Ch. 10- Stress, health, and human flourishing

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Heart rate and respiration _____ (increase/decrease). Blood is diverted from digestion to the skeletal.


Heredity accounts for about __ percent of happiness ratings differences

it increases arousal; it does naturally what some prescription drugs do chemical; increases serotonin

How does aerobic exercise counteracts depression?

-connections among brain regions are strengthened -brain regions associated with more reflective awareness are activated -brain activation in emotional situations are calmed -left cortical activation is increased

How does mindfulness contributes to positive changes?


People ___ when they live in conditions of personal freedom and empowerment


The events of our lives flow through a psychological filter. How we ____ an event influence how much stress we experience and how effectively we respond.

Age, nutrition, genetics, body temperature, and stress

The immune system is affected by....... (5 things)

Meyer and colleagues

These people came up with the hypothesis that -stress predicted heart attack risk for tax accountants -type a men more likely to have heart attack

Kaplan and colleagues

These people discover that people in low-conflict marriages live longer, healthier lives than unmarried


This concept explains that from alarm to exhaustion or coping.... -general adaptation syndrome (GAS) -body release corticorine hormones that dampers the arousal


This concept explains that from alarm to exhaustion or coping.... -sympathetic nervous system kicks in -flight-or fight response


This concept explains that from alarm to exhaustion or coping.... -tend-and befriend (seeking a friend when stressed)

Mindfulness meditation

This involves attending to current experiences in a nonjudgmental and accepting manner -improves many health measures -in a flow

T lymphocytes

This lymphocytes attack cancer cells, viruses, and foreign substances

B lymphocytes

This lymphocytes release antibodies that fight bacterial infections


This person discover that healthy aging is better predicted by a good marriage than by a low cholesterol level


This person discover that people supported by close relationships are less likely to die early

Emotion focused coping

a coping mechanism that avoids or ignores a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to our stress reactions -keeping calm and centered

Problem focused coping

a coping mechanism that changes the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor -problem solving

Fight or flight response

emergency response, including activity of sympathetic nervous system, that mobilizes energy and activity for attacking or escaping a threat

Personal history

emotions balance around level defined by experiences

Stress reactions

from alarm to exhaustion or coping


groups vary in the traits valued.

Significant life changes

personal events is...... -raises risk of disease and death; crisis cluster is worse -death of a family member

Feel-good, do-good phenomenon

suggest that when people feel happy, they become more helpful and doing good promotes feeling good

Aerobic exercise

this act involves sustained activity that increases heart and lung fitness; reduces stress, depression, and anxiety -can weaken the influence of genetic risk for obesity -increase the quality and "quantity" of life


this is the process of appraising an event as threatening or challenging and responding to process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging


this personality expect things to go badly, blame others

Optimists/ Optimism

this personality.... -expect to have control, work well under stress, and enjoy good health - run in families; genetic marker/oxytocin

Extreme or prolonged stress

this type of stress can cause harm

Stressors appraised as threats

this type of stress can lead to strong negative threats


to cope with stress, we tend to use _____ focused (emotion/problem) strategies when we feel in control of our world


two types of white blood cells that are part of the body's immune system: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes .

Tend-and- befriend response

under stress, people (especially women) often provide support to others (tend) and beyond with and seek support from others (befriend)


unpleasant, large-scale events is....... ex: famine

Cannon, selye, taylor

what are the three concepts to stress reactions?

Catastrophes, significant life changes, daily hassles

what are the three types of stressors?


when we believe we cannot change a situation, we may try to relieve stress ____ focused (emotion/problem) strategies

overestimated; underestimated

Duration of emotions is ______; resilience is ______

religious involvement predicts health and longevity

Faith communities and health: faith factor......

Typer B

Friedman and Roseman's term for easy going, relaxed people

Type A

Friedman and Rosenman's term for competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people

Typer D

Term for people who suppresses negative emotion to avoid social disapproval -passive towards others -more likely to die of cancer


By reacting this way, immune system malfunctions like this is a sign of -bacterial infection flare -dormant herpes virus erupt -cancer cells multiple

Reacting too strongly

By reacting too ______ immune system malfunctions like this is a sign of -self-attacking diseases -some forms of arthritis -allergic reaction

Learned helplessness

-involves dramatic form of loss of control; no control over repeated bad events -may result in negative health consequences (inflammation, immune system are lowered, etc) -when someone tells you that you are unable to do something, you truly believe that you cant

External locus of control

Belief that change or outside forces control their fate

Internal locus of control

Belief they control their own destiny

General adaptation syndrome (GAS)

Selye's concept of the body's adaptive response to stress in three stages-- alarm, resistance, exhaustion (under these three stages)

Does not; weakening

Stress _____ creates cancer cells, but may affect growth by ______ natural defenses.

cannot; speed; decline

Stress _____ give people AIDS, but may _____ transition from HIV to AIDS and the ____ in those with AIDS.

does not; reduces

Stress _____ make people sick but it ____ immune system's ability to function optimally.

Heart disease

Stress has been positively proven that it is correlated to ____


Stress response system: when alerted to a negative, uncontrollable event, our _______ nervous system arouses us.


Studies our mind-body interactions

Aerobic exercise, relaxation, meditation, and active spiritual engagement

What acts can help use gather inner strength and lessen stress effects?

-personal control -optimistic outlook -social support -finding meaning

What are the factors that contribute to the success in coping?

-problem-focused coping -emotion-focused coping

What are the two types of coping for stress?

- calms cardiovascular system--> lowers blood pressure and stress hormone levels - fights illness by fostering stronger immune functioning

What are two ways that social support can help fight illness?

age gender education level parenthood physical attractiveness

What factors are not related to happiness?

- it responds too strongly -it responds too weakly

When the immune system does not function properly.....

A and D

Which of the following factors do not predict self-reported happiness? which factors are better predictors? a. age b. personality traits c. close relationships d. gender e. engaging work and leisure f. active religious faith

Social support: promotes both happiness and health

Which of these factors has the strongest association with poor health: smoking 15 cigarettes daily, being obese, being inactive, or lacking strong social connections?


______ North American coronary heart disease-related deaths yearly

Relative success of others

as people climb the ladder of success they mostly compare themselves with local peers who are at or above their current level

Coronary heart disease

clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle; the leading cause of death in North America and many other countries.

Daily hassles

day-to-day challenges is..... ex: cooking dinner

Subjective well-being

includes feelings of happiness and sense of satisfaction with life


involves process of bouncing back in the face of adversity or significant sources of stress

Personal control

involves the degree to which we perceive we have control over our environment correlation of feelings of control with behaviors and achievements

Relative deprivation

sense that people feel that they are worse off than others with whom they compare themselves

flight-or fight

the body releases sugar and fats. all this prepares the body for the ______ response


things that push our buttons

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