and tore the surgical incision open. There is a moderate amount of bleeding coming from the site, but otherwise the patient is stable. What should the EMT do to control the bleeding? A) Apply a multitrauma dressing over the incision B) Administer supplemental oxygen C) Place a saline-soaked bandage over the top of the incision D) Pack sterile gauze dressings into the incision


QUESTION: You are responding to a call for a 4-year-old child hit by a car. When assessing this child, which injury patterns would you recognize as typical based on the child's age and mechanism of injury? A) Deformed femurs, bruises to the chest and abdomen, and head injury B) Bilateral ankle deformity, contusions to the back, and face trauma C) Head injury with deformities to both upper arms and neck trauma D) Left arm and leg deformities, and head injury


QUESTION: You arrive at a hunting camp for a hunter who stumbled over a rock and caught himself on his outstretched arm. The patient denies hitting his head or neck. There are no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. The patient has swelling and ecchymosis to his left wrist. A radial pulse is readily palpated and the skin in the hand is warm to the touch. Which instructions given by the EMT to other rescuers indicates proper care of this patient? A) "After we splint his wrist, we will need to elevate it during transport to decrease the opportunity for swelling." B) "When you splint that arm, make sure that it is somewhat loose so the patient can move it if he becomes uncomfortable." C) "Since he still has a pulse in that arm, the swelling must be from a muscle injury. We can forego the splint and just apply ice packs." D) "Make sure to wrap that splint as tightly as you can; we need a lot of pressure to prevent additional swelling."


QUESTION: You believe that a patient who has been shot in the lower abdomen is bleeding internally and is in an early stage of shock. The patient's mental status is decreasing. What would be appropriate prehospital care of this patient? A) Oxygen therapy and rapid transport to the hospital B) Supine position and administration of water by mouth C) Semi-Fowler's position and direct pressure over the injury site D) Oxygen therapy and cold packs to the abdomen


QUESTION: You have been called for a patient who had a large bag of lime powder tear as he was unloading it from a truck. On your arrival, the patient complains of burning to both legs. You note that, aside from the shorts he is wearing, lime dust has covered both legs. Your immediate action would be to: A) Brush as much of the lime off his legs as possible B) Move the patient to the stretcher for immediate transport C) Cut his clothes off to better assess the extent of the burns D) Wash his legs off with large amounts of water


QUESTION: You have been called to a residence of a patient with diabetes who exhibits an altered mental status. A family member states she could not reach the patient by telephone, so she came over and found the patient awake but confused. The patient can remember his name and address, but cannot remember the day or year. He refuses to go to the hospital, but consents to an assessment. Of these physical exam findings discerned on assessment, which one is most concerning? A) Bruise to the left temple B) SpO2 of 95% on room air C) Blood glucose level of 77 mg/dL D) Heart rate of 82 beats/min


QUESTION: A 24-year-old man was shocked while working on his house's electrical system. Assessment reveals a minor burn to the fingers on his left hand. Aside from being slightly shaky, the patient states he feels fine and does not see the need to be treated further or transported to the hospital. Which statement would you make before allowing him to refuse additional care and transport? A) "You need to get the burn site cleaned to avoid infection. This can be done in the hospital emergency department." B) "It would be best to let the emergency physician check you out. Electrical shocks can damage the heart or other internal structures." C) "Electrical burns typically increase in pain as time goes on. The hospital emergency department can give you pain medication." D) "You really need to be evaluated in the hospital emergency department. The shock puts you at high risk for a stroke within the next 48 hours."


QUESTION: A 23-year-old roofer has fallen 20 feet from the roof of a house into shrubs below. Aside from superficial abrasions and complaint of soreness, you detect no obvious injuries. Consequently, the patient states that as long as his legs are not broken, he does not see the need to go to the hospital. As a knowledgeable EMT, your best response would be: A) "Since you did not lose consciousness, I feel better about having you refuse. Just keep an eye on your feet and watch for swelling." B) "In a fall from this height, you may have hurt some internal organs. You really need to be examined." C) "Although you feel okay now, you will most likely be sore later on. Why don't we go to the hospital and ask about some medications for pain?" D) "Since this is a work-related injury, you should really be evaluated in the hospital. Worker's compensation may not cover you if you do not."


QUESTION: A 51-year-old female patient tripped in the kitchen and fell against a deep fryer, splashing hot oil onto her right arm. Assessment reveals partial- and deep partial-thickness burns to her arm. You estimate that the burn covers 4 to 5 percent of her body. Which statement, made by the patient, provides the most important information for determining the overall severity of the burn from a medical standpoint? A) "I had a burn like this several years ago." B) "I have had diabetes for several years." C) "The doctor said that I scar very easily." D) "I think that I lost control of my bladder."


QUESTION: A 62-year-old male was the restrained driver of a car that was hit on the driver's side. Emergency Medical Responders have extricated the patient and provided spinal motion restriction precautions, including a cervical collar, long board, and straps. When asked, the patient complains of dizziness as well as left leg and left arm pain. Assessment reveals multiple contusions and deformity to his left forearm and a laceration with minor bleeding to the left side of his face. The patient's airway is open and his breathing is labored. A rapid radial pulse is felt. Skin is cool and dry. Which assessment finding would the EMT address first? A) Rapid pulse B) Labored breathing C) Complaint of dizziness D) Bleeding from facial laceration


QUESTION: A female patient has been involved in a motorcycle crash. Your scene size-up reveals her to be unresponsive and lying in the roadway. It also appears that her left leg has been amputated at the knee. What should the EMT do immediately? A) Cover the knee with a sterile dressing B) Perform a jaw-thrust maneuver C) Assess the leg for bleeding D) Locate the amputated leg


QUESTION: A male patient has been shot in the chest with a small-caliber gun. Which presentation indicates that he is in an early stage of shock? A) Confused, pulse 44 beats/min, BP 110/68 mmHg, cool and cyanotic skin B) Alert and anxious, pulse 96 beats/min, BP 134/88 mmHg, pale and cool skin C) Slightly confused, pulse 116 beats/min, BP 112/90 mmHg, warm and flushed skin D) Confused and anxious, pulse 144 beats/min, BP 82 mmHg/palpation, cool and mottled skin


QUESTION: A male patient has just been burned with hot water and has blisters on his left arm. The EMT would recognize that: A) This burn shows signs and symptoms of infection B) Fluid has collected between the layers of skin C) Medium and large blood vessels have ruptured D) This burn can be classified as superficial


QUESTION: A male patient who works in a steel fabricating plant has suffered a flash burn to his right arm and hand. Which assessment finding would assist the EMT in determining that the burn is superficial and not partial thickness? A) Poor capillary refill B) Absence of blisters C) Strong radial pulse D) Presence of pain


QUESTION: A man has been bitten in his arm by his dog. He states that the bite occurred several hours earlier, when he accidentally stepped on the dog's paw. When asked, he tells you that the dog is up-to-date on all her shots, including the rabies vaccine. Assessment reveals two small puncture wounds to the hand with some bruising in the surrounding tissue. The patient wants to refuse treatment and transport. Given these assessment findings, what is the primary reason this patient should be seen in the emergency department? A) Need to complete a police report B) Risk for infection C) Possible shock from blood loss D) Prevent formation of a contusion


QUESTION: A middle-aged male's arm became caught in a grinding machine, and the arm was eventually extricated from the machine by coworkers. As you approach the patient, you note him to be holding a bloody towel over a severely deformed right arm. The patient is alert and anxious, and he has a patent airway. His breathing is adequate and his left radial pulse is fast and strong. You note his skin to be cool and diaphoretic. Given this information, which care would be provided first for this patient? A) Insert an oropharyngeal airway and administer oxygen B) Administer supplemental oxygen C) Perform a detailed secondary exam focusing on his arm D) Start positive pressure ventilation


QUESTION: A patient fell and sustained an open fracture to the left humerus. However, assessment reveals the bone to have pulled back into the arm. Bleeding from the site is controlled. How will splinting the left arm benefit this patient? A) Eliminate the possibility of infection through the open wound B) Decrease the opportunity for further injury to nerves and blood vessels C) Convert the open fracture to a closed fracture and maintain it as such D) Start the process of healing by aligning and connecting the bone ends


QUESTION: A patient has full-thickness burns to the fronts of both legs and the entire left arm. Using the rule of nines, the EMT should estimate what percentage of the patient's body has been burned? A) 32 percent B) 27 percent C) 45 percent D) 36 percent


QUESTION: A patient has suffered a superficial burn to the chest, arms, and face after pouring gasoline on a smoldering campfire and accidently inhaling the plume of smoke and fire that erupted suddenly. He is now coughing. Which statement indicates that the EMT is properly caring for him? A) "I need to clean the dirt from the burned area to prevent an infection." B) "Throughout transport, I am going to listen to your lungs quite frequently." C) "I am going to apply a special antibiotic lotion to the burned areas to prevent scarring." D) "We are going to put ice packs to your chest to cool the burn."


QUESTION: A patient presents with an arrow impaled in the right lower quadrant of his abdomen. He is in excruciating pain and states that he was accidentally shot by a friend while hunting. While there is no external bleeding coming from the injury, the surrounding skin is ecchymotic. Other assessment findings, such as the vital signs, indicate the patient is in early shock. Which action should the EMT perform first? A) Establish manual cervical spine motion restriction B) Administer supplemental oxygen C) Stabilize the arrow with an occlusive dressing D) Carefully remove the arrow


QUESTION: A patient was ejected from a car when it overturned at a high rate of speed. The patient is unresponsive. The primary assessment is complete and you are providing positive pressure ventilation with supplemental oxygen. The patient has a significant deformity to the right side of his head, and both pupils are equal but slow to react to light. The patient also has deformity to the forearms. Vital signs are pulse, 144 beats/min; respirations, 24 breaths/min and inadequate; blood pressure, 90/50 mmHg; and SpO 2, 97%. Based on this presentation, the EMT should: A) Check the blood glucose level and prepare for possible seizure activity B) Look for evidence of bleeding in an area of the body other than the brain C) Splint both arms and reassess the vital signs prior to departing the scene D) Reassess the pupils and treat the patient for a severe head injury


QUESTION: A patient who was involved in a motor vehicle collision is complaining of neck pain. Which piece of information would most contribute to the EMT's high index of suspicion that the patient may have suffered more significant injuries beyond isolated neck pain? A) Lack of air bags in the car B) Death of the car's driver C) Difficulty turning is head to the right D) External damage to the car is significant


QUESTION: A patient with Cushing reflex is most likely experiencing which pathophysiology? A) Shock B) Brain herniation C) Concussion D) Hypovolemia


QUESTION: A pregnant 31-year-old female has been shot in the neck. Currently, she is responsive to verbal stimuli, with an open airway and rapid, but adequate respirations. Her radial pulse is weak and fast. Vital signs are as follows: pulse 152 beats/min, respirations 22 breaths/min, blood pressure 92/76 mmHg, and SpO2 100% on high-concentration oxygen as initiated by the fire department EMRs. Which other intervention by the EMT will most benefit this patient? A) Apply a bulky dressing to the neck and transport the patient in a semi-Fowler's position B) Place an occlusive dressing on the neck and keep the patient warm during transport C) Apply the pneumatic anti-shock garment (PASG) D) Wait on scene for an ALS paramedic with an ETA of 10 minutes


QUESTION: A splint applied too loosely can lead to which complication? A) New fractures along the bone B) Laceration of previously intact blood vessels C) Increased risk for infection D) Conversion of an open fracture to a closed fracture


QUESTION: A teenage female patient was ejected from a car as it rolled down a hill after she ran off the road. She is responsive, but with signs of early shock and respiratory distress. She has bruising to her anterior abdomen and chest, a laceration to her left temple, and deformity to her left wrist. At which point should the wrist injury be splinted? A) Before transferring the patient to the stretcher B) En route to the hospital C) Just before leaving the scene D) Prior to full spinal motion restriction precautions being provided


QUESTION: A woman fell from a second-story window onto the concrete sidewalk below. She is unresponsive and has a large depression to the back and top of her skull. Additional findings include abdominal bruising and an angulated left ankle. Your partner reports that the patient's vital signs are pulse, 68 beats/min; respirations, 14 breaths/min and irregular; blood pressure, 198/112 mmHg; and SpO2, 91% on room air. Based on these assessment findings, what should the EMT suspect is occurring? A) Shock caused by bleeding, most likely in the abdomen B) Severe head injury with increasing pressure within the skull C) Shock caused by bleeding within the head D) Past medical history of untreated hypertension


QUESTION: A young adult male is in police custody after he crashed his car into a utility pole. There is minor front-end damage to the vehicle, and the air bags deployed. The patient was not wearing a seat belt and has an abrasion to his forehead. He is awake and oriented to person, time, and place. His speech is slurred and he has an odor resembling that of beer on his breath. The arresting officer states that he just wants you to check the patient before he transports him to jail. Given this scenario, which action seems most appropriate for the EMT to take? A) Have the officer sign a refusal-of-care form B) Contact medical direction with assessment findings C) Release the patient to the police since he is alert and oriented D) Have the patient sign a refusal-of-care form if no threats exist


QUESTION: A young female patient was walking on a 7-foot-high retaining wall when she lost her balance, stumbled, and fell from the wall. She impacted a concrete sidewalk surface with her left foot and left hand. Your assessment reveals ecchymosis, deformity, and edema to both the left foot and the left hand. Based on the concept of injury caused by indirect force, where else should the EMT look for injury? A) Left fingers B) Left hip C) Left toes D) Left ankle


QUESTION: A young female wears her lap belt too low, over her upper thighs, because the belt is uncomfortable when worn properly. If she is involved in a head-on "up and over" type of collision, to which injury is she most prone, given the position of her lap belt? A) Tibia-fibula fractures B) Dislocated hips C) Bilateral arm fractures D) Internal abdominal injury


QUESTION: A young male patient was running through a park shortly before dawn and struck his head on a 1) low-hanging branch of a tree. Emergency Medical Responders have already provided spine motion restriction precautions and are providing supplemental oxygen since the patient was initially unresponsive. During transport, which finding obtained during your reassessment would best indicate that the patient has experienced a concussion? A) Persistent confusion B) Improving memory C) Elevated blood pressure D) Unequal grip strength


QUESTION: After assessing these patients, which would the EMT identify as suffering from multisystem trauma? A) An 89-year-old female who fell in a nursing home and has a hematoma to the back of her head B) A 61-year-old male who became dizzy and fell down five stairs, and who has a laceration to the head and open fracture of the left lower leg C) A 24-year-old male who slipped on ice and has tenderness to the right shoulder D) A 31-year-old female who has a large laceration to her leg from a hunting knife, with bleeding controlled


QUESTION: An intoxicated teenage male with a history of diabetes fell down five stairs and is now responding to a shoulder pinch with garbled speech. Manual spine motion restriction precautions are being maintained by fire department EMRs. The primary assessment reveals an open airway, adequate breathing, and strong radial pulse. Vital signs are pulse 122 beats/min, respirations 18 breaths/min, blood pressure 108/60 mmHg, and SpO2 97% on room air. The patient's skin is warm and dry. Which action would be performed next? A) Obtain another set of vital signs B) Perform a secondary exam C) Administer oral glucose D) Start hyperventilation


QUESTION: An unrestrained female driving a small car is involved in a rollover-type collision. Why is her risk for serious injury or death significantly increased? A) The risk for ejection is lessened, increasing injuries suffered in the car B) There are more impacts in a rollover causing injury C) Smaller and lighter cars tend to roll multiple times D) Rollovers are the result of high speeds


QUESTION: Another crew has called for your assistance in extricating an obese male with a nosebleed from a third-floor bedroom. As you enter the room, which observation indicates proper management of the patient's condition? A) The patient is supine, head turned to the side, blood draining from the nose and mouth, with a cold pack applied to the bridge of the nose B) The patient is sitting upright, leaning forward, with nostrils pinched shut C) The patient is lying on his side, a loose dressing has been applied below his nose, and a cold pack is on the bridge of his nose D) The patient is sitting upright, head tilted back, with sterile gauze packed in each nostril


QUESTION: As part of your service to the community, you are certified as a car seat specialist and provide monthly classes on the safe transport of infants and children. Over the course of one day, several cars have pulled into your EMS station and asked you to look at their car seats. Which car seat position would indicate that the parent is safely transporting his or her infant (younger than 1 year old)? A) Facing forward in the back seat in a reclined position (60 degrees) B) Facing backward in the back seat in a reclined position (45 degrees) C) Facing backward in an upright position in the front seat (45 degrees) D) Facing forward in the back seat in an upright position (60 degrees) 31)


QUESTION: Emergency Medical Responders have removed an intoxicated and confused patient from a car that struck another vehicle at a high rate of speed. The patient was unrestrained and his car did not have air bags. Assessment reveals deformity bilaterally to the hips and femurs and bruising to the knees. Based on this injury pattern, the EMT would recognize which type of injury mechanism? A) Up and over B) Down and under C) High velocity D) Lateral impact


QUESTION: Firefighters are extricating the driver of a small car that was struck broadside by a delivery truck at a moderate rate of speed. The patient was unrestrained, and the car sustained severe damage to the driver's side. As the male patient is pulled from the car, you note severe deformity to his left thigh area where an open femur fracture has been bleeding severely. Your primary assessment shows the patient to be responsive to painful stimuli, with an open airway and adequate breathing at 20 breaths per minute. His radial pulse is present but rapid at a rate of 124. After applying oxygen and stopping the leg bleed with direct pressure, the EMT should immediately: A) Check for a pedal pulse in the left foot B) Conduct a rapid secondary assessment C) Apply a traction splint to the left legD) Examine the left leg


QUESTION: In the human body, which condition is present when a person is in shock? A) The cells get glucose and other nutrients, but not oxygen B) The cells do not get enough oxygen and waste products accumulate C) The amount of oxygen to the cells is adequate, but CO 2 is not being eliminated D) The blood has an adequate amount of oxygen, but not enough nutrients for cell survival


QUESTION: Prior to your arrival on the scene of a motorcycle crash, an Emergency Medical Responder contacts you via radio and reports that there is one patient who has an avulsion to her left arm. As a knowledgeable EMT, which kind of injury should you anticipate? A) Bruised skin with a portion of bone protruding B) Loose flap of skin torn on the patient's left arm C) Long and deep laceration with moderate bleeding D) Torn skin with an underlying fracture


QUESTION: The EMT understands the importance of evaluating the mechanism of injury when he states: A) "The mechanism of injury is a useful tool in determining whether the patient's outcome will be good or bad." B) "The mechanism of injury can be used to guide the EMT's injury assessment and treatment of the patient." C) "The mechanism of injury is useful in determining the exact injuries the patient has sustained." D) "Evaluating the mechanism of injury is important because it determines whether emergency transport to the hospital is needed."


QUESTION: The EMT's initial concern when treating a patient with a gunshot wound to the chest is: A) Evaluating for shock B) Ensuring an open airway C) Looking for an exit wound D) Applying sterile bandages


QUESTION: The parameters of the Glasgow Coma Scale are: A) Verbal and motor response B) Eyes, motor, and verbal response C) Mental status, vital signs, and verbal response D) Vital signs and mental status


QUESTION: Two cars have collided head-on. One car was traveling at a speed of 55 mph and the other at 35 mph. The total speed of impact would be: A) 55 mph B) 90 mph C) 20 mph D) 35 mph


QUESTION: When classifying a burn as either superficial, partial thickness, or full thickness, the EMT would need to determine the: A) Time of heat exposure B) Depth of the burn C) Percentage of body burned D) Agent causing the burn


QUESTION: When using an air splint, the EMT must remember that air splints: A) Are contraindicated for joint injuries B) Can decrease circulation in the extremity C) Should never be applied circumferentially D) Do not fully immobilize a possible fracture


QUESTION: Which of the statements concerning trauma is most accurate? A) The mechanism of injury is the best predictor of patient outcome B) Multisystem trauma has a higher mortality rate than single-system injuries C) A "spider web" or "star" pattern of cracks on the windshield means the patient impacted the windshield with his head D) Falls are the leading cause of trauma deaths


QUESTION: Which of these is a high-velocity wound that carries the greatest risk for death when considering the concept of cavitation? A) Stab wound to the liver B) Gunshot wound to the spleen C) Gunshot wound to the stomach D) Shotgun wound to the lung


QUESTION: Which piece of information would you provide to a group of young teenage drivers to decrease their chance of suffering a "whiplash"-type injury if involved in a motor vehicle collision? A) Make sure the car has side-door air bags B) Ensure that the head rest is properly positioned C) Position the car's seats in a full upright position D) Properly wear seat belts with a headrest in the down position


QUESTION: Which statement concerning a flash burn is accurate? A) A flash burn is caused by UV radiation B) Clothing will typically protect the skin from a flash burn C) A flash burn is the result of welding without proper protection D) Turnout gear does not provide adequate protection from a flash burn


QUESTION: Which statement made by the EMT shows an understanding of dressing and bandaging a wound? A) "When applying a bandage over a dressing, I apply it loosely so as not to interfere with circulation to the extremity." B) "I always leave the tips of the fingers or toes exposed when bandaging the arm or leg so future assessment of circulation is possible." C) "I always bandage across the joint above the wound since this helps control bleeding by applying pressure to the proximal blood vessels." D) "If bleeding from a wound cannot be initially stopped with direct pressure, I apply a bandage and dressing so I can take care of other injuries."


QUESTION: Which statement made by the EMT shows an understanding of how an open wound should be bandaged? A) "You must always make sure that the bandage is sterile." B) "I use bandaging material to secure the sterile dressing in place." C) "After you apply a bandage, you should place a dressing over it." D) "Bandages are sterile gauze pads used to stop bleeding."


QUESTION: Which statement made by your new EMT partner best describes the way to determine the severity of a patient's blood loss? A) "I estimate the blood loss based on the fact that one cup of blood is about 250 mL." B) "I use the patient's signs and symptoms to judge the severity of the blood loss." C) "If the pulse rate is greater than 100 beats per minute, the patient has lost at least 200 mL of blood." D) "I look at the blood pressure, and if it is less than 100 mmHg systolic, the patient has lost 500 mL of blood."


QUESTION: Which statement regarding voluntary muscles is true? A) Voluntary muscles are composed of less tissue mass compared to involuntary muscles B) Voluntary muscles generally connect to the bones of the skeletal system C) Voluntary muscles produce movement by extending in most circumstances D) Voluntary muscles are primarily located on the torso


QUESTION: While en route to a domestic violence incident with possible injuries, the police contact you and report that a male patient has arterial bleeding from a stab wound to the arm. Given this information, which bleeding characteristics do you expect? A) Bright red blood oozing from the injury site that is easy to control B) Bright red blood that is spurting with each beat of the heart C) Spurting blood that is dark red in color and difficult to control D) Dark red blood flowing from the injury that is difficult to control


QUESTION: You are assessing a patient who has sustained blunt trauma to the head. Which sign would be most indicative of the loss of cerebrospinal fluid? A) Red-tinged fluid in the ear canal B) Clear fluid coming from the nose C) Light bruising around both eyes D) Dark bruising on the forehead


QUESTION: You are assessing an elderly male patient who was trapped in a burning trailer. Which finding would be most indicative that he has an inhalation injury? A) Heart rate of 126 beats/min B) Coughing of black sputum C) Partial-thickness burn to the left side of the face D) Blood coming from the nose


QUESTION: You are assessing the pupils of a patient who hit his head after falling from the top of a tractor trailer. Which pupillary finding suggests a closed head injury? A) Both pupils dilate when light is shielded from the eyes B) The left pupil constricts to light but the right pupil does not C) Both the left and right pupils constrict vigorously in response to light D)The right pupil constricts when light is shined into the left pupil


QUESTION: You are called for a 2-year-old boy who has a nosebleed. While you are en route to the call, the dispatcher informs you that the patient has hemophilia. As an EMT, you should recognize that: A) The patient's blood is infectious B) The bleeding may be significant C) The patient requires oxygen D) A mask will need to be worn


QUESTION: You arrive at a meat packing plant to find a 30-year-old male patient who was cut in the wrist with a sharp knife. The patient appears pale, and blood is spurting from the laceration. Your immediate action would be to: A) Check the pulse and blood pressure B) Apply direct pressure to the laceration C) Assess and manage the airway D) Provide supplemental oxygen


QUESTION: You have arrived on the scene of an explosion in a warehouse used to store fertilizers. A paramedic, who has already triaged the nine patients involved, directs you to a young man sitting under a tree. The man states that he is having excruciating ear pain. The initial assessment and rapid trauma assessment reveal no obvious injuries. Given this presentation, the EMT would recognize the injury was likely sustained: A) After the secondary blast phase B) During the primary blast phase C) From the noise of the explosion D) As a result of exposure to superheated air


QUESTION: You have been called for a 44-year-old male who was burned on the right hand and arm after falling against the hot door of an industrial incinerator. When you arrive on the scene, a nurse employed by the company informs you that he sustained a partial-thickness burn. Based on this information, the EMT should expect which characteristics at the burn site? A) Reddened skin with decreased pain sensation B) Intense pain and blister formation C) Leathery skin that remains hot to the touch D) Decreased pain but significant edema


QUESTION: You have just applied a pressure dressing to the leg of a woman who suffered a deep laceration to her calf from a piece of broken glass. What should you do next? A) Obtain a follow-up blood pressure B) Assess for a pedal pulse C) Assess the blood glucose level to determine if hypoglycemia contributed to the accident D) Apply a tourniquet above the laceration


QUESTION: You respond to a single -car accident in which an unrestrained 3-year-old child was thrown from the back seat into the windshield, striking his head. As your partner applies spine motion restriction precautions, you note that the child has a patent airway, is breathing well, and is alert and oriented; however, you also notice that blood and fluid are draining from his right ear. How would you treat the bleeding? A) Apply a hemostatic agent to the ear canal B) Apply a dressing loosely over the ear to absorb the blood and fluid C) Pack the external ear canal to control bleeding, being careful not to rupture the eardrum D) Quickly cover the ear with your gloved hand


QUESTION: You suspect that an unhelmeted male patient who was thrown from a motorcycle may have a basilar skull fracture. As you perform the secondary assessment, which finding would reinforce this suspicion? A) Blood coming from both the ears and the nose B) Clear fluid coming from the right ear and the left nostril C) Paralysis of the left arm and leg D) Dilation and sluggish response of the right pupil to light


QUESTION: Your assessment of a patient who was involved in a motor vehicle collision reveals a deformity to the left side of the head underneath the hair. On further inspection, you note that the skin overlying the deformity is still intact. Based on these assessment findings, what should be the EMT's greatest concern? A) Potential for infection of the brain B) Possible brain injury C) Soft tissue trauma to the scalp D) Fracture of the skull


QUESTION: A young adult male has a gunshot wound to the left side of his head. He is unresponsive with snoring respirations. He is breathing 6 times per minute with a pulse rate of 52 beats/min and a blood pressure of 192/104 mmHg. His radial pulse is strong and his skin is cool, but not diaphoretic. In addition to spine motion restriction precautions, the first intervention for this patient would be: A) Inserting an oropharyngeal airway B) Administering high-concentration oxygen via a nonrebreather mask C) Performing a jaw-thrust maneuver D) Administering positive pressure ventilation


QUESTION: Which question is best asked when attempting to determine the degree of sensation in the hand of a patient who has an elbow injury? A) "Does your hand feel as though it is asleep?" B) "Do you have feeling in your hand?" C) "Can you tell me which finger I am touching?" D) "Can you tell me if you have paresthesia in your hand?"


QUESTION: A 20-year-old waitress spilled hot coffee and burned her right forearm. When assessing the burn, you note a full-thickness burn surrounded by partial-thickness burns. The patient complains of pain in the surrounding partial-thickness burn, but not in the center where the full-thickness burn is located. As an EMT, you recognize that the patient does not localize pain to the center of the burn because of: A) Injury to pain receptors in the subcutaneous layer B) Injury of the epidermal nerve endings C) Destruction of pain receptors located in the dermis D) Damage of pain receptors in the epidermis


QUESTION: A 21-year-old male has a gunshot wound to the head. As you assess him, which finding would you recognize as a nonpurposeful response to pain? A) Exhibiting no response to any stimuli B) Attempting to move his hand away from you as you pinch it C) Flexing his arms across his chest when you pinch his shoulder D) Garbled and incomprehensible speech when you call his name


QUESTION: A 24-year-old male has cut his arm with a table saw. Assessment reveals dark red blood flowing steadily from the laceration. As an EMT, you would identify this bleeding as: A) Capillary B) Arterial C) Venous D) Lymphatic


QUESTION: A 40-year-old homeless male is found lying in the street. The physical examination reveals that the patient has a stab wound to the mid-chest. He is unresponsive and his skin is cool to the touch. His respirations are snoring at 40 breaths/min and his pulse is 120 beats/min. Which care should the EMT provide first? A) Listen to breath sounds B) Apply a sterile dressing to the wound C) Perform a jaw-thrust maneuver D) Start positive pressure ventilations


QUESTION: A 44-year-old electrician has been shocked. He now responds to verbal stimuli with garbled speech. His airway is open and he is breathing poorly at a rate of 8 times per minute. His pulse is slow and irregular. Which action would the EMT perform next? A) Obtain the patient's pulse, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry reading B) Attach but do not turn on the automated external defibrillator C) Ventilate with a bag-valve mask at 10 breaths/min D) Insert an oral airway and apply 15 lpm oxygen with a nonrebreather mask


QUESTION: A 48-year-old male is in shock from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle collision. Which assessment finding(s) is (are) most suggestive that the patient may have internal bleeding? A) Evisceration of abdominal contents B) Heart rate of 148 beats/min C) Pelvic instability with a BP of 78/48 mmHg D) Patient responds to painful stimuli with a moan


QUESTION: A 49-year-old male was climbing on a truck at a construction site when he fell backward to the ground. He presents with a 2-inch linear wound to the top of his head. Bleeding has been controlled and the skull can be seen through the wound. How should you document this injury on the prehospital care report? A) Avulsion B) Contusion C) Laceration D) Crush


QUESTION: A 51-year-old male was burned in the face after a steam valve was accidentally opened at his industrial job. His face is red and swollen, and he is screaming in pain. The patient also states that he is having a hard time seeing. What is the EMT's priority concern in caring for this patient? A) Facial disfigurement B) Pain management C) Airway compromise D) Loss of vision


QUESTION: A 61-year-old male fell off a roof. Your primary assessment findings include unresponsiveness, agonal breathing, and a slow and weak radial pulse. The patient's skin is cool and dry. Emergency Medical Responders are maintaining manual spine motion restriction procedures. What should you do immediately? A) Apply oxygen via a nonrebreather mask B) Size and apply a cervical collar C) Start positive pressure ventilation D) Place the patient in the shock position


QUESTION: A 67-year-old female complains of severe left lower leg pain. She states that she was walking across the room when she suddenly heard a "crack" and felt excruciating pain in her leg. Her left tibia appears to be deformed and ecchymotic, as well as tender on palpation. Her vital signs are pulse 96 beats/min, respirations 28 breaths/min, blood pressure 168/74 mmHg, and SpO2 98%. Additionally, the patient states that her doctor told her that the steroids she takes can weaken her bones, placing her at greater risk for fractures. Appropriate care for this patient would include: A) High-concentration oxygen by mask B) Direct pressure to the area of injury C) Application of a splint to the leg D) Full immobilization to the long board


QUESTION: A 68-year-old female patient complains of a headache and generalized weakness. Her husband informs you that she was with a friend yesterday and was involved in a motor vehicle collision. She did strike her face on the dashboard, but refused treatment on scene. Her past medical history includes a stroke with right arm weakness and high blood pressure, for which she takes medications. When assessing this patient, which finding should concern the EMT most? A) Weakness to the right-hand grip B) Complaint of pain when she moves her jaw C) Bruising behind her left ear D) Contusion to her left cheek area


QUESTION: A car has been hit head-on by another vehicle at a moderate rate of speed. Seat belts were in place and the air bags deployed. The patient complains of chest pain. Quick observation reveals a bruise to his sternum. The EMT should immediately: A) Suspect an injury related to the air bag B) Check the windshield for starring C) Lift the air bag and check for steering wheel deformity D) Deflate the air bag to get breath sounds


QUESTION: A female who had hot coffee thrown at her has a superficial burn to the right side of her face. After transferring the patient to the hospital emergency department for continued care, a new EMT asks you if the patient will have a permanent scar on her face. Which is your best reply? A) "Since the burn was superficial, a small skin graft can be used to hide any and all scars." B) "It depends; if the skin peels, she will probably be left with some degree of scarring." C) "Since only the outer layer of skin was burned, there is little chance of scarring." D) "She will probably have some degree of scarring, but it will not be very noticeable."


QUESTION: A male patient has sustained gunshot wounds to the neck and abdomen. He is unresponsive and has gurgling respirations. Your immediate action would be to: A) Start positive pressure ventilation and then place a cervical collar and maintain manual spine motion restriction B) Insert a nasal airway and place the patient on a long backboard C) Suction the airway while providing manual spine motion restriction D) Place a cervical collar and position the patient on a long board


QUESTION: A male patient in his thirties fell 10 feet off a loading dock, landing on his head and back. He has deformity and depression to the back of his head and is unresponsive with snoring respirations. Vital signs are pulse, 132 beats/min; respirations, agonal; blood pressure, 136/64 mmHg, and SpO2, 89%. The patient responds to painful stimuli with purposeful motion. Which instruction would you provide other caregivers at the scene? A) "The airway must be manually opened with a head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver immediately!" B) "The patient is herniating; start hyperoxygenation of the patient immediately." C) "I need someone to start positive pressure ventilation at 12 breaths per minute." D) "Let's try a nonrebreather mask with high-concentration O2 to increase his oxygen saturation."


QUESTION: A male patient was injured when a steam valve opened, causing hot steam to contact his face. Which statement made by the patient would be of most concern to the EMT and require immediate assessment or treatment? A) "I think the blisters are breaking." B) "I think my neck is also burned." C) "It is sort of hard to breathe." D) "The pain is excruciating!"


QUESTION: A patient has a history of tendonitis to the right elbow. Based on this history, the EMT would understand that the: A) Patient suffered a previous fracture to the right elbow B) Bones making up the elbow joint are infected C) Tissue connecting the muscle to the bones of the elbow is inflamed D) Muscles surrounding the elbow are inflamed


QUESTION: A patient has swelling and deformity to the wrist. After splinting, in which position should the hand be placed? A) Wrist flexed with fingers extended B) Fingers extended and spread C) Fingers curled inward D) Hand in a fist with thumb inside fist


QUESTION: A patient is struck by lightning while running from her car to her house. What would be the primary burn cause? A) Contact B) Flash C) Electrical D) Radiation


QUESTION: A patient suffered abrasions to the legs after falling on a moving treadmill. In relation to the function of the skin, the EMT should be most concerned about: A) Loss of body heat B) Swelling and bruising C) Risk for infection D) Formation of scar tissue


QUESTION: A patient was building a bomb in his garage when it accidentally detonated. Assessment findings from the rapid secondary assessment reveal part of the intestines and a portion of the liver protruding from the right side of the abdomen. Proper care of this injury would include: A) Careful replacement of the organs back into the abdominal cavity B) Application of a dry sterile dressing covered with an occlusive dressing taped on three sides C) Covering the exposed organs with a large sterile dressing soaked with sterile water D) Direct but gentle pressure applied to the exposed organs to hold them in place


QUESTION: A patient was trapped in a burning apartment before being rescued by firefighters. As you approach him, you note that his legs and arms are burned. The patient is screaming in pain and coughing, but no longer actively burning. Given this information, which intervention would you perform first? A) Estimate the percentage of the patient's body that has been burned B) Determine whether the patient has partial-thickness or deep partial-thickness burns C) Decide whether to administer oxygen with a nasal cannula or nonrebreather mask D) Perform a secondary assessment to determine if nonburn injuries are present


QUESTION: A patient who fell out of a tree has an open skull injury. What would be an appropriate way to describe and document this injury on the PCR? A) Instability to the temporal region of the skull with no break in the overlying scalp B) Laceration to the top of the scalp with pain to the skull when palpated C) Obvious deformity and instability to the right side of the skull with a laceration to the overlying scalp D) Crepitus to the back of the skull with a hematoma overlying the unstable area


QUESTION: A patient with a closed fracture to the forearm has been properly splinted when which other structures are properly immobilized? A) Wrist and forearm B) Shoulder, elbow, and forearm C) Wrist and elbow D) Elbow and forearm


QUESTION: A patient with severe head and neck pain states that he was properly wearing his seat belt when another car struck him from behind. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would realize that the complaint of: A) Head and neck pain indicates that the lap belt was worn without the shoulder harness B) Head pain suggests that he was not wearing the seat belt properly C) Head and neck pain could occur even when the seat belt is properly worn D) Head and neck pain indicates that he was not wearing his seat belt


QUESTION: A young female pedestrian was hit by a car and thrown 15 feet, striking her head against a metal guardrail. You start your secondary assessment and note a deep depression to the right parietal area of her head, with intact skin overlying the area. You should: A) Apply an ice pack to the injured area B) Gently palpate the depression to determine the possibility of a skull fracture C) Note the injury and continue assessing the patient D) Instruct your partner to hyperventilate the patient with a bag-valve mask


QUESTION: A young female was involved in an altercation and stabbed in the abdomen with an ice pick. After being stabbed, she quickly removed the ice pick. She states that there was not much bleeding but does say it "stings" quite a bit. Assessment reveals a small puncture wound to the lower right quadrant with some dried blood around the site. Which best describes the primary focus of the EMT in caring for this patient? A) Assessing for underlying injury to the spleen B) Preventing air from entering the abdominal cavity C) Assessing for internal blood loss or shock D) Keeping the entry site clean and free of infection


QUESTION: A young female was thrown from a horse and is now confused. Assessment findings include an open airway, adequate breathing, and a strong radial pulse. Her vital signs are normal. Which question would be the most important to ask the patient's mother, who was riding with the patient, as soon as possible? A) "Is she allergic to anything?" B) "Does she have any medical problems?" C) "Did she lose consciousness?" D) "Are all of her immunizations up-to-date?"


QUESTION: A young female, after being rescued from a burning apartment, is found to have partial- and full-thickness burns from her chest down to her feet. As such, the EMT would recognize the potential for the onset of: A) Hypertension B) Hyperthermia C) Hypothermia D) Hypoglycemia


QUESTION: A young man fell down a flight of stairs and is now restless and confused. His airway is open, and he is breathing adequately at 18 times per minute. He has a radial pulse of 102 beats per minute, a blood pressure of 96/78 mmHg, and his skin is cool and diaphoretic. Your next action would be to: A) Check the blood pressure and assess for injuries causing blood loss B) Insert a nasal airway and start positive pressure ventilation with oxygen C) Administer supplemental oxygen D) Place a cervical collar on the patient and secure him to a long back board


QUESTION: A young man was riding a motorcycle when he was hit head on by a car and thrown from the bike. Your scene size-up reveals him to be lying supine in the roadway with obvious deformity to his right thigh and left ankle, with blood noted on his pants in these areas. The patient assessment reveals he is unresponsive with snoring respirations and is breathing irregularly at 16 times per minute. His radial pulse is moderate in strength, and his skin is warm and dry. Which action should be performed first by the EMT? A) Open the airway using the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver B) Expose and splint both legs to prevent further injury C) Provide manual cervical spine motion restriction D) Check for distal pulses in both lower extremities


QUESTION: An alert and oriented 22-year-old male fell off a tractor and now complains of pain to his right leg. As you quickly scan the patient, you note deformity to the tibia-fibula area of the lower extremity. After conducting the primary assessment and manually stabilizing the leg, which action should the EMT take? A) Transfer the patient to the stretcher B) Splint the leg in the position found C) Check for a pedal pulse D) Apply the traction splint


QUESTION: An elderly female patient fell and now complains of right hip and right knee pain. When assessing her, which finding would you find most concerning? A) Ecchymosis in the right hip and knee B) Crepitus at the right hip C) Absent pedal pulse D) Swelling in the right knee


QUESTION: An intoxicated patient has suffered a burn to his left lateral thigh after passing out with his leg touching the side of a kerosene heater. Close examination of the burn reveals tough leathery tissue in the center of the burn, with red skin with blisters surrounding it. Regarding the burn, what would the EMT agree to be true? A) The outer skin surrounding the burn can be medically described as eschar B) The pain is originating from the more severely burned center of the injury C) The central portion of the burn is a full-thickness burn and the surrounding portion is a partial-thickness burn D) The blister formation indicates that portion of the burn can be classified as full thickness


QUESTION: As brain herniation occurs, the body responds by: A) Discharging cerebrospinal fluid to decrease pressure within the skull and improve perfusion B) Decreasing blood pressure to decrease pressure within the skull, thereby improving blood flow C) Increasing systolic blood pressure in an attempt to maintain perfusion to the brain D) Increasing the heart rate to more rapidly circulate oxygen-rich blood to the brain


QUESTION: Assessment findings for a driver who was ejected from his vehicle in a rollover-type collision include unresponsiveness and bruising to the abdominal and pelvic areas, along with an open femur fracture. The patient has an open airway and is breathing at 32 times per minute with absent alveolar breath sounds. His skin is cool and diaphoretic; the radial pulses are weak. Manual cervical spine motion restriction is being maintained. The EMT's next action would be to: A) Apply an appropriately sized cervical collar B) Examine the fracture site more closely C) Start positive pressure ventilation D) Obtain a heart rate and blood pressure


QUESTION: At an industrial complex, a young male was struck in the head by a large piece of steel thrown from a grinding machine. Assessment reveals a soft, painful depression underlying a tear in his scalp, which is covered with dried blood. Clear fluid is draining from his right ear. The patient is conscious but confused and exhibits the following vital signs: pulse, 84 beats/min; respirations, 16 breaths/min and adequate; blood pressure, 142/76 mmHg; and SpO 2, 90%. Emergency Medical Responders are on scene and are maintaining manual spine motion restriction precautions. Which instruction indicates the next step needed in this patient's care? A) "I need someone to check the clear fluid for glucose." B) "Place manual, direct pressure over the injury to control bleeding." C) "Will someone administer supplemental oxygen to the patient? D) "Let's pack his right ear with gauze to stop the loss of fluid."


QUESTION: Of the actions described, which indicates proper care of a patient who has experienced a partial-thickness burn to the hand? A) Carefully drain blisters to decrease pressure on the underlying tissues B) Clean dirt and debris from the burn prior to applying an antibiotic ointment C) Carefully remove rings prior to applying a dry sterile dressing D) Gently push the fingers together prior to applying a sterile dressing


QUESTION: The EMT is properly assessing for sensory function in the hands when he tells or asks the patient: A) "Do you feel me touching your right hand?" B) "Can you wiggle your fingers?" C) "Can you tell me which finger I am touching?" D) "Squeeze my fingers with both hands."


QUESTION: When applying the rule of nines to a 10-month-old child, the EMT should recognize which statement to be accurate? A) Both legs combined are approximately 18 percent of the total body B) The front and back of the torso are considered 72 percent of the total body C) The head of a child is considered to be 18 percent of the total body D) The front of the arm is approximately 9 percent of the total body


QUESTION: When providing prehospital care to a female patient with a soft-tissue injury, which statement is true? A) Sterile gloves are essential to prevent infection to the patient B) Gloves are needed only if the patient has an open soft-tissue injury C) Hands should be washed even if gloves were worn during care D) Double -gloving is necessary to protect the EMT from blood borne diseases


QUESTION: Which assessment finding, in a 32-year-old female involved in a motor vehicle collision, should the EMT recognize as potentially life threatening? A) Open fracture to the right forearm B) Crepitus palpated to the right humerus C) Deformity of the left femur D) Dislocation of two fingers on the left hand


QUESTION: Which bone injury would be said to occur in the appendicular skeletal system? A) Skull fracture B) Rib fracture C) Right-hip fracture D) Spinal fracture


QUESTION: Which injury is most serious, warranting immediate and rapid transport to the local trauma center? A) Deformity to the right ankle with pain rated as a 10/10 B) Large, deep laceration to the arm with bone visible C) Instability and crepitus to the left lateral chest wall D) Open fracture to the left lower leg


QUESTION: Which instruction is appropriate when helping a new EMT care for a male patient with a laceration to his left arm? A) "It is best to let the wound bleed some. This is the body's natural way of cleaning the wound." B) "When you are finished cleaning the laceration, apply some sterile gauze soaked in sterile saline." C) "Don't worry about removing embedded dirt from the wound, just the dirt around the laceration." D) "Do not cut away his sleeve over the top of the laceration as it will help control the bleeding."


QUESTION: Which layer of the skin contains the larger blood vessels? A) Dermis B) Epidermis C) Hypodermis D) Connective


QUESTION: Which of these patients would the EMT recognize as suffering from an evisceration injury? A) A female shot in the chest with "bubbling" coming from the wound as the patient breathes B) A male patient with a knife impaled in his right upper abdomen C) A male patient with a loop of intestine protruding from an open surgical wound D) A female with a large flap of skin that has been torn loose from her scalp


QUESTION: Which sign or symptom of shock will be observed last? A) Pale and diaphoretic skin B) Tachycardia C) Decreased blood pressure D) Increased respirations


QUESTION: Which statement best characterizes the capabilities of a Level III trauma center? A) The hospital can manage all trauma patients and injuries, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week B) The hospital can handle most trauma patients, but will transfer those who require specialty care for specific injuries such as neurologic trauma C) The hospital has some surgical capabilities to help trauma patients, but will generally stabilize and them and still arrange transfer D) The hospital will provide any emergency surgical services to a trauma patient and then transfer the patient once stable


QUESTION: Which statement is true regarding linear skull fractures? A) Linear skull fractures are identifiable by a mild depression in the skull B) Linear skull fractures place the patient at risk for blood loss and hypoperfusion C) Linear skull fractures cannot typically be identified with palpation D) Linear skull fractures are rare and infrequently encountered


QUESTION: Which statement made by an EMT shows that he understands the major cause of death in the prehospital setting for a burn patient? A) "Most patients who die before getting to the hospital die from burn shock, caused by massive fluid loss from the burns." B) "Burn patients most often die before reaching the hospital from the increased body temperature caused by the heat of the burns." C) "Most burn patients who die before getting to the hospital die of airway or bleeding problems, not the burn itself." D) "The most common cause of death for burn patients in the prehospital setting is infection, which can be minimized by applying a sterile burn sheet."


QUESTION: Which statement regarding contusions is true? A) Blood vessels in the subcutaneous layer have been broken B) Blood vessels in the epidermis have broken but the skin is intact C) Blood vessels in the dermal layer have ruptured D) The epidermis is open and actively bleeding


QUESTION: Which statement shows that the EMT understands the use of a tourniquet in controlling bleeding? A) "If a blood pressure cuff is used as a tourniquet, the EMT should inflate it approximately 50 mmHg above the patient's systolic blood pressure." B) "If the tourniquet appears to have stopped the bleeding, the EMT should loosen it slightly to allow a small amount of blood to perfuse the tissues." C) "A tourniquet should be applied tightly enough that arterial blood flow distal to the tourniquet is completely stopped." D) "Since arteries run close to the body's surface in a joint, the best place to apply a tourniquet is over the joint just above the site of hemorrhage."


QUESTION: You are assessing a male patient who was stabbed three times in the chest and abdomen. As you begin your primary assessment, you note the patient to have a decreased level of consciousness and gurgling respirations. Your next action would be to: A) Apply a cervical collar B) Check his pulse C) Suction the airway D) Obtain an SpO 2 reading


QUESTION: You are assessing a patient who was burned when she dropped a hot iron on her bare foot. Her foot is red and has a small partial-thickness burn to the anterior portion of the foot. When completing the prehospital care report, which mechanism of injury would you document? A) Flame burn B) Electrical burn C) Contact burn D) Scald burn


QUESTION: You are first on the scene of a two-car motor vehicle collision. Two patients are entrapped in one vehicle. In the other vehicle, there is a male driver complaining of chest pain. During this time, your primary concern is: A) Triaging the patients B) Calling for additional help C) Ensuring personal safety D) Determining severity of injuries


QUESTION: You are having a difficult time controlling bleeding from a small skin avulsion on a patient's ankle. Which statement made by the patient best explains why control has been difficult to achieve? A) "I take steroids for my lung disease." B) "My blood pressure sometimes runs a little high." C) "I take Coumadin for my irregular heartbeat." D) "I drank a lot of alcohol last night."


QUESTION: You are transporting a male patient who was stabbed in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. On scene, the patient was alert and oriented, with a patent airway and adequate respirations. There was minimal hemorrhage from the stab wound, which was covered with a sterile dressing. Oxygen was applied and transport was initiated. During the reassessment, which assessment finding should the EMT consider to be of the greatest concern? A) Statement that the pain at the injury is increasing B) Increased redness and edema to the area surrounding the stab wound C) Increased heart rate and unexplained restlessness D) Observation that blood is beginning to ooze from the injury


QUESTION: You are transporting a patient who was shocked by an electrical current while repairing a residential electrical service panel. He has partial-thickness burns to the hand and foot where the electricity entered and exited his body, respectively. When reassessing this patient, which finding would be of most concern? A) Complaint of a headache B) Swelling of the foot C) Palpation of an irregular heartbeat D) Increasing pain at burn sites


QUESTION: You are transporting a patient with a past medical history of a meningeal tumor. You would recognize this kind of tumor as being located: A) Within the bones of the skull B) In tissue composing the brainstem C) In tissue surrounding the brain D) Within the cerebrum


QUESTION: You arrive on the scene to help another crew with the extrication from an attic of a female who fell while retrieving holiday decorations. As a result of the fall, the patient has an open fracture to her left lower leg. The patient has been fully immobilized to a long board and has a rigid splint in place to her left leg. What would indicate the extremity has been improperly splinted? A) Ice packs wrapped in towels have been applied to the skin between the splints B) The skin of the foot is red and swollen with a weak pedal pulse noted C) The patient is able to flex her left ankle when directed to do so D) The splint has immobilized the ankle, knee, and hip regions


QUESTION: You have arrived at a scene where a young girl tripped while running, and pushed her arms through a plate glass window while falling. She is responsive to painful stimuli and has blood spurting from a large laceration on her right upper arm. Your partner yells for you to immediately apply direct pressure to the laceration to prevent further blood loss, while he works to control the airway. You have yet to apply gloves, but your uniform shirt has long sleeves, and you normally wear prescription glasses. What would you do next? A) Control bleeding by pushing the skin of the laceration together until you can apply gloves B) Place a tourniquet above the laceration, being careful not to get blood on your hands C) Apply gloves prior to applying direct pressure over the injury site D) Apply direct pressure to the site with your forearm until someone with gloves can take over


QUESTION: You have been called by family members for their mother, who is "not acting right." At the scene, the family informs you that they are concerned because their 68-year-old mother has been complaining of a headache for two days and is now very confused. When asking about a bruise on the right side of her forehead, the family states she fell in church a week ago and hit her head. Since all other aspects of the assessment are unremarkable, you suspect a head injury. Which type of injury would you suspect given the findings and history? A) Epidural hematoma B) Cerebral contusion C) Subdural hematoma D) Cerebral concussion


QUESTION: You have been called for a male worker complaining of arm pain. At the scene, the 31-year-old patient states that his arm was crushed between two heavy boxes that shifted while being stacked by a forklift. He had minimal pain at that time, but now his right forearm is swollen and painful, especially with movement. The patient also states that the arm and fingers feel as if they are "asleep." You note decreased strength to the arm and a radial pulse that is weak when compared to the left arm. There is no deformity to the arm and the skin is intact, although hard on palpation. Vital signs are pulse 88 beats/min, respiration 18 breaths/min, and blood pressure 134/76 mmHg. Given these assessment findings, the EMT should be suspicious of: A) Subclinical fracture B) Ischemic stroke C) Compartment syndrome D) Hemorrhagic shock


QUESTION: You have been dispatched to a residence where a woman lacerated her arm after falling while holding a drinking glass. She informs you that when she initially cut herself, blood spurted from the wound; then, within a second or two, it subsided to a mere trickle. She asks why this would happen. What is the correct response? A) "Blood has the ability to clot within a second or two of injury." B) "Red blood cells will quickly repair the injury to the blood vessel." C) "Blood vessels tend to constrict quickly once they are injured." D) "The skin around the injured blood vessels quickly swells and stops bleeding."


QUESTION: An alert and oriented patient has had a portion of his hand amputated by a table saw. Assessment reveals the patient to be in great pain, with a moderate amount of dark red blood still coming from the injury site. His airway is open and his breathing is fast, but adequate. The radial pulse is rapid and strong, and his skin is warm and dry. The patient's amputated hand has been placed in a bag of ice by coworkers. What should the EMT do immediately? A) Insert a nasopharyngeal airway B) Remove the amputated part from the ice C) Obtain a full set of vital signs D) Control the bleeding with direct pressure


QUESTION: A 21-year-old male sustained a severe burn to his left leg while working on an industrial furnace. Coworkers immediately doused his flaming pants and removed them. Your primary assessment reveals no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. While performing the secondary assessment on his leg, which finding would be most critical? A) Skin on the posterior lower leg that is sloughing off B) Pain described as "the worst I have ever felt" C) Blisters on the lower leg that are broken and draining fluid D) Partial-thickness burn completely encircling the lower leg


QUESTION: A 27-year-old male was involved in an altercation and was struck in the ribs with a baseball bat. Assessment reveals intact skin with bruising to the right lateral chest. When palpating this area, pain, instability, and crepitus are all observed. The patient also complains of difficult and painful breathing. The EMT would recognize: A) Chest wall injury caused by acceleration forces B) Pulmonary injury caused by penetrating trauma C) Thoracic injury secondary to penetrating trauma D) Chest injury caused by blunt trauma


QUESTION: A 40-year-old male fell 20 feet from a ledge while hiking. The park ranger is now maintaining manual spine motion restriction for the patient. The patient is combative and confused, but his airway is open and his breathing is adequate. The patient has a radial pulse of 112 beats/min, blood pressure of 96/76 mmHg, and SpO2 of 91% on room air. What should the EMT do first? A) Place a cervical collar and secure the patient to a long board B) Check the patient's blood glucose level C) Perform a jaw-thrust maneuver or a head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver D) Begin administering supplemental oxygen


QUESTION: A 54-year-old male patient has been involved in a car crash. Window glass has caused an open wound to his upper neck. Which dressing is best for this injury? A) Self-adhering roller gauze B) Moist sterile gauze C) Sterile gauze D) Occlusive dressing


QUESTION: A 66-year-old female patient has been struck by a car. Your assessment reveals gurgling respirations, rapid breathing, and cool, diaphoretic skin. You also observe bruising to the chest and abdomen. What should you do most immediately? A) Determine the blood pressure B) Evaluate for signs of shock C) Administer high-concentration oxygen D) Suction the airway


QUESTION: A bullet fired from a gun at close range passes through the patient's liver. However, on autopsy, the coroner discovers that the man's pancreas, stomach, and gallbladder were also injured, even though not in direct contact with the bullet. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that which mechanism is responsible for injuries to these additional organs? A) Blunt injury B) Drag force C) Profile impact D) Cavitation


QUESTION: A construction worker was accidentally shot with a nail gun. The nail penetrated the skull approximately ½ inch through the temporal region. Before your arrival, coworkers pulled the nail free. Based on the mechanism of injury, which sign provides the strongest evidence that the meningeal layers have been breached? A) Blood draining from the puncture wound B) Deformity and depression at the injury site C) Crepitus of the skull at the injury site D) Cerebrospinal fluid oozing from the puncture wound


QUESTION: A female patient with osteoporosis stepped sideways on her foot and has suffered an open tibial fracture to the distal portion of her right leg. Which intervention indicates that appropriate care is being given for this injury? A) The protruding bone is gently replaced back under the skin B) A pressure dressing is tightly applied to the open wound prior to splinting C) The EMT cleans dirt from within the wound and off the bone prior to splinting D) The bone end and soft tissue wounds are covered with a sterile dressing


QUESTION: A football player injured his knee during practice and is in pain. His left knee is swollen, ecchymotic, and flexed in an upward position. Your partner reports that the distal skin is warm, and he has located a weak pedal pulse. Which action should you perform immediately? A) Realign and straighten the injured knee, and then immobilize it by binding it to the other leg B) Apply a traction splint and straighten the knee until the patient's pain is decreased C) Place the patient on a long spine board and apply the traction splint en route to the hospital D) Splint the knee in the position found prior to providing transport to the hospital


QUESTION: A patient has an injury to the elbow and forearm. While you are conducting the reassessment, which statement made by the patient should concern you most? A) "It hurts when I move my fingers." B) "My arm seems to be bruising more." C) "I am still having a hard time moving my arm." D) "My hand feels like it is going to sleep."


QUESTION: A patient has been critically hurt in a nighttime motor vehicle collision. She was wearing a seat belt and hit a tree at 70 mph. The car she was driving weighed 2 tons and was equipped with air bags that did deploy. Which factor had the greatest impact on the injuries she sustained? A) Weight of the vehicle B) Deployment of air bags C) Nighttime conditions D) Speed of the vehicle at impact


QUESTION: A patient has been stabbed with a knife at the fifth intercostal space on the right side of the chest in an attempted suicide. Assessment reveals him to be short of breath and coughing. Which question is it most important for the EMT to ask regarding the weapon? A) "Did you push the knife in slowly or quickly?" B) "Did the knife penetrate your chest easily?" C) "Was the knife clean or dirty?" D) "How long was the knife blade?"


QUESTION: A patient has experienced partial- and full-thickness thermal burns to the anterior chest, abdomen, and arms in an industrial accident. Which action would be appropriate in the care of this patient? A) Cool the burns with water and then cover the burns with saline-soaked dressings soaked in sterile water B) Cool the burns with water and cover the burns with a sterile, dry burn sheet C) Cool the burns on scene and apply ice packs to the burned areas during transport D) Cool the burns with water on scene and during rapid transport to the emergency department


QUESTION: A patient is confused and anxious after falling 20 feet from a ladder onto the grass below. Which clinical finding described is most suggestive of shock? A) Constricted pupils B) Deformity to the left arm C) Large hematoma to the head D) Heart rate of 112 beats per minute


QUESTION: A patient sustained a crush injury after being pinned by a car that fell off jack-stands while the patient was underneath the car working on it. The injury occurred to the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Assessment shows bruising to that area, with instability noted to the lowest rib. The EMT's highest concern regarding this injury should be: A) Fractured rib B) Abdominal contusion C) Abdominal evisceration D) Injury to the spleen


QUESTION: A patient was assaulted and sustained multiple injuries of various types. Which injury does the EMT recognize as presenting the greatest risk for infection? A) Contusion to the chin B) Closed crush injury to the knee C) Hematoma to the left foot D) Abrasion to the right side of the face


QUESTION: A patient was burned when he accidentally ignited gasoline while working on his car. When performing your assessment of the injury, which finding would indicate that the patient has suffered a partial-thickness burn? A) Leathery skin on the thigh that exhibits little pain when touched B) Pink skin on the left lower leg that is dry and painful to the touch C) Intact skin on the wrist that is red and dry and extremely painful when touched D) Painful skin on the abdomen that is moist and contains blisters


QUESTION: A patient was struck in the right upper arm with a baseball bat. Which sign or symptom indicates the highest probability that the humerus has been fractured? A) Hematoma to the upper arm B) Decreased sensation in the right hand C) Pain to the right upper arm D) Crepitus felt on palpation


QUESTION: A trauma surgeon informs you that the patient whom you transported to the emergency department earlier was diagnosed with an epidural hematoma. The patient was taken into surgery and the hematoma was removed, and now the patient is in critical condition. Based on this information, the EMT should recognize that in this patient: A) Blood from a ruptured artery formed a hematoma within a section of brain tissue B) Cerebrospinal fluid accumulated in a pocket on top of the brain tissue C) Blood from a ruptured vein collected between the dura mater and brain tissue D) A pocket of arterial blood collected between the skull and dura mater


QUESTION: A vacuum splint has just been applied to the injured arm of a patient who fell backward from a chair while hanging drapes. Which statement or question should the EMT make or ask next after placing the splint? A) "I am wrapping the splint with roller gauze to help secure it." B) "Can you rate your pain for me?" C) "I need to feel your arm for tenderness." D) "I am going to feel your wrist for a pulse now."


QUESTION: A young female patient involved in a motor vehicle collision responds to painful stimuli by extending her arms and legs. Her airway is open, and her breathing is shallow and irregular. A radial pulse that is moderate in strength is palpated. Her pulse is 64 beats/min, respirations are 8 breaths/min and irregular, and blood pressure is 210/110 mmHg, with an SpO2 of 90% on room air. The patient has an obvious deformity to her forehead and a left pupil that is dilated and does not respond to light. Manual spine motion restriction is being maintained by Emergency Medial Responders (). At this time, the EMT's priority action is to: A) Perform the secondary assessment to identify additional injuries B) Apply a nonrebreather face mask with high-concentration oxygen C) Apply a cervical collar and transfer the patient to the stretcher for immediate transport D) Start positive pressure ventilation at 20 breaths/min


QUESTION: An alert and oriented auto mechanic had his right thigh pinned between the bumpers of two cars. Assessment findings include deformity and swelling to the right hip area and mid-thigh, along with ecchymosis and swelling to the right knee. The patient complains of excruciating pain to the right leg. Which set of instructions given to other EMTs on the scene would be appropriate? A) "Let's put his leg in the traction splint to help align the femur and reduce pain." B) "We need to wrap the right leg in a pressure dressing and then elevate it for transport." C) "Check for a pedal pulse and then carefully move the patient to the stretcher for transport." D) "Let's provide spine motion restriction precautions now, get the patient in the ambulance, and then provide more care to the leg en route."


QUESTION: An industrial worker sustained partial- and full-thickness burns to his right hand after accidentally touching an electric furnace used to incinerate medical waste. Assessment reveals no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. Which action would the EMT perform next? A) Apply an antibiotic ointment to the burn B) Gently clean dead skin away from the burn C) Open any blisters to relieve pressure on the burned tissue beneath D) Pour cool saline water on the hand


QUESTION: An unhelmeted rider, who was thrown from his motorcycle when he wrecked, has a large scalp avulsion with obvious skull depression to the top of his head with venous bleeding. These findings suggest which type of injury? A) Linear skull fracture B) Basilar skull fracture C) Intracranial hematoma D) Open head injury


QUESTION: An unrestrained middle-aged female was thrown from her car as it rolled in the median of an interstate. She is supine, appears unresponsive, has blood on her face, and has snoring respirations. Your first action upon reaching her side, after taking spine motion restriction precautions, should be to: A) Insert an oropharyngeal airway B) Find the source of bleeding and apply direct pressure C) Determine the Glasgow Coma Scale score D) Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver


QUESTION: As you pull up to a motor vehicle collision, you quickly scan the scene for clues as to the type and severity of injuries. Which observation would best indicate that a patient may have a head injury? A) Frontal-type collision B) Air bag deployment C) Blood on a patient's clothing D) Starburst on the windshield


QUESTION: Assessment of a patient involved in a motor vehicle accident reveals him to have crepitus to the left humerus, instability to the left lateral chest wall and flank, and pain on palpation to left hip region. The patient also complains of pain to the right side of the neck. Based on this injury pattern, the EMT would recognize the patient was: A) An unrestrained rear seat occupant in a car struck from the right side B) The passenger in a car hit from behind C) An unrestrained driver involved in a head-on collision D) The driver of a car hit on the driver's side


QUESTION: At a construction site, an 18-year-old male was struck in the head by a pallet of concrete blocks as it was being moved by a crane. He has a large laceration to the left side of his head, with noted instability to the skull beneath the wound. Moderate bleeding from the injury site is also noted. The patient's airway is open, his breathing is adequate, and his pulse is strong and regular. Proper care for this patient should include: A) Hyperventilation with high-concentration oxygen B) Rapid transport in an upright position C) Direct pressure to control bleeding from the injury D) A loose dressing over the top of the laceration


QUESTION: Firefighters have just pulled a young woman from a house fire and have laid her on the lawn. The patient is conscious, oriented, and badly burned on the chest, abdomen, and legs. Her clothes are still smoldering. Which action should the EMT take immediately? A) Determine the body surface area burned B) Place an oropharyngeal airway C) Apply oxygen via nonrebreather face mask D) Pour water on the smoldering clothes


QUESTION: Firefighters have pulled a middle -aged male from a burning bedroom. The patient is unresponsive and has obvious deformity of his left ankle. His respirations are rapid, stridorous, and shallow. Your partner inserts an oropharyngeal airway and begins ventilating the patient with a bag-valve mask appropriately. Which action would you perform next? A) Find out how long the patient was in the burning structure B) Instruct your partner to hyperventilate the patient C) Secure the left ankle to a board splint D) Assess the patient's carotid pulse


QUESTION: Regarding the field triage of injured patients, which of these patients is NOT a member of a special patient population that would necessitate transport to a trauma center? A) A female patient with a suspected brain injury from a fall who also takes prescribed anticoagulants B) A male patient with a broken femur and burns to 25 percent of his body after jumping from a second-story window of a house that was on fire C) A 70-year-old male patient with a systolic blood pressure of 104 mmHg after wrecking his car into a tree D) A female patient who is 12 weeks pregnant and who fell on the sidewalk, injuring her hip and wrist


QUESTION: The cerebellum is described as the area of the brain that: A) Consists of two hemispheres, each containing five distinct lobes B) Controls the body functions most essential and vital to life C) Is responsible for most conscious and sensory functions D) Controls reflexes and assists in maintaining body posture


QUESTION: The greatest benefit of applying a traction splint in the field to a deformed femur and thigh is that it can: A) Increase perfusion to the muscle B) Contract the thigh muscles C) Initiate proper bone healing D) Decrease the pain


QUESTION: The secondary assessment of a patient who complains of right leg pain after falling down several stairs reveals a break in the skin where a fractured tibia bone broke through and then recessed back into the leg. The EMT should recognize this as which type of injury? A) Laceration B) Partial fracture C) Closed fracture D) Open fracture


QUESTION: What are the three main layers of the skin? A) Dermis, subcutaneous, muscle B) Dermis, muscle, epidermis C) Epidermis, subcutaneous, muscle D) Subcutaneous, epidermis, dermis


QUESTION: What best describes the purpose of determining a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score in a patient with a head injury? A) The GCS score is important in guiding the EMT's treatment of the patient B) The GCS score gives information about the type of injury to the brain C) The GCS score allows the EMT to predict the patient's likelihood of recovery D) The GCS score helps determine whether a patient's mental status is improving or deteriorating


QUESTION: What is the best description of the "platinum 10 minutes" as it applies to care of the trauma patient? A) The time it should take the transporting ambulance to get the trauma patient to the closest medical facility B) The target maximum time that the multisystem trauma patient should spend in the emergency department before being transferred to surgery C) The goal for total amount of time from the actual injury to arrival of EMS at the scene D) The target maximum scene time for EMS as it applies to the seriously injured trauma patient


QUESTION: When assessing a patient with a head injury, which finding is most indicative of increasing pressure within the skull? A) Heart rate of 132 beats/min B) Respirations of 24 to 28 breaths/min C) Pulse oximeter reading less than 95% on room air D)Blood pressure of 192/106 mmHg


QUESTION: When performing the primary assessment, which sign or symptom best suggests that the patient is in shock? A) Radial pulse of 72 beats per minute B) Pain at the site of injury C) Bloody shirt from external bleeding D) Skin that is cool and diaphoretic


QUESTION: Which clinical finding is most suggestive of a patient who is decompensating? A) Heart rate < 100 beats/min B) Skin that is pale, cold, and dry C) Pulse oximeter reading < 96% D) Narrowing pulse pressure


QUESTION: Which finding indicates that a patient who received a blow to the head is suffering from something other than a simple concussion? A) His heart rate is 92 beats/min and his blood pressure is 144/86 mmHg B) He cannot remember what happened C) He asks the same questions over and over D) His pupils are noticeably unequal when assessed


QUESTION: Which finding, when considered individually, is most consistent with a basilar skull fracture? A) Altered mental status B) A hematoma over the frontal skull bone C) Bilateral constricted pupils D) Bruising behind the ear


QUESTION: Which patient requires the EMT to remove an impaled object in the field? A) A male patient with a 6-inch knife in his left upper quadrant; there is active bleeding around the injury site B) A female with a knife om the right side of her chest; she is short of breath and coughing up blood C) A male patient who fell on a screwdriver, which is impaled through his hand; the patient is in pain and requesting that you remove the screwdriver D) A young female with a broken pencil through her cheek and into the oropharynx; blood from the injury is flowing into her throat


QUESTION: Which statement about compartment syndrome is true? A) "It is a life-threatening condition that will rapidly lead to death if not recognized and treated." B) "It can be treated in the prehospital setting by applying warm packs and elevating the extremity." C) "It is commonly associated with bone fractures and can result in hemorrhagic shock if not treated." D) "It describes swelling in the tissues that can result in the loss of an extremity."


QUESTION: Which statement about different musculoskeletal injuries is true? A) A fracture occurs when a tendon connecting muscle to a bone is overstretched and injured B) A dislocation occurs when the bone contained within a joint is broken C) Strains are injuries that occur to ligaments and the joints to which they are attached D) A sprain is an injury to a joint with possible damage to or tearing of ligaments


QUESTION: Which statement about dressings and bandages is true? A) Dressings must be airtight to prevent contamination B) Dressings should be placed into open wounds C) Dressings are placed over bandages D) Bandages should not be applied until bleeding is controlled


QUESTION: Which statement about traction splints is true? A) "Mechanical traction should be applied until the affected leg is approximately 2 to 4 inches longer than the unaffected leg." B) "Once the traction splint has been positioned under the leg, and the ankle hitch is applied, manual traction can be released." C) "Once the mechanical traction has been applied, the ischial strap must be released to promote circulation into the affected leg." D) "Mechanical traction should be applied until the mechanical traction is equal to the manual traction and the patient experiences a reduction in pain."


QUESTION: Which statement demonstrates an understanding of shock caused by internal bleeding? A) "The EMT can control internal bleeding by applying direct pressure to the skin, over the top of the area of suspected internal bleeding." B) "Internal bleeding is a less serious life threat than external bleeding because the blood remains in the body." C) "If a patient is bleeding internally, the signs of shock-such as a rapid heart rate and pale, cool, and clammy skin-are not as obvious." D) "You should always suspect internal bleeding in a patient with the signs and symptoms of shock but no external bleeding."


QUESTION: Which statement indicates an understanding of the EMT's prehospital role in caring for the patient in shock secondary to significant soft tissue trauma? A) "Because shock is a life-threatening condition, it is important that the EMT identify the exact cause so proper care can be given." B) "The job of the EMT is to assume a trauma patient is in shock and get him or her to the hospital as quickly as possible." C) "If shock is in its early stage, it is not yet life-threatening and the EMT can take more time in assessing and treating the patient." D) "Since trauma is best treated in the hospital, the EMT should provide care to maintain perfusion to the vital organs and transport."


QUESTION: Which statement shows that the EMT understands the palm method of estimating the BSA burned? A) "I use the palm of my hand to estimate the area of the burn." B) "I do not use the palm method on young children since it is inaccurate in this population." C) "If I estimate that four palm areas fit into the burn, then the burn is about 8 percent BSA." D) "I use the patient's palm to estimate the size of the burn area."


QUESTION: While cleaning a gun, a 44-year-old man accidentally shot himself in the abdomen. On your arrival at the scene, the patient is responsive to painful stimuli and lying on his side, with his legs drawn to his chest. Blood is evident on his shirt and pants. The vital signs are minimally acceptable and the pulse oximeter reading is 94%. What is the correct sequence of events when caring for this patient? A) Transfer the patient to the ambulance, provide rapid transport, perform the primary and secondary assessments, and avoid oxygen therapy en route to the hospital B) Perform a primary assessment and a rapid secondary assessment, move the patient to the stretcher for immediate transport, and start positive pressure ventilation en route to the hospital C) Transfer the patient to the ambulance, perform the primary assessment, provide oxygen therapy, and provide rapid transport D) Perform the primary assessment, administer supplemental oxygen, perform the secondary assessment, transfer the patient to the stretcher, and provide rapid transport


QUESTION: You are assessing a patient who had a previous brain injury in which a portion of the cerebellum was destroyed. In relation to this specific injury, which finding would the EMT expect? A) Problems with the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure B) Inability to move or feel sensations in one side of his body C) Inability to remember information such as past medical history D) Poor muscle coordination when signing his name to the prehospital care report


QUESTION: You are called for a 78-year-old female who fell earlier in the day. As you enter her kitchen, you observe her sitting in a chair with ecchymotic areas to her left cheek and left arm. There also appears to be blood on her pants. She is on home oxygen for COPD and is breathing in a moderately labored manner. The patient states that she fell a few hours ago, and now the pain and swelling in her arm are unbearable. She has also developed significant lower neck pain. What should you do first? A) Examine her arm for deformity B) Place a cold pack to her cheek C) Check her SpO 2 level D) Take manual spinal motion restriction precautions


QUESTION: You are called for an 8-year-old boy who has fallen. At the scene, the boy's mother states that her son was running while flying a kite and tripped, striking his face on a rock. Assessment reveals a large reddish-blue lump with intact skin under his left eye. When alerting the hospital emergency department of your arrival, you should inform them that the patient has which type of injury? A) Ecchymosis B) Evisceration C) Contusion D) Hematoma


QUESTION: You are caring for a male patient who was ejected from the passenger side of a vehicle that was traveling at a high rate of speed when it left the roadway and overturned several times. During your primary assessment, you note the patient to have blood in the airway, rapid and shallow breathing, an absent radial pulse, and a weak and rapid carotid pulse. You also visualize that his left leg is severely injured, with gross visible angulations from suspected multiple fractures. Your partner is triaging the other occupants of the vehicle and you can hear the wail of the arriving fire department vehicles. Given this situation, what should you do first? A) Initiate positive pressure ventilation without oxygen until the fire department EMTs can bring you an oxygen tank B) Hold manual cervical spine motion restriction until the fire department EMTs arrive at your side C) Straighten the leg to minimize internal bleeding and then tend to the ABCs D) Suction the airway with a hand-operated suction machine while trying to minimize cervical spine motion


QUESTION: You are hosting a discussion on injury prevention when a participant asks you if you believe that helmets for motorcyclists truly make a difference. You would respond by saying: A) "Helmets have been shown to prevent motorcycle accidents." B) "A motorcycle helmet decreases the chance of permanent spinal injury." C) "Wearing a helmet decreases the chance of being ejected from a motorcycle." D) "Motorcycle helmets decrease the risk of death when the rider is involved in a collision."


QUESTION: You are transporting a patient who experienced a right-sided head injury after a large refrigerator fell and pinned his head between the appliance and the floor. On scene, the patient was responsive to verbal stimuli with the following vital signs: pulse, 96 beats/min; respirations, 16 breaths/min; blood pressure, 134/66 mmHg; and SpO2, 95%. During transport, as you reassess the patient, what would be the clearest sign that the head injury is worsening? A) Heart rate of 112 beats/min B) Blood pressure of 108/68 mmHg C) Increasing edema to the right side of the head D) Responding only to painful stimuli


QUESTION: You arrive at the scene where a young male patient fell out of a tree he was climbing. Although he fell from a lower branch, he was still reportedly 10-12 feet in the air when he fell. The patient landed on his side on the ground. Which element of the kinematics of trauma would explain the mechanism of any injuries he may have sustained? A) Terminal velocity B) Rapid acceleration C) Terminal mass D) Rapid deceleration


QUESTION: You arrive on the scene of a motorcycle accident and find an unresponsive male patient lying in the middle of the road with blood coming from his ears and nose. He was not wearing a helmet and has snoring respirations. Which sequence of events would be most appropriate in the care of this patient? A) Primary assessment, oxygen administration, transfer to stretcher, transport within 5 minutes of arriving on scene with spine motion restriction precautions done en route B) Primary assessment, spine motion restriction, transfer to the ambulance after 8 minutes of scene time, all other care provided en route C) Full spine motion restriction procedures, transfer to the ambulance, provide all assessment and care en route to the hospital, with total scene time of 7 minutes D) Primary assessment, airway and ventilatory management, oxygen administration, spine motion restriction precautions, transport within 10 minutes of arriving on scene


QUESTION: You have arrived on the scene of a large structure fire. Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are by the side of a patient who is responsive to verbal stimuli and has significant burns to his body. They report that the patient fell down a flight of stairs while trying to escape and was trapped for several minutes. Their assessment findings include partial- and full-thickness burns to his right arm, right leg, and right side of the face. The EMRs also report that the patient's unburned skin is cool, clammy, and pale, with a delayed capillary refill. His pulse is 144 beats/min, respirations are 22 breaths/min, and blood pressure is 88/50 mmHg. Which instructions would be most appropriate? A) "The patient is in burn shock; let's soak a sterile burn sheet in water and wrap it around him." B) "Before cooling the patient with water, let's figure out the percentage of his body that is burned, along with the type of burn." C) "The patient is in burn shock; let's cool him by pouring cold water on him now and during transport." D) "After reassessing the ABCs, let's do a secondary assessment and look for signs of injuries that are causing shock."


QUESTION: You have been called for an intoxicated male who sustained a full-thickness burn to his leg after passing out against a kerosene heater. After ensuring that his airway, breathing, and circulation are intact, you cool the burn with water and then: A) Cover the burn with a burn sheet soaked in warm sterile water B) Apply ice packs and secure in place with a sterile dressing C) Carefully remove smoldering fabric that is adhered to the skin D) Carefully wrap the burn with a dry sterile dressing


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