Elusive Eden Chapter 1-30

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Proposition 13, the Jarvis-Gann Amendment, set property tax rates at ___% of the assessed value of property per year.


In 2012 voters approved Proposition 28, which allows state legislators to serve a combined total of ____ years into two chambers of the legislature


What is the latest possible date that Native Americans could have arrived in North America?

15,000 BCE

Estanislao's rebellion began in


In what year did American settlers first appear in California?


California historians began producing the first local and state histories in the


What year was the MOST successful for the Populist Party in California?


In what year did women win the vote in California?


In the ________, rising nativism and racism led into a rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan


The "baby boom" birthrate peaked in California in


In what year was the African American population of Los Angeles the highest, as a percent of the total population?


In about ______ the percentage of California women who worked reached 50% for the first time


In which decade did California strongly increase its spending on freeways and mass transit?


Proposition 39 amended the state constitution regarding the percentage of voters needed to approve a local school bond, which is now


In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton received about ___ of the vote in California


Which of the following statements BEST summarizes the success of agricultural unions in 1930s California?

A few successes but little long-term progress

Of the following events, which heralded the beginning of the end of the progressive era?

America's entry into World War I

This brought California out of the economic difficulties of the 1930s

America's entry into World War II

What were resident aliens promised in return for military service?

American citizenship

This person served as both mayor of Los Angeles and Speaker of theAssembly:

Antonio Villaraigosa

This company introduced the first smartphone in 2007:


Which of the following governors succeeded in passing a law requiring California to regulate greenhouse gases?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Of the following presidents, who did the MOST to promote efforts to combat climate change?

Barack Obama

How were the structures of justice determined in the early years of the mining camps?

By the miners themselves

In the 1850s, which state was the most racially diverse?


Which state had the highest number of homeless in 2017?


One example of the creative use of closed military bases was the establishment of this state university:

California State University, Monterey Bay

According to the textbook,

Californians are quite similar to the larger American culture

During prohibition, liquor was brought into California primarily form


Spain's empire in the western hemisphere included all of the following, EXCEPT


Which type of domestic animal worked out BEST economically in Spanish California?


Which of the following was a factor for those who argued that California would have thought economic times after World War II ended?

Changing employment levels in aircraft and shipbuilding

The Central Pacific Railroad relied primarily on _________ laborers to lay the tracks over the Sierra Nevada


Cabrillo and his men were particularly impressed by the seafaring skills and affluence of this tribe:


In 1863, ___________________ used his connections in the east to get loans for the Central Pacific Railroad

Collis P. Huntington

Of the following terms, which BEST describes the attitudes of Japanese Americans toward impending incarceration in internment camps during World War II?


Why did American emigrants to 1840s Mexican California have such an east time settling there?

Corrupt local officials had the power to grant passports

This UC campus initially focused on agriculture, but was made a "genera" campus after World War II:


Which of the following reasons BEST accounts for sluggish population growth in California in the latter half of the 1850s?

Declining profits from gold mining

Which of the following did NOT occur in the millennium prior to European colonization?

Decreased importance of kinship and lineage

Which of the following was NOT a problem facing the large Hollywood studios in the decade after World War II?

Decreased numbers of potential visitors to movie theaters

Which of the following has been de-emphasized by modern California historians?

Deeds of famous people

After the 1996 election,

Democrats controlled the Assembly and the Senate

The 1978 election saw

Democrats lose their majority in the state legislature

The leader of the Workingmen's Party of California was

Denis Kearney

Which of the following was LEAST significant in causing the state budget gap announced by Governor Davis in late 2002?

Difficulties in raising property taxes

How did Aimee Semple McPherson die?

Drug overdose

Which Americans residents were MOST likely to head to the California gold fields by sea?

East Coast residents

In the latter half of the twentieth century, California's Hispanic center was

East Los Angeles

The winner of the 1958 gubernatorial election was

Edmund G. "Pat" Brown

Which of the following was NOT a trend in the first decades of the twentieth century?

Emphasis on preservationism over utilitarianism regarding natural resources

The captain of the Golden Hind was from


Which of the following statements about the movie industry in the 1920s is NOT true?

Established stars had not yet emerged

The centerpiece of the California Water Project was a dam on the

Feather River near Oroville

Approximately when did the last ice age end?

Fifteen to twenty thousand years ago

In the latter half of the 1920s, agribusiness increasingly turned to this Asian ethnic group for labor:


Where was Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan taken in April of 1913 to show him the supposed problem of Japanese domination of agricutlure?


Which of the following regions has the highest temperatures in summer?

Interior of southern California

Which of the following technological innovations occurred FIRST?

Invention of the transistor

Japanese immigrants are referred to as


What accounted for the large increase in population growth in Oakland i the 1870s?

It location as the terminus of the Central Pacific Railroad

Why was the loss of the San Agustín such a disaster?

It was loaded with valuable cargo from the Philippines

The settlers and land spectators who occupied and claimed the controversial land in Mussel Slough did so largely because

It was not clear if the Southern Pacific Railroad would actually gain legal title to those lands

Why was the plan presented by Theodore Judah for a transcontinental railroad rejected by Congress by 1860?

It was opposed by many Southerners

What geographic feature made San Francisco MOST attractive as a major center of international and national trade?

Its deep-water port

Which of the following statements about the oil industry in California to 1900 is NOT true?

Its products were cheaper to produce than those produced back east

During the first two decades of the twentieth century, this ethnic group incurred the greatest ire of Californians:


The California Alien Land Act was MOST aimed at

Japanese immigrants

The first recorded overland journey up the California coast into Oregon was done by

Jedediah Smith

Which American mountain man showed up at Mission San Gabriel to the consternation of Governor Echeandia?

Jedediah Smith

In 1974, ___________ was elected governor

Jerry Brown

Which was the FIRST month in which people from all walks of life and from areas all over California began streaming to the gold districts?

June 1848

Proposition 13 had the biggest and most noticeable impact on

K-12 education

Which of the following is NOT a factor that helps explain why successful union building in Los Angeles was difficult in the 1930s?

Lack of quality leadership of unions

What was the MOST important factor that hindered California from attacking monopolistic practices of large corporations in the late nineteenth century?

Lack of strong action against monopolies at the federal level

In 2014, this ethnic group became the largest in California


At the beginning of the twentieth century, in which of the following professions were women the smallest percentage of the work force?


In 1861, ___________ was elected governor of California

Leland Stanford

Whom did California legislature choose for a U.S. Senate seat in 1885?

Leland Stanford

Of the following Spanish practices in California, which was MOST destructive to the environment?

Livestock ranching

Of the following towns, which has survived as the best and most extensive example of a Chinatown?


Aimee Semple McPherson is MOST associated with this city:

Los Angeles

In 1930, the most prominent city in the western United States was

Los Angeles

In the 1780s, this was the largest settlement in Spanish California

Los Angeles

Watts is a part of

Los Angeles

Which southern California city benefitted the MOST from railroad transportation in the 1870s?

Los Angeles

Of the following factors, which contributed the MOST to the pain of the early 1990s recession in California?

Loss of defense and military jobs

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Governor Alvarado's tenure?

Major political unrest

During World War II, the United States officially encouraged temporary foreign laborers from


The first instance in which California water authorities reneged on earlier water rights agreements involved

Mono Lake

Which of the following was a component of the new municipal charters proposed for San Francisco?

More power for the mayor

This California politician served as Speaker of the House of Representatives

Nancy Pelosi

The children of Japanese immigrants are referred to as


Of these three men (John Sutter, Sam Brannan, and James Wilson Marshall) who were involved with the discovery of gold in California and the ensuing Gold Rush, which one died a wealthy man?

None of these men died wealthy

During World War II, California's deserts were ideal for preparing the American military to fight in

North Africa

In 1845, the Mexican government thought the _________ River should be the dividing line between Mexico and Texas


Which type of mining was LEAST damaging to the environment?


Who was the governor of California during the Bear Flag Revolt?

Pio Pico

Of the following groups, which was lowest on the class hierarchy of Mexican California?


World War II in Europe began when this country was invaded


This had the GREATEST impact on finally convincing Americans in the East that there truly was a major gold find in California:

President Polk's announcement in his annual address to Congress

Which of the following groups benefitted MOST from desecularization?


Which of the following economic sectors did the BEST in the first half of the 200s?

Real Estate

What was the main source of labor on white-owned farms in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta?

Recent Asian immigrants

_________________ took up the most time at the 1879 constitutional convention

Regulation of corporations

After the 1865 presidential election, the _________ Party became quite important in California politics


Opposition to the expansion of parks and wilderness areas has come primarily from

Republicans and their allies

The winner of the 1966 gubernatorial election was

Ronald Reagan

Which of the following regions was NOT a major area of gold mining?

Russian River area

The first rail line in California started at


Which area was especially hard hit in the epic flood of the winter of 1861-1862?


___________ won the struggle with other California cities to become the home part of the Pacific Fleet

San Diego

By the late 1850s, the dominant city in California was

San Francisco

In the late 1960s, hippies congregated in the largest numbers in

San Francisco

Of the following regions, which had the easiest time complying with federal air-quality standards?

San Francisco Bay Area

Mussel Slough is located in the

San Joaquin Valley

In the 1990s, California's high-tech industry was primarily located in or near

San Jose

Who founded the first missions in California?


Of the following, which BEST captures Dame Shirley's attitudes toward California Indians?

She thought they were inferior to whites

According to the textbook, which of the following terms LEAST applies to the vision of California's past developed by modern scholars?


Prior to switching to the Democratic Party in 1933, Upton Sinclair had belonged to the _______ Party


Which of the following factors were generally favorable to farming in the 1850s?

Soil quality

The initial action of the Bear Flag Revolt was the seizure of colonel Vallejo's compound in


California was named by people from


Why did Spain wait until 1776 to establish a presence in San Francisco?

Spain did not know San Francisco Bay existed.

In most mining camps, mining did not occur on


Of the following centuries, which had the MOST severe drought?

Tenth century

During the Great Recession, California's unemployment numbers were

above the national average

This was the most important plant food source for most foothill tribelets:


The Higher Education Act of 1960

affirmed that University of California campuses would be the most selective in admitting students

The geography of the Delta was such that

agriculture worked best on large, well-funded farms

During World War II, California the two biggest defense industries were the manufacturing of

aircraft and ships

Central Pacific/Southern Pacific's state charter said that the line from San Francisco to the Colorado River needed to run

along the coast to San Diego

Compared to other states, California's 21st-century road system is

among the worst

This major event occurred in Aimee Semple McPherson's life in 1926:

an alleged kidnapping

The Compromise of 1850

approved California statehood

Theodore Judah did all of the following, EXCEPT

approved the giving contracts to Crocker's construction company

The most important lasting influence of Spanish/Mexican culture in California has been in


Aimee Semple McPherson's congregation was

at one point the world's largest Christian congregation

During his term as a governor, Frank Merriam

backed a state income tax

Native women were MOST prominent in the production of this type of art:

basket weaving

Rose Elizabeth Bird was the first California woman to

become a justice on the state supreme court

In histories aimed towards non-academic audiences, California has been MOST commonly portrayed as a(n)

benevolent land of opportunities

In America, this ethnic group has had the MOST difficult time escaping from the ghettos and moving into mainstream society:


California's first historians sought to

boost economic development in the state

In the 1890s, the Populists

called for nationalization of the railroads

The Townsend plan

called for payments to seniors that had to be spent within a month

The rich and elaborate life of the ranchero depended MOST upon

cheap Indian labor

The most successful crop in southern California in the 1880s was


Living arrangements at the World War II internment camps for Japanese Americans were


The main source of white antagonism to Chinese miners was

competition for scarce gold

Tribal casino operators finally gained the right to offer the games they wished as the result of a

constitutional amendment passed by voters

In the 1870s, the development of agricultural water was hindered most by

contradictory water laws

Blacks in 1850s California

could potentially be placed into slavery through the federal fugitive slave law

Between 1769 and 1846, the Native population in California

declined dramatically

From 1848 to 1860, the average daily income for white miners

decreased dramatically

Government in California from January 1847 to late 1849 was characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT

democratic election of governors

Culture in California from 1850 to 1900 can BEST be characterized as


In August of 1846, José Castro

disbanded his army and fled south to Sonora

By 1991, California's state courts were

dominated by conservative judges

The Pacific Railway Act of 1864

doubled the land grant given to the railroad companies

This was the crucial factor for the substantial migration to southern California in the 1880s:

drastically reduced rail fares from the east

The main purpose of the Foregin Miners' Tax Law of 1850 was to

drive "foreigners" away from gold mining areas

Japanese immigrants to California

eventually moved into farming specialty crops

Jerry Brown

first won election as a member of a community college board

The Union Labor Praty

focused on the needs of workers

In the California of 400 years ago, ___________ were at the top of the food chain


Scholarship of recent decades indicate that California's Indians

had complex societies that were able to adapt to changing conditions

When it came to the Mussel Slough problem, the railroad leaders

had strong disagreements about the best course of action

Prior to World War II, California's aircraft industry

had to deal with high rates of obsolescence of its planes

The Vigilance Committee of 1856 in San Francisco

hanged two men without giving them a fair trial

All of the following statements are true about Earl Warren, EXCEPT

he began his political career as a Democrat

Goodwin Knight didn't run for reelection as governor in 1958 because

he had lost the support of important conservative Republicans

All of the following are true about Ronald Reagan's first term as governor, EXCEPT

he increased funding for mental health

Governor Victoria's rule ended when

he was confronted with a revolt in southern California

Coronel's experience with gold mining mirrored that of many other Californios in that he quit mining because

he was physically threatened by white miners

The Big Four created the Southern Pacific Company

in order to make it easier to manage their different holdings

In 1969, a major oil spill and subsequent environmental disaster occurred

in the Santa Barbara Channel

Controlled burns by Indians accomplished all of the following, EXCEPT

increased chaparral

During the energy crisis of the 1970s, California

increased efforts to develop alternative energy

Which of the following statements about agriculture in the 1920s is NOT true?

increased reliance on a few crops

The establishment of Fort Ross

indicates the weakness of Spain's control in California

Affirmative action

is no longer practiced by state and local agencies

All of the following is true of inter-tribal trade, EXCEPT

it increased the likelihood of warfare between tribelets

All of the following statements about Ku Klux Klan activity in 1920s California are true, EXCEPT

it opposed prohibition

President Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066

justified the internment of Japanese Americans

The Colorado River rebellion

left the Yuma in control of the Colorado River

During the 1910s, support for unions was hurt dramatically by

lethal bombings blamed on union supporters

In his description of Monterey Bay, Vizcaíno

lied in hopes of saving his career

By the end of the 1920s, Los Angeles blacks

lived in increasingly crowded neighborhoods

In the 1850s and 1860s, public schools were funded primarily by

local taxes

Dame Shirley describes miners constructing ditches to provide water to

long toms

In the 1890s, Samuel Huntington and the Southern Pacific Railroad

lost the fight over harbor location in southern California and lost the fight over the Funding Bill

Aimee Semple McPherson's sermons emphasized

love and hope

The Populists called for all of the following, EXCEPT

lower tariffs on agricultural imports

The majority of California's population growth in the 1940s and 1950s was due to

migration from other states

In 1880 the most important water pollution issue involved

mining debris

After the 1880s gun battle in Mussel Slough

most squatters settled with the railroad

In 1850, the United States Congress (ie the federal government) adopted a plan for California Indians that called for

moving them to remote areas

Redwood trees are found in the __________ of the state.


The World Renewal ceremony involved tribelets in this part of the state:

northwestern coast

Governor Culbert Olson did all of the following, EXCEPT

oppose internment of Japanese Americans during World War II

In response to the Depression, Aimee Semple McPherson

organized large efforts to help the poor

The price of wheat plummeted by 1890 primarily because of


The most important source of the Mussel Slough conflict was the federal government's granting railroad companies

ownership of alternating sections of land along rail lines

The MOST important reason why Congress didn't pass a transcontinental railroad bill in the 1850s was

political wrangling

George Shima grew rich by planting


Local historical societies are MOST likely to preserve items and records of

powerful elites

The Constitutional Revision Commission, created in 1962,

proposed measures to protect civil rights and liberties

The Collier-Burns Act of 1947 did all of the following, EXCEPT

provide most of the funds to build California's sections of interstate freeways

Prior to the Mussel Slough gun fight, the San Francisco Chronicle

provided strong support to the squatters

Goodwin Knight

pursued moderate policies while governor

The "Okie subculture" contained strong __________ elements


When Edward A. Dickson and Chester H. Rowell went to Sacramento in 1907, they discovered that the Republican Party was MOST under the influence of

railroad interests

A popular vote to remove an elected official is called a(n)


Aimee Semple McPherson's Foursquare Gospel included all of the following, EXCEPT

reconciling the Bible with science

The Beat Generation

rejected the accepted values of 1950s America

The major source of dissent among Japanese-American internees during World War II was over

requests for cooperation with, and loyalty to, the United States

Construction of the Hetch Hetchy reservoir

required the approval of Congress

The Exclusion Act of 1882

restricted immigration from China to the United States

In the many federal court cases involving Mussel Slough property, the courts

ruled in favor of the railroad

CalFed and the Delta Stewardship Council both planned to

send large amounts of Northern California water to Southern California

This was the MOST significant controversy at the 1849 constitutional convention

setting the boundaries of California

Harry Bridges was a union leader in this industry:

shipping and warehousing

Farmers and urban shippers were MOST unhappy with the Central/Southern Pacific Railroad because of its

shipping rates

This was the greatest impact of the Civil War on California:

shortage of supplies and disruption of commerce

During his second term as governor, Ronald Reagan succeeded in

signing air and water quality legislation

Efforts to promote improving the environmental quality of Lake Tahoe have been hampered MOST by

strong opposition from local developers

Ronald Reagan's political philosophy included all of these, EXCEPT

strong safety net

Upon first encountering Europeans, California Indians typically reacted with


The Black Panther Party

symbolized active struggle against white authority

The Criminal Syndicalism Act of 1919

targeted adherents of any ideology that advocated violence

After World War II, American demanded for military hardware was fueled primarily by

the Cold War confrontation with the Soviet Union and its allies

Water to irrigate the Imperial Valley comes primarily from

the Colorado River

The compression of historical forces that quickly brought California from a larger area with a very small population to the thirty-first state was due primarily to

the Gold Rush

The Watts riot was suppressed primarily by

the National Guard

Much of the progressive economic program passed in California was earlier suggested by

the Populists

During the 1920s, California government was dominated by

the Republican Party

Most gold mining in California took place in

the Sierra Nevada

Locke's residents traced their roots primarily to

the Zhongshan district of China

Until recent times, the popular tradition of California history focused MOST on

the actions of powerful white males

The main factor that slowed the drain of neophytes away from Mission San José was

the actions of soldiers who captured fugitives

Franklin D. Roosevelt felt that economic relief for individuals hurt by the Depression was primarily the responsibility of

the federal government

Proposition 140 increased

the number of new people elected to the state legislature

John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath focused on

the plight of migrant farm workers during the Depression

Proposition 30, supported by Jerry Brown in 2011, placed MOST of the burden of new taxes on

the top 1% of earners

Dame Shirley's San Francisco acquaintances had this attitude about her impending journey to a gold-mining town:

they were doubtful

During World War II, California women

took many industry jobs that had been done by men

Which of the following was NOT a typical characteristic of the early gold miners in California?

unskilled in any craft or profession

For organized labor in California, the 1920s

was a period of declining power

James K. Polk

was a strong supporter of Manifest Destiny

The Peripheral Canal

was defeated by a referendum

The incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II

was eventually declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

The Save San Francisco Bay Association

was eventually supported by most Bay Area Legislators

The Central Valley Project

was first a state project that became a federal project

Governor Manuel Micheltorena

was granted both executive and military powers

The trial of Abraham Ruef and his associates in the 1900s

was spear-headed by federal officials

The deregulation of energy utilities in 1996

was strongly supported by Governor Wilson

After 1870, most new railways in California

were acquired by the Big Four

Most hide-and-tallow traders who moved to California

were assimilated into the local elite

Californio's efforts to keep their land grants

were complicated by incomplete and vague records

Laws in California targeting the Industrial Workers of the World

were declared unconstitutional

According to Dame Shirley, most miners

were easily drawn away to other, potentially better mining areas

The "red scares" of the 1950s

were led by Joseph McCarthy

Reaction to the passage of the 1963 Rumford Fair Housing Law indicates that

white racism was still prevalent in California

Railroads gave the greatest benefits to those

who were already prosperous

The 1960s student movement focused LEAST on this tactic:

winning electoral office

Cultural innovation among Native Californian tribes was accomplished primarily by


In the 1870s, workers were MOST likely to blame which of the following for their economic troubles?

The Chinese

Which of the following statements BEST summarizes the aggregate experience of Indians who interacted with the institutions of Spanish California?

The Indians were only partly assimilated

Which of the following did NOT exacerbate the Depression in California?

The availability of good land for agriculture

What was the main cause of the demise of electric rail transit systems in Southern California?

The increased use of the automobile

By 1860, what new situation provided more impetus for creating a railroad across the Sierra?

The success of the Comstock Lode in Nevada

Which of the following statements about environmental impact reports is NOT true?

They are supported by big businesses who are happy to comply with them

Who was the American consul in California in 1846?

Thomas O. Larkin

Why did President Wilson send Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to California in April 1913?

To argue against California Alien Land Act

Which California university was MOST important in the development of the atomic bomb?

UC Berkeley

Which two countries dominated the shipping of hides and tallow from California?

United States and Great Britain

Military Area A including all of part of the following states, EXCEPT


What happened during Estanislao's Rebellion that was a major stain on General Vallejo's career?

Vallejo and his soldiers committed atrocities against Native civilians.

The earliest California miners were MOST likely to use

a gold pan

William B. Ide went from the leader of the Bear Flag Revolt to being

a private in Frémont's California Battalion

The Watts riot began when

a white policeman stopped a young black man for drinking and speeding

From where did John Sutter get the cannons for his fot?

From Fort Ross

What was California's major industry between 1870 and 1900?

Fruit and specialty crops

At the end of the Seven Years' War, this country emerged as the biggest threat to Spanish interests in the Americas:

Great Britain

Which of the following statements about John C. Frémont is NOT true?

He never set foot in Oregon

What happened to Estanislao after the rebellion?

He returned to Mission San José and was pardoned

According to the textbook, why did Father Durán oppose the plan to close missions and free the Indians?

He thought the Indians would then reject Christianity and western culture

Why did Sam Brannan break the news in San Francisco of the discovery gold on the American River?

He wanted to sell merchandise to gold miners

Who won the governorship in 1910?

Hiram Johnson

In 1870, the population of southern California was predominantly


Which ethnic group saw the most dramatic increase in officials elected to major offices in the 1990s?


All of the following statements about Hispanics in California in the 25 years after World War II are true, EXCEPT

Hispanics achieved full civil rights, economic equality, and political representation in government

Aimee Semple McPherson's first husband died in

Hong Kong

Which of the following was NOT a trend of the oil industry in California in the 1920?

Inability to produce gasoline for automobiles

Which statement about Indians and the California miners is TRUE?

Indians did some mining for themselves, but were primarily used as labor by owners of large ranchos

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