Purple Book

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Joint laxity or instability presents as (in rheumatoid arthritis)

IP lateral deviation

A form of meditation practice that focuses awareness non-judgmentally on the present

Mindfulness meditation

When fabricating a dynamic mobilization orthosis that allows for active flexion of the digits for a client post surgery for joint replacements of the MCP joints, what position must the pull tension bring the digits into?

MCP joints to neutral extension with a radial pull

Trains peers to model social and communication skills in the natural environment

Peer-mediated intervention

Most common cause for lower limb amputations

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) related to diabetes and decreased wound healing

Holding the wrist flexed for 60sec describes what assessment

Phalen test

Complex motor actions mean...

actions that have multiple components and are associated with goal-oriented task performance, tool use, or gestures

Sequencing, space, and social demands are examples of

activity demands

Maintenance of joint ROM, skin mobility, strength, and activity tolerance are the primary goals of intervention for burn wounds of partial or full thickness, during the ______ stage


Strength is increased by

adding weight or resistance

Redesigning daily occupations (intervention)

addresses developing a balance between resting and invigorating occupations

Organs especially susceptible to primary blast injury

air-filled organs(ear, lung, GI tract) and organs surrounded by fluid-filled cavities(brain, spinal cord) are especially susceptible to primary blast injury

If they have reasons to suspect substance abuse in their clients, practitioners should

alert their supervisor and referring physician

Asking the individual to read a paragraph and explain its meaning would be a screening method for


Righting reactions

align head and trunk into an upright position

Deck-style armrests on a wheelchair

allow a person to get closer to a table

Visual tracking

allows a person to track or follow a particular object in space

If a client makes an indirect comment that suggests he/she has considered suicide, the first action to take is to

ask directly if there is a plan to commit suicide

Specific vocational evaluation

assesses a person's readiness to return to a particular occupation

Models consistent with top-down approach

assist the client in identifying, developing, and utilizing cognitive strategies to perform activities

On an assistive technology team, the vocational rehabilitation agency typically

assists in job placement

On an assistive technology team, the vocational rehabilitation counselor typically

assists with the vocational goals setting

Spherical grasp (ball grasp)

assumed for holding round object; differs from cylindrical grasp primarily in positioning of fourth and fifth digits; the two ulnar digits are supported in greater extension to allow for a more open hand posture

Predictive research

at least two variables are measured to determine if they are related

Individuals with ______ have difficulty grading the force and range of movement that is needed


Models consistent with bottom-up approach

attempt to explain the underlying causes of functional deficits

Reducing distractions and presenting information in short units are strategies most appropriate for individuals with deficits in

attention and information processing

Level III evidence

comes from a nonrandomized controlled trial

Level IV evidence

comes from a single group design without a control group

Level II evidence

comes from a single randomized controlled trial


common disorder that affects movement and co-ordination

Primary model of practice for someone with ALS is


Techniques used to remediate edema and stiffness during the acute phase (postinjury) of edema management

cold thermal modalities, nonthermal ultrasound, compression garments/pumps/wrapping, elevation, PROM, AAROM, AROM

Interdisciplinary teams

collaborate on goals and come to a consensus

Consultative approach is a

collaborative process to identify and solve problems with occupations, prevent future problems, and achieve identified goals

Allen test assesses

collateral circulation

Cognitive beliefs

concern how people think about themselves

Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)

concerned with how people participate in daily occupations and achieve a sense of competence in identity

Total active ROM

considers the dynamics of tendon excursion and joint mobility

Isometric exercises

contractions of a particular muscle or group of muscles, resulting in no joint movement

Cognitive behavioral therapy identifies and challenges distorted beliefs by providing

contrary evidence

Assessment research

examines the reliability and validity of tests as well as their usefulness in practice and research

Peer support group

family-run groups that provide emotional and practical support to members

Gravitational insecurity

fear in response to being moved through space

Success using a biofeedback continence strategy is reported with

fecal incontinence

Selective attention involves

filtering and focusing on the relevant stimuli in the environment

Deep pressure touch strategies involve

firm holding, hugging, cuddling, squeezing, or the use of a weighted vest when someone is feeling out of control

Declarative learning

fits well within the cognitive stage of learning because learners can talk themselves through the sequence

Behavior associated with antisocial personality disorder

fixation or perseveration

MMT grade 0

flaccidity and no strength

Low motor neuron lesions are associated with

flaccidity, fasciculations, and diminished deep tendon reflexes

Motor behavior signs of stress

flaccidity, hypertonicity, hyperflexion

What motion should be avoided or modified when a client has carpal tunnel syndrome in order to prevent inflammation

flexion at the wrist, especially while grasping or pinching

Positioning strategy for a client laying supine post hip replacement

foam wedge between the legs to help prevent leg adduction past midline

Interpersonal problems (associated with the inner experience and behaviors of personality disorders)

include difficulty developing and maintaining meaningful relationships with others

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is used for

pain relief

Tertiary blast injury

individual is thrown from the blast into a solid object such as an adjacent wall or even a steering wheel ; associated with acceleration/deceleration forces and blunt force trauma to the brain

C6 level injury

individual requiring modA in self-care and total A with transfers

Hypoglycemia is

low blood sugar

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia (greatly impact an individual's level of functioning)

low energy, anhedonia, inattention

When a patient is having a seizure, the practitioner should

lower the patient to the floor

Family characteristics that can predispose an individual to an eating disorder include

rigidity, overprotectiveness, and lack of the opportunity to develop autonomy

Interpersonal skills are most effectively addressed through

role-playing and discussion groups

Equilibrium reactions

maintain the center of gravity over the base of support

MMT grade 4

maintains testing position with moderate force and completes full ROM

MMT grade 5

maintains the testing position with full force and completes full ROM

Borderline personality disorder characteristics include

making frantic efforts to avoid real or perceived abandonment

Presents as lack of DIP extension

mallet finger

presents as a lack of DIP extension

mallet finger

Device that may be required for an individual with C5 quadriplegia when performing oral hygiene activities

mobile arm support

Mild neurocognitive disorder presents with

modest cognitive decline in one or more cognitive domains without any impact on ADL or IADL

De Quervain's Tenosynovitis

painful condition affecting the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist

Muscles with poor minus strength would only be able to move a body part through

partial ROM in a gravity-eliminated position


partial loss of vision or blurred spot in otherwise normal visual field

Major problems encountered in ADL performance for person with ataxia are

safety and adequate stability of gait, body parts, and objects to complete the task

Biofeedback continence strategy

offers elders visual and auditory information to teach voluntary control of certain functions


on the opposite side of the body


on the same side of body

Job coaching

one form of supported employment

Emotional perception

one's ability to recognize and interpret emotional signals within social communication

Static two point testing ; Protective

only one point is perceived

Diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability

onset of condition during the developmental period and have both intellectual and adaptive functioning deficits

The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968

opened doors for changes to occur in gaining access for disabled individuals

Cooperative play

organized cooperatively and involves a division of labor to achieve a common goal; i.e. interactive card game

Verbal cues, external aids, and opportunities to practice are strategies most appropriate for individuals with deficits in


Positioning client in supine would be in response to

orthostatic hypotension

What level of assistance: child performs the task on their own, but cannot be safely left alone, or may need verbal cuing or physical prompts for 1% to 24% of the task

supervision level

Mobilization orthoses can only increase (passive/active) ROM

passive range of motion

Secondary blast injury may cause

penetrating brain injury

Playing imitating gesture games (Simon Says) facilitates _____ processing


Motor, cognitive, and perceptual skills are examples of

performance skills

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by

pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others ; they protect themselves from others by keeping their distance and appearing removed

Schizotypical personality disorder is characterized by

pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort, reduced close relationships, cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities in behavior

PIP hyperextension and DIP flexion

swan neck deformity

Presents as hyperextension of the PIP and flexion of the DIP

swan neck deformity

First symptoms of HO

swelling, warmth, and decreased ROM

Protective extension

postural reaction used to prevent injury during LOB

There is no question that a client for a C5 spinal cord injury will require a _______ wheelchair for independent mobility


Walking barefoot on a multi-textured surface, and playing in a large box of puffed plastic pellets emphasize _______ input


Elbow extension would be facilitated by

tapping or quick stretch of the muscle belly

Often called the eyes of the hands because of its importance in sensory innervation of the volar(palm) surface of the hands

the median nerve

For a mobile arm support to perform properly, the individual's _____ needs to be supported laterally to provide a stable base from which the arm may move


transhumeral amputation

above elbow

transfemoral amputation


Upper motor neuron lesions are associated with


The width of the seat on a wheelchair should not be more than

.5 to 1 inch on each side of the patient's thigh

Onset of HO is usually __________ after injury

1 to 4 months

What age does a child indicate discomfort when wet or soiled

1 year old

Five-step process of evidence based practice

1. Identify the problem 2. Identify relevant research 3. Evaluate the found research 4. Implement into practice 5. Evaluate outcomes

Sequences of grasp pattern development reflect three types of progression:

1. Ulnar fingers show activation before radial fingers and thumb 2. Palmar grasp (proximal) patterns precede finger grasp (distal) patterns 3. Extrinsic muscle activation dominates before intrinsic muscle activation

Scissor skills development

1. cut snips 2. cut straight line 3. cut straight lines with enough control to cut out a triangle 4. cut curved lines 5. cut heavier material

Static two point testing ; Fair

6-10mm apart

Stages of intervention for guillain-barre syndrome

1. proper positioning for trunk, head, and upper extremity are imperative in the early active stage 2. followed by gentle non-resistive activities and light ADL as tolerated 3. resistive exercises and balance and stabilization activities should me implemented during the recovery stage, after strength begins to improve

3 core skills of motivational interviewing

1. reflective listening 2. affirmations 3. change talk

Diagnoses associated with cumulative trauma usually fall into one of three categories:

1. tendinitis 2. nerve compression syndromes 3. myofascial pain

The earliest age a means of assisted mobility should be introduced

1.5yrs (18mo)

Typically developing children should be able to sit unsupported for several minutes by the age of

6-7 months

Children between the ages of _________ may take first steps, cruise, and walk with one hand held

10 and 12 months

allowing members to share similar experiences and reactions is a strategy designed to develop

cohesiveness among groups

Static two point testing ; Poor

11-15mm apart

Ratio for determining how long to make a ramp

12 inches in length for every one inch the ramp must rise (1 foot of ramp for every inch of rise in height)

Normal blood pressure reading


According to ADA guidelines, a doorway width needs to have a minimum clearance of ________ for wheelchair accessibility

32 inches

Skin-conditioning techniques should be used for any burned areas or surgical sites that took longer than _________ to heal

2 weeks

At what age do most children have daytime control over elimination, with occasional accidents, and still need to be reminded to use the toilet

2 years old

What age is a child expected to know when they have to use the toilet and be able to get on and off the toilet; may need assistance to cleanse themselves and manage fasteners or difficult clothing

3 years old

Which of the following durable equipment would be covered by Medicare: 1. raised toilet seat 2. grab bars 3. commode 4. tub bench

3. commode

Proper height of grab bars around toilet

33-36 inches above the floor

Complete independence in using the toilet is usually achieved by age

4 to 5 years old

Household ambulation distance is considered


When fully seated at an ergonomic workstation, the individual's chair base should have _____ points or casters

5; for optimal stability

Static two point testing ; Normal

5mm or less apart

Normal ROM for internal rotation of shoulder is

70 degrees

Community ambulation distance is considered


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) (Lou Gehrig's Disease)

A nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function

Partial weight bearing (PWB)

indicates that 50% of body weight may be applied to the affected leg

Hypothenar region

intrinsic muscles of the hand located within the medial side of the palm

Most appropriate method to achieve desensitization on a client who suffered a crush injury to the hand

Active ROM, massage, and pressure

Relies on the environment or tools to successfully complete an activity rather than seeking to change the client's abilities

Adaptive approach

Compressing one of the two main arteries to the hand while asking the client to open and close their hand describes what assessment

Allen test

Most common form of neurodegenerative disease


Characterized by IP flexion in the digits as well as atrophy of the thenar eminence; caused by a median nerve injury and prevents full abduction and opposition of the thumb

Ape hand deformity

Used commonly to determine extent of injuries

Assessments, such as Ranchos Scale

Utilizes devices and systems to augment or replace spoken or written language

Augmentative or alternative communication

Emphasis on a child's inner drive and active participation are key features guiding an intervention based on

Ayres Sensory Integration

Involves a collaborative process that requires the individual to examine irrational beliefs and related emotional and behavioral responses related to a specific situation that is interfering with their occupational performance

Behavioral experiments

Motions necessary to operate the terminal device for transradial amputation

Biscapular abduction and humeral flexion on the amputated side

Results when only one side of the spinal cord is damaged as in a stabbing or gunshot injury; Motor paralysis and loss of proprioception occurs below the level of the injury on the ipsilateral side; Loss of pain, temperature and touch sensation occurs on the contralateral side

Brown-Sequard syndrome

Ventilator dependent and require total physical assistance from a caregiver to complete ADL (spinal cord injury level)


Involves transforming objects into a new configuration; i.e. building with blocks, arts and crafts, molding clay, assembling models, making a beaded necklace

Constructive play

One's ability to manage difficult situations


MMT grade 3

muscle breaks immediately with force and completes full ROM

Elastic taping reduces

muscle fatigue by supporting and enhancing the contraction of weakened muscles

Delayed feedback

not immediately provided following completion of a task

Deltoid aid

positions the arm to help weak shoulder and elbow muscles to position the hand

Characterized by pain and inflammation at the radial styloid and affects comfortable use of the thumb for functional tasks; caused by inflammation of the tendons in the thumb

De Quervain's syndrome

Questions to consider when deciding between a power tilt and power recline wheelchair include

Does the user have significant spasticity that is facilitated by hip and knee extension during the recline phase? Does the user have hip or knee contractures that prohibit their ability to recline fully? Will the power recline or tilt decrease or make more efficient use of caregiver time? Will a power recline or tilt reduce the need for transfers to the bed for cauterizations and rest periods throughout the day? Will the patient require quick position changes in the event of hypotension and/or autonomic dysreflexia?

Questions to consider when deciding between a power and manual wheelchair include

Does the user have sufficient upper body strength to propel a manual wheelchair? Does the user demonstrate progressive functional loss that requires powered energy conservation options? Is the individual's home accessible for use of such a mobility device?

The thickening of the fascia within the hand that causes those fingers affected to form flexion contractures

Dupuytren's disease

Includes all pureed food that should be homogenous, pudding-like in consistency ; no course textures, raw fruits or vegetables, or nuts allowed

Dysphagia level 1 diet

Includes soft foods that stay together as a cohesive bolus

Dysphagia level 2 diet

Requires the client to be able to chew and have adequate oral motor skills to form cohesive bolus of textured foods and move the bolus posteriorly in the oral cavity ; a step down from a regular diet

Dysphagia level 3 diet

wrist cock-up splint

positions the wrist in extension and leaves the fingers free

Primary prevention

Efforts to prevent an injury or illness from ever occurring.

The surrounding things, influences, and conditions that impact a person's ability to perform


Instructing a stand-to-sit transfer to an individual post hip replacement using a posterolateral approach while adhering to precautions, COTA would state

Extend the operated leg forward, reach back for the armrests, slowly sit

Form of neuromuscular electrical stimulation that is used in place of orthosis or to yield a specific movement

Functional electrical stimulation

Structured interview

requires following the procedure, order, and wording of the questions to be asked

Is a collaborative process that reveals alternative options for dealing with the issue being discussed

Guided discovery

The patterns in which we do activities


Electrical stim used for tissue repair and healing

High-voltage galvanic stimulation

________ are essential to cognitive behavioral therapy

Homework assignments

Utilizes routines or habits to prompt the individual to the next step; designed to change a functional level

Restorative approach

Assists children to develop reciprocity in communication

Joint attention training

Reactivation of interests (intervention) would best apply to what model


Landmarks needed for a radial bar wrist cock-up splint

MP heads on the radial and ulnar sides of the hand, the base of the web space, the wrist joint on the radial side, and two-thirds length of the forearm

Landmarks needed for a short opponens splint

MP heads on the radial and ulnar sides of the hand, the radial and ulnar sides of the wrist, and the IP crease of the thumb

Hook grasp

MPs held in extension, and the DIP and PIP joints are held in flexion; does not include thumb to supply opposition

Tertiary blast injury may cause

Multiple fractures and injuries similar to those seen in motor vehicle accidents

Tracks muscle contractions using built-in electrodes; typically located at the wrist, biceps, triceps, or pectoralis major, and are used to open and close the device

Myoelectric prosthesis

Produce scores that compare an individual's performance to a large, diverse sample size

Norm-referenced assessments

utilizes a pulsed alternating current to stimulate intact peripheral motor nerves to produce a motor response or muscle contraction

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Timing of the medication and the periods of on-off are important considerations in planning the client's daily activities for an individual with

Parkinson's disease

Provides strong sensory input; i.e. running, hopping, skipping, and tumbling performed without any particular goal

Physical or Rough-and-Tumble play

Begins around age 2 when toddlers begin to represent the world symbolically; make-believe play

Pretend play/Symbolic play

Most important actions to take when client begins grand-mal seizure

Prevent injuries that can occur from falling or hitting objects during movement, loosening clothing that is restrictive, placing blanket or cushion underneath client

To minimize the risk of aspiration, _________ foods are chosen for clients with decrease oral motor control and chewing difficulties or apraxia


Goniometer measures


________ is designed to maintain or improve awareness of time, situation, and place, and often uses activities related to holidays and other temporal concepts

Reality orientation approach

Involves leisure experiences that allow the exploration of interests and roles such as sports; i.e. spending time with friends at a coffee shop, joining a community sports league

Recreational play

__________ is a group discussion technique for helping depressed and confused persons organize their thoughts and feelings; topic selection is based on the clients' interests, age, cultural background and personal histories

Remotivation approach

One's ability to endure a stressful situation without suffering the physiological or psychological consequences that can be associated with such adversity


Provides opportunity for playfulness through pretend play, and focuses on the activity at hand

Role-playing with dolls

Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the MCP joint of the thumb, caused by pressure downward into the thumb webspace of the thumb

Skier's thumb

The ability to interact with others


An early intervention specialist directs the provision of services and works with team members to meet the family's priorities and goals

The Primary Service Provider Model

Extrapyramidal syndrome

drug-induced movement disorder; may cause muscular rigidity, tremors, and/or sudden muscle spasms

A worksheet that assists the individual to organize and examine their thoughts, beliefs, and emotional responses when they are feeling distress

Thought Record

Activities used in evaluation groups should require

group collaboration that can be done in approx 45min and emphasize process rather than end product

Used to teach a client new skills that were never taught previously; often used with clients who have developmental delays

habilitative goal

Helps a child identify their level of arousal using a 3-stage program based on the running of an engine

The Alert Program

Most difficult to control because they require intact oral motor strength and coordination, and an intact swallow to prevent aspiration

Thin liquids

One's ability to balance work, rest, sleep, and play

Time use

"Examiner gently taps along the course of the nerve, moving toward the surgical site" describes what assessment

Tinel sign

Landmarks needed for a resting hand splint

Tracing the hand, leaving approx one-half-inch excess along the forearm area and marking two-thirds length of the forearm

Rolling from back to stomach (by 6mo) Independent sitting (6-7mo) Creeping (after 7mo) Cruising, supported stand, sideward stepping (at 12mo) Moving from supine to sitting (by 12mo)

Typical motor milestone progression for infants

Utilizes pictures or text to elicit communication

Visual supports

Peripheral neuropathy

Weakness, numbness, and pain from nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet

Common personality characteristics of individuals with anorexia nervosa include

introversion, perfectionism, and cautiousness or tendency to avoid risk

Narrative reasoning

a process used to make sense of people's particular circumstances ; prospectively imagine the effect of illness, disability, or occupational performance problems on their daily lives

What type of nipple is most effective for children with a cleft lip because it tends to create suction

a broad-based nipple

An individual with C7-T1 level injury requires _____ adaptive equipment for dressing

a leg lifter, sock aid, and dressing stick

The best splint to fabricate for an individual following an open reduction with internal fixation for radial head fracture with lateral collateral ligament damage

a long arm splint with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion and forearm in pronation, to restrict rotation and protect from valgus stress on the elbow

The best splint to fabricate for an individual following an open reduction with internal fixation for radial head fracture with medial collateral ligament damage

a long arm splint with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion and forearm in supination, to restrict rotation and protect from valgus stress on the elbow

What type of nipple allows the liquid to be deposited toward the back of the mouth, making it easier for the infant to swallow

a long, thin nipple

Progressive resistive exercise is the most effective method for increasing strength in

a muscle with fair plus strength

What type of nipple was developed specifically for infants with cleft palate to deliver flow without requiring suction

a nipple with a one-way valve; commonly known as a Special Needs Feeder; formerly known as Habermann Feeder

What type of nipple is most effective for children who perform better with a steady flow of liquid

a nipple with a single hole

What type of nipple is most effective for children who perform better with a burst of fluid

a nipple with several holes

A post offer screening assesses

a person's ability to meet certain physical requirements before being hired for a job

An individual with T2-T12 level injury requires _____ adaptive equipment for dressing

a reacher, sock aid, and dressing stick

Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)

a reflection of the skills and aptitudes, and guides preparation for postschool programs; developed by the time the student turns 16 y/o

General rule of thumb for caregiving in the NICU is to use

a slow interactive approach, with a single sensory input at a time

Autonomic dysreflexia is

a syndrome in which there is a sudden onset of excessively high blood pressure

Standardized tests include

a test manual, fixed number of items, fixed protocol for administration, and a fixed guideline for scoring

Pain and swelling in the surgical side lower extremity following a total hip replacement could indicate

a thrombus

Optimal position for an individual to be a candidate for a mobile arm support

ability to sit in an upright position

Visual-motor integration

ability to translate visual information into a motor response


abnormal increase in muscle tone or stiffness of muscle

Children with spastic diplegia have

abnormal tone affecting all 4 extremities, but with primary movement limitations in the lower extremities

Visual discrimination

ability to discriminate dominant features of different objects


ability to identify an object by manipulating it w/ the fingers without seeing it


ability to identify one's strengths and weaknesses


ability to manage emotions, moods, and impulses and channel these feelings in useful ways


ability to recognize numbers, letters, or forms written on the skin

Visual acuity

ability to see and clearly recognize objects in the environment while moving in space

When fully seated at an ergonomic workstation, the individual should be seated _________ from the computer

an arm's length

General positioning guidelines for optimal oral motor control during feeding include

an upright sitting position with the neck slightly flexed forward

IADL, leisure, and social participation are examples of

areas of occupation

Brachial plexus injury may result in damage to

any or all of the UE peripheral nerves ; may cause motor and/or sensory impairments

Asking the individual to demonstrate common gestures such as waving is a technique to screen for


Elevating footrests on wheelchair

are desirable for individuals with lower extremity edema

Precautions for anterolateral THA

avoid external rotation, adduction, and extension

Most important safety precaution when caring for pets for people with impaired sensation

avoid feeding them by hand

Precautions for posterolateral THA

avoid hip flexion greater than 90 degrees, internal rotation, and adduction

Behaviors that indicate possible health literacy concerns include

avoiding pamphlets, claiming to have forgotten glasses, and avoiding the completion of forms

When fabricating a splint, at what point should the padding(foam) be added

before molding; can either be put back into the thermoplastic, or leave a 'bubble' to avoid a bony prominence

COTA completes all of the steps of a task except the last one, as child becomes competent, the COTA completes all but the last two steps, and so on, until the child is able to perform the entire activity

backward chaining

Level V evidence

based on case study or expert opinion

the potential to measure an activity's results is central to a ______ FOR


Participating in an activity without acting out would be consistent with a (FOR)

behavioral FOR

Biofeedback conditioning (intervention) would best apply to what model

behavioral model

transradial amputation

below elbow

transtibial amputation


Reclining backrest wheelchair

benefits individuals who are unable to sit upright for prolonged periods of time, or who need to recline for weight shifts


bent outward

Best hip flexion angle for optimal sitting

between 100 and 110 degrees

Clients with severe hypertonicity may require progressive inhibitory casting, aka

bi-valve casting

NDT techniques are used to improve the quality of an individual's movement using

bilateral and symmetrical movement patterns, weight-bearing on affected limbs, and balance challenges

Uses voluntary muscle control during performance of activities for individuals with deficits in strength, endurance, or ROM

biomechanical approach

___________ is a treatment approach used when a person has a deficit in strength, endurance, or ROM, but has voluntary muscle control during performance activities

biomechanical approach

Environmental adaptations (intervention) would best apply to what model

biomechanical model

Control motion to control the terminal device in a transhumeral prosthesis

biscapular abduction and humeral flexion with the elbow joint locked

The first step in treating stress, urge, and mixed incontinence

bladder training


blood clot

Uses specific shoulder movements to place tension on the cable, which then opens and closes the terminal device

body-operated prosthesis

Heterotopic ossification (HO)

bone formation that occurs in the muscles around the hips and knees, occasionally noted at the elbow and shoulder

PIP flexion and DIP hyperextension

boutonniere deformity

Presents as flexion of the PIP and hyperextension of the DIP

boutonniere deformity

A screening followed by education, brief intervention and referral to treatment if needed

brief screening intervention

A child with limited visual acuity would be observed

bringing objects and papers close to his eyes in order to see them better


buildup of acid in the bloodstream

Area Agency on Aging

can assist in locating resources to support elders to continue living safely in their communities

Developing new routines and habits (intervention)

can assist people with severe mental illness to perform activities independently

person with severe intellectual disability

cannot read, has limited communication skills, and requires significant support in all ADL activities

Most common cause of death for individuals with schizophrenia is associated with

cardiovascular disease

Bladder training

caregivers instruct elders to resist the urge to urinate and to follow a planned time schedule

Common personality characteristics of individuals with bulimia nervosa include

carelessness, extroversion, and compromise


causes gradual failing of peripheral vision

Remediative goals are written to

change a functional level to achieve a stated function

Solitary play

child playing in isolation

Parallel play

child plays independently beside or near other children

Values, beliefs, and mental functions are examples of

client factors

When fabricating a splint, what kind of foam should be used to protect or avoid a bony prominence

closed-cell foam


clouding of the lens in the eye, causing blurred vision ; generally related to aging ; dull colors and blurs visual details throughout the visual field

Cognitive restructuring (intervention) would best apply to what model

cognitive behavioral theory

Identifies distorted beliefs and challenges them by providing contrary evidence

cognitive behavioral therapy

Uses graded and repeated practice of cognitive tasks within daily occupations

cognitive remediation approach

Employs efforts to find and appreciate the positive aspects of the situation

cognitive restructuring

Modality to provide pain relief from acute swelling

cryotherapy (superficial cooling agents)

Remedial techniques that can be used for pain management in the acute phase of healing

cryotherapy and cold packs, nonthermal ultrasound, splinting and iontophoresis

Weight bearing through the affected arm and hand can ______ muscle spasticity


Low-level radial nerve injury results in

decreased extension of the MCP joints of the thumb and fingers

Damage to ulnar nerve at the wrist causes

decreased grip strength and complete or partial loss of sensation over half of the fourth digit(ring finger) and entire fifth digit(pinky), plus the proximal hypothenar region

Individual's with peripheral neuropathies have

decreased tactile sensation in their fingertips

Difficulty in seeing contrast and color are two forms of

decreased visual acuity

Retrograde massage

decreases edema by assisting with the facilitation of blood and lymph movement

Transdisciplinary teams

dedicate time to learning about other disciplines and work across disciplinary boundaries

Pulling on a rope against the resistance of another person (i.e. tug of war) affords alternating pushing and pulling, provide _________ input to facilitate increased arousal

deep proprioceptive

MMT grade 2

demonstrates full ROM only in gravity-eliminated position

MMT grade 1

demonstrates muscle tension but no movement during ROM attempts

person with profound intellectual disability

dependent in all ADL activities and may have the ability to follow 1 or 2-step commands

C4 or higher paraplegia

dependent in the areas of self-care and transfers

Loss of interest in life activities, increase in sleep, and significant impairments in social and occupational endeavors are characteristic of a

depressive episode

Children with conduct disorders frequently

destroy property

On an assistive technology team, the OT practitioner typically

determines which part of the body has sufficient motor control for operating the technology and then recommends the type of input access device (i.e. switch, keyword, software, etc) that will best meet the client's needs

having an activity that is consistent with the skills at a specific age level is linked to a _______ FOR



difficult or labored breathing

Equipment ordering is part of the ___________ in a rehabilitation setting

discharge plan

Tactile defensiveness

discomfort with various textures and with unexpected touch

Age-related macular degeneration

disease associated with aging that affects sharp, central vision

Principle of nonmalefience

doing no harm


dysfunction in reading

Secondary prevention focus

early detection in which the patient can then seek treatment if needed

Children with moderate intellectual impairment are unlikely to progress past the ______ level in academics


intervention to best enhance visual memory

embed a recommended memory strategy into the daily routines to help organize their work such as mnemonics, rehearsal and imagery

Sensorimotor approach treatment techniques include

employment of primitive reflexes, such as those infants display

The occupation initially impacted by a neurocognitive disorder


Weight training with high repetitions and low resistance will increase


Health promotion goals emphasis is on

enhancing the context and activities in order to enable occupational participation; may be addressed with clients individually, in a group, a community, or organization; may be used more frequently in emerging practice areas

Timed voiding

establishing a fixed schedule that requires the client to void every 2 hours

Medicare provides medical coverage for

everyone over 65 years of age who qualifies for SS benefits or those under 65 years of age with disabilities

The frontal lobe is responsible for

executive functions and motor control

Fair Housing Amendments Act

expanded coverage of the Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination based on disability or on familial status

Primary blast injury

exposure to the over pressurization wave or the complex pressure wave that is generated by the blast itself

Principle of autonomy

expresses the concept that practitioners have a duty to treat the client's desires, within the bounds of accepted standards of practice and to protect the clients confidential information

When performing interventions at a table, the OTA should ideally

face the client across a narrow table that is of approx elbow height

Strategies to address "freezing" (difficulty starting and stopping movements) while walking

focusing attention(concentrating) on walking while avoiding all nonessential talking or distraction(i.e. avoiding crowds)

Orthostatic hypotension is

form of low blood pressure caused by blood vessels failing to constrict when the body takes an upright position

Family consultation

formal approach that educates families in a clinical setting individually or within a group and determines their need for services

Begins with the child completing the first step, and the practitioner completing the rest, when competent the child progressively takes on more of the steps

forward chaining

Majority of visual perceptual deficits are found in

foundational skills (oculomotor control, visual field, visual acuity)

Prompted voiding is recommended for elders who are

frail or cognitively impaired

Sign of intermittent explosive disorder

frequent emotional outbursts

adhesive capsulitis is also called

frozen shoulder

Goals should be

functional, measurable, and objective

Purpose of a political action committee is to

further an association's legislative aims by influencing or attempting to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of any individual to any federal public office

Autonomic nervous system signs of physiological instability/stress

gasps, startles, hiccups

Semistructured interview

gather additional information ; questions may be paraphrased, selected as they are relevant to the client, or additional questions may be asked

Is contraindicated on a dysphagia diet since it quickly liquefies and becomes a thin liquid


Multidisciplinary teams

generate discipline-specific goals

Goal of inpatient rehabilitation is to

get the patient safely to the least restrictive next level of care

Most important safety measures for caregiver maneuvering wheelchair

going forward when ascending a curb step, going backward down a curb step, and tilting w/c backward going down a ramp

Sports most often recommended by orthopedic surgeons following hip replacement

golf, cycling, bowling

Signs of acidosis

gradual onset, flushed skin, drowsiness, labored breathing, and vomiting

Dynamometer measures

grip strength ; not particularly sensitive to thumb opposition

examples of cylindrical grasp

gripping hammer, pot handle, drinking glass, walker or crutch

Psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia

hallucinations and delusions

Primary therapeutic treatment to normalize movement when using NDT techniques


person with moderate intellectual disability

has academic performance significantly below their peers and will need extensive teaching and cuing supports to learn vocational skills

Primary Service Provider Model

has an early intervention specialist direct the provision of services and work with team members to meet the family's priorities and goals

What is the best way to evaluate external rotation using functional ROM

have the individual touch the back of their neck

What is the best way to evaluate internal rotation using functional ROM

have the individual touch the small of their back

T3 (or lower) paraplegia

have the trunk balance and upper extremity strength and coordination to complete self-care and transfers independently

Children with visual discrimination limitations would be observed

having difficulty recognizing objects or matching and sorting objects

Techniques used to remediate edema and stiffness during the subacute phase of edema management

heat thermal modalities, retrograde massage, and manual lymph drainage

Best ergonomic workstation position for computer monitor

height allowing for 17-18 degrees of downward gaze

For individual's with ASD, repetitive acts are believed to

help the individual maintain a state of stimulation or to calm themselves

A person experiencing a manic episode is likely to exhibit

high energy levels, short attention span, poor frustration tolerance, difficulty delaying gratification and making decisions

Providing a glass of fruit juice or other fast-acting sugary foods would be in response to


Interphalangeal (IP) joints [DIP/PIP]

hinge-type synovial joints between connecting finger bones; thumb has one proximal, and the second to fifth digits each have a proximal and a distal

In an ergonomic workstation, what is the best position for the seat angle and seat pan

hips in greater than 90 degrees of hip flexion, thighs supported without touching the posterior aspect of the knee

Anaphylaxis symptoms

hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, vomiting, trouble breathing, or a drop in blood pressure

Lateral prehension pattern is used for

holding a pen, utensil, or key

Supraglottic and super-supraglottic swallows are contraindicated for individuals with cardiac conditions to high blood pressure as they involve

holding one's breath while swallowing

Patient and family advisory councils provide feedback to

hospital boards and committees to work groups and task forces

Remedial techniques that can be used for edema management in the subacute phase of healing

hot or cold thermal modalities (cyrotherapy; hot pack), and compression

During the subacute phase of healing, what remedial techniques can be used for pain management

hot or cold thermal modalities, ultrasound, phonophoresis

Appropriate adjunct activities used to treat acute symptoms of epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

ice application, immobilization, splinting

Lead-pipe rigidity

identified in patients who demonstrate a constant resistance throughout the joint ROM when a limb is moved in any direction

Cognitive Disabilities Reconsidered Approach

identifies the client's cognitive level and, based on the information, maximizes their strengths and creates an environment where they can succeed

Most effective measures to support a client through the recovery process

identify areas of preferred occupation, focus on skills that support engagement, assist in increasing self-sufficiency

Skin-conditioning techniques are used to

improve scar integrity and durability against minor trauma caused by pressure or shearing forces, decrease hypersensitivity, and moisturize dry newly healed skin

Neurodevelopmental FOR focuses on

improving motor skills "by inhibiting abnormal muscle tone and facilitating normal movement patterns

Tonic labyrinthine reflex is present when

in the supine position there is increased extensor tone, and in prone there is an increased flexor tone ; interfere with transitional movements such as getting from supine to sitting, i.e. bed mobility


inability to feel pleasure


inability to perform mathematics


inability to perform purposeful movement on command


inability to print or write

Visual agnosia

inability to recognize common objects and demonstrate their use in an activity

Mood intolerance

inability to tolerate negative emotions


inability to understand written language

Executive functioning

includes higher level cognitive processes such as planning, cognitive flexibility, and abstract thinking

Change talk

includes the desire, ability, reasons, and need for making a change

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia

incoherency, delusions, echolalia

Action over inertia (intervention)

incorporates identifying the clients' need for change and how they are currently spending their time, providing education on the benefits of engagement in meaningful activities and long-term goal planning with regular monitoring and refining of plans as needed

Vibration and tapping are facilitatory techniques used to _____ muscle tone


Endurance is improved by

increasing number of repetitions

What level of assistance: child performs the complete task, including the setup


What level of assistance: child performs the task after someone else sets it up for them

independent with setup level

Full weight bearing (FWB)

indicates client can complete standing activities without restriction

Non-weight bearing (NWB)

indicates no body weight may be applied to the affected leg ; complete all activities while sitting

Toe-touch weight bearing (TTWB)

indicates that 10% of body weight may be applied to the toe of affected leg; 90% of body weight is still on the unaffected leg

Connecting new information to previously held knowledge and skills is a technique most appropriate for individuals with deficits in

information retrieval and memory

Ergonomic tool design for working on a horizontal surface

inline grip

Collaborate on goals and come to a consensus

interdisciplinary teams

Adult Protective Services

investigates allegation of elder abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation

Emotional expression (coping strategy)

involves directing anger or humor at a situation

Procedural learning

involves mastering movements or techniques

Reflective listening

involves repeating a statement that the client has made or restated in the listener's words

Information seeking (coping strategy)

involves researching and seeking advice about a situation along with coping strategies used by others

Wish-fufilling fantasy (coping strategy)

involves spending time imagining an improvement in a situation

Simple rotation (in-hand manipulation skill)

involves the turning or rolling of an object held at the finger pads approx 90 degrees or less

General vocational evaluation

is a comprehensive assessment of a person's potential to do any type of work

Developmental apraxia

is a failure to have ever acquired the ability to perform age-appropriate complex motor actions

Constructional apraxia

is an impairment in producing designs in two or three dimensions; whether upon command or simultaneously; clients w/ constructional apraxia cannot draw or assemble parts to form a unitary structure

Ideational apraxia

is an inability to carry out complex sequential motor acts; caused by a disruption of the conception rather than the execution of the motor act

Phantom limb sensation

is associated with the feeling of the limb's being intact after surgery but without the associated pain

resting splint

is designed to prevent shortening and to maintain the joints midrange for optimal function

C7-T1 injury

is independent with self-care and minA with uphill transfers

Level I evidence

is provided from systematic reviews that include at least two randomized control trials

Ideomotor apraxia

is the ability to imitate gestures or perform a purposeful motor task on command even though the client fully understands the idea or concept of the task

Ataxia results in

jerky, poorly controlled movements

Framework defines swallowing/eating as

keeping and manipulating food or fluid in the mouth and swallowing it

metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint

large knuckle joint located where the fingers and thumb meet the hand

The first strategy to reduce tremors while self-feeding is using the environment to provide stability, such as

leaning on the edge of the table

One of the first steps to reducing the risk of re-injury in a work program is

learning proper body mechanics, along with achieving a good fitness level

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

legal document that establish the services and programs that will enable the student to participate in school activities and receive appropriate education

When discussing sexual activity positioning with a client with hemiparesis, they should be instructed to

lie on affected side, leaving the unaffected side free for physical contact or additional support

Palmar prehension pattern is commonly used to

lift objects from a flat surface and tie shoe laces

Individuals with dysphagia frequently have _______ as well

limb apraxia

Most important safety measures for client maneuvering wheelchair

locking brakes during transfers, leaning slightly forward when going up a ramp, and never standing on footplates

When examining performance in various areas of occupation, the COTA needs to

look at both performance skills and patterns; maladaptive patterns in one occupational area may interfere with functioning in another area

Children with visual tracking difficulties would be observed

losing focus while following a moving object

Grand mal seizure (tonic-clonic seizure) symptoms

loss of consciousness, jerky movements, and shallow breathing


loss of full control of body movements; reduced selective motor control, weakness, or involuntary motor activity

High-risk behaviors, decreased sleep, and psychomotor agitation are characteristic of a

manic episode

person with mild intellectual disability

may sustain employment in jobs that do not emphasize conceptual skills, can often live independently with minimal support in health-care, legal and financial decisions


meaningless repetition of another person's spoken words

Rehabilitation approaches use

measures that enable a person to live as independently as possible despite residual disability

Dysphagia evaluation usually consists of a client's

mental status, oral motor structure, and head, trunk, and extremity motor functions

What level of assistance: signifies that the child performs 50% to 75% of the task independently, but needs physical assistance, or other cuing for the remainder of the task

minimal assistance

A form of relationship building that is based on establishing rapport and helping the individual identify his/her own reasons for change

motivational interviewing

Early symptoms of Lewy body disease include

motor skills impairment

Affordable Care Act

moved the U.S. health system toward a more integrated care model in both behavioral and physical health

Generate discipline specific goals

multidisciplinary teams

Fasciculations is the same as saying

muscle twitch

Tinel sign may be used to assess for

nerve regeneration

Walking to the closet after tone reduction is following a (FOR)

neurodevelopmental FOR

Also focuses on the nervous system, but emphasizes eliciting responses in a developmental sequence

neurodevelopmental approach

Timed voiding is successful with __________ residents

neurologically impaired

Applied to individuals with brain damage; emphasis on nervous system and methods for eliciting desired responses

neurophysiological approach

Sensorimotor approaches use

neurophysiological mechanisms to normalize muscle tone and elicit more normal motor responses

Static two point testing ; Anesthetic

no point is perceived

An individual with L1 level or lower injury requires _____ adaptive equipment for dressing


Inherent feedback

obtained intrinsically when practicing a skill

Remedial techniques that can be used for pain management in the subacute phase of healing

phonophoresis, hot packs

Two point prehension pattern is used to

pick up objects such as a pin, nail, or coin

Ergonomic tool design for working on a vertical surface

pistol grip

Individualized Family Service Plan

plan of services and supports for families and their infants and toddlers with disabilities


praxis deficits that result from inefficient processing of tactile-kinesthetic, proprioceptive, and/or vestibular sensory input within the body; can interfere with development of body scheme and awareness

Phantom limb pain

present when the amputated limb is perceived to be present with accompanying pain

Positive supporting reflex is present when

pressure to the ball of the foot results in hip, knee, and ankle extension of the stimulated foot ; pt will have difficulty walking down stairs d/t leg remaining in extension

A type of descriptive research

prevalence studies

Double swallows, supraglottic swallow, chin tuck to chest, and clearing of the throat are all techniques to

prevent aspiration

The purpose of a dynamic splint for a low-level radial nerve injury is

prevent the extensor tendons from over-stretching and provide proper positioning

Tertiary prevention refers to

preventing the progression of an existing condition

Primary purpose of energy conservation

prevention of fatigue

The temporal lobe is responsible for

primarily carrying out auditory functions

The occipital lobe is responsible for

primarily carrying out visual functions

Goal of OT during the acute care phase

primarily preventive

The parietal lobe is responsible for

processing sensory information

Individual with back pain must avoid activities that stress the lumbar spine, such as

prolonged bending/flexing of the spine

Positions to be limited or avoided for patient with transfemoral amputation

prolonged hip flexion, elevation of residual limb on a pillow while supine, sitting limited to 30min

Primary aim of therapeutic group

promote change in the individual patients

Most important instruction to prevent contractures during the flaccid phase using Brunnstrom approach

proper positioning; promotes normal alignment

Social cognition

proposes that difficulties in social interaction are caused by impairments in specific cognitive processes that are necessary for effective communication

Activities that encourage the use of postural reactions

require the individual to respond by changing body position to maintain balance

Support groups

provide emotional and practical support and are run by professionals

Purpose of a peer support group

provide support for individuals who have a Dx, medically related problems or disability in common

Augmented feedback

provided by a clinician

Concurrent feedback

provided during performance of a task

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

provides civil rights protection for individuals with disabilities in the areas of transportation, education, voting, housing, employment, health care, and community participation

Efficacy research

provides information about the usefulness of a particular intervention

Social Security Disability Insurance

provides monetary assistance to workers who have become disabled and can no longer work

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

provides monetary support to U.S. citizens who are over 65, blind, or disabled.

the activity's symbolic potential is linked to a ______ FOR


Prompted voiding

requires a caregiver to document if the individual is continent or incontinent every 1-2hrs and to ask if they need to void

Cognition (associated with the inner experience and behaviors of personality disorders)

refers to a rigid, extreme, and distorted thinking that demonstrates how the individual perceives the world

Acute stress

refers to a stress response that is elicited after a highly stressful or traumatic experience

Affectivity (associated with the inner experience and behaviors of personality disorders)

refers to problems with emotional response patterns

Applying learned skills (aspect of culturally responsive practice)

refers to putting into action the knowledge and skills that have been developed

Generating knowledge (aspect of culturally responsive practice)

refers to the practitioner gaining a better understanding of the characteristics, history, values, beliefs, and health practices of the culture

Chronic stress

refers to the repeated and prolonged activation of the stress response which interfere with participating in meaningful life roles

Teaches an individual how to compensate for a deficit on either a temporary or permanent basis

rehabilitative approach

According to Rood, applying pressure to the biceps tendon may

relax the elbow

When fully seated at an ergonomic workstation, the individual's armrests should be

removed; they may interfere with getting close enough to the desk

Work-related risk factors that are frequently associated with cumulative trauma disorders

repetition, high force, poor posture

Goals for individuals admitted to a rehabilitation unit involve the

restoration of ability or skill to modify the activity or context and prevent further disability with emphasis on occupational performance

oval eight ring splint

restricts proximal IP joint hyperextension but allows for full flexion

Diabetic retinopathy

results in blurred vision or spotty areas called scotomas

Work-hardening programs focus on

returning individuals to work in physically appropriate settings, as quickly as feasible, through reconditioning

Extending the wrist while holding the client's hand describes what assessment

reverse Phalen test

Ulnar drift, swan neck, boutonniere, and joint laxity/instability are all common hand deformities seen in

rheumatoid arthritis

Cogwheel rigidity

rhythmic 'give' occurs in the resistance throughout the ROM

Sheltered workshops are

segregated settings designed to help individuals master basic work skills

Loosening clothing around neck, placing pillow under head, and rolling patient onto their side to prevent aspiration are all important actions a clinician should take to prevent injury during a


Building awareness (aspect of culturally responsive practice)

self-reflection is used to examine the practitioner's position in society and any privileges that may have come with the position for them to be able to address any of their biases and attitudes toward a culture

the combined activity demands of sensations, perceptions, and motor skills is linked to a ______ FOR


Improving coordination to fastening buttons would follow a (FOR)

sensorimotor FOR

Impingement of median nerve at the wrist causes

sensory changes in the thumb, index finger, long finger, and half of the ring finger

Injury to radial nerve in the wrist area causes

sensory damage only

Refers to the tendency to generate responses that are appropriately graded in relation to incoming sensory stimuli

sensory modulation


sensory-based motor disorder ; characterized by poor planning of both anticipatory, feedforward dependent movements and actions that depend on sensory feedback

Primitive reflexes

serve as a survival function; most are suppressed early in infancy but may reappear after injury or trauma to the brain

Related services are defined as

services needed to help students benefit from their education program

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

shakiness, sense of weakness, feeling of anxiety and confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, and/or sweating

Isotonic (concentric) contractions

shorten the muscle length with accompanying joint movement

Major neurocognitive disorder presents with

significant cognitive decline compared to past functioning and that has an impact on daily living

Optimal writing posture

sitting with feet planted on the floor (providing support for postural shifts and alignments), table surface should be 2 inches above the flexed elbows when seated in the chair

Exclusion of individuals with mental illness from social situations

social distancing

On an assistive technology team, the rehabilitation engineer typically

solves mechanical and software problems

Social Security Disabled Adult Child (SDAC)

special form of SSI; individual must be 18 y/o or older, have a qualifying mental health dx prior to 22 years of age, be a dependent of someone who is deceased or retired who has worked enough years to qualify for SSI, be single or not married to someone receiving SDAC, and earn less than the federally established substantial gainful activity wage.

Gait ataxia manifests as

staggering, wide-based gait with reduced or no arm swing; step length may be uneven and the client may have a tendency to fall


statements or gestures that acknowledge the client's strengths and efforts towards change

Asking the individual to identify objects through touch only would be used to assess


Weight training with low repetitions and high resistance will increase


Gentle, repetitive, and resistive exercises help maintain

strength and endurance in weakened muscles

How do you obtain total active ROM measurement

sum of MCP, PIP, and DIP flexion and extension active measurements

Home Environment Skill Building approach

teaches caregivers ways to modify the environment and adapt their approach to the client

Primary steps in social skills training include

teaching the skills, practicing the skills, and providing feedback

The action of wrist extension producing finger flexion, and wrist flexion producing finger extension


Phalen test and Reverse Phalen test are

tests for median nerve compression at the wrist

Desensitization stimuli are graded by

texture and force

Divided attention involves

the ability to focus on more than one task at a time

Postural control refers to

the ability to maintain balance during functional movements and depends on both posture and balance


the ability to perceive emotion in both ourselves and other people, the ability to understand what another person is thinking or feeling, self-awareness, and the ability to regulate one's own emotional state

Upper extremity function is optimal when

the child is in a functional sitting position with a slight forward orientation

For a premature baby, how do you consider their developmental age

the chronological age minus the number of months premature

Avoidant personality disorder's essential feature is

the demonstration of a persistent pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacies, and hypersensitivity to any form of criticism


the desire to initiate, engage in, and complete an activity

Palmar grasp reflex is present when

the digits flex into a palmar grasp with any pressure in the palm ; pt cannot release an object from hand

Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) Joint

the first joint of the finger and is located between the first two bones of the finger; can bend and extend the finger

Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex is present when

the head is turned to one side and the arm and leg on the face side go into extension while flexion of the arm and leg is seen on the skull side ; interfere with bringing one's hand to their mouth, i.e. self-feeding


the inability to perform rapidly alternating movements such as forearm supination and pronation or elbow flexion and extension


the internal drive to accomplish a goal

Sensory processing

the interpretation of sensory information into meaningful and usable constructs for action

When fully seated at an ergonomic workstation, the individual's backrest should support

the lumbar and thoracic region

Behavioral FOR addresses

the patient's ability to participate in and complete activities in a socially appropriate manner

Biomechanical FOR addresses

the patient's strength and endurance through repetitive activities

Residual limb

the portion of arm or leg remaining after an amputation

Skills development (aspect of culturally responsive practice)

the practitioner purposefully builds a skill set to be able to communicate with clients from a variety of cultural backgrounds with empathy and a focus on their beliefs, values, experiences, and desires while developing and executing a treatment plan

Framework defines feeding (sometimes called self-feeding) as

the process of setting up, arranging, and bringing food/fluids from the plate or cup to the mouth

Secondary blast injury

the result of energized fragments flying through the air

Pinch gauge is used to measure

the strength of a three-jaw chuck grasp pattern(palmar pinch), key(lateral) pinch, and tip pinch ; all of these pinch patterns require thumb opposition

Episodic stress

the suffering from acute stress frequently

Body scheme

the understanding of one's body parts and their relative positions in space

Paraffin treatment (wax; moist heat treatment)

thermal modality used to increase motion, decrease joint stiffness, relieve muscle spasms, increase blood flow, decrease pain, and aid in the reabsorption of exudates and edema in chronic conditions

Test position for key pinch

thumb against side of index finger

Test position for two-point pinch

thumb against the tip of index finger

Test position for three-point pinch

thumb against the tips of index and middle fingers

Device required for an individual with C7 to C8 quadriplegia when performing oral hygiene activities

toothbrush with built-up handle

When fully seated at an ergonomic workstation, the individual's feet need to be

touching the floor

Dedicate time to learning about other disciplines and work across disciplinary boundaries

transdisciplinary team s

Biomechanical approach uses

treatment techniques derived from kinetics; such as ROM, strengthening, therapeutic exs, and orthotics

Results from thickening of the A1 pulley and makes it difficult for the flexor digitorum superficialis and the flexor digitorum profundus to glide

trigger finger

Boley gauge is used to measure

two-point discrimination

Landmarks needed for a long opponens splint

two-thirds the length of the forearm, radial and ulnar sides of the wrist, MP heads on the radial and ulnar sides of the hand, and the IP crease of the thumb

Progressive resistance exercises

type of isotonic ex that uses an increase in weight during consecutive exercise repetitions

Work hardening

typically consists of injury intervention, specific fitness training, specific work act simulation conditioning, body mechanics and safe work practice training

Supported employment

typically occurs in regular work sites, and provides intensive, ongoing support to individuals with disabilities.

bivalve splint or cast

typically used when circumferential pressure of a body part is required to maintain a desired position

Ulnar drift results in

ulnar deviation of the digits at the MCPs

When loading a dishwasher, it is safer for the client to stand with the machine to his/her _________ and load from that position

unaffected side

Cylindrical grasp

used to stabilize objects against the palm and fingers with the thumb acting as an opposing force; the two ulnar metacarpals are held in greater flexion than in spherical grasp

Sensory integration

uses a child-guided approach, in which the selection of activities is guided by the child's needs and responses

Augmentative communication

uses devices or systems that support or replace the client's communication skills

A key environmental adaptation strategy for people with visual impairments

using contrast

Rehabilitation approach treatment techniques include

utilization of assistive technology and adaptive equipment

Dialectial behavior therapy

utilizes skills training focusing on interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, distress balance, and mindfulness meditation

Most important for joint protection

utilizing the strongest joints and avoiding positions of deformity

Hook and loop is JUST


More intrusive cues (hierarchal approach)

verbal and gestural cues

Most intrusive cues (hierarchal approach)

verbal and physical cues

Least intrusive cues (hierarchal approach)

verbal cues

Sliding down playground slide facilitates ______ processing


Slow, repetitive rocking over a large therapy ball emphasizes ________ input


Most commonly used instrumental assessment tool to examine oropharyngeal swallowing disorders

videofluoroscopic swallow study

The ability to sustain attention over time refers to


Seen in oppositional defiant disorder


Initial symptoms of Alzheimer's tend to be

visual disturbances including hallucinations

Basic ambulation aids; from most to least support

walker, two crutches, a single crutch, bilateral canes, a single cane

Principle of beneficence

we must demonstrate a concern for the well-being of our patients and developing plans appropriate to their level of function

According to NDT approach for adult hemiplegia, ________ is the most effective way of normalizing tone


Forward chaining method is helpful for children

who have difficulty with sequencing and generalization skills

Backward chaining method is helpful for children

with a low frustration tolerance or poor self-esteem because it gives immediate success

One-arm drive wheelchair is useful for individuals

with the use of only one upper extremity

Position of choice following hip precautions when client is supine

with wedge between legs to prevent rotation or adduction

Appropriate splinting for burns

wrist 20-30 degrees extension, MCP joints 70 degrees flexion, IP joints fully extended, thumb abducted and extended

Wrist arthroplasty

wrist joint replacement

Device that may be required for an individual with C5 to C6 quadriplegia when performing oral hygiene activities

wrist support with utensil holder

Early intervention programs are appropriate for children

younger than preschool age

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