Psych Final Review

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A ___ would be that drivers ages 40 and older have fewer traffic accidents than those 16-39.

frontal lobe

A brain injury changed Ty & he became moody, selfish, & obstinate.What lobe was likely damaged?

fixed interval

A company pays its employees on Wed.The next day, productivity is low. This is __ reinforcement

biological approach to gender development

A male infant with no social experience shows interest in toy cars over dolls. This conforms to


A person who is incapable of being calm and satisfied with oneself or others is likely high on


A researcher investigating how parenting methods affect a child is likely using the __ approach


According to Freud, what might stop Ty from illegal gambling in fear of going to jail?

behavior has been shaped through the learning process

According to the social cognitive theory, girls engage in relational aggression because

Eliminating irrational and self-defeating thoughts

All cognitive therapies focus on:

proactive interference

CJ is trying to memorize a new song, but another song keeps popping into her head. This is:


Dr. T, a ___ psychologist, enjoys studies of the thought processes involved in problem solving.


Early humans ate fat to aid survival. Today, our preference for fatty foods can be attributed to:

inhibitory neurotransmitter

GABA is the most potent depressive neurotransmitter & critical for relaxation. GABA is a ___.

preconventional level

If Tom shares his toys with his sister because he's afraid of being punished, he's reasoning at

a demand characteristic

If a researcher smiles every time the subject responds negatively, the researcher's smile is __.

recognize the quantity of a substance remains the same

If children cannot grasp the concept of conservation, they are unable to

sympathetic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system

In an emergency, the __ prepares the body to deal with an emergency, & the __ relaxes it after.


In the context of social influence, Solomon Asch's experiment demonstrates ____

Serotonin and norepinephrine

Individuals with depressive disorder appear to have too few receptors for _____.

Weber's Law

It is NOT noticeable to increase blaring music, but it is when starting with silence. This is:

reinforcement sensitivity theory

Jeffrey Gray proposed a neuropsychology of personality theory called


Jim is low on masculinity & femininity, & best described as __ for gender attributes.

sympathetic nervous system

Main function of __ is activating the body (increasing heart rate/dilating pupils of the eyes)

intrinsic motivation leads to more positive outcomes

Many psychologists believe that:

stage 3; stages 1 and 2

Most people MAINLY experience__ sleep during the 1st half of the night, & __ sleep the 2nd half


Myelin sheath insulates the __ so the impulse travels efficiently & strengthens the connection.

taking something away to reduce a targeted behavior

Negative punishment refers to:


One ___ would be that older adults make for better drivers than young adults.


Parker is schizophrenic, therefore he likely has high levels of what neurotransmitter?

is unable to move while dreaming

REM sleep behavior disorder occurs when a person

variable ratio

Reinforcement schedules that are based on the varying number of responses are __ schedules.

inhibiting, serotonin, synapse

SSRIs work by ___ the re-uptake of ___ keeping more of this critical neurotransmitter in the __

Industry vs. inferiority

Sam won his spelling bee and felt proud, but couldn't finish his math on time. This reflects:


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) target which type of disorder?


Someone who believes the __ approach is most likely going to consider ethnicity for diagnosis.

visualizing anxiety-provoking situations while relaxing

Systematic sensitization is the process of:

implicit memory

TJ can drive a manual car, but when asked how, she says, "I don't know-it's automatic: This is:

limbic system

The ___________ is a series of neural structures that are important in emotion and motivation.

cognitive dissonance

The feeling caused by holding 2 contrary attitudes and acknowledging the validity of both


The group of drugs known as SSRIs work primarily by interfering with the reabsorption of ____.


The medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum are three main parts of the:

parietal lobe

The somatosensory (sensory strip) is located in which area of the brain?


This neurotransmitter works similar to painkillers and produces happy euphoric feelings

consequences of a behavior will determine if it is repeated

Thorndike's law of effect states that __________.

some stages in Erickson's psychosocial theory of development

Trust vs. Mistrust Initiative vs. Guilt Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

the cocktail effect

Ty is in a loud area, but manages to tune out the noise and listen to his friend. An example of:

bottom up processing

Vi concluded that her brother is home based on his outline & male voice. She used _ processing.

body movement/balance/coordination/ fine motor skills

What is the cerebellum responsible for?

a conditioned stimulus

When taking a picture, Marla blinked before the flash went off. The camera has become _____.


Which approach to psych used introspection as the main research method for thoughts & behavior?

Jordan, who has a habit of overeating

Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from aversive conditioning?

did not pay attention to the later experiences

Which of the following was a criticism levied against Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

humanistic psychologist

Which psychologist would most likely believe that people can control their own behavior?

afferent nerves

You touch a stove. The nerves in your fingers that send sensory information to your brain are:

suprachiasmatic nucleus

___ is a brain structure that uses input from the retina to sync rhythm with light & darkness.


___ is the formation of a # of connections around a stimulus at any level of memory encoding.

Stage 2

___ of non-REM sleep is characterized by sharply pointed, spiky waves called "sleep spindles"

they try to adhere to gender stereotypical behavior

according to the social cognitive theory, girls engage in relational aggression because

Accommodation (Piaget)

adjusting current schemas to make sense of new experiences


cocaine appears to produce its pleasurable effects by acting on the brain's level of

borderline personality disorder

condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, and impulse control have out of control emotions & are afraid of being abandoned.

Examples of mental processes

feelings, believing, memory


fingerlike projections that receive incoming messages from other neurons.

temporal lobe function



part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving information from other neurons

polygenic inheritance

term used to describe the influences of multiple genes on behavior


the ___ regulates almost all of our major drives and motives:hunger/thirst/temp/sexual behavior

Weber's Law

the change of a stimulus that is noticed is a constant ratio


the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum are three main parts of the:

absolute threshold

the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50 percent of the time

right hemisphere of brain

the process of facial recognition is primarily by the ____

display rules

the sociocultural standards that determine when, where, and how emotions should be expressed

sensorimotor stage

the stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory a child coordinate sensation with movements

corpus callosum

thick band of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of the brain


this neurotransmitter works similar to painkillers and produces happy euphoric feelings

fraternal twins develop from:

two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells


unfair attitude about someone based solely on their group

action potential

what mechanism temporarily converts a negative neuron to a positive neuron as it fires?

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