Mod 8

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Albert Ellis

Cognitive behavioral. Developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) alters patients' irrational thought patterns.

Aaron Beck

Cognitive perspective. Father of cognitive therapy. Created self-report scales for anxiety and depression: BDI, Beck Hopelessness Scale, BSS, BAI, and Beck Youth Inventories.

Alfred Binet

Cognitive. Binet mental ability test in France. Standford-Binet IQ test. Intelligence tests to identify slow learners.

Carol Gilligan

Cognitive. Criticized Kohlberg's theory of moral development as male centric. Theorized morally men are focused on justice, whereas women are focused on nonviolence.

Francis Galton

Cognitive. Developed differential psychology and lexical hypothesis. Studied heritability of IQ and nature vs nurture. Made mental tests and studied perception.

Charles Spearman

Cognitive. Developed g factor (general intelligence) and s factor (specific intelligence) in intelligence. Correlation between mental abilities.

David Wechsler

Cognitive. Developed intelligence test for specific age groups. Verbal and nonverbal items. Developed WAIS and WISC.

Daniel Goleman

Cognitive. Emphasized emotional intelligence. Developed an EQ test. Emphasized meditation and empathy.

Benjamin Whorf

Cognitive. He was a linguist. Sapir-Whorf linguistic relativity hypothesis. Language determines how we think.

David McClelland

Cognitive. Need theory of motivation emphasizing psychological needs of achievement, power, and affiliation. Worked on TAT.

Ernst Weber

Cognitive. Researched in perception. Developed Weber's law of just noticeable differences (jnd) in sensory thresholds.

Elizabeth Loftus

Cognitive. Researched memory. Worked on misinformation effect, the unreliability of eyewitness memory, and false memories, including memories of childhood sexual abuse.

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Cognitive. Worked in memory. Developed forgetting curve, learning curve, serial positioning effect, and spacing effect.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Developmental psychology. Stages of death and dying: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Ekman and Friesen

Evolutionary. Facial expressions are universal and therefore biologically ingrained. Display rules vary from culture to culture.

Charles Darwin

Geology and biology. Work is the basis for the evolutionary perspective. Developed transmutation of species, natural selection, and evolution by common descent. "The Origin of Species"

Abraham Maslow

Humanist. Developed hierarchy of needs for motivation. Focus on self-actualization.

Carl Rogers

Humanist. Self-concept, role of real and ideal self in personality. Positive regard and self-actualization. Developed person-centered therapy.

Anna O.

Psychoanalysis. Patient of Josef Breuer diagnosed with hysteria. Start of psychoanalytic treatment. Breuer's talking cure. Freud thought her illness was from unconscious resentment.

Carl Jung

Psychoanalyst (neo-Freudian). Developed collective unconscious, archetypes, and person in personality research.

Erik Erikson

Psychoanalyst (neo-Freudian). Emphasized role of social interactions in development of personality. Developed psychosocial stages of development.

Anna Freud

Psychoanalyst. Developed psychoanalytic child psychology. Developed defense mechanisms. Emphasized role of ego.

Alfred Adler

Psychodynamic (neo-Freudian). Individual psychology. Role of inferiority in personality. Birth order theory. Inferiority and superiority complexes.

Darley and Latane

Social/sociocultural. Developed bystander effect due to diffusion of responsibility. As number of bystanders increases, likelihood of help decreases.

David Rosenhan

Social/sociocultural. Rosenhan experiment "Being sane in insane places" showed problematic influence of psychiatric labels.

Albert Bandura

Sociocultural. Personality social cognitive theory and self efficacy. Bobo doll experiment in observational learning.

Clark Hull

Behaviorist. Worked in drive-reduction theory of motivation. Explain cognition and motivation with behaviorist principles of reinforcement.

B. F. Skinner

Behaviorist. Developed operant conditioning. Idea of reinforcement. Used Skinner's box on rats to experiment. Schedules of reinforcement.

Edward Thorndike

Behaviorist. Experimented on cats. Developed Law of Effect: an action followed by a pleasurable consequence tends to be repeated, opposite is true for unpleasant consequences.

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