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List the aspects of the male reproductive system

- Bladder - Vas deferens - Urethra - Penis - Epididymis - Testis - Scrotum - Seminal vesicle - Prostate gland - Rectum - Bulbourethral gland - Stem-Producing tubes

List the structures of a flower

- Carpal/pistol - Stigma - Style - Ovary - Stamen - Filament - Anther - Petal - Sepal - Calyx - Stem

List aspects of amniotic egg

- Egg shell - Fluid filled amnion - Embryo - Amnion - Chorion - Blood vessels - Air space - Yolk - Albumin - Egg shell - CO2 - O2 - Allantois - Chorion and allantois

Describe Estrogen

- Estrogen causes the endometrium to thicken - Estrogen causes the endometrium to become vascular and glandular - Estrogen causes a positive feedback on the hypothalamus to secrete GnRH - Estrogen causes a negative feedback on the anterior pituitary gland

Levels of pituitary hormones during the Menstrual cycle

- FSH increases and then decreases to increase again -LH stagnates with a sharp increase then decrease to stagnate again

What is true about reproduction

- Gametes are produced by meiosis and may be specialized as eggs or sperm - Hydras may reproduce asexually by budding new individuals from the parent - A hermaphrodite produces both male and female gametes in different specialized gonads - A starfish can be cut into several pieces, and each piece will regenerate all the other parts of the individual

Describe HCG

- HCG stimulates the anterior pituitary gland - HCG stimulates the corpus luteum - HCG helps to maintain estrogen and progesterone levels in the blood - HCG is used in pregnancy testing

Trace the negative feedback system in Females

- Hypothalamus releases GnRH - Anterior pituitary sends FSH and LH through hormonal pathway to ovaries - In the Ovary, FSH stimulates follicle growth which produces estrogen and ovulation, LH stimulates the Corpus Luteum to create progesterone and some estrogen - Estrogen inhibits FSH production in the Anterior pituitary but Increased estrogen at mid cycle stimulates LH secretion in anterior pituitary - Progesterone and some estrogen from LH increase after ovulation and inhibit FSH and LH secretion in the anterior pituitary and Hypothalamus

ICSH stimulates the ___ of the testis to produce ___

- Interstitial cells - Testosterone

What is true about asexual reproduction

- It occurs with only one parent - It is less commonly used by vertebrates - It can occur by budding or by division and regeneration - A large number of offspring can be produced in this way in a short time

What is the menstrual cycle

- LH is produced by the pituitary in response to GmRH from the hypothalamus - Birth control pills that contain estrogen and progesterone would inhibit the secretion of FSH by the pituitary - The phase of menstruation at which pregnancy is most likely to occur is the secretory phase - FSH and estrogen production are highest during days 25-28 of the menstrual cycle

What is part of the human female external genitalia

- Mons pubis - Clitoris - Labia minora - Labia majora

What is true about fertilization

- Most terrestrial animals practice internal fertilization - Many terrestrial males have a copulatory organ for sperm transfer - Internal fertilization is required for the production shelled eggs - Most aquatic animals practice external fertilization, releasing gametes into the water

What is human oogenesis

- One ovum is produced by each parent cell - Primary oocytes can sit halted in prophase I for years - After puberty begins, one primary oocyte, on average, re-enters meiosis every 28 days

List the aspects of the Female reproductive system

- Oviduct - Ovary - Uterus - Cervix - Vagina - Rectum - Urethra - Ligament - Bladder - Bone

What is the placenta

- Oxygenated blood flows to the fetus via the umbilical cord - Fetal blood flows to maternal blood via umbilical artery - Oxygen and nutrients go to fetus from maternal circulatory system - The placenta produces progesterone and estrogen

List aspects of fertilization

- Pathway of sperm - Uterus - Cervix - Oviduct - Implantation - Pathway of egg - Blastocyst - Egg - Ovary - Fertilization

The substances found in semen are produced by what

- Prostate - Bulbourethral glands - Seminal vesicles - Testes

List the aspects of germination of a bean seed

- Radicle - Hypocotyl - Cotyledon - Seed coat - Primary root - Epicotyl - Withered cotyledons - Coyledon - Withered cotyledons - Secondary roots

What is true about reproductive timing

- Reproductive cycles in invertebrates are associated with changes in day length - Many temperate zone mammals mate in the fall and produce offspring in the spring - Animals determine the timing of their reproductive behavior by temperature changes - Melatonin production in the pineal gland is related to the timing of reproductive behavior

The male reproductive system includes

- Testes - Epididymis - Penis - Prostrate

Semen production involves the

- Testes - Prostate gland - Seminal vesicle - Cowper's gland

What are three aspect associations concerning structures in the human

- Testes-produce sperm - Prostate gland- seminal fluid - Urethra-conducts sperm

What are homeotic genes

- They have been found in almost all eukaryotic organisms - They are the master genes that control all the other genes in the organism - They are sequentially arranged on the chromosome in the same sequence they are activated during development of the embryo in Drosophila -All homeotic genes are thought to be derived from an original DNA sequence that has been highly conserved in evolution because of its importance to animal development

What are the extraembryonic membranes

- chorion - amnion - yolk sac - allantois

What are barrier methods of birth control

- condom - cervical cap - diaphragm

What would result in infertility

- egg is fertilized but does not implant - egg is not fertilized due to low sperm count - endometriosis - egg is not ovulated

What are examples of chordate embryos

- lancelet - frog - human - chick

What structures would have developed from mesoderm

- muscle - heart - kidneys - bones

What is development

-Cells divide and get larger - Cell become specialized in structure and function - Body parts are shaped and patterned into a specific form

What is growth

-Cells divide and get larger - Cell become specialized in structure and function - Body parts are shaped and patterned into a specific form

Trace the path of the negative feedback system in males

-Hypothalamus releases hormone to -Anterior pituitary which releases - FSH and LH through hormonal pathways to the testicles - Testes use FSH to make sperm producing cells which regulate sperm production and LH for testosterone producing cells which make testosterone to also help sperm producing cells regulate sperm production - Testosterone then inhibits LH production in the Hypothalamus - Sperm producing cells then inhibit FSH production in the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus

List aspects of fetal development

-Placenta (Maternal potion of placenta, chorionic villi) - Allantois - Chorion - Uterine wall - Umbilical cord - Amnion - Amniotic fluid

During what stage of labor will the cervix be dilated? Stage ___


During a 28-day uterine cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the ___ day


The structure that contains ___ artery(ies) and ___ vein(s), and forms after three months of development is the ___

2, 1, umbilical cord

How many days after the last menstrual period is birth of the fetus expected to occur


In the human female, the uterine cycle is on the average ___ days


Approximately how many mature egg cells are released by a woman during her fertile years


Retroviruses are responsible for


What is parthenogenesis

An asexual means of reproduction by which unfertilized eggs develop into mature individuals

The order of structure in the vulva, from the frontal mons pubis to the anus, is


The role of the acrosome during fertilization process is to

Contain enzymes that help a sperm head digest its way into an egg

LH stimulates the

Corpus luteum to produce progesterone

The luteal phase of the ovarian cycle occurs, in a 28-day cycle, at about

Days 15-28

Describe the luteal phase of the uterine cycle

Decrease in LH, increase in progesterone, corpus luteum presents secretory uterine lining

Thickness of uterine lining and levels of ovarian hormones during the menstrual cycle

Decrease then increase with addition of estrogen and progesterone with its peak at ovulation and then slowly decrease to increase agains before starting over

Inhibin is a hormone that

Decreases sexual urges

A bluebird reproduced by laying eggs. What characteristic does the embryo of a bluebird have in common with a human embryo

Development within a watery environment inside an amnion

Sperm mature within


What hormone is best associated with maturation of the egg


Female birth control pills act by inhibiting the production of

FSH and LH

Stages of the menstrual cycle

Flow stage->Follicular stage->Luteal stage

The ovary during the menstrual cycle

Follicle->ovulation->corpus luteum

the energy source for sperm to swim comes from

Fructose sugar in the surrounding seminal fluids added by the seminal vesicles

The structure from which an egg is released during ovulation is called

Graafian follicle

A pregnancy test is based on the production of ___ by the ___

HCG, trophoblast

Fertilization in humans normally occurs in the

Oviducts or fallopian tubes

The clitoris in the female is homologous to the ___ in the male


Menstruation begins because

Progesterone and estrogen levels are both declining

A male accessory organ that often becomes enlarged, infected, or cancerous in older men

Prostate gland

The impotency drug Viagra acts by

Providing supplementary cGMP to stimulate artery dilation

Trace the correct path of the sperm during ejaculation

Seminiferous tubules-epididymis-vas deferens-urethra

Approximately how many sperm are produced each day in a healthy adult male

Several hundred million

The egg is propelled down the oviduct (fallopian tube) by

Suction from the uterine contractions

What is the function of the sustentacular cells in the male reproductive tract

Support and regulate the cells that produce sperm cells

Secondary sexual characteristics in the male are directly maintained by the hormone


What is the main sex hormone in the human male


Pregnancy occurs when

The developing embryo embeds itself in the endometrial lining

Why do testes shrink when male athletes take synthetic steroid testosterone hormones

The pituitary controls detect high levels of testosterone in the bloodstream and reduces FSH and LH

Normal human sperm and eggs are similar because

They have the same number of chromosomes in their nucleus

What is the last part of the male reproductive tract through which the semen passes


Generally, only one sperm fertilizes an egg because

When the first sperm membrane fuses with the egg membrane, it separates the fertilization membrane and forms a barrier to any other sperm

Reptiles and bird eggs have

a plentiful and large yolk since it must support all early development

Morphogenesis is

a process by which tissues are shaped into organs

In human males, sperm cells are suspended in a fluid medium. The main advantage gained form this adaptation is that the fluid

acts as a transport medium for sperm

The sac that surrounds the fetus and usually ruptures just before childbirth is the (water breaking)


What membrane is filled with a clear watery fluid


During implantation, the outer layers of the blastocyst form the

amnion and chorion

During gastrulation in vertebrates, the pore created by invagination will become the


Early stages of human development resemble those of the chick embryo because

birds, mammals, and reptiles are closely related and share this evolutionary feature

A modified blastula in which the cells enclose an internal cavity is called a


During the formation of an embryo, a solid ball of cells with a hollow cavity inside is termed a


In a chordate embryo, what stage occurs second


What is morphogenesis

body parts are shaped and patterned into a specific form

The placenta develops from

both fetal and uterine tissue

What is differentiation

cells become specialized in structure and function

Menopause refers to

cessation of menstruation

The ___ develops into the fetal portion of the placenta


A fertilized egg undergoes cell division without further growth in the process called


Forms the morula


In a chordate embryo, what stage occurs first


When an egg erupts from a follicle, the chamber that remains and secretes hormones is the

corpus luteum

After ovulation, the ruptured follicle

differentiates into the corpus luteum

Describe the process in which cells become specialized in structure and function


The nervous system develops from what germ layer


In humans, the developing embryo tends to attach to this structure


The lining of the uterus that is discharged during the menstrual phase is the


How does a sperm penetrate an egg

enzymes in the acrosome dissolve the jelly coating

The uterine cycle at day 12 would primarily be under the influence of


What is the main sex hormone of the female


Pharyngeal slits develop from the embryo into what structures in humans

eustachian tubes

An embryo is called a ___ after eight weeks of development


The neural tube of vertebrates develops during morphogenesis of the nervous system by

folding of ectoderm tissue

In humans, sperm are produced by spermatogenesis and ova are produced by oogenesis. If both processes occur normally, what is the resulting number of each gamete formed

four sperm and one ovum

Begins the formation of the three primary germ layers


In a chordate embryo, what stage occurs third


The series of cellular divisions by which a one cell layered structure becomes a three layer embryo is known as


What process divides the developing embryo into the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm


What stage would show the development of the ectoderm and endoderm germ layers


What stage would show the development of the mesoderm germ layer


The allantois

gives rise to umbilical blood vessels in humans

During development, describe the correct sequence


The human blastocyst

has three germ layers

The AIDS virus attacks

helper T lymphocytes

A liver damaging disease more likely to be contracted from sexual contact than AIDS is


A homeotic gene codes for a ___ protein, a sequence of 60 amino acids, sets of which determine pattern formation


Genes that determine how segments develop during morphogenesis are termed ___ genes


The hormone produced by cells around the embryo that maintains the corpus luteum and the pregnancy is called

human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

Preparation for the implantation of the embryo was regulated by the

hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries

What part of the blastocyst will develop into the human embryo

inner cell mass

What structure gives rise to the placenta

inner cell mass

The phenomenon of apoptosis or cell death

is a mechanism present in every cell but is inhibited by a master protein; when the protein is inactivated the cell death process begins and is essential for normal development

LH is an abbreviation for luteinizing hormone which was described as a female hormone controlling the ovary. In the male, LH

is sometimes called ICSH and controls production of testosterone

A functional advantage of having human testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen is

lower temperature

At twenty four weeks, or about six months, a fetus has a chance of surviving, although it may have

lung difficulties

The process in which neighboring cells influence the development of each other, either by direct contact or by production of chemical signals, is

maternal determinants

Somites, which form segmental muscles and vertebrae, develop from what germ layer


What part if the sperm is lined with mitochondria and expends the energy needed to propel the sperm

middle piece

The formation of the lens of the vertebrate eye from a skin layer in contact with an outgrowth of the embryonic brain is an example of


proteins that influence morphogenesis are


Maternal determinants is the theory that

mother cell cytoplasm is distributed to various cells of the morula and determines which genes are turned on and off

What structure is derived from the ectoderm


What system develops first in an embryo


In a chordate embryo, what stage occurs last


What stage would show the development of the notochord


The archenteron is the

outermost layer formed during blastulation

In the human female, estrogen and progesterone exert feedback control over the


What structure in humans produces FSH


What structures control the cyclic nature of the menstrual cycle

pituitary and ovaries

The organ that exchanges molecules between fetal and maternal blood is the


The trophoblast formed during the early stages of human embryology eventually develops into the


What is the organ of exchange between the mother and fetus


The medication known as mifepristone or RU-486

prevents development of a uterine lining

What two hormones influence the development of the secondary sexual characteristics of the female

progesterone and estrogen

The hormone ___ from the ___ causes mammary lobules in the breast to contract causing milk to flow

prolactin, anterior pituitary

Days 6-13 of the uterine cycle are called the

proliferative phase

The time interval following ejaculation during which stimulation does not cause erection is called

refractory period

Implantation begins at the end of the

second week

In humans, spermatogenesis, the process of male gamete formation, occurs in

seminiferous tubules

In the human male sperm cells are produced in the

seminiferous tubules

If we cut a cross section through the testes, we would see

small tubules lined with developing sperm

The coelomic cavity is derived from the

splitting of the mesoderm

The primary function progesterone in the menstrual cycle is to

stimulate development of the endometrium

A function of the allantois is to

store or dispose of wastes from the developing embryo

The first thing to occur during labor is

the amniotic sac breaks

The navel (your belly button) is a scar left from the attachment of the

umbilical cord

In the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and urine is the


Trace the path of the sperm through the female reproductive tract


A placental mammal would be


What serves as the site of the first production of blood cells in the embryo

yolk sac

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