GEO 1110 final

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(Q016) Mountains A. have roots of continental crust that extend deeper than the level of crust under plains B. are randomly distributed over the Earth's surface C. remain at the same height over long periods of geologic time D. that are not volcanoes occur in isolation.

A. CH 9

(Q004) The low-velocity zone (LVZ), found 100 to 200 km beneath oceanic crust, represents A. the upper part of the lithosphere B. conditions where mantle peridotite partially melts and fills voids between grains C. the crust-mantle boundary D. a particularly strong layer in the Earth's interior.

B. COME BACK Interlude D

(Q025) Jupiter's moon Io is thought to be volcanically active because A. it has plate tectonics similar to Earth B. its interior is entirely liquid C. of enormous tides that keep its mantle hot D. it is continually bombarded by meteors.


(Q016) Which of the following sedimentary structures indicates that the sediments were deposited by a moving fluid? A. mud cracks B. fossil footprints C. ripple marks D. laminations

C. CH 6

(Q023) Which of the following are constructed by humans to reduce beach erosion? A. mangroves B. bogs C. polyps D. groins


(Q018) In which of the following environments, or by which process, was this sedimentary structure most likely produced? A. on a floodplain B. by a turbidity current C. in a deep-marine environment D. all of the possible answers are correct

D. CH 6

(Q006) The Big Bang theory states that A. all matter and energy in the Universe was once packed into a single point B. temperatures had to remain above 1 billion degrees in order for atoms to form C. the process of atom creation, termed Big Bang nucleosynthesis, produced all known natural elements D. all of the possible answers are correct.


(Q007) Identify the true statement. A. Positive magnetic anomalies occur where seafloor basalt has the same polarity as Earth's present-day magnetic field B. All polarity chrons are the same length of time; they differ only in the magnetic strengths they represent C. The series of rock stripes perpendicular to and bilaterally symmetric across the mid-ocean ridge records the sequence of the Earth's magnetic reversals over time D. The width of each rock stripe is a measure of how long the polar direction took to change.


(Q008) The Earth's magnetic field is created by A. the flow of liquid iron in the Earth's molten outer core B. centrifugal force pushing on the Earth's crust C. convecting iron-rich silicates in the Earth's mantle D. lightning strikes and chemical reactions.


(Q008) What type of unconformity occurs when sedimentary rocks overlie either igneous or metamorphic rocks? A. nonconformity B. angular unconformity C. disconformity D. baked contact


(Q008) Which of the following rock types contains the mineral quartz? A. chert B. fossiliferous limestone C. chalk D. micrite


(Q017) The geothermal gradient A. is the rate of change in temperature with depth within the Earth B. increases exponentially as you go deeper into the Earth C. averages about 5°C per kilometer in the upper crust D. indicates that temperatures near the mantle-core boundary may exceed the temperature of the Sun's surface (5,500°C).


(Q021) Which of the following are produced by wave erosion? A. sea stacks B. jetties C. breakwaters D. seawalls


(Q023) How does subduction trigger melting? A. Flux melting of the asthenosphere above the subducting slab creates a rising melt B. The downgoing slab melts as it reaches hotter temperatures deep in the Earth C. The overriding slab insulates the subducting slab, increasing temperature and causing melting D. The subducting slab is made of felsic minerals, and therefore melts at lower temperatures.


(Q011) An unknown mineral scratches glass, has only average specific gravity, and shows no cleavage but does show conchoidal fracture. Which of the following could it be? A. quartz B. talc C. halite D. mica

A. CH 3

(Q007) Identify the true statement. A. Soil consists of rock or sediment that has been modified over time B. The organic material at the top of a soil is called the B-horizon C. Leaching occurs mainly in the zone of accumulation D. A vertical sequence of various soil layers is called the soil horizon.

A. Interlude B Organic material is in the O horizon Horizons O, A, and E make up the zone of leaching

(Q003) Which of the following statements about the hydrologic cycle is true? A. There is an exchange of water among oceans, land, and atmosphere B. Water that manages to infiltrate the land is lost to the cycle C. Headward erosion causes sheetwash D. Surface snow and ice are not part of this cycle.

A. CH 17

(Q011) The black, fine-grained tabular intrusions between layers of horizontal sedimentary rock shown in this picture are A. basaltic sills. B. granitic sills. C. basaltic dikes. D. granitic dikes.

A. CH 4

(Q008) Bowen's reaction series A. shows that minerals in a cooling magma crystallize in a predictable order B. shows that as magma crystallizes, the remaining melt is depleted in silica C. explains why some igneous rocks are phaneritic, and others aphanitic D. explains why some compounds use ionic bonds, and others have covalent bonding.

A. CH 4?

(Q004) Which of the following creates the vesicles seen in this image? A. volatiles that escape from lava to form gas during an eruption B. slow cooling within the magma chamber in the presence of water C. high silica content in the lava D. rapid cooling of a lava flow by water

A. CH 5?

(Q005) A nonmarine clastic sedimentary rock composed of angular pebbles surrounded by matrix would be a(n) A. breccia B. conglomerate C. turbidite D. arkose

A. CH 6

(Q020) The feature that may form where a stream enters a lake or ocean is called A. a delta B. a reef C. an alluvial fan D. a sedimentary basin.

A. CH 6

(Q022) Which of the following is a general term used to describe all the physical, chemical, and biological processes that make a sedimentary rock from sediments? A. diagenesis B. diamictite C. dolostone D. detritus

A. CH 6

(Q004) Which of the following is a common process during metamorphism? A. pressure solution B. brittle deformation C. melting D. lithification

A. CH 7

(Q014) Identify the list of rock types that is ordered by increasing degrees of metamorphism (i.e., from lower to higher grade). A. slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss B. schist, slate, phyllite, migmatite C. gneiss, phyllite, schist, slate D. shale, migmatite, schist, phyllite

A. CH 7

(Q020) Shields are A. composed of some of the oldest rock on the Earth B. composed of extensive areas of sedimentary layers laid down on lava flows C. composed of rocks that were metamorphosed during recent (less than a million years ago) mountain-building events D. rarely exposed at the Earth's surface and contain blueschist.

A. CH 7

(Q012) Quartzite A. is basically a solid mass of interlocking quartz grains B. breaks around the separate grains of quartz that compose it C. is always either white or gray D. always shows strong compositional banding.

A. CH 8

(Q013) On the graph shown, what do the numbered, dashed lines indicate? A. geothermal gradients associated with different tectonic settings B. how temperature changes with depth in different tectonic settings C. the metamorphic facies a rock will pass through if it is buried in different tectonic settings D. all of the possible answers are correct

A. CH 8

(Q023) A sedimentary basin that forms when continental lithosphere is stretched, causing down-dropped crustal blocks bordered by narrow mountain ranges and alluvial fans, is called A. a rift basin B. a passive-margin basin C. an intracontinental basin D. a foreland basin.

A. CH 9

(Q008) The reference spheroid does not represent a completely accurate picture of the Earth's gravity because A. the equipotential surface of the geoid is not smooth B. the lithosphere is generally weak C. the asthenosphere is weak and allows for the lithosphere to rebound too quickly D. density is uniform within the Earth's layers.

A. Interlude D

(Q007) Graphite is A. a polymorph of diamond B. harder than glass C. pure silicon D. an ore of lead.

A. . CH 3

(Q007) The stream in this diagram flows at an average velocity of 6 feet per second. The area outlined by the dashed line is 800 square feet. The discharge of the stream is A. 4,800 cubic feet per second B. 480 cubic feet per second C. 133 cubic feet per second D. 66 cubic feet per second.

A. ??

(Q007) An iceberg will sink into the sea until it displaces its own weight in water, leaving only the "tip of the iceberg" exposed when it floats. Which of the following describes a floating iceberg? A. It is in isostatic equilibrium B. It is a gravity anomaly C. It is denser than seawater D. all of the possible answers are correct.

A. ?? Interlude D

(Q003) Identify the true statement. A. The composition of the giant (Jovian) planets is mainly gas and "ice." B. The Sun accounts for almost 50% of the Solar System's mass C. The only two planets with moons are the Earth and Jupiter D. Our Sun is the only star we know of that has planets associated with it.


(Q015) The rocks on this map that underwent the deepest burial are now exposed at the surface in which state? A. New York B. Massachusetts C. Rhode Island D. Maine


(Q005) The principle of lateral continuity says that A. in a sequence of sedimentary beds, the oldest is on the bottom B. sedimentary layers began as continuous expanses of sediment C. rock containing inclusions is younger than the inclusions D. the feature doing the cutting is younger than the feature it cuts.


(Q005) Which of the following statements about turbidity currents is true? A. They are responsible for creating the continental shelf B. They carve deep submarine canyons into the continental shelf C. They occur only on active continental margins D. They leave deposits called guyots.


(Q008) The total load that a stream can carry is called its A. competence B. capacity C. course D. reach


(Q009) Rhyolite lava A. has less silica than basalt lava B. tends to erupt explosively C. may flow for many tens or hundreds of kilometers from a vent D. may form a lava fountain above the vent.


(Q015) The center of a mid-ocean ridge is where A. molten basalt sinks back into the Earth B. new oceanic lithosphere is created C. the oldest, densest, hottest oceanic crust exists D. two continental plates converge.


(Q016) Granite A. is an extrusive igneous rock B. is felsic in composition C. logically could be found in a lava flow D. is the coarse-grained equivalent of andesite.


(Q018) A radioactive isotope of the element potassium decays to produce argon. If the ratio of argon to potassium in a mineral is found to be 7:1, how many half-lives have occurred since the mineral cooled below its closure temperature? A. 1 half-life B. 3 half-lives C. 7 half-lives D. 8 half-lives


(Q020) Identify the true statement. A. An annual probability of 4% means that there's a 1 in 4 chance that a flood of some given size will happen in any given year B. A 100-year flood has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year C. Two 100-year floods cannot occur in the same year (or in consecutive years) D. The size of a flood and its recurrence interval are inversely related; the larger the flood, the shorter its recurrence interval.


(Q023) The crust A. is the top of the mantle that has cooled and hardened B. is separated from the mantle by the Moho C. plus the upper part of the mantle make up the asthenosphere D. can be separated into two types: lithosphere and asthenosphere.


(Q024) The boundary between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere A. is called the Moho B. is the boundary between rigid mantle and plastic mantle C. is within the crust D. is at an average depth of 35 to 40 km.


Which of the following traps cosmic rays and shields life on the Earth from excessive radiation? A. cryosphere B. magnetosphere C. geosphere D. mantle


(Q022) Which of the Earth's layers accounts for most of the volume of the Earth? A. inner core B. mantle C. lithosphere D. crust

B. CH 1

(Q011) A caldera forms by A. the accumulation of tephra around a vent B. draining of a magma chamber beneath a volcano during an eruption C. flooding of rivers by lahars to produce a lake D. overflow of a lava lake.

B. CH 5

(Q013) What is true about volcanic activity in Yellowstone National Park? A. The park has shield volcanoes B. The park contains a 72-km-diameter caldera that formed during an eruption 600,000 years ago C. Yellowstone is no longer active D. all of the possible answers are correct.

B. CH 5

(Q012) Which of the following lists accurately reflects an increase in grain size from smallest to largest? A. sand, silt, pebbles B. mud, silt, sand C. silt, mud, sand D. sand, cobbles, pebbles

B. CH 7

(Q001) Which of the following is a mineral? A. amber (tree sap) B. oyster shell (CaCO3) C. sugar (C6H12O6) D. glass

B. CH 3

(Q002) Which of the following fits the definition of a mineral? A. oil, because it's a liquid, not a solid B. salt, because it's crystalline C. glass, because it's inorganic D. a lab-grown diamond, because it has a definable chemical composition

B. CH 3

(Q003) Lava is A. always produced during any volcanic activity B. molten rock that cools and hardens on the Earth's surface C. all of the same chemical composition, whether it is rhyolite or basalt D. the most life-threatening volcanic product of any eruption.

B. CH 5

(Q001) Which of the following processes forms biochemical sedimentary rock? A. accumulation of mud on the seafloor B. cementing together of shell fragments C. evaporation of seawater D. deposition of quartz sand on a beach

B. CH 6

(Q018) When the buoyancy force pushing up on lithosphere equals the gravitational force pulling down on it, the situation is said to show A. detachment B. isostatic equilibrium C. orogenic collapse D. epeirogeny.

B. Ch 9?

(Q010) Which of the following statements is true? A. Soils form at a rate much faster than human activity or erosion can destroy them B. Growing and harvesting crops leads to nutrient depletion of the soil C. Droughts can cause rates of soil erosion to decrease; without water, there is no erosion D. Logging and deforestation of rainforests strips the soil of nutrients and leaves behind an aridisol.

B. Interlude B

(Q001) Seismic-wave velocity is affected by A. thickness of the rock layer B. density of the material C. depth below the Earth's surface D. age of the rock layer.

B. Interlude D

(Q010) The Earth is round because A. erosion over time has worn down the jagged edges of its planetesimals B. its interior rock is warm enough to flow slowly in response to gravity C. the solar wind has shaped it D. the gravitational tug of the Moon has worn down the jagged edges.

B. ??

(Q014) Which of the following is a method used to determine numerical age? A. correlating strata B. counting tree rings C. fossil correlation D. cross-cutting relations

B. ??

(Q020) The chain of the Hawaiian Islands extends northwest across the Pacific as shown in the figure.The island of Hawaii is the youngest, and the islands get progressively older to the northwest. Plate tectonic theory explains this as A. a hot spot moving under the Pacific Plate toward the southeast B. a hot spot currently sitting under Hawaii and the Pacific Plate moving across it in a northwesterly direction C. microplates breaking loose from the Pacific Plate as it moves, leaving this chain of islands in its wake D. the rifting of the Pacific Plate, starting at the northwest end of the chain and extending southeast to Hawaii.

B. ??

(Q012) A typical longitudinal profile of a stream A. hows a cross section of the stream from bank to bank at one particular site B. has a constant slope from its source to its mouth C. illustrates that a stream's gradient is steeper near its headwaters than near its mouth D. shows that most streams flow down low slopes near their headwaters, and flow down steep valleys near their mouths.


(Q010) Identify the true statement associated with this diagram. A. The apparent polar-wander path of Africa is the same as that of Europe B. Apparent polar-wander paths prove that, over geologic time, the Earth's magnetic poles have wandered up to 90° from their current position C. Apparent polar-wander paths for different continents do not match, so each continent must be moving independently of the others D. The apparent polar-wander paths of North America and Europe are similar enough to indicate that these continents are no longer moving with respect to each other.


(Q011) In which of the following pairs does the first term specify something a surfer loves, and the second term something a swimmer hates? A. swash, longshore currents B. rip currents, backwash C. breakers, rip currents D. embayments, tombolos


(Q011) Which of the following statements about lithosphere and asthenosphere is true? A. Lithosphere and asthenosphere have the same physical properties; they are both rigid B. Lithosphere is more mafic than asthenosphere C. Lithosphere consists of the crust and the upper mantle, and behaves like a rigid layer that breaks or bends rather than flowing like the asthenosphere D. Asthenosphere is defined as mantle material that is cooler than 1,280°C, whereas lithosphere is warmer than 1,280°C.


(Q013) Foliation or cleavage A. is always oriented parallel to fold limbs B. is always oriented perpendicular to bedding C. is oriented parallel to the axial planes of folds D. cannot form in folded rocks.


(Q014) Identify the true statement. A. As the seafloor spreads, the lithosphere rises to fill the space between plates B. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading spills out onto the surface to produce a new layer of seafloor called gabbro C. Some magma generated during seafloor spreading erupts from submarine volcanoes to form basalt D. The oldest seafloor can be found along a mid-ocean ridge axis.


(Q015) Humans are part of the A. geosphere B. cryosphere C. biosphere D. lithosphere


(Q016) Upwelling zones A. are areas where water flows in a horizontal direction B. result when water deflected in toward the coast creates an oversupply there C. bring nutrients up from depth D. occur near the poles to replace water displaced by winds blowing steadily from east to west.


(Q017) In the image below, what is the best estimate for the age of the fossils? A. younger than 80 Ma B. older than 125 Ma C. between 80 and 125 Ma D. The ages of surrounding rocks are irrelevant: the fossils can be dated much more precisely with carbon-14 dating.


(Q024) Plate movement is influenced by each of the following EXCEPT A. mantle convection, which creates shear at the base of plates B. slab pull, in which the downgoing oceanic plate exerts a pull on the rest of the plate C. mantle plumes, which are created when hot rock rises up from the deep mantle and creates melting at the base of the lithosphere D. ridge push, in which the elevated rocks at the ridge axis push on rocks farther from the ridge.


Q007) The heavier elements on the Earth (those with atomic numbers greater than 5) A. were in existence at the moment of the Big Bang B. were formed immediately after the Big Bang C. were formed by stellar nucleosynthesis during the life cycles of older stars and supernovae D. are constantly being created by fusion in the Earth's core.


(Q011) The boundary surface between two stratigraphic formations is called a A. key bed B. marker bed C. contact D. nonconformity.

C. CH 10

(Q009) The tendency of a mineral to break and produce smooth, curving, shell-shaped surfaces is termed A. luster B. cleavage C. conchoidal fracture D. streak.

C. CH 3

(Q009) Formation of a clastic sedimentary rock involves five stages. Of these stages, erosion is the A. disintegration of bedrock into separate particles B. compaction and cementation of loose particles to form solid rock C. separation of rock or regolith from its substrate D. process by which particles settle out of transport medium.

C. CH 6

(Q024) In this image, the fact that shoreline beach deposits occur on top of terrestrial swamp and floodplain deposits indicates that ________ has occurred. A. rifting B. uplifting C. transgression D. regression

C. CH 6

(Q003) Which of the following statements about stress is true? A. It is the change in shape produced by strain B. It is the same as force C. It may have different magnitude in different directions D. It is the same as pressure.

C. CH 8

(Q005) Shear stress A. is a push (compression) or pull (tension) perpendicular to a surface B. is the reason a balloon shrinks when you take it to the bottom of a pool C. moves material parallel to a surface D. is a compression exerted equally on all sides.

C. CH 8

(Q010) Identify the true statement. A. In a dip-slip fault, movement along the fault plane is horizontal B. In a strike-slip fault, movement along the fault plane is vertical C. In an oblique-slip fault, there's both vertical and horizontal movement along the fault plane D. A thrust fault is a reverse fault with an extremely high dip (close to 90°).

C. CH 9

(Q004) Which of the following chemical reactions breaks down feldspars into clay? A. hydration B. dissolution C. hydrolysis D. oxidation

C. Interlude B

(Q013) The named intervals in this photo of the Grand Canyon are ________, and the yellow lines between them are called ________. A. beds, contacts B. formations, bedding planes C. beds, bedding planes D. formations, contacts

C. INCORRECT FEEDBACK: Beds are individual layers of sedimentary rock. These larger groupings of rock, called formations, consist of many individual beds that are similar in character. Formations are continuous and of large enough scale to be drawn on a map. Beds are separated by bedding planes, and formations are separated by contacts. CH 6

(Q010) Magma moves upward toward the Earth's surface A. because it is less dense than the surrounding rock B. quickly, working its way up through cracks and narrow conduits C. more quickly as it cools, and therefore becomes less viscous D. because the crust is not heavy enough to keep it in the mantle.

C. INCORRECT FEEDBACK: Magma moves upward slowly toward the Earth's surface. The hotter (not cooler) the magma, the less viscous it is and the faster it flows. The weight of the crust does not affect whether magma can rise. CH 4?

(Q002) Volatiles that come out of the Earth as volcanic products A. were mixed with the molten rock B. constitute 50% of most magma C. often contain little water vapor D. are brought to the surface in "dry" melts.

C. INCORRECT FEEDBACK: Volcanic gases usually consist mostly of water vapor and constitute up to 15% of a magma. Dry melts contain no volatiles, while wet melts do. CH 4

(Q009) Which of the following would form a negative gravity anomaly? A. an observed gravitational pull that is stronger than the reference spheroid B. a large reserve of metal ore C. extra mass at depth D. a zone of open space in the lithosphere, such as a cave or cavern

D Interlude D

(Q001) Hot-spot volcanic islands can cool and eventually sink beneath the ocean's surface, turning them into A. oceanic plateaus B. large igneous provinces C. continental shelves D. seamounts.


(Q004) During World War II, the military imaged the seafloor by sending pulses of sound waves down through the water and measuring the time it took for the sound to bounce off the seafloor and return to the receiver. This method is called A. sonar B. bathymetry C. polar wander D. sounding.


(Q005) This image shows A. an example of nuclear fission. B. the formation of electromagnetic radiation. C. how supernovae form. D. two atoms combining during nuclear fusion.


(Q007) In the image below, what does the contact between the Unkar Group and Tapeats Sandstone represent? A. a surface formed by uplift and erosion of tilted older rock layers B. an angular unconformity C. missing time in the geologic record D. all of the possible answers are correct


(Q008) Tidal range A. is the farthest inland that the water reaches at high tide B. is the same everywhere on a given day, but varies with time C. is dictated only by the gravitational attractions of the Sun and the Moon D. varies from place to place along a coastline.


(Q009) Magma may cool and crystallize to become solid igneous rock A. when its volatile content increases B. more slowly in the presence of circulating groundwater C. faster if the surface area of the intrusion is low D. more slowly in a deep pluton than in a shallow sill.


(Q013) The two most common gases of the Earth's atmosphere, and their percentages, are A. carbon dioxide (CO2) at 21%, and oxygen (O2) at 78% B. water (H2O) at 21%, and oxygen (O2) at 78% C. oxygen (O2) at 21%, and carbon dioxide (CO2) at 78% D. nitrogen (N2) at 78%, and oxygen (O2) at 21%


(Q016) For this diagram, which of the following statements is true? A. Point X is a cut bank B. Point A is a point bar C. Point Y is undergoing erosion D. All of the possible answers are correct.


(Q016) Oceanic lithosphere A. gets older and thinner as it gets farther from the ridge axis B. gets warmer as it gets farther from the ridge axis C. attains its maximum thickness when it is about 800 million years old D. that is 10 million years old is cool enough to be denser than the asthenosphere, so it can sink down into or through the asthenosphere.


(Q001) A lahar is A. a glowing cloud of pyroclastic fragments and hot gas B. a lava lake in a summit crater C. a collapsed volcanic structure D. a volcanic mudflow that resembles fluid concrete.

D. CH 5

(Q001) Identify the statement that is true about an ephemeral stream. A. Its bed lies below the water table B. It is replenished by both precipitation and groundwater C. It flows year-round D. In dry climates, it can become a dry wash (also called wadi or arroyo).

D. CH 17

(Q017) Silicate minerals A. have a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron as their structural unit B. are classified by the manner in which the silica tetrahedra are arranged C. are the most common minerals on the Earth D. All of the possible answers are correct.

D. CH 3

(Q025) South of the Himalayan mountain range, the crust of the Indian subcontinent has been bent downward and covered by a thick succession of sediment eroded from the mountains. This sedimentary basin is a type of A. rift basin B. intracontinental basin C. passive-margin basin D. foreland basin.

D. CH 6

(Q007) The fault in this image is A. a right-lateral, strike-slip fault B. produced by shortening the block C. a reverse fault D. produced by stretching the block.

D. CH 9

(Q017) Mountains do not get infinitely high or exist forever because A. the Earth's geothermal gradient is too low B. their composition (continental crust) causes them to remain buoyant C. they are eventually subducted in the plate tectonics cycle D. they experience orogenic collapse.

D. CH 9

(Q009) Identify the statement that is true about soil-forming factors. A. Soil on steep slopes is thicker than soil on flat land because sediment accumulates on slopes B. Basalt and granite bedrock form similar soils because they are both igneous bedrock C. Dry soils have more organic matter than wet soils because water drowns vegetation D. young soil in an arid climate will be thinner than an old soil in a temperate climate.

D. Interlude B

(Q005) Identify the true statement. A. All minerals weather at the same rate B. Every mineral is affected by every type of chemical weathering reaction C. Quartz weathers more quickly than other common minerals in granite D. Most of the minerals in granite weather to clay except quartz.

D. Interlude B Quartz is resistant to chemical weathering

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