A&P Chapter 11: The Blood

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before the red bone marrow takes over completely, two other fetal organs contribute to RBC production. These are the ___________ and the ___________

liver and spleen


low blood oxygen level


low oxygen in tissues


low platelet count

agranular leukocytes

lymphocytes and monocytes

when these immature RBC's are present in large numbers in circulating blood, it means that there are not enough __________ to transport sufficient ____________ throughout the body.

mature RBC's, oxygen

ABO and Rh

most important RBC types

bacteria in a person's colon

most of a person's vitamin K supply is produced by what

granular leukocytes

neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils

In RBC formation, the last stage with a nucleus is called a _________


two types of substances that are transported in dissolved form in the plasma

nutrients and waste products

protein and iron

nutrients needed for RBC formation which will become part of the hemoglobin molecule


nutrients, waste products, gases, and hormones

Red bone marrow

primary hemopoietic tissue after birth, found in flat and irregular bones

chemical clotting

process to stop bleeding; involves chemical s

Function of white blood cells

protect body from infection; provides immunity to certain infectious diseases

stage 2 blood clotting

prothrombin activator converts prothrombin to thrombin

rbc's pick up oxygen when they circulate through the __________capillaries (in the___________), and this hemoglobin is now called _________________.

pulmonary, lungs, oxyhemoglobin

4.5 million to 6.0 million

range of normal RBC count

38 to 48 %

range of normal hematocrit

12-18 g/100mL

range of normal hemoglobin level


released by platelets or to the damage caused when a vessel ruptures and causes smooth muscle tissue to contract and stop bleeding


released by the liver so the body does not form blood clots inside the blood vessel

lymphatic tissue is found in lymphatic organs such as the ________,________, and _______

spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus

platelets, damaged tissues

stage 1 of clotting involves chemical factors released by ____________ and other chemicals from_______________.

chemical blood clotting

stimulus is a rough surface within a vessel or a break in a vessel that also creates a rough surface

Globulins (antibodies)

synthesized by lymphocytes or by the liver, includes antibodies, includes carrier molecules for fats in the blood

clotting factors

synthesized only by the liver, helps prevent blood loss when blood vessels rupture, include fibrinogen and prothrombin

RBC's release oxygen in ______________ capillaries, and their hemoglobin is then called ____________________

systemic, reduced hemoglobin


the blood level of bilirubin rises, perhaps because of liver disease. the whites of the eyes may appear yellow.

liver and blood plasma

the clotting factors such as prothrombin and fibrinogen are synthesized by the ______________ and circulate in the until activated in the _____________ clotting mechanism

vitamin B12

the function of intrinsic factor is to prevent the digestion of _____________ and promote it's absorption in the small intestine.

amino acids, protein synthesis

the globin portion of the hemoglobin is digested to ____________ which may be used in the process of _______________.


the heme portion of the hemoglobin of old RBC's that is converted by RE cells

lining of the stomach

the intrinsic factor is produced by

liver, hemoglobin

the iron from old RBC's may be stored in the ___________ or transported to the red bone marrow for the synthesis of new _____________.

vascular spasms

the mechanism of hemostasis necessary in large vessels that are ruptured or cut.


the mineral necessary for chemical clotting. stored in Bones


the most abundant phagocytes


the most abundant plasma protein, pulls tissue fluid into capillaries to maintain blood volume, synthesized only by the liver


the most efficient phagocytic cell

kidneys, free hemoglobin

the most serious effects of such a transfusion reaction occur in the ______________(organ) when the capillaries they're become clogged by____________ from the ruptured rbc's

platelet plugs

the only effective mechanism of hemostasis for rupture of capillaries


the oxygen-carrying mineral in hemoglobin


the oxygen-carrying protein in rbc's

stem cell

the precursor cell for blood cells in the red bone marrow. constantly undergo the process of mitosis to produce new cells

prothrombin activator

the result of stage 1 blood clotting


the stage in which fragments of the ER are present


the term for a clot that dislodges and travels to another vessel.

vascular spasm, platelet plugs, and chemical clotting

the three mechanisms of hemostasis

Vitamin K

the vitamin necessary for prothrombin synthesis or blood clotting

stage 3 blood clotting

thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin

smooth muscle

tissue in arteries and veins that permit them to constrict

hemopoietic tissue

tissues that produce blood

the normal purpose of HLA

to provide a comparison for the immune system to be able to recognize foreign antigens

granular and agranular

two groups of white blood cells


what do wbc's have that rbc's do not have when the cells are mature?

if an Rh negative person receives or is exposed to Rh positive blood.

when would The antibodies be formed?

liver, spleen, and red bone marrow

where Macrophages (RE cells) that phagocytose old RBC's are found

red bone marrow

where are thrombocytes formed


where bilirubin is eliminated


white blood cells produced in lymphatic tissues buy stem cells

in the embryo, rbc's are first produced by an external membrane called the __________

yolk sac

bicarbonate ions in chemical form


clot retraction

Kohl's the edges of the break in the vessel together which makes repair of the area


Large cells that develop into platelets



name the types of cells formed in red bone marrow

RBC's, WBC's, platelets


The stoppage of bleeding

General functions of the blood

Transportation, regulation, protection

red blood cells

also called erythrocytes and are formed in red bone marrow


an abnormal clot in an intact vessel


an anticoagulant produced by basophils

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)

antigens found on wbc's that represent the antigens found on all the cells of an individual

when hypoxia occurs, the kidneys produce a hormone called ______________, which stimulates the red bone marrow to increase the rate of ________________.

erythropoietin, RBC production

vitamin B12

extrinsic factor needed for the synthesis of DNA by the stem cells in the red bone marrow


fluid and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, body temperature

T lymphocytes

help recognize foreign antigens


hormone from liver stimulates platelet formation

Viscosity of blood

how thick blood is which is dependent on size, weight and gender

Rh positive

if someone has the Rh factor antigen on RBC's, they are

band cells

immature neutrophils

120 days

life span of RBC's

simple squamous epithelium

lines blood vessels. is very smooth, and repels platelets

normal range of neutrophils


the normal PH range of blood is _____ and is slightly ______________

7.35 to 7.45, alkaline

the percentage of water in blood plasma



Abnormally high WBC count, often indicates infection


Abnormally low white blood cell count. caused by radiation exposure, or exposure to certain chemicals or antibiotics.


Are anti-Rh antibodies naturally present in the plasma of a person who is This negative?


blood clot itself is made of this protein which forms a mesh over the break in the vessel


blood clotting, destroys pathogens


0.5-1% of all WBCs



normal platelet count


normal range of lymphocytes




the blood cells make up ______% to ______ % of the total blood

38 to 48

A, B, AB, and O

4 blood types in ABO group

the amount of blood within the body berries with the size of the person. This amount is in the range of ____________ liters.


the range of a normal WBC count


the blood plasma makes up this percentage of the total blood

52 - 62


White blood cells

what major cellular structure do mature rbc's lack?

a nucleus

Rh negative

a person who does not have Rh factor antigen on the RBC's


become macrophages to phagocytize pathogens or damaged tissue

B lymphocytes

become plasma cells that produce antibodies

carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma in the form of

bicarbonate ions

RBC appearance

biconcave disks or thinner in the middle than at the edge

liver, bile

bilirubin is removed from circulation by the ____________ and excreted into _______.

the presence of ________ and _______ make blood more viscous than water

blood cells , plasma proteins


contain Heparin to prevent abnormal blood clotting. Contain histamine which contributes to inflammation


destruction of red blood cells


detoxify foreign proteins. Important in allergic reactions and parasitic infections


dissolution of a clot

the water of plasma is a solvent, which means that substances May ___________ in this water and be transported.


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