Chp.12 (FINALS)

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Crop Rotation and No-Till cultivation are also implanted in organic farming

(Crop Rotation) -involves growing different crops each year, which maintains soil fertility and also enables crops to evade pests naturally (No Till Cultivation) -eliminates the use of tractors and is less invasive to the soil than till cultivation

Protecting Genetic Information

-(Nagoya Protocol) -biotechnology and bioengineering have become so advanced and widespread in their use so logically, genetic information derived from plants, microbes, and animals is becoming increasingly valuable This genetic information is used to develop analogs, hormones, enzymes, and other small molecules for many purposes -Such purposes include-drugs, crop resistance, and hormone therapy

Transgenic bacteria

-The DNA from the two sources is spliced together


-are also used to create new drugs and to harvest proteins and hormones such as insulin and growth hormone Bioengineering also performs bioremediation through microbes(bacteria DNA makes proteins that degrade waste from pesticides and pollution)


-are small molecules that are small enough to penetrate and sterilize the soil and typically produce a vapor or gas (they are used to control the decay and prevent insect infestations of stored grain, are also used to control fungal growth in the soil)


-are the product of genetic engineering. Reasons for altering DNA include introducing a beneficial trait into an organism or deleting an undesirable trait from an organism

Nutritional Fortification of foods

-can be seen with beta-carotene Almost 75% of the food in U.S supermarkerts is genetically modified According to the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics(ICRISAT) Over 70% of the U.S crops are transgenic-formed from two or more DNA sources A much higher percentage than any other country in the world Some of the most common U.S GMOS are-Cotton, Sou, and Corn

Pros of GE

-can enable crops to grow larger and more colorful, become seedless, ripen slowly, increase yield, become drought, pesticide, and herbicide resistant, and can enable crops to grow on marginal to low quality slow

Monsanto—a Missouri-based bioengineering company specializing in GMO (genetically modified organism) agriculture

-developed a genetically modified corn that is resistant to pesticides and herbicides.

Substitence Farming

-farming to ear, or growing ones own food -it is important that subsistence farming maintains its status as the majority of food production


-growing more than one crop at a time in a given area. Is practiced instead of monoculture it also involves planting cover crops, such as alfalfa, clover, pea plants, and other legumes that put nitrogen it not he soil and help maintain soil nutrients


-highly toxic substances that typically have high persistence in the environment Examples: Arsenic, Mercury, Copper

Strip Farming(alley cropping)

-involves growing crops in rows to keep pests confused and to maintain soil fertility

Countour Farming

-involves planting crops to go along with the gentle rolling slopes of hills, instead of orienting them perpendicular to inclines -this reduces soil erosion and maximizes surface area to use


-is a diverse, highly functional and integrative approach to agriculture that combines crops with shrubs, trees, and livestock (benefits)-a very biodiverse ecosystem that may elide pests and curb climate change by absorbing more carbon than traditional agricultural practices

The Nagoya Protocol, art of the CBD(Convention on Biological Diversity)

-is an international treaty that ensures the fair and equitable sharing of benefits Arising from the utilization of biodiversity and genetic resources

Terrace Farming

-is typically done on steep slopes, current steps into the slopes in order to maintain water and to keep the ground covered with vegetation


-it carries the trait of interest(BGH) into the bacteria which, in turn, acts as a factory for protein that will be produced from the trait of internet


-natural compounds extracted from plants that happen to be toxic to insects Examples: Phenols, Oils from conifers, and nicotine from the tobacco plant

Cartagena Protocol

-on biosafety is also part of the CBD and ensures the safe transport, care, and handling of live modified organisms derived from biotechnology or bioengineering -such examples include plants, animals, and microbes

Cons of GE

-one concern is that crops have coevolved over thousands of years with their pollinators(bees, hummingbirds) and have adapted their own ways to ensure pollination and evade pests This can lead to an abundance or collapse of many populations of organisms in particular environment by disrupting the food chain The crop ultimately becomes a weed during crop rotation Engineering crops can cause a reduction of genetic diversity of crops This can make crops more vulnerable to parasites and situations similar to the Irish Potato Famine Genes that code for drought resistance may have other effects on crop growth-This is called Pleitropy Yet another concern is the fact that GMO use in the developing nations have surpassed their use in the developed world (this is harmful to farmers in developing nations who have become increasingly dependent on the US for their food and seed supply

Bacteria cells have circular noncoding DNA

-plasmids(that act as storehouses of DNA

Chlorinated hydrocarbons

-the chemicals have high persistence and very toxic to organisms, they can bioaccumulate in adipose tissue Examples: DDT and atrazine

Integrative Pest Management(IPM)

-the goal of IPM is to maximize pest control by employing many various integrative methods, which effectively minimize the use of pesticides and adjusting the use of each method accordingly

Subsistence Farming

-the major of the worlds agricultural land is neither managed nor produced by industrial agriculture, but by 500 million families worldwide and distributed all over the globe

Genetic Engineering

-the process of altering the DNA of a living organisms to create products of human interest -slow ripening of fruit, higher yield of crops, the inclusion of nutrients not otherwise found in regional crops and state foods, and the creation of crops resistant to drought, salinity, pesticides, and other conditions that may otherwise decrease agricultural production


-the science of manipulating living organisms for human needs and benefits -wine making and cheese making are common examples of this


-these are living cells or organisms or parts derived from them that naturally deter pests Example: fungus, virus, protozoa, ladybugs, wasps, and the bT toxin derived from bacteria


-these are the most commonly used synthetic pesticide today. They attack the nervous system of some animals by disrupting acetylcholine, a neurotransmitters Organophosphates are highly toxic and short lives Examples: Roundup

Mechanical control involves dealing with the pest directly

-this involves screens for keeping pests out, or trapping rodents

The bacterial plasmid is cut with the same restriction enzyme so that the DGH DNA fragment is now complementary to the plasmid DNA(meaning the two types of DNA can now be put together)

-this results in what are called Sticky Ends

Organic Farming

-typically involves farming that is least invasive to agriculture land, relies on renewable resources, and is least invasive to soil

Industrial Farming

-typically involves the use of a monoculture, a practice in which one crops is growth at a time in a given area -A uniform chemical herbicide and pesticide (typically synthetic) is used in one fell swoop for monocultures Industrial agriculture has saved many lived by providing large quantities and varies of crops at affordable prices Although efficient, industrial agriculture can be sustainable and environmentally detrimental, exhausting land resources Because of the resulting poor soil quality, industrial farming relies more and more heavily on nitrogen-rich fertilizers The nitrogen ultimately leaches into our lakes and streams, resulting in fish kills and dead zones(places of low biodiversity)

An example of what bacterial use of plasmids can do for us is exhibited in how scientists use genetic engineering to create and harvest bovine growth hormone

BVH-increase the yield of milk that a cow can produce The desired DNA sequence(that confers this increased milk production ability) is isolated from cow cells by using a restriction enzyme-a typing of DNA scissor that can find a specific sequence of DNA and snip it from the irrelevant DNA

Another method is pesticide or chemical control Using alternative methods such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides, pest population can be reduced

Cultutal control employs-crops rotation, agroforestry, strip farming, and other agricultural practices that are used to confuse pests on where its food is found

Pest Management(pesticides)

sulfur to smoke natural oils to ash liar to arsenic A pest is any organism, such as weed, insect, fungus, bird, animal, that does damage to desirable plants, trees, crops or overall ecosystem health

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