Midterm rewiew

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What is the Hostage System? Why did the Shogun require this?

"Hostage System" in this system the daimyo were required to maintain 2 residences. One in their lands & one in Edo, where the Shoguns court was located. When the daimyo was absent from his residence in Edo, his family was forced to stay home there as a kind of loyalty to the shogun.


"great names"; heads of noble families in Japan who controlled vast landed estates and relied on samurai for protection

Martin Luther

- Christian Monk, professor at University of Wittenberg. Founder of Lutheranism. His 95 Theses started the Reformation.

What is a republic?

A government in which leaders are elected.

How is a revolution different from a war?

A revolution takes place within a country and can involve lasting changes to society. A war usually occurs between two countries and may not result in major changes

What was the Committee of Public Safety?

A select group of 12 individuals who were supposed to "protect the Revolution" but instead created a "Reign of Terror".

Hostage System:

A system used by the shogunate to control the daimyo in Tokugawa Japan; the family of a daimyo lord was forced to stay at their residence in the capitol whenever the Lord was absent from it.

What, or who, was a zamindar? What was their function?

A zamindar was a lower ranking official, often Hindu, who was given plots of land for peasants to farm. Zamindars were able to keep a portion of their taxes in lieu of a salary. They forwarded the remainder of taxes of the land under their control to the central government. Because of their role in managing land and taxes, they exercised authority in their districts.

What was the impact of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars on Europe?

After the defeat of Napoleon, European rulers moved to restore the old order. This was the goal of the victors—Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia—when they met at the Congress of Vienna in September 1814 to arrange a final peace settlement.

How does an agricultural revolution, like the Champa Rice in China, lead to a Commercial Revolution?

Agricultural Revolution = Population Boom = growth of cities which leads to the specialization of labor. Specialization of labor leads to the development of better manufacturing processes Porcelain Paper & Silk production - Western nations Chinese Tea - popular in Europe. Trade lead China to become one of the leading manufacturing economies in the world.

What is humanism?

An intellectual movement of the Renaissance based on the study of the humanities (academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture.), which included grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history. (AKA Humanities)

What conclusion can you draw about religion and politics in sixteenth-century France?

Answers may vary, but students may suggest that politics and religion were intertwined or inseparable forces.

How do you think Akbar and the Moguls benefited from being successful negotiators?

Answers will vary, but students may mention that their skill as negotiators might have helped them convince native rulers to submit without the need for warfare.

What do you find in the philosophies that hint at the development of a democratic-republican form of government?

Answers will vary, but students may suggest that Montesquieu's concept of a system of checks and balances and the separation of powers are visible in the democratic system of the United States.

How were the Moguls able to bring almost all of India under one rule?

Beginnings with Babur, the Moguls had elite militaries and weapons. Babur and Akbar ruled justly and made further expansion possible.

What was the significance of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

Both Spain's navy and its prestige as a world power were greatly damaged by the defeat, and political power shifted to England and France.

How did Suleyman create problems for the Ottoman Empire?

By executing his most able sons, he ensured that the next ruler would be an incompetent one.

What does Adam Smith mean by the "invisible hand"? What makes it invisible?

By pursuing his own best interest, the business owner benefits society without knowing it, so the cause of the benefits to society goes unnoticed.

How did the Catholic Church defend the selling of indulgences?

Church officials said that earthly punishment was necessary for sins to be forgiven.

Francesco Petrarch

Considered to be the father of humanism. Looked for forgotten Latin manuscripts and set in motion a search for similar manuscripts in monastic libraries throughout Europe.

How was this focus on education during the Renaissance, different from the focus on education in the Middle Ages?

During the Middle Ages, most of the culture had been focused on religion.

What political goal did nationalism embrace?

Each nationality should have its own government.

What are some examples of natural rights?

Equality before the law; freedom of worship; free speech; freedom of the press; the rights to assemble, hold property, and pursue happiness.

What is a favorable balance of trade?

Exports outweigh imports

What might have caused the people of Paris to take to the streets, attack bakeries, and steal bread? (Think about the Bread Riots political cartoon)

Food shortages and rising food prices.

How did liberalism and nationalism present a challenge to conservatism in Europe during the 1830s and 1840s?

Forces of liberalism and nationalism continued to grow, leading to more revolutions in 1848.

How did Galileo use the telescope to spur advancements in thought?

Galileo used the telescope to discover that the earth was not the center of the universe.

What were the motivations behind European exploration of distant lands? Explain each of them.

Gold, Glory, God

What was Voltaire's belief about God?

He believed in deism, a philosophy that God created the universe but does not interfere with day-to-day events.

Why did Martin Luther object to the selling of indulgences?

He believed that the selling of indulgences gave people false hope in material solutions to sin instead of leading them to develop their own faith, which Luther believed was the only road to salvation.

Why was Francesco Petrarch called the 'Father of Humanism'?

He compiled old books that he allowed other scholars to read. Which then lead to information & ideas to be spread.

What was Newton's contribution to the Scientific Revolution?

He developed the universal law of gravitation

So if you saw a question that said "How did Machiavelli's work influence the political power of the Western World?"

He encouraged ruthlessness in the exercise of political power in the western world.

What did Charles V hope to accomplish at the Council of Worms?

He wanted to give Luther a fair hearing and thought he could get Luther to give up his new ideas about Christianity.

Why did Napoleon decide to invade Russia?

He wanted to punish Russia because Russian leaders refused to remain in the Continental System. Napoleon hoped the invasion would send a message to other countries that were thinking of leaving the system.

How did Marco Polo's journeys inspire further European exploration?

He wrote about his experiences traveling from Venice to China, and his writings made many Europeans interested in Asia. This interest led to an increase in trade between Europe and Asia, and Europeans began to look for shorter routes from Europe to Asia. This would eventually lead to the discovery of the Americas by Europeans.

Explain why England's King Henry the VIII needed the Pope to annul his marriage to Queen Catherine of Aragon.

Henry VIII wanted a male heir and to marry Anne Boleyn. To marry her, he needed the pope to annul his marriage to Catherine.

What are indulgences?

Indulgences were documents sold by the church (signed by the Pope or another church official) that released the bearer from all or part of the punishment or sin.

Why is it important for a military commander to ensure that his soldiers are well-paid and well-supplied?

It breeds loyalty and success.

.) How did the English Bill of Rights transform the monarchy?

It made Parliament supreme and limited the power of the monarchy.

Why did Europeans want a favorable balance of trade? Why did a large supply of bullion matter?

It would give them a larger supply of bullion, which is gold and silver. According to the theory of mercantilism, the amount of bullion a nation has determines its wealth and power.

Baldassare Castiglione

Italian diplomat, wrote "The Courtier" published in 1528, this book expressed the characteristics of the perfect Noble.

How did Italy's vibrant trade that developed during the Middle Ages, impact the Renaissance?

Italians gained new goods such as silk, spices, and sugar. They also gained wealth from trading. They were probably exposed to new ideas through trade and were then able to share ideas along their trade routes.

Why did the Japanese expel Christians?

Jesuits destroyed local shrines leading to Hideyoshi issuing the Edict in 1587 prohibiting Christian activities.

How did John Locke's thinking differ from that of Hobbes?

Locke argued against the absolute rule of one person and believed that humans had lived in a condition of equality and freedom before forming societies.

Why didn't China develop the same attitude toward business that was emerging in Europe?

Merchants and manufacturers were not as independent as those in Europe. The government controlled commercial activity and saw business as inferior to farming. Merchants bought land rather than reinvesting in their businesses because of their Confucian ideals.

What was life like in Mogul society?

Mogul society blended Muslim and Hindu customs. Aristocratic women acted as political advisers, received salaries, and could own land. A new style of architecture was created.

Who were the 3 powerful political figures whom were responsible for the unification process of Japan?

Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideeyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu

What led to the decline of the Mogul Empire?

One cause was the increasing British control of India. You should also realize that the rulers after Akbar were not fully capable of leading.

In what ways were liberalism and nationalism causes for the revolutions of the 1830s in Europe?

People wanted a government run by native powers and more rights.

How are the origins of the free enterprise system reflected in Enlightenment thought on economics?

Philosophers believed the natural economic laws showed that if the individual had the right to pursue their own economic self-interest, then all of society would benefit.

How did the Reformation effect European Society?

Protestants est. new schools; the women's role was reinforced and family life became more central; anti-semitic sentiment grew.

How was society characterized during the Renaissance?

Renaissance society was largely based on wealth and had a rigid social structure, and fathers dominated family life.

What was a source of conflict between the Ottomans and the Safavids?

Safavids = Shia Muslims Ottoman Empire = Sunni Muslims

What is a 'courtier'?

Someone who attends a royal court as a companion or advisor to the King/Queen

How was Louis XIV's reign as king of France successful or unsuccessful?

Student responses will vary, but they may point out that Louis XIV felt that he was unsuccessful. Students might indicate that he was successful because he built roads, encouraged new industry, and made France into a powerful nation.

What actions did Parliament take to try to limit the power of the monarchy?

Students may mention documents such as the Apology of the Commons, the Petition of Rights, and the Bill of Rights, along with actions such as the Battle of Naseby and the beheading of Charles I in 1649, which dissolved the monarchy.

What were three ideas, discoveries, or inventions that led up to the Scientific Revolution?

Students may mention the discovery of ancient texts whose authors disagreed with Aristotle, the idea of performing careful observations and accurate measurements to solve specific problems, the invention of instruments such as the telescope and microscope, the invention of the printing press, and the idea that mathematics was key to understanding workings of the universe.

What was the Enlightenment's impact on the French Revolution?

Students may note influential ideas such as the separation of power; religious equality; and democracy.

What effects might losing a generation of young people have on a country?

Students may say that the country could lose future leaders and families and, in the future, would experience a lower population and level of prosperity.

How do you think classical learning and an emphasis on the individual might have led people to become critical of the Roman Catholic Church?

Students may say that while classical learning taught the use of reason to guide responsible behavior, the Church taught obedience to Church leaders and to religious learning.

What do you think some of the tensions might have been between the upper class (First & Second Estate) and the lower class (Third Estate) in France?

Students might say that the lower class would have resented having to work hard while the monarchs and nobility were enjoying lives of luxury.

What role did English nobles play in the Glorious Revolution?

Students should acknowledge that a group of nobles wanted to remove James II from power, so they invited William of Orange to invade England.

What is absolutism?

Students should indicate that absolutism is a system in which a ruler has total power.

How did Philip II's attempts to strengthen his control over this region lead to the emergence of the Dutch state in the seventeenth century?

Students should recognize that Philip's attempts to strengthen his control of the Spanish Netherlands led to resentment in the region, which eventually erupted in conflict in 1566. After this conflict ended in 1609, the northern provinces began to call themselves the United Provinces of the Netherlands. These provinces became the core of the modern Dutch state that flourished in the seventeenth century.

What led to the increased demand for African slaves?

Sugar and other crops grown in the Caribbean and the Americas were very labor intensive, and European colonists were not willing to do this work. Native Americans had been killed by diseases, so the Europeans began to demand large numbers of African slaves.

What does Machiavelli say about what it takes to be a successful ruler?

That one must be willing to be feared rather than loved.

What prompted the Catholic Reformation during the sixteenth century?

The Catholic Reformation was prompted by corruption in the church and the papacy. The Church also needed to regain the ground it had lost to the Protestant Reformation.

Why do you think Europeans and Chinese had different attitudes toward trade?

The Chinese felt that Europeans were barbarians with little to offer. European economies were trade-based; European traders viewed China as a source of new profits.

What was the Church's view of Earth's place in the universe?

The Church believed that Earth was the center of the universe.

What made the English Reformation different from the Reformation in the rest of Europe?

The English Reformation was mostly political and not religious.


The Hindu custom of cremating a window on her husband's funeral pyre.

What was the state of the Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the war? At the end of the war?

The Holy Roman Empire was intact at the beginning, but by the end of the war, it ceased to exist.

What advantages did the Spanish have over the native populations they conquered?

The Spanish had horses, guns, steel swords, and immunity from certain diseases, none of which the native populations had.

Who was the National Assembly? (Who broke off from the Estates-General?)

The Third Estate.

Who were the Roundheads? Who were the Cavaliers?

The followers of the king were known as Cavaliers, meaning gallant gentlemen. His opponents were known as Roundheads.

How was the Constitution of 1795 different from the Constitution of 1791?

The governments they established were structured differently. The Constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy with a Legislative Assembly that made laws. The Constitution of 1795 set up a government of the Directory, the Council of 500, and the Council of Elders. The Directory was the executive branch, while the Council of 500 and the Council of Elders made up the legislative branch.

After the Napoleonic Wars, What was the idea behind the "balance of power" concept in European diplomacy?

The great powers sought to prevent any one nation from dominating the other nations, thus ensuring stability in Europe by preserving the status quo.

Why did the Ottoman guilds have problems with competing with European goods?

The guilds had strict price regulations and could not compete with inexpensive manufactured goods from Europe.

.) How did political ideas influence political revolutions?

The ideas of liberalism and nationalism began to challenge the conservative domination of Europe.

Why was the execution of King Louis XVI shocking to the rest of Europe?

The other countries in Europe were also Monarchies, the monarchs were fearful that their citizens would revolt and demand change or demand the lives of the monarchs themselves.

How did Enlightenment philosophers help cause the French Revolution?

The philosophers argued for a system of limited government in which the will of the majority would be represented. The French nobility and the monarch opposed this idea. The monarch also opposed the separation of powers proposed by the philosophers. The Enlightenment's emphasis on religious toleration was not supported by the clergy—the First Estate.

Why might Enlightenment ideas have led to conflict among the French social classes?

The philosophers argued for equality and democracy while the nobility and monarchy supported social stratification and rule by the elite.

Why was the invention of the printing press was so significant?

The printing press allowed books to become more widely available. Possible effects students could mention include a new emphasis on learning, an increase in scholarly research, an increase in the literacy rate, and a more rapid dissemination of new ideas.

What is one thing the Anabaptists wanted that is practiced here in the United States?

The separation of Church & State. (Gov.)

Why do you think some Sultans tried to stop the introduction of Western Ideas and customs?

The sultans may have felt threated by Western ideas and were potentially trying to preserve their own culture.

What dress code did the Qing Dynasty require?

Their "dress code" of shaving ones forehead & braiding their hair in a specific way, those that refused were considered to be rebels.

What advantage did Bābur and his grandson, Akbar, have over the native Indian forces that helped them in establishing Mogul rule?

They both used artillery, with which they were able to overpower their enemies.

Interestingly, though, how did the Manchus try to make others like themselves, blurring these lines of distinction?

They censored literature to eliminate criticism; they forced Chinese males to dress as Manchus

During the Renaissance, on what did education and culture focus?

They focused on the individual and educating the whole person. (Humanities)

What was the goal of philosophers during the Enlightenment?

They hoped to find natural laws that would help them understand the world and make it a better place.

How did the Manchus preserve their identity?

They legally defined themselves as distinct.

How did the works of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Descartes affect Isaac Newton?

They provided the foundational discoveries that Newton built upon to formulate his own discoveries.

How did some Catholic Church officials use their positions? How were ordinary people affected by this?

They used their positions to advance their careers and gain wealth by making political alliances. They were left without the spiritual experiences they desired because popes failed to meet spiritual needs and parish priests were unable to fulfill spiritual duties.

Louis XVI was ultimately forced to call a meeting of the Estates-General, what was the goal of most representatives from the Third Estate?

They wanted a constitutional government that would abolish the economic privileges of the clergy and nobility.

How did the Ming Dynasty choose their government officials?

They were required to take the Civil Service Exam. This led to the government being effective.

What are the political and legal ideas contained in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?

This charter of basic liberties begins with "the natural and imprescriptible rights of man" to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." Reflecting Enlightenment thought, the declaration proclaims that all men are free and equal before the law, that appointment to public office should be based on talent, and that no group should be exempt from taxation. Freedom of speech and of the press are affirmed.

Grand Vizer


How did the expansion of Napoleon's empire lead to a spread of ideas in Europe?

Within his empire, Napoleon sought to spread some of the principles of the French Revolution, including legal equality, religious toleration, and economic freedom. Perhaps inadvertently, Napoleon also aroused the spirit of nationalism throughout Europe, as the peoples he had conquered united in hatred of the French occupiers.


a local official in Mogul India who received a plot of farmland for temporary use in return for collecting taxes for the central government.


a release from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death.


children enslaved from the local christen population and converted to Islam who became foot soldiers, administrators to the sultan

What are some mathematical inventions that played a major role in the Scientific Revolution?

decimal fractions, logarithms, and algebra


hostility towards or prejudice against Jewish people.


king (used in Persia and Iran)

Gunpowder Empires

like the Muslim empires in Persia and India, the Ottoman empire is often labeled as a gunpowder empire. Gunpowder empires were formed by outside conquers who unified their conquered regions. Such an empires success was largely based on its mastery of firearms.


the braided pigtail that was traditionally worn by Chinese males


the state of being saved (going to heaven) through faith alone or through faith and good works.

Cosimo de Medici

took control of Florence in 1434, the Medici family dominated the city when Florence was the cultural center of Italy.


was the head of the ottoman system and had the supreme authority in a political and military sense.

Niccolo Machiavelli

wrote "The Prince" this book is one of the most influential work on political power in the Western World.

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