LDR-102S The Airman Culture

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Instills our responsibility while maintaining transparency and ownership for our actions.




Our 3C skills

Cross Cultural Competencies

is the most effective method for developing personal awareness of the diversity dynamics that exist within our organizations

Interpersonal communication

Parts of our schemas for particular concepts also serve as


The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication as a guide to belief and action.

​​​​​​​Critical Thinking

The ability to manage, modify, and use our emotions toward constructive outcomes.

​​​​​​​Emotional Regulation

Putting in the necessary work sufficient to evaluate the multiples sides of issues. The only way one can overcome the lack of essential knowledge on a subject is to do the necessary studying to reach a sufficient level of understanding before making judgments. This may require the critical thinker to ask many questions, which can be unsettling to those asked to respond. A critical thinker cannot be lazy.

​​​​​​​Highly Motivated

Seeking out the facts, information sources, and reasoning to support issues we intend to judge; examining issues from as many sides as possible; rationally looking for the good and bad points of the various sides examined.

​​​​​​​Open Minded

A system of thinking that is reactive, instinctive, quick, and holistic.

​​​​​​​Reactive Thinking

"diversity-supportive" how many are there? what are they?

1. Act Proactively 2. Leadership-Driven 3. Encourage Ownership of Initiatives 4. Think Inclusively 5. Mainstream Diversity

Socio-Behavioral Tendencies (SBTs)

1. Assumptions 2. Stereotypes 3. Social Biases 4. Perceptions 5. Perspectives 6. Collusion 7. Prejudices 8. Discrimination

The 3C Model

1. Communicate to avoid misunderstandings. 2. Negotiate to overcome differences and resolve conflicts. 3. Relate with individuals from other cultures to work effectively.

Impression Management is defined as "deliberate and motivated self-presentation." It is a two-part process that includes:

1. Projection - The image we want others to have of us; and 2. Attribution - How others actually view us. Attribution involves the sub-skills of emotion regulation, self-monitoring, and perceptual acuity.

At the victim's request during investigation interviews and medical examinations including but not limited to interviews with medical personnel law enforcement investigators special victims council trial council independence council best describes which volunteer victim advocate V VA duties and responsibilities

A company or advice

states that the enlisted force is a diverse group of functionally and operationally specialized Air and Space Professionals. Just within our individual Air and Space Force specialty codes, we have diverse career fields, responsibilities, and expectations.

AFH 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure

Free from error and a correct or truthful representation of something.

Accurate Information

Information that is free from error, a correct or truthful representation of something. Remember to consider the source's qualification, integrity, and reputation. Does the source have a motive for being inaccurate or overly biased? Actively seek out trusted sources for information.

Accurate Information

Which of the following best identifies who will strive to eliminate sexual assault by fostering a cultural of dignity and mutual respect among Air Force/space force members and provide environments free of sexual harassment and assault

All air men in space professionals

Taking the liberty of declaring something about a situation, item, or someone else that is not supported by fact.


An inclination (predisposition) of temperament or outlook, a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment.


Occurs when people cooperate with others, knowingly or unknowingly, to reinforce the behaviors that prevent others from fully entering into the workplace culture.


This occurs when people cooperate with others, knowingly or unknowingly, to reinforce the behaviors that prevent others from fully entering into the workplace culture.


Understanding how to properly communicate in another language or culture.

Communication Competence

Professional Air Force ethics consist of three fundamental and enduring values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do. These are known as:

Core Values

The principles that guide an organizations or a person's internal conduct as well as its relationship with the external world.

Core Values

Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.


Not the absence of fear but doing the right thing despite the fear.


Information that is believable, from a trustworthy source (experts in a particular field, subject matter experts, Air Force leadership, etc.).

Credible Information

Information that is believable, from a trustworthy source.

Credible Information

Defined as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication as a guide to belief and action.

Critical Thinking

This is the ability to quickly and accurately comprehend and then effectively act in a culturally accomplished environment to achieve the desire to effect without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group religion or language best identifies which key term associated with introduction to culture

Cross cultural communication

The ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, and then effectively act in a culturally complex environment to achieve the desired effect without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region, or language.

Cross-Cultural Communication (3C)

Leaders can develop this by recognizing how their actions can impact others cultures as well as by identifying local cultural norms and mannerisms best summarizes how to develop which are the following

Cultural perspective taking Or Cross cultural communication

A shared set of traditions, belief systems, and behaviors and is shaped by many factors, including history, religion, politics, and resources.


A shared set of traditions, belief systems, and behaviors shaped by many factors, including history, religion, politics, and resources.


This is a shared set of traditional belief systems and behaviors and is shaped by many factors including history religion politics and resources best at resources best identifies which key term associated with introduction to culture


An approach that emphasizes common aspects and domains of the culture concept, providing individuals with knowledge (concepts, theories, processes, etc.), skills and attitudes that offer broadly-applicable general principles and serve as a framework for culture-specific learning.

Culture General

The approach that emphasizes common aspects and domains of the culture concept, providing individuals with knowledge (concepts, theories, processes, etc.), skills, and attitudes that offer broadly applicable general principles and serve as a framework for culture-specific learning.

Culture General

An approach that emphasizes specific aspects of particular cultures, affording individuals much of the knowledge and/or skills necessary to interact more competently with individuals of other cultural backgrounds.

Culture Specific

Best describes impression management

Deliver and motivated self preservation that includes the process of protection and attribution Or The human tendency to negatively judge others cultural's behavior's values against our own values and beliefs

An individual commitment to uphold the highest of personal and professional standards.


The visible act, or consideration to act, in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather than on individual merit or value.


A composite of individual characteristics, experiences, and abilities consistent with the Air Force Core Values and the Air Force Mission.


The ability to recognize and respond to the needs of various groups within an organization to improve working relationships, productivity, customer satisfaction, and unit and mission effectiveness.

Diversity Awareness

Involves having to make sacrifices in ways that no other profession has or will.


The body's ability to continually accomplish the same task in a repetitive fashion.


The human tendency to negatively judge others (cultures, behaviors, values) against our own values and beliefs.


Directs us to develop a sustained passion for the continuous improvement and innovation that propels the Air Force, as well as ourselves, beyond the capabilities of our adversaries.

Excellence in All We Do

It is important to check the truthfulness of something ask questions such as how can this be confirmed how could it find out its factual better factual best describes which of the intellectual standards a will standards associated with critical thinking

Fairness or accuracy

Leading Using the FAIR Way

Feedback Assistance Inclusion Respect

Can be used to get through challenging times mentally or physically.

Hardiness of Spirit

The stout internal force that can be used to get through challenging times mentally or physically.

Hardiness of Spirit

This person who has specialized education and clinical experience in the collection of forensic evidence and treatment of victims can conduct the sexual assault forensic examination safe best describes which of the falling rolls and collection and Preservation of evidence

Health care provider

Accepting the fact that we may be in error ourselves and maintaining the goal of getting at the truth rather than trying to please others or find fault with their views.

Healthy Skepticism

Accepting the fact that we may be in error ourselves; and maintaining the goal of getting at the truth (or close to the truth (or as close to the truth as possible), rather than trying to please others or find fault with their views.

Healthy Skepticism

Putting in the necessary work sufficient to evaluate the multiples sides of issues.

Highly Motivated

The idea that all aspects of a culture are interconnected and integrated


The idea that all aspects of a culture are interconnected and integrated. Therefore, change in one area (women's rights, for example) will affect change in another area (family structure, distribution of income).


means that all the parts of a culture are interconnected and integrated.


Our words must be unquestionable, so we preserve the trust that unites us through a common goal and purpose.


A character trait and the willingness to do what is right even when no one is looking.

Integrity First

Adhering tentatively to recently acquired opinions and being prepared to examine new evidence and arguments even if such examination leads one to discover flaws in one's own cherished beliefs.

Intellectual Humility

Adhering tentatively to recently acquired opinions; being prepared to examine new evidence and arguments even if such examination leads one to discover flaws in one's own cherished beliefs; to stop thinking that complex issues can be reduced to matter of "right and wrong" or "black and white," and to begin thinking in terms of "degrees of certainty" or "shades of grey."

Intellectual Humility

These problems are related to crimes of sexual nature, divorce, or those where the Airman may be facing a significant amount of time in military and/or civilian confinement.


A speaker's implicit, internalized knowledge of the rules of their native language.

Linguistic Competence

An internal commitment to the Nation, to the values and commitments of our Air Force, and to the men and women with whom we serve.


The most powerful or the most widely practiced cultures in a particular society, whether the society is a region or an entire country.


most powerful or the most widely practiced cultures in a particular society, whether the society is a region or an entire country.


Chronic health issues, especially those posing a perceived or real threat to a military career can contribute to distress.

Medical Conditions

The ability to effectively cope with unique stressors and challenges.

Mental Fitness

A group of people living within a larger society who share values, beliefs, behaviors, status, or interests that are different from the rest of society.


Also called "subcultures." They are described as a group of people living within a larger society who share values, beliefs, behaviors, status, or interests that are different from the macro-culture or the rest of society.


also called "subcultures." They are described as a group of people living within a larger society who share values, beliefs, behaviors, status, or interests that are different from the macro-culture or the rest of society.


The commander will notify the appropriate civilian authorities of the insurance insurance of this order and of the individuals involved in the order in the event it has been issued against a service member in any individual involved does not reside on a military installation at any time during the duration of the order the order remains in effect until the commander terminates or issues or replacement that summarizes which of the following commander's actions and response to sexual assault

Military protected order

This category of focus encompasses operation, product, and resource excellence.


The power and determination to follow what one believes to be right, regardless of cost to one's self.

Moral Courage

The power and determination to follow that one believes to be right, regardless of cost to one's self.

Moral courage

This 3C skill should be used to overcome differences and resolve conflict and culturally complex situations the best describes which of the following




A formally affirmed promise to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Oath of Enlistment

This stub involves focus detention on your environment and gathering information through all 5 senses best describes which the following utilu processes


When you seek out the fax information sources and reasoning to support issues you intend to judge examining issues from as many sizes as possible and rationally looking for the good and bad points of the various cited examine best describes which characteristic of a professional critical thinker

Open mindedness or freethinker

Seeking out the facts, information sources, and reasoning to support issues we intend to judge.


What we observe and experience becomes our "reality" until we are convinced or proven otherwise is our __________.


What we observe and experience becomes our "reality" until we are convinced or proven otherwise.


The ability to perceive a communication situation accurately.

Perceptual Acuity

The ability to perceive a communication situation accurately. It involves attentiveness to both verbal and nonverbal elements of a conversation and takes into consideration the importance of context.

Perceptual Acuity

The steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.


Our "take" on things based on our position on particular subjects, issues, and matters that relate or are important to us is our __________.


Our "take" on things based on our position on particular subjects, issues, and matters that relate or are important to us.


The ability to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors needed to enhance health and well-being.

Physical Fitness

Observable actions one takes when faced with fear, pain, uncertainty, or danger.

Physical courage

The observable actions one takes when faced with fear, pain, uncertainty, or danger.

Physical courage

The creation of an adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without gathering all the facts and is usually based on deeply held beliefs is our __________.


The creation of an adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without gathering all the facts and is usually based on deeply held beliefs.


Includes a body of theory and specialized knowledge, a public service orientation, and a distinct subculture.


Determined by your personal attributes, qualities, motivation, and commitment levels.

Progressive Professionalism

The reason for which one exists.


Blank maintains the same routine every morning blank wakes up at 0 600 and showers and gets dressed eats breakfast and grabs the workout bag on the way out the door blank has maintained the same routine for so long it almost happens automatically best describes which type of thinking


A system of thinking that is instinctive, quick, and holistic.

Reactive Thinking

Temporarily suspending one's own culturally informed opinion and thinking about how others might interpret or value a situation.

Realtivism as a behavior

A system of thinking that is deliberative, analytical, and procedural.

Reflective Thinking

A system of thinking that is deliberative, analytical, and procedural.

Reflective Thinking​​​​​​​

Perceived or actual dissolution of associations, including family and romantic are known as ________ problems.


This chaser has been identified as one of the most common risk factors associated with suicide being present in 59% of cases recommended wingman actions include recognizing this problem places the number at greater risk of suicide in violence and be vigilant for any unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol or drugs best statement the stressors and recommended actions outlined in the airman's guide for assisting personnel in distress for which following?

Relationship/marital problems

The conviction that the beliefs and practices of others are best understood in light of the particular cultures where they are found.

Relativism (attitude)

Temporarily suspending one's own culturally informed opinion and thinking about how others might interpret or value a situation.

Relativism (behavior)

The conviction that the beliefs and practices of others are best understood in light of the particular cultures where they are found.

Relativism as an attitude

One's ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands.


Treating others with dignity and valuing them as individuals. We must always act knowing that all Airmen possess a fundamental worth as human beings and treat others with the utmost dignity and understanding that our diversity is a powerful source of strength.


A complex mental framework used to codify the perceptions we associate to a particular culture.


Our ability to detect appropriateness of our social behaviors and self-presentation in response to situational constraints and to adjust our behaviors to fit the situation.


Represents an abiding dedication to the age-old military virtue of selfless dedication to duty, including putting one's life at risk if called to do so.

Service Before Self

Which are the following best describes macro culture?

Shares set of traditional belief system and behaviors shaped by many factors including history religion politics and resources sources. Or Most widely practiced culture in a particular society weathe society whether the society is a religion or an entire country

One unfairly favors or prefers one person, culture, group, or race to another.

Social Bias

When one unfairly favors or prefers one person, culture, group, or race to another they have ___________.

Social Bias

The ability to engage in healthy networks that promote overall well-being and optimal performance.

Social Fitness

Perceiving that comfort is available from (and can be provided to) others, including emotional, tangible, instrumental, informational, and spiritual support.

Social Support

allows us to better understand the individual characteristics of who we work with, what each person brings to the mission, and improves our appreciation and respect for one another.

Social sensitivity

The thought processes we employ to help us make sense of the world we live in.

Socio-Behavioral Tendencies

The thought process we employ to help us make sense of the world we live in.

Socio-Behavioral Tendency

The ability to adhere to beliefs, principles, or values needed to persevere and prevail in accomplishing missions.

Spiritual Fitness

A fixed or distorted generalization about ALL members of a particular group that share a particular diversity characteristic.


This is a fixed distorted generational about all members of a particular group that share a particular diversity characteristic these images are often fueled by mass media parent peers and other members of society best describes which characteristic of social behavioral tendency


Parts of our schemas for particular concepts.


These can be words, objects, and stories that are meaningful to our culture.


are products of our culture whereas beliefs and values are the basis of everything we believe and do.

Symbols and schema

Work coordination among team members, including flexibility.


America's Air Force: A Profession of Arms, has historically been recognized and referred to as the:

The Little Blue Book

Information that is fair and impartial, rather than prejudiced.

Unbiased Information

Information that is fair, impartial, rather than prejudiced.

Unbiased Information​​​​​​​

This defines what makes Air Force members uniquely different from that of any other sister service it provides the fundamental guidelines truth beliefs that solidify our membership and the best Air Force in the world world best describes which concept of airmanship

Warrior ethos or airman's creed

"The sum of beliefs and values that people use to define and interpret the world, and their place within it."


The sum of beliefs and values that people use to define and interpret the world, and their place within it.


Cultural perspective taking

a cognitive process by which an individual is able to identify the thoughts and/or feelings of another culture.

these organizations know the value of diversity and the importance of tapping into it. they integrate diversity into everyday thinking and action. best describes which attribute of the diversity supportive organization?

act proactively or think inclusively

effective management of diversity

as recognizing the differences in individuals and welcoming those differences to provide new insights and innovative ways of solving problems

The mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.


this is not the absence of fear, but doing the right thing despite the fear. it empowers us to take necessary personal or professional risks, make decisions that may be useful popular and admit to out mistakes. what best describes virtue of integrity?


Information that is believed and from a trustworthy source Best identifies which is the following


The ability to manage, modify, and use our emotions toward constructive outcomes. Nonverbal communication scholars describe it as the most important predictor of cross-cultural adjustment and adaptation

emotional regulation

The 3C model was developed by Air University faculty and there are three inter-related enabling factors

knowledge, motivation (positive attitude), and learning approaches.

this is the internal commitment to the nation to the values and commitments of our AF men and women with whom we serve. best virtue if service before self?


these organizations make this a part of every effort, process and procedure. some organizations pay special attention to anf incorporate it into e ery training and developmental program they conduct. in fragmented organizations this may be embraced in one department but neglected ot not even considered in others. best described attribute of a diversity supportive organization?

mainstream diversity

The ability to perceive a communication situation accurately. It involves attentiveness to both verbal and nonverbal elements of a conversation and takes into consideration the importance of context.

perceptual acuity

When it comes to critical thinking ask yourself what am I trying to achieve what is my my principle objective best explain which element of thought


One's ability to withstand, recover and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands.


a cognitive "shortcut" that helps us organize and interpret the vast amount of information that exists in our environment


Our ability to detect appropriateness of our social behaviors and self-presentation in response to situational constraints and to adjust our behaviors to fit the situation.

self monitoring

mindfulness of and reactions to others emotions, personality, strength, cultural differences, values, and beliefs to develop organizational diversity. best summarizes which of the following?

social sensitivity or socio-behavioral tendencies

this is essential at every level. airmen recognize the interdependency of every members contribution toward the mission and strive for organizational excellence. best describes which virtue if excellence in all we do?


Organizational diversity involves

the differences created by an organization's own structure such as the medical community, which involves family practice, pharmacy, medical records, and an administrative section.

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