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Among program participants, smoking rates will decrease by 35% in 12 months is an example of an


A health education specialist has been asked to collect qualitative data from participants. Given a short time period to collect data, which method takes the least amount of time?

Focus groups

A health education specialist is considering how people might adopt a program in order to understand how best to tailor specific messages. If the health education specialist wants to get the first people to adopt the program using the Diffusion of Innovations, which strategy might be best?

Focus on how new and different the program is from what exists.

The videos and accompanying workbook activities chosen for an intervention are pretested then revised and improved right before the start of the intervention. This type of evaluation is called:


When working with consultants or contractors, it is necessary to secure:

A written agreement outlining the work needed.

A health education specialist notices one of the lessons is not working as planned. What is the appropriate way to proceed?

Adapt the lesson to the learners' needs so they are able to understand the information or skill.

A group of health education specialists run into a situation where they need to elicit specialized guidance and expert opinion on a specific health topic in order to aid in decision-making. Of the following, which type of group should be consulted?

Advisory Board

Program planning begins with:

An assessment of existing health needs and problems

A large group of tourists traveled on an ocean liner to a tropical island and developed and acute, flu-like illness. The suspected cause of illness is associated with cruising on the ocean liner. Health authorities need to know the number of all passengers who became ill, as well as those who traveled on the ocean liner. Which rate should the health education specialist calculate to provide information to health authorities?

Attack Rate

The lead and radon program at a state health department did not have its funding renewed and is scheduled to end in the next twelve months. A strategic plan, vision, and program evaluation data are available. What other sustainability domain or element should a health education specialist explore for sustaining the program?

Collaborations or partnerships

An evaluation of a program has been conducted, and a health education specialist is preparing a report in a very tight timeline. Though all sections of the report are important for clarity and content, on which sections should the health education specialist spend the most time since it likely will be read more closely by stakeholders?


In the process of selecting the most appropriate educational method to use in a health education program, which of the following guidelines should be used?

Consider the nature of the audience and the purpose of the program.

A new HIV testing intervention is being planned to support efforts to increase screening rates. The intervention is planned to start in six months. Which of the following is a proven method to create a timeline and plan for this intervention.

Critical Path Method

Stakeholders are typically involved in the program planning in many ways, except:

Deciding on the salary of key personnel

Print material was selected as the appropriate way to provide a take-home message to reinforce concepts presented during a behavior change intervention. The first step in planning the specific materials to be developed is to:

Define the audience for the material.

If a health education specialist wished use the application level of Bloom's taxonomy in an intervention aimed at decreasing saturated fat consumption, what might the health education specialist have the priority population do?

Demonstrate how to prepare a healthy meal

Healthy Children in Healthy Communities is an example of:

a vision statement

A health education specialist does not have additional staff to assist with data collection and analysis. Which of the following is a feasible method for the health education specialist to collect data on attitudes toward anti-smoking legislation in a region?

a web based quantitative survey

A health education specialist would like to use a planning tool that outlines when specific tasks are to be accomplished before, during, and after a program. The health education specialist would also like to track actual accomplishment of these tasks using the same tool. Which one of the following methods would be most useful?

Gantt Chart

In planning a health education/promotion program, a health education specialist needs to develop a timeline for delivery of the intervention. Which of the following accomplishes this task?

Gantt Chart

The intervention program has been adopted, and the priority population is ready to participate. The implementation team needs to know their tasks and associated due dates, and the health education specialist needs a relatively simply way to track the team's projected and actual task completion progress. To meet both needs, as well as to identify and prioritize all tasks needed for full implementation, the health education specialists creates a:

Gantt Chart

The most critical step in the implementation process is to:

Get the priority population to accept the program.

The healthy hearts coalition emails all PTA/PTO members and asks them to contact their district school board members to vote for the healthy snacks in the school policy. This appeal is considered:

Grassroots Lobbying

According to which theory or model do people assess the threat of an emerging disease by assessing their perceived susceptibility against the severity of the disease?

Health Belief Model

Smoking bans in restaurants are which type of strategy in a community based smoking prevention program?

Health Policy

A health education specialist is creating a program and is considered about sustainability of the program. Which of the following actions creates the greatest likelihood for sustainability?

Identify partners and stakeholders who can help with sustainability during the planning process.

A foodborne outbreak has closed three local restaurants, and epidemiologists and food safety staff are hoping to identify the outbreak source. Health education specialists and communication specialists plan to use earned media and social media to educate local community members about the outbreak. What should the health education specialists and communication specialists do first?

Identify the audience

The community heart health coalition was formed about one year ago, and it is now in the process of collecting needs assessment data and creating a strategic plan. This coalition is cycling through which stage of coalition development?


Which of the following is an example of a correctly written learning objective?

Individuals participating in the health education program will be able to identify three ways to protect their skin from the sun by the end of the program.

Which represents primary sources that could be used for a community needs assessment?

Informal interviews, observations, and surveys.

A health education specialist is identifying the types of activities to be included in a health education/promotion program. In a logic model, these activities would be included in:


In the social ecological model, a school or worksite would fall under which factor or level?


Which of the following statements about informed consent is correct?

It explains the benefits, risks, and participation is voluntary and may be terminated at an time.

A health education specialist is working with several agencies to develop an intervention. When selecting strategies, which of the following should the health educator do first?

Know their audience and what they have access to.

Which of the following is an example of a behavior factor that must be considered to assess the root causes of racial and ethnic disparities?

Lack of seat belt use

When considering materials to use for a health education/promotion problem, which of the following should a health education specialist do first?

Look for evidence based interventions and used existing protocols and materials, if possible.

A health education specialist needs to determine specific alcoholic, tobacco, and other drug used prevention needs and immediately prioritize those needs with a few experts from the priority population. Which primary data collection technique would be the best to use in this scenario?

Nominal group process

Which of the following is the first step in designing a survey?

Objectives of the survey

A health education specialist is asked to measure actual use of a walking trail in a local community. Which of the following methods is best to measure actual use over a period of weeks?


The health education specialist is working with a local community to institute a smoke free environment in local businesses, agencies, and restaurants throughout the entire community. What type of health strategy would the health education specialist implement in the community?


When writing objectives for the worksite exercise promotion intervention, the health education specialist wishes to measure morbidity, mortality, and health status change that occurred as a result of the intervention. He/she would write which type of objective?


A community agency is targeting a variety of social ecological levels to help reduce drug use in the community. Some of the levels will take substantially more time to target. Rather than wait for all aspects of the intervention to be ready, the agency looks to begin with one level and then will add in other levels over time. This is an example of:

Phasing In

In a community, twice as many people did over the course of one year in house fires than in car crashes. Community members demand the health education specialist immediately to create a fire prevention intervention. Before planning the fire prevention intervention, the health education specialist should first determine the

Population at risk

A hospital is expanding outreach services and facilities with a new unit focused on prevention and the treatment of chronic disease. The health education specialist is tasked with gathering local data on these conditions. Which is the most useful rate to use?

Prevalence Rate

By 2018, volunteers will distribute information fliers to at least 50% of program participants. This is an example of which type of objective?


Health departments and worksites are implementing a new education/promotion program to increase influenza vaccine rates for adults in a five county area. What will the project lead focus on to access the fidelity of implementation?

Program components being implemented in the correct order.

Using a written questionnaire, a cross-sectional survey about personal alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use behaviors was administered to a priority population. The priority population for the the survey did not respond. The health education specialist would then need to find other evidence that behaviors occurred or did not using...

Proxy measures

A health education specialist is assessing which resources to use in a smoking prevention campaign for a community. Because the health education specialist wishes to focus on primary prevention, which strategy is likely to reach the intended audience?

Social media

Health illiteracy, economics, and poverty are considered which type of factors that cause racial and ethnic health disparities?


In a meeting, community members offer suggestions for curbing the community's obesity problem. They focus on the behaviors of individuals in the community, thinking if community members change their dietary behaviors, then the obesity problem will be solved. A health education specialist explains the solution is not this simple because:

Sometimes behaviors are influenced by other factors, such as lack to healthy food , that are out of a person's control.

When implementing well designed health education class lessons for adult learners, the health education specialist should incorporate which of the following adult learning principles?

Stating the purpose of the lesson

In a priority population, the infant mortality rate and overall death rate for mothers with less than a high school education is almost twice as high with 13 or more years of education. These are examples of health...


The trainer's primary responsibility is to:

ensure program objectives are met.

During delivery of a health promotion program, it becomes apparent the amount of time allotted to each lesson or activity is not sufficient. The person delivering the program decides to delete some content to make the lesson fit. This action could result in a lack of:


In a health education program participants are asked about their readiness for change so that the content to make the lesson fit. This action could result in a lack of:


Health education specialists wishing to target subgroups of the priority population should:

first consider how the priority population prefers to get their information.

To determine the immediate effects of a health education program, the health education specialist should use which type of evaluation?

impact evaluation

Forgetting to inform participants about the risks associated with physical activity before having the participants begin a program is an example of:


A health education specialist needs to conduct training for individuals who will be delivering the intervention. Which of the following is a critical consideration when conducting training?

personal characteristics of the instructor

Before implementing a program, a health education specialist should develop "how-to" materials for implementing the program. This is called a/an:

procedural manual

During a health education program, questions about whether the participants like the instructional materials and if instructors find them easy to use are examples of

process evaluation

When facilitating a training workshop on a new electronic medical records system at a clinic, the health education specialist is following the steps for successful training programs. He/she is confident in implementing the training steps, as there is little difference between this process and general health education program implementation, except for the need to:

specify job performance

In a health education program, participants are asked about their readiness for change so that content in a message can be personalized. This is an example of:

tailoring message

The health department administrator just returned from a meeting where someone used a focus group to gather data and now has a great idea. The administrator tasks the health education specialist with conducting a focus group of low income citizens from the south side of town to answer questions about which heart disease intervention the department should offer city wide. Knowing the limitation of this strategy, the health education specialist is rightfully concerned about:

the generalization of the findings.

When reporting a program's evaluation results to community members, the most important aspect to highlight is:

the participants' perceived benefits of the program.

After conducting a needs assessment, a health education specialist finds the community lacks the infrastructure to support physically active lifestyles. However, community members are more concerned about drug use in the community. In this example, drug use is:

the perceived need

One use of logic models is to:

track if activities produce outputs that lead to outcomes.

When developing and preparing to implement an intervention, which of the following practices is most pedagogically sound?

use a mix of strategies to involve the learner

Which one of the following is typically considered a good reason for a public health agency to seek outside health from someone other than a staff member?

To seek someone with specialized skills not available internally.

Consumption, medication compliance, and self-care are considered which type of factors related to health?


A health education specialist gives data from an evaluation regarding drug use in a community to a community volunteer to enter. Some of the participants wrote their name at the top of the survey. Which ethical issue has occurred?

Breach of Confidentiality

A university is working with community health workers, an American Indian tribe, and the Tribal Health Organization to implement a diabetes prevention program. Two day training is being planned for the community health workers to ensure proper delivery. What should the trainers do to create an inclusive learning environment?

Build trust and respect between the learners and instructors.

When creating a marketing plan, the health education specialist must segment the audience. How does this occur?

By outlining specific portions of the priority population to focus on.

A health education specialist is developing a new website as a part of an intervention for people with visual disabilities. Which law should the health education specialist review and consider when developing the web site?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

A health education specialist schedules a panel to discuss issues with program staff related to an emerging disease. This is an example of what type of strategy?


Following the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, which type of factor in the educational and ecological assessment would assess whether community members have adequate access to oral health care services.


The school wellness committee placed speed bumps on all school parking lots bordering school playgrounds. This is an example of which type of intervention strategy?

Environmental Change

The health education specialist would use a prioritization matrix in which phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model?

Epidemiological Assessment

When planning a cardiovascular disease prevention program following the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, data on high fatty acid intake would fall into which assessment phase?

Epidemiological Assessment

In health education presentations, which of the following is an appropriate guideline to promote learning?

Establish the relevance of the information to learners.

According to the CDC and the Prevention's Framework for Program Evaluation, being "realistic, prudent, diplomatic, and frugal" is part of which standard of effective evaluation?


Which methods represents a secondary source for a needs assessment?

Published data from a CDC article

To deal with the greatest drawback to a multilevel strategy intervention, which of the following models should be followed?


Conducting a capacity assessment focuses on identifying community:


Which section of an original research paper presents evidence tested against the stated hypotheses or research questions and presents the statistical findings?


If selecting items from an existing instrument, which of the following is the correct procedure?

Retain scales to cover an entire domain, rather than select one question for a complex domain

A health education specialist has a limited budget and is looking for baseline data. Which of the following may be a secondary data option to consider?

Searching federal, state, city, and county open data portals.

In a community-based heart disease intervention, mass hypertension screenings at the shopping mall were used as the "kick off" activity. Which level of prevention are the screenings?


The health education specialist has core substance abuse prevention coalition members in place and is currently broadening group representation. Some new members only contribute money to the coalition and are categorized as:

Supporting Participants

The health education specialist must analyze the meaning of the data collected during the assessment and determine health education/promotion needs. If the health education specialist aggregates the data, which the cognitive process of qualitative research is s/he focusing on?


A health education specialist is concerned about HIV infection in the community. The health education specialist might use the data on the graph above.

To compare to primary data in the community to understand community need.

When creating a marketing plan for a program, which of the following should be identified first?


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