Chapter 18

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According to Immanuel KAnt, what one word would characterize an individual of the Enlightenment?


The gathering ground for many who wished to discuss the ideas of the French Enlightenment


The philosophes were

Voltaire, Roussou, dederot, montesque.

Rousseau's concept of the "general will" asserts

the importance of a far-sighted minority.

Maria Theresa

Devout Roman - Catholic, tried to limit influence of church.

The Parlement of Paris

Dominated by rise in nobility

The factors that played a role in the erosion of French absolutism

*Louis XIV died *Nobility limited kings power *theories of montasky

Who set the stage for the modern study of astronomy by building an observatory and collecting data?

Tycho Brahe

The illegal book trade in France

came from Netherlands, Denunciation of high political figures and pornographic accounts.

According to Diderot, the fundamental goal of the Encyclopedia was to

change the general way of thinking

Joseph II's conversion of labor obligations to cash payments

laid foundation for future of Austria, opposed by everyone

According to Medieval thought, the center of the universe was the

motionless earth - Aristotle

The accomplishments of Frederick II

promoting schools, Freedom of Press, legal reform, abolishing torture of prisoners, religious toleration.

Galileo's greatest achievement was his

refinement of the scientific method

Voltaire's attitude toward despotic or autocratic government

the Enlightened would be a monarch of reform

Louis XV's finance ministers actions after the war of the austrian succession

imposed a 5% tax on everyone.

Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late 18th century?

Russia, Prussia, Austria

Hume, d'Holbach, and Rousseau are examples of the later Enlightenment trend toward

Rigid systems of though

Madame du Chatelet

Scientist, believed she couldn't do anything because she was a girl companion of Voltaire

The social setting of the Enlightenment

wit & intellectual conversation

Peter Bayle

Skeptism - Famous

In the primary source written by Voltaire, what country's constitution is he admiring?


the two men genrally given credit for creating the modern scientific method

Francis Bacon and Rene Descarte

Hapsburg Emperor Joseph II abolished serfdom in the Austrian Empire in 1781. What was the outcome of this reform?

He dies, serfdom is reinstated.


Inductive Reasoning

Which of the following is not one of the rules provided in Descartes' Discourse on Method?

Know the rules

The primary purpose of Fontenelle's Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

Make it simple for people to understand

In the work Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, not only are the author's theories of universal gravitation outlined, but also his four rules for arriving at knowlege are described. Who wrote Mathematical principles of natural philosophy?


John Locke's claims in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Your mind is a blank state

Why the Enlightenment thinkers relied on the reforming efforts of monarchs

they had power, believed that monarchs put ideas into practice

The key feature of Newton's system was the law of

universal gravitation

Copernicus' theory of the sun-centered universe

An old greek idea discussed during the renosance.

Before the Scientific Revolution, European's view of the universe was based on the ideas of


Where one of the few attempts to link theoretical science with applied science took place

At Greshom College

Galileo was condemned by the Papal Inquisition of 1633 because he defended whose theory?


Astronomers that contributed to the destruction of the Aristotelian view of the universe

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, they were ridiculed by contemporaries

Descartes' idea was that the world consists of two fundamental entities or substances, which we can call

Dualism 1. Physical World 2. Spiritual World

Reasons for the rise of salons in France

Everyone had ideas to share, the censorship which points to a way to avoid it.

Who used the War of the Austrian Succession to expand Prussia into a great power?

Frederick II

"Enlightened" policies of Frederick II of Prussia

Freedom of Press.

Why the Enlightenment reached its highest development in France

French is common language of Europe, absolutism not as strict, one of the most wealthiest/popular countries

What Enlightenment Author would agree that God created the universe?


Way in which Montesquieu's The Persian Letters was presented

Outside traveler from Persia critizing government of France

Catherine the Great hardened her position on serfdom after what revellion?

Pagachev's Rebellion

The "reading revolution"

People began to read more, gain knowledge, be enlightened.

According to Galileo in his Letter to Christina of Tuscany: Science and Scripture, which of the folling would be true about what he believes in relationship to sceince and the authority of Scripture?

Primary Source

According to the text, Catherine the Great changed course from support for the enlightened reforms in Russia to shoring up the power of the Russian nobility following which of these events?

Pugachev rebellion

The French philosopher who rejected his contemporaries and whose writings influenced the romantic movement


What Montesquieu argued for in his Spirit of Laws

Separation of Powers

It is very clear from d'Holbach's The System of Nature that he is attacking what institution?

The Church (Christianity and other religions)

In the Social Contract, Rousseau argues for popular sovereignty. According to the idea of popular soverignty who should rule?

The people

Who were Geoffrin and de Lespinasse?

Women who managed salons.

D' Holbach's System of Nature presents

an thiest philosophy (mechanistic)

A striking feature of the salons was that

brought different people from social groups together.

Frederick II is considered an enlightened monarch because he

brought reform socially and legally

The Aristotelian world-view placed emphasis on the idea of

crystal spears

What happened to French government after the death of Louis XIV?

economic disaster, Abosolutism failed

The first astronomer to prove his theories through the use of mathematical equations was


How Catherine the Great came to power

killed husband through the use of military

Important trends of Enlightenment though

nature brings happiness, rationalism, belief in human progress, reasoning religious toleration, belief that the mass can't rule themselves.

accomplishments of Catherine the Great

partioning of poland

"Enlightened" monarchs believed

reform, etc.

What the passage from Philosophical Dictionary indicates about Voltaire

saw organized religion to be filled with hipocrosy and violence

Idea developed in Mendelsson's On the Immortality of the Soul

the reason should complement and strengthen religion

Francis Bacon's great contribution to scientific methodology was


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