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This chart shows the outcome of the 1920 presidential election. 1920 Presidential Election Results 1. Warren G. Harding ( R-404) 2. James M. Cox (D-127) These results are an indication of what sentiment in the United States? A. Americans wanted to return to the prosperity and optimism that existed before World War I B. Americans believed the United States should have joined the League of Nations C. Americans hoped a focus on creating international alliances would prevent future wars D. Americans opposed isolationist policies that might hurt the nation's economy

A. Americans wanted to return to the prosperity and optimism that existed before World War I

This statement was made by Teddy Roosevelt in 1915. "There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism... The one absolutely certain way of bringing the nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities." In this statement, Roosevelt is showing support for which concept? A. Assimilation B. Imperialism C. Industrialization D. Nativism

A. Assimilation

This is an excerpt from a speech given by Booker T. Washington in 1895. "To those of my race I would say: "Cast down your bucket where you are"--cast it down in making friends with the southern white man, who is your next-door neighbor. Cast it down in agriculture, mechanics, in commerce, in domestic service... No race can prosper til it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. It is at the bottom of life we must begin, and not at the top." According to Washington, how could African Americans advance in the United States? A. By proving themselves as strong laborers B. By demanding equal protection under the law C. By starting their own lobbying organizations D. By using violent protests to gain their rights

A. By proving themselves as strong laborers

This chart shows the accomplishments of three notable Americans. (Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston) The accomplishments of these Americans were part of what cultural movement in the 1920's? A. Harlem Rensaissance B. Post-Modernism C. Temperance Movement D. Transcendentalism

A. Harlem Rensaissance

This chart shows two books published in the 20th century. What do these two books have in common? (The Jungle and Silent Spring) A. They inspired the government to pass legislation addressing the issues they highlighted B. They promoted reform movements to address civil rights violations in the nation C. They led to nationwide rallies and marches to bring attention to issues related to poverty D. They encouraged the formation of labor unions to improve unsafe working conditions

A. They inspired the government to pass legislation addressing the issues they highlighted

This is a statement made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower during a press conference on April 7, 1954. "You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over quickly. So you could have a beginning of a disintegration that would have the most profound influences." In this statement, President Eisenhower used a metaphor to express what concern? A. If one nation in Southeast Asia fell to communism, other nations would follow B. If the Soviet Union launched a nuclear weapon, other nations would as well C. If the United State provided economic aid to one nation, other nations would request it D. If one nation in Europe joined NATIO, other nations would as well

A. If one nation in Southeast Asia fell to communism, other nations would follow

This map shows the percentage of the population born outside of the United States in 1890. What does this map reveal about immigration in the late 1800's? A. Immigrants were drawn to areas where there were needs for industrial workers B. Immigrants preferred to settle in the southern states where the climate was more like their native countries C. Immigrants remained close to the eastern coastline in the areas where they entered the US D. Immigrants tended to enter the country along the southern border of Mexico

A. Immigrants were drawn to areas where there were needs for industrial workers

This is an excerpt from the ruling in a Supreme Court case that was decided in 1919. "When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in time of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight, and that no court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right." The decision in this case supports which idea? A. In order to protect national security, individual rights can be restricted B. During a war, all 1st Amendment rights are suspended C. If necessary for public safety, the president can intern groups of people D. During a war, citizens lose their rights to due process

A. In order to protect national security, individual rights can be restricted

This is a description of a popular group in the 1980's. "The Moral Majority was a fundamentalist Christian organization founded by televangelist Jerry Falwell in 1979. The Moral Majority was established to preserve "traditional" American values and to combat increasing support for social movements and culture changes. The organization opposed gay rights, abortion, feminism, and other liberal movements during the 1980's." How did this group impact the United States? A. It contributed to a conservative resurgence in this country B. It led to increased support for social welfare programs C. It weakened support for Republican candidates in elections D. It influenced southerners to join the Democratic Party

A. It contributed to a conservative resurgence in this country

This is an excerpt from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. "No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States... shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal finance assistance." How did the passage of this law impact the United States? A. It promoted equal opportunities for all Americans B. It ensured noncitizen in the United State had due process rights C. It supported efforts to extend affirmative action initiatives D. It extended civil rights protections for people accused of crimes

A. It promoted equal opportunities for all Americans

This headline was published August 23, 1927. "SACCO AND VANZETTI PUT TO DEATH EARLY THIS MORNING." This headline was a result of what situation in the United States in the 1920's? A. Many Americans were intolerant and fearful of ethnic minorities B. The death penalty was introduced as punishment for serious crimes C. There was an increase in the influence of fundamentalist religions D. The resurgence of the KKK led to increased violence in the nation

A. Many Americans were intolerant and fearful of ethnic minorities

This graph shows the poverty rates during a 50-year period. The information in this graph supports what conclusion? A. President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs were successful in lowering poverty rates B. President Ronald Reagan's trickle-down economic policies helped stabilize poverty rates C. President Bill Clinton's plan to balance the federal budget had a negative impact on poverty rates D. President George W. Bush's economic policies to end the recession had a positive impact on poverty rates

A. President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs were successful in lowering poverty rates

What action is an example of how the Progressive Movement was influenced by the ideas of Populism? A. The passage of graduated income tax B. The start of the settlement house movement C. The strong influence of female progressive leaders D. The fight to end segregation in public facilities

A. The passage of graduated income tax

During World War II, which action by the federal government was deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court in the case Korematsu v. US? A. Instituting a draft to expand the size of the army B. Building an atomic bomb to use against Japan C. Requiring citizens to ration goods such as gas and food D. Forcing Japanese Americans into internment camps

D. Forcing Japanese Americans into internment camps

This time line shows several events that took place as part of the American Indian Movement (AIM). In what way was the AIM similar to the Civil Rights Movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? A. AIM used economic boycotts, sit-ins, and jail-ins to bring attention to its cause B. AIM used civil disobedience strategies to get federal legislation enacted to address its concerns C. AIM focused on getting civil rights reforms enacted on the state level D. AIM endorsed violence as a necessary tactic to bring about the changes and reforms that were needed.

B. AIM used civil disobedience strategies to get federal legislation enacted to address its concerns

Since 2000, what push factor has contributed to the migration trend from the Rustbelt to the Sunbelt? A. Increase in tourism jobs in warmer climates B. Closure of manufacturing plants C. Start of new tech industries D. Soil erosion in agricultural areas

B. Closure of manufacturing plants

This is an excerpt from a speech given by President Richard Nixon to Congress in 1970. "As concern with the condition of our physical environment has intensified, it has become increasingly clear that we need to know more about the total environment--land, water, and air. It also has become increasingly clear that only be reorganizing our federal efforts can we develop that knowledge and effectively ensure the protection, development, and enhancement of the total environment itself. The government's environmentally related activities have grown up piecemeal over the years. The time has come to organize them rationally and systematically." In this speech, President Nixon is providing rational for what action? A. Expanding the National Park Service B. Creating the Environmental Protection Agency C. Proposing the Clean Water Act D. Participating in the first Earth Day

B. Creating the Environmental Protection Agency

This political cartoon depicts Franklin D. Roosevelt and was published in 1938. This political cartoon reflects what criticism of President Roosevelt? A. His policies had negative effects on the environment B. His policies increased the national debt C. His policies lacked consistency D. His policies cut too much spending to be successful

B. His policies increased the national debt

This notice was published by the United States Food Administration during World War I. Based on this notice, what role did the government play on the home front during World War I? A. It forced citizens to purchase certain foods to help fund the war B. It encouraged citizens to ration certain food items C. It made the health of citizens its top priority D. It arrested citizens for eating the wrong meals on the wrong days

B. It encouraged citizens to ration certain food items

The creation of the Federal Reserve System in the early 1900s had what impact on the role of government? A. It allowed the government to have more control over imports and exports B. It expanded the government's control over the nation's money supply C. It reduced the government's ability to regulate industry D. It prevented the government from breaking up strikes

B. It expanded the government's control over the nation's money supply

This statement was made by a minister in Birmingham, Alabama, in the 1920's regarding the Great Migration. "We feel and believe that this great exodus is God's hand and plan. In a mysterious way God is moving up the hearts of our people to go where He has created and prepared for them." This statement supports what belief held by many participants in the Great Migration? A. Sharecroppers needed to move to the West where they could own land and farm B. Life in the North would be ideal with little discrimination and plenty of job opportunities C. Southern states would reform their governments and end the use of Jim Crow laws D. American was the land of promise for all immigrants coming from European nations

B. Life in the North would be ideal with little discrimination and plenty of job opportunities

This quote is from President Wilson's war message to Congress on April 2, 1917. "The world must be made safe for democracy." What principle from President Wilson's Fourteen Points is most related to this quote? A. Freedom of the seas B. Self-determination for each nation C. Creation of the League of Nations D. Reduction of arms in Germany

B. Self-determination for each nation

During the Civil Rights Movement, what action by President Dwight D. Eisenhower strengthened the role of the federal government to enforce civil rights legislation over the objections of the states? A. Using an executive order to end the Montgomery Bus Boycott B. Sending federal troops to integrate Little Rock High School C. Pardoning Martin Luther King, Jr. after his arrest in Birmingham D. Signing the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act into law

B. Sending federal troops to integrate Little Rock High School

This Venn diagram compares the Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles. Based on this Venn diagram, how did the Fourteen Points differ from the Treaty of Versailles? A. The Fourteen Points sought to punish the Central Powers for World War I B. The Fourteen Points sought to create a lasting peace without penalizing the Central Powers C. The Fourteen Points sought to gain the most possible power for the United States D. The Fourteen Points sought to divide control of the seas among the Allied Powers

B. The Fourteen Points sought to create a lasting peace without penalizing the Central Powers

This cartoon was published in 1926. (Bootleg profits) What government policy contributed to the rise of the problem shown in this cartoon? A. The adoption of an income tax B. The prohibition of alcohol C. The direct election of senators D. The right of women to vote

B. The prohibition of alcohol

This graph shows the Gross National Product (GNP) and the unemployment rate for six years. What idea about World War II's impact on the economy of the United States is evident from this graph? A. The war led to a decrease in economic production in the United States B. The war improved the economic situation in the US C. The war increased the number of unemployed citizens D. The war reduced government spending and reduced the national debt

B. The war improved the economic situation in the US

What overall strategy did Progressives use to combat the power and greed of big businesses? A. They gave unwavering support to radical labor unions B. They swayed public opinion in favor of legislation for social reform C. They funded political candidates who supported regulating industry D. They organized economic boycotts of domestic goods

B. They swayed public opinion in favor of legislation for social reform

What is the purpose of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), founded by W.E.B. Du Bois and other African American activists in 1909? A. Tor store white rule in the southern states B. To advocate for full social and political rights for all African Americans C. To give financial aid to women's suffrage groups D. To aid European immigrants in gaining citizenship and work opportunities

B. To advocate for full social and political rights for all African Americans

This is an excerpt from an executive order issued by President Harry Truman in 1948. "...It is hereby declared to be the policy of the president that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin." A. To recruit more men to the military B. To desegregate the military C. To allow women to receive veterans' benefits D. To end the use of literacy tests

B. To desegregate the military

This photograph was taken by Jacob Riis around 1900. What was the main reason for the publication of photographs such as this one? A. To expose the unsafe working conditions in factories B. To draw attention to the plight of people living in urban tenements C. To promote the use of quotas to reduce immigration D. To encourage the government to support labor unions

B. To draw attention to the plight of people living in urban tenements

What constitutional issue was at the center of the Supreme Court case Schenck vs. US? A. freedom of assembly B. freedom of speech C. privacy rights D. voting rights

B. freedom of speech

This is a letter sent by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Robert Fechner, the director of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). This letter is evidence of what idea? A. New Deal programs failed to provide any jobs or direct assistance to African American workers B. New Deal programs provided African Americans with opportunities to work alongside white workers C. Despite efforts aimed at helping African Americans, racial discrimination and bias existed in New Deal programs D. Despite working in segregated units, African American workers in New Deal programs were treated equally

C. Despite efforts aimed at helping African Americans, racial discrimination and bias existed in New Deal programs

These are photographs of civil rights protests from two different years. (1960 and 1969) What caused the change in strategy evident in these two photographs? A. The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. prompted the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to end its policy of nonviolence B. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it possible for African Americas to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to gun ownership C. Disillusionment with the slow pace of change led several civil rights leaders to advocate a more militant approach D. Declining participation in protests and marches resulted in groups using intimidation to encourage more people to get involved

C. Disillusionment with the slow pace of change led several civil rights leaders to advocate a more militant approach

This is a quote from a speech given by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. "...I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people. Let us all here assembled constitute ourselves prophets of a new order of competence and of courage. This is more than a political campaign; it is a call to arms. Give me your help, not to win votes alone, but to win in this crusade to restore America to its own people." How did the message of this speech ultimately impact the role of the government? A. It reduced government regulations on industries and the environment B. It gave state governments the primary responsibility for enacting social welfare programs C. It increased the power of the federal government to control the economy D. It increased government spending on defense programs to protect the nation

C. It increased the power of the federal government to control the economy

This is a list of environmental problems during the Industrial Age. Environmental Problems of the Industrial Age 1. Industrial waste led to water and air pollution 2. Mining operations destroyed the land and polluted the air 3. Overproduction of crops caused soil erosion How did the federal government respond to these problems? A. It established strict regulations regarding pollution levels from factories B. It offered tax breaks to industries that reduced their pollution output C. It passed laws preserving some lands and establishing national parks D. It created national farms and mandated crop rotation on private farms

C. It passed laws preserving some lands and establishing national parks

This is an excerpt from an essay published in McClure's Magazine in 1905. :Mr. Rockefeller has not squandered his income. He has applied it for thirty-five years to accumulation, not only oil property but real estate--railroad stock, iron mines, copper mines, anything and everything which could be bought cheap by temporary depressing and made to yield rich by his able management. For thirty-five years he has depreciated values when necessary to get his prey" Which term best applies to the author of this essay? A. Imperialist B. Industrialist C. Muckraker D. Striker

C. Muckraker

This political cartoon by George Hamilton was published in 1891. This cartoon demonstrated what argument against unrestricted immigration? A. Many cities, like New York, would become overcrowded B. Immigrants would keep their traditional values and refuse to assimilate C. The United States would inherit the problems of other countries D. Native-born Americans would have more competition for jobs

C. The United States would inherit the problems of other countries

The Scopes Trial that took place in 1925 centered on what broader issue? A. The struggle between balancing national security with an individual's right to free speech B. The desire to minimize government regulation while still helping improve working conditions C. The conflict between traditional religious values and modern viewpoints on science D. The need to provide due process rights versus the cost of government-appointed attorneys

C. The conflict between traditional religious values and modern viewpoints on science

This cartoon was published in the magazine Puck in 1883. The idea symbolized in this cartoon led to what action? A. The enactment of the quota system B. The imprisonment of business leaders for formed monopolies C. The creation of labor unions D. The ratification of a constitutional amendment to protect workers

C. The creation of labor unions

Which statement best describes the economy of the Unites States during the 1920's? A. The economy grew because it was closely regulated by the federal government B. The economy declined because fewer people were investing in the stock market C. The economy grew because more consumer goods were available for people to purchase D. The economy declined because farm surpluses increased the cost of food

C. The economy grew because more consumer goods were available for people to purchase

This chart shows several provisions of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Provisions of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 1. created the Federal Reserve Board 2. established regional banks to hold federal reserve money 3. gave the Federal Reserve Board power to control interest rates How did these provisions impact the economy of the United States? A. They led to a less stabilized economy as banks charged higher fees B. They led the decrease in confidence in the banking system C. They gave the federal government more control over the economy D. They made the economy more capitalist and less regulated

C. They gave the federal government more control over the economy

This is an excerpt from a foreign policy adopted by the United States in 1899. "Earnestly desirous to remove any cause of irritation and to ensure at the same time to the commerce of all nations in China the undoubted benefits which should accrue from a formal recognition by the various powers claiming "spheres of interest" that they shall enjoy perfect equality of treatment for their commerce and navigation within such "spheres," the Government of the United States would be pleased to see His German Majesty's Government give formal assurances, and lend its cooperation in securing like assurances from the other interested powers..." What was the intent of this policy? A. To prevent European nations from colonizing China B. To end immigration to the US from China C. To give the US equal trading rights in China D. To protect China from being exploited by Germany

C. To give the US equal trading rights in China

This chart shows the population of New York City in two different years. What accounts for the change in population shown on this chart? A. People moved from other industrial cities because New York had the highest paying jobs B. Factory and railroad jobs in the Midwest drew people away from eastern cities C. The immigrant population declined after quotas were implemented at the federal level D. Industrialization brought more people and diversity to the city

D. Industrialization brought more people and diversity to the city

This political cartoon by Joseph Keppler was published in Puck magazine in 1889. Based on the cartoon, what was the relationship between big business leaders and the government? A. The interests of big business leaders were generally ignored by the government B. Many big business leaders controlled government by getting elected to public offices C. Big business leaders served as impartial advisers to government officials D. Big business leaders had overwhelming influence on the actions of government

D. Big business leaders had overwhelming influence on the actions of government

How did the 24th Amendment, which came about as part of the Civil Rights Movement, expand democracy in the United States? A. It lowered the voting age to 24 B. It granted voting rights to women C. It desegregated the political parties D. It removed economic barriers to voting

D. It removed economic barriers to voting

What action was taken by the federal government in the late 1800s as a way to promote industrial growth? A. Supporting labor strikes B. Coining silver C. Regulating monopolies D. Raising tariff rates

D. Raising tariff rates

This is a quote from a letter written by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge to President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. "The United States is the world's best hope, but if you fetter her in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence. Leave her to march freely through the centuries to come as in the years that have gone." In this letter, Senator Lodge explained his rational for what decision? A. Voting against a bill that allowed the US to draft soldiers for World War I B. Supporting a bill to end the Unites States' support of the Monroe Doctrine C. Rejected a treaty that would allow free trade between the US and Europe D. Refusing to support membership for the United States in the League of Nations

D. Refusing to support membership for the United States in the League of Nations

Though historians debate its authenticity, according to American folklore, this telegraph exchange took place in 1898. Frederic Remington (Illustrator): There will be no war. William Randolph Hearst (Editor): You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war. Whether or not the exchange occurred, it is evident of what idea about the Spanish-American War? A. Journalists provided information that was used by the army to plan battle strategies B. Newspapers were committed to unbiased reporting about the war C. The war ended before most people were aware that it had happened D. Sensationalized journalism contributed to public support for the war

D. Sensationalized journalism contributed to public support for the war

This is an excerpt from the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty signed in 1904. "The Republic of Panama grants to the US in perpetuity the use, occupation and control of a zone of land and land under water for the contraction, maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of said canal of the width of ten miles extending to the distance of five miles on each side of the center line of the route of the canal to be contracted..." What action by the United States made this treaty possible? A. The United States sent its military to launch a direct attack on Panama and Colombia B. The United States helped the government of Panama stop a coup attempt C. The United States supported an attempt by Colombia to take over Panama D. The United States supported a group of revolutionaries in Panama

D. The United States supported a group of revolutionaries in Panama

This is a statement from an immigrant who traveled to the United States in 1905. "My cousin wrote me a letter from America. He says he's making good money--much more than he ever had at home. The factory works around the clock, every day, even Sunday! They always need new workers. He promises me I will have work if I come. I can stay at the boarding house where he stays." How did the situation in this statement impact the US? A. Labor shortages led to high wages and improved working conditions for new immigrants B. Immigrants introduced new innovations to increase the productivity of factories in the North C. Populations of cities in the Northeast declined as people left to work factory jobs in the South D. The influx of cheap, unskilled labor supported the growth on industrialism

D. The influx of cheap, unskilled labor supported the growth on industrialism

This is an excerpt from a law passed in 1956. "This is hereby declared to be essential to the national interest to provide for the early completion of the "National System of Interstate Highways"... It is the intent of Congress that the Interstate System be completed as nearly as practicable over a thirteen year period and the entire system in all states brought to a simultaneous completion." A. Social problems in cities ended as people moved to the suburbs B. Shorter commuting distances reduced air pollution from automobiles C. Gender roles changes as women were hired so that the project could be completed on time D. The tourism industry boomed as it became easier for people to travel from place to place

D. The tourism industry boomed as it became easier for people to travel from place to place

How are the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Patriot Act of 2001 similar? A. They both promoted the growth of war industries B. They both were enacted after an official declaration of war C. They both restricted the power of the national government D. They both restricted individual rights to protect national security

D. They both restricted individual rights to protect national security

This poem was written by Langston Hughes. "Democracy will not come Today, this year Nor ever Through compromise and fear. I have as much right As the other fellow has To stand On my two feet And own the land. I tire of hearing people say, Let things take their course. Tomorrow is another day. I do not need freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread. Freedom Is a strong seed Planted In a great need. I live here, too. I want freedom Just as you." This poem and others written as part of the same literary movement, had what impact on the culture of the US? A. They inspired the federal government to pass laws to end voting requirements that hurt African Americans B. They increased tensions in cities, leading to riots between African Americans and white citizens C. They inspired many southern states to pass laws to end de cure segregation of African Americans D. They increased awareness of the beauty, struggles, and uniqueness of African American culture

D. They increased awareness of the beauty, struggles, and uniqueness of African American culture

As part of his New Deal program, how did President Franklin D. Roosevelt propose to address the issue of poverty among older Americans? A. by raising the minimum retirement age B. by employing older Americans in less strenuous public works projects C. by establishing senior citizen centers to provide for older Americans D. by establishing a government-run pension program

D. by establishing a government-run pension program

This is an excerpt from a Supreme Court ruling in 1896. "We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff's argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a cadge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in this act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it." What ruling set the precedent for what idea? A. gerrymandering B. grandfather clause C. rule of law D. separate but equal

D. separate but equal

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