GGY Chapter 5 Quiz

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A pathname such as C:/users/mprice/mgisdata/usa/states.shp is called a(n) _______ pathname. A. Relative B. Absolute C. Contextual D. Geospatial E. None


Definition for coverage

An old spatial data format created for, and used by, Arc Info.

A closed figure composed of x-y coordinate vertices is called a _____. A. Polygon B. Feature Class C. Node D. Line E. Point


Changes made in the Catalog pane or Catalog view usually make permanent changes to stored data files. A. True B. False


Definition of feature Dataset


It is NOT true that GIS datasets: (pick one) A. Have more permissive naming rules than most files. B. Are often shared. C. May be very large D. May come from many sources and formats.


The oldest data model used to store vector features in the ESRI software family was _____. A. Coverages B. Shapefiles C. Geodatabases D. Grids


The path ":/gisclass/usa/usdata.gdb' is an(n) ______ pathname. A. Absolute. B. Alternative C. Relative D. Default


Which ONE of the following statements uses its terms correctly? A. The layer file for that geology feature class stores the correct clors for each unit. B. That feature class, containing geologic rock units for the Black Hills, has 5000 pixels. C. That geodatabase contains 10 layers used to create a geologic map. D. I changed the symbol properties of the feature class to show the correct colors for each geologic unit.


Which one of the following describes and advantage of shapefiles over geodatabases? A. Shapefiles can be read by many different GIS programs and are now commonly used to share data. B. Shapefiles offer automatic tracking and updating of geometry attributes such as polygon areas or line lengths. C. Shapefiles can utilize topology rules for finding and fixing topology erros. D. Shapefiles can incorporate subtypes and domains for advanced functionality.


Which one of the following statements about feature datasets is NOT true? A. They can contain feature classes with different coordinate systems. B. They can contain feature classes with different geometry types. C. They may have additional capabilities besides organizing related data. D. They typically store feature classes that are related to each other in some way. E. All fo these are true F. None are true


Definition for Absolute Path

A file pathname that starts at the drive letter or "\"

Definition for pathname

A list of the folders that must be traversed to locate a particular file.

Definition for lock file

A small file created in a data set's folder to indicate that the data is in use.

Define source as used in ArcGIS Pro

A spatial data file that provides the features for a map layer.

Definition of a Feature ID or FID

A unique integer used to identify a feature in an attribute table

The project (.aprx) file_____ A. Stores all datasets associated with the project. B. Keeps track of the data, settings, and resources needed to make the project work. C. Includes the home geodatabase and project folder. D. IS stored in the project home geodatabase


Trudy found a spece in a folder name and renamed the folder. The next time she opened one of her project maps, the layers had red exclamation points and no map was shown. What happened? A. Someone must have accidently deleted the folder containing her data. B. The map layers that referred to the original folder are pointing to a non-existent file location. C. Folder names must have a space or they don't work in ArcGIS pro. D. Renaming a folder damages the folder's contents.


When using x-y fields in a table to create points on a map, it is important to specify the coordinate system as ______. A. The same coordinate system used in the map view. B. the coordinate system reflected in the table's x-y fields C. The desired coordinate system to store the final feature class d. A geographic coordinate system E. A projected coordinate system


Which ONE of the following statements is TRUE? A. Changes made to a layer in ARCGIS Pro modify the field of the associated feature class. B. A layer points to a feature class and contains properties that can be set for the feature class. C. A feature class contains the spatial features and a layer contains the attribute data. D. A layer contains both the spatial and attribute information for a dataset.


A red exclamation point next to a layer name indicates that _____. A. The layer is very important. B. The layer needs editing. C. The data for the layer can't be found D. The layer comes from a different folder than the map document. E. None


Environment settings _____. A. Can only be set for the project and affect every tool run. b. Can only be set when a tool is run and affect only that tool. C. Can be set for the project or for individual tools. D. Can only be set once when the program is installed.


Environment settings set from the Analysis ribbon are reset when you open a new ____. A. Tool B. Table C. Project D. Feature Class


Select the example that best characterizes the term "multipart feature". A. A feature with multiple records and one polygon. B. A feature with multiple pixels stored together. C. A feature with multiple polygons in one record. D. A feature that appears multiple times in different features classes.


The ______ is a spaghetti data model developed for ArcView GIS and is still commonly used. A. Feature Class B. Coverage C. Shapefile D. Raster


The metadata section titled Use Limitation contains______. A. The known inaccuracies and errors in the data. B. The scales at which the data are valid and can be used. C. Information on who may access the data and whether it may be shared. D. Information onto the geographic area to which the data set is limited.


Which one of the following can a geodatabase NOT store? A. Feature classes B. Rasters C. Coverages D. Tables E. Feature Datasets


Which one of the following statements is TRUE? A. A point feature contains only one node. B. A polygon feature contains nodes but not vertices. C. A polygon feature contains vertices but not nodes. D. A line feature contains nodes but not vertices.


You are using ArcGIS Pro on a laptop, accessing data on the local C:/ drive. You try to rename a table but receive message that the file is "in use" and the file can't be renamed. You investigate and decide that no other person or program could possibly be accessing the file. What do you do? A. Keep trying until the program finally works. B. Reinstall ArcGIS on your computer. C. Close the program and restart it to clear spurious file locks. D. Rename the file using Windows instead


You downloaded a file with a .zip extension, but then cannot find it in the Catalog window in ArcGIS Pro. What do you need to do? A. Download the file using a different browser. B. Use the ArcCatalog prgram instead of the Catalog window in ArcGIS ro. C. Use a utility to extract the contents of the .zip file to a folder. D. Download the file again because it didn't transfer correctly.


Definition for Merge

Combines 2 or more map features (or datasets) into one new feature (or dataset).

Definition for Dissolve

Combines features together when they share the same value for an attribute.

A_____ doesn't contain any actual spatial data features. A. Shapefile B. CAD file C. Coverage D. Feature Class E. Layer file


After downloading a file with an .e00 extension, what must be done to view it in ArcGIS Pro? A. Nothing, one can open and view the .e00 file immediately. B. It must be converted to a shapefile using Pro. C. It must be converted to a coverage using ArcMap. D. It must be converted to a coverage and imported to a geodatabase using ArcMap.


Creating a formal citation in the Credits section of the metadata is a good idea because: A. It helps you find the dataset again if you need it. B. It helps other users know where the data came from C. It is convenient when you need to cite the data on a map or in a report. D. These are all good reasons to do it.


Information About a GIS dataset, such as who created it and what the field means, is called ______. A. Spatial Data B. Attribute Data C. Feature Data D. Metadata


When importing data for the home state, the clip tool would most likely be needed to extract____. A. Counties B. Zip codes C. Cities D. Rivers


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of personal geodatabases? A. They are designed for use by individuals or small workgroups. B. They are based on the Microsoft Access database engine. C. The field size is limited to 2 GB D. They can be used by MAC, Linux, and Unix operating systems.


Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of enterprise geodatabases? A. They are based on commercial database platforms such as Oracle. B. They are designed for large workgroups with many aditors. C. They allow edit tracking and versioning to provide extra data security. D. They are inexpensive and simple to set up and manage.


Why is it advantageous to separate downloaded and in-production files from permanent datasets? A. Because folders should only contain one data type. B. Because you can damage existing datasets by downloading to the same folder. C. Because data can only be downloaded to one folder on the computer. D. Because it facilitates cleaning temporary data from folders with minimal risk to permanent data.


When you download a GIS dataset from another source, the associated metadata _______. A. (i) will always be part of the downloaded dataset. B. (m) may need to be downloaded separately from the dataset C. (k) will be separate from the data but will automatically be downladed with it. D. (s) may not have been provided with the dataset at all E. (k) or (s) F. (m) or (s)


Definition for shapefile

Format developed for ArcView that stores a feature class outside a geodatabase.

Definition for read access

Granting permission to a user to view a file but not to change it.

Definition for Environment Settings

Program-level or tool-level settings that impact how tools run.

Definition for Vertex

Stored x-y location; a group of them defines the shape of a line or polygon

Definition for Node

The beginning and end point of a line feature.

Definition for source scale

The original scale from which a GIS dataset was developed

Definition of Zip

To compress data to a single file in order to make file transfers and downloads easier.

Definition for Export

To transfer data to a different storage location, often with a change in format, starting with the file to be transferred

Definition for Import

To transfer data to a different storage location, often with a change in format, starting with the file to receive the file

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