Dutton Review Questions: Chapter 16 - Shoulder

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What is a common complication of a proximal humerus fx?

radial nerve damage

Which 4 joints make up the shoulder complex?

sternoclavicular acromioclavicular glenohumeral scapulothoracic

Which is the only joint that directly attached the UE to the thorax?

sternoclavicular joint

Your first patient of the day has been referred with a prescription stating "stable humeral neck fx. Begin functional mobility". After the examination, you decide the best initial intervention for this patient is: a) pendulum exercises b) shoulder isometric c) Manual PNF d) modalities to control pain


Which joint is damaged in a shoulder separation?

acromioclavicular joint

Name the 2 major ligaments of the AC joint

aromioclavicular ligament coracoclavicular ligament

Which of the following is frequently injured as a complication of shoulder dislocations? a) axillary artery b) radial nerve c) axillary nerve d) radial nerve


Which of the following muscles DOES NOT attach to the humerus? a) teres major b) pectoralis major c) pectoralis minor d) supraspinatus


Which of the following muscles is an important stabilizer of the scapula? a) levator scapulae b) lattissimus dorsi c) serratus anterior d) deltoid


A brachial plexus injury in the upper portion of the plexus produces winging of the scpula. Weakness of which of the following muscles would produce the winging observed? a) long head of triceps b) supraspinatus c) deltoid d) serratus anterior


All of the following are signs and symptoms of a shoulder dislocation, except: a) the injured shoulder is held in a flexed position b)the head of the humerus can be plpated c) there is localized pain in the area of the injury d) there is definite sensation of crepitus


Which of the folloiwng muscles has the most important function as a downward rotator of the scapula? a) levator scapulae b) upper trapezius c) pectoralis major d) rhomboid major


Which of the following muscles are most important for crutch walking? a) anterior deltoid and biceps b) middle deltoid and triceps c) posterior deltoid and subscapularis d) latissimus dorsi and lower trapezius


Which muscles are capable of producing ER at the GH joint?

infraspinatus teres minor posterior deltoid

Shoulder separation

involves a disruption of the acromioclavicular joint

In addition to flexing the shoulder and flexing the elbow, what other function does the biceps perform?

supination of the forearm

The tendons of which muscle(s) attach to the greater tuberosity of the humerus?

supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor pectoralis major

Shoulder dislocation

true separtation between the head of the humerus and the glenoid

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