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A __________ is a process that uses multiple raters, including self-rating, to assess employee performance and guide development.

ethnocentric culture

A company that has this type of culture can expect higher turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits

job enrichment

A job design that incorporates achievement, recognition, and other high-level motivators into the work is referred to as


A team's performance and productivity peaks when the team consists of how many members

40 percent

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics approximately what percent of American workers have part-time, contract or other types of non-standard positions rather than full-time jobs?

may be more competitive as managers in today's global and multicultural environment

Because women are relationship oriented, more collaborative, and less hierarchical, they


Elements of the new social contract include a focus on the worker's future employability, as well as on the worker's sense of personal responsibility.

social facilitation

Examples of this effect include a runner who gets a little extra burst of speed when people are watching, or a lumberjack who chops wood faster when team members are present.

employee affinity groups

Groups based on social identity, such as gender or race, which are organized by employees to focus on concerns of employees from that group, are known as


If an organization has this type of culture, you should anticipate that people will do things one way, and you will have to do things that way too.


If an organization has this type of culture, you should anticipate that people will reach out to employees from all cultures and make them feel welcome.


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which need refers to a manager's desire to be accepted by other managers at her organization?


In Vroom's expectancy theory, what term is used to describe the value of outcomes, or attraction to outcomes, for the individual?


In the United States, foreign-born workers are most likely employed in which industry?

non directive interview

In this type of interview, applicants are encouraged to direct the conversation and talk openly about themselves.

results orientation

Individual members set aside personal agendas; they focus on what's best for the team. Collective outputs define success.

use a merit based system

Managers who want to maintain or improve profitability or market share by stimulating employee performance should:


Members connect with one another on a deep emotional level; they feel comfortable being vulnerable with one another.

healthy conflict

Members feel comfortable disagreeing and challenging one another in the interest of finding the best solution.

train unskilled workers so they can efficiently perform their tasks

One of the major concerns of employees who work in HRM is to develop human capital. What is one of the best ways a manager can develop human capital?

the development of mentoring relationships

Organizations must find ways to eliminate the glass-ceiling effect. One effective way to do this has been through

Civil Rights Act, Title VII

Sadia recently submitted a resume and cover letter to a small marketing firm and is invited for an interview. At her interview; however, the company representative is short with her and does not give her ample time to respond to his questions. Sadia suspects that she is being discriminated against because she is Muslim and is wearing a hijab. Which of the following laws will protect Sadia in the event she decides to press charges against the firm?


Temporary workers, contract employees, or leased employees are all examples of __________ workers.

concern for people and concern for production

The Leadership Grid uses two leader behaviors


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, imposes a fee on firms that have over how many employees?

social awareness

The ability to understand others and practice empathy


The most common method of training is social learning that involves using social media tools to network and learn informally.

inability to receive a promotion

The opt-out trend refers to women who voluntarily leave the workforce because of all the following except

halo effect

The performance evaluation error in which a manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions, even if his or her performance is good on some dimensions and poor on others.


The tendency to view people who are different as being deficient is known as


This approach involves four key elements: (1) giving employees information about the company; (2) making sure employees have the skills they need; (3) allowing employees to make significant decisions; and (4) rewarding employees based on company performance.


This is an arrangement in which employees work at home or in another location outside company offices and use the Internet to remotely access company computers.

female advantage

This is the idea that women actually make better managers than men.

job analysis

This is the process of collecting information about how a job is done. It can involve surveys, focus groups, observations, or individual interviews.


This is the third stage of team development; in this phase, group members agree on the rules that will govern group behavior.


This occurs when everyone in a group feels appreciated for who they are and for the unique contributions they can make to the group's work

human resource management

This process involves recruiting, selecting, developing, rewarding, and terminating employees.

in basket simulation

This selection tool measures managerial ability by presenting applicants with a stack of memos, telephone messages, e-mails, and other documents and requiring them to prioritize the items and decide how to deal with each of them.

global team

This type of team presents serious challenges for managers, because members are scattered across time zones, live in different countries, have different cultures, and may even speak different languages.

clarity of mind, clarity of objectives, and an organized system

Three basic principles for self-management

self-actualization needs, esteem needs, belongingness needs, safety needs, physiological needs

What are the components of the hierarchy of needs form (top to bottom)

Hope efficiency...

What does HERO represent?

openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

What does OCEAN represent?

task conflict

When team members have these types of disagreements, they are arguing over work processes and outcomes. An example would be when one photographer wants to do a shoot at night, but another wants to do the same shoot during the day.

baby boomers

Which generation shares a valuable "corporate memory?"

job analysis

Which is the systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties, tasks, and responsibilities of a job?

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Which law requires continued health insurance coverage (paid by employee) following termination?

increased harmony of the existing majority

Which of the following is not a dividend of diversity? Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions. Increased understanding of the marketplace. Increased harmony of the existing majority.


Which structured interview asks people to describe how they might handle a hypothetical situation?

job-based pay

Which type of compensation is linked to the specific tasks that an employee performs?

chief diversity officer

Who is responsible for creating working environments where women and minorities can flourish?

multi cultural teams

Within an organization, these groups can be difficult to manage because of their differences, but those differences also give the group a healthy mix of ideas.

behavior modification

a process used to change behaviors


a situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors

self-serving bias

a tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors on another person's behavior and to overestimate the influence of internal factors


are often less predictable because they create an atmosphere of change, and they may be obsessed by visionary ideas that excite, stimulate, and drive other people to work hard

intrinsic reward

comes from the work itself

hierarchy of needs theory

content theory, developed by Maslow, suggests that people have five levels of needs and that they satisfy these needs in order


creates desire to fulfill it

ERG theory

developed by Alderfer, suggests that people have three different kinds of needs and that the needs can be satisfied in any order

gain sharing

encourages teamwork by rewarding all employees and managers within a business unit when predetermined performance targets are met

charismatic leadership

generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interest for the good of the group

authentic leader

has a high degree of self-discipline, builds positive and enduring relationships, and shows compassion for others


in Herzberg's two-factor theory, increases in recognition are considered this

social learning theory

individual's motivation can result not jsut from direct experience of rewards and punishments but also from thoughts, beliefs and observation of other people's behavior


manager who wants to share an important decision with her subordinates would be an

communication apprehension

managers who get nervous when thinking about talking with their employees suffer from this

good listener

mentally summarizes; weighs the evidence, looks for new learning

team management

most effective leadership style in the Blake and Mouton leadership grid

job characteristics model

most effective when people have a high desire for personal challenge and achievement

P > O expectancy

person's belief that doing well on the job will lead to rewards

law of effect

positively reinforced behavior tends to be repeated

horizontal communication

purpose is to inform and request support and coordinate activities

behavior modification

refers specifically to the process of changing behavior, using techniques such as positive reinforcement and punishment

goal specificity

refers to the degree to which goals are concrete and unambiguous

human capital

refers to the economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees

job design

refers to the process of motivating people by restructuring their jobs

14th amendment

slaves can have citizenship, equal protection, established principle of selective corporation

11th amendment

states are protected from being sued by citizens from other states

formal channels

the communication channels that follow the chain of command within the organization

hygiene factors

these include pay and working conditions, cause job dissatisfaction when poor or absent, but when they are present, people tend to feel neutral about their jobs


this follower exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation

personal communication channels

this is what an employee uses when he or she taps into his or her grapevine to find out about a planned organizational restructuring before it is announced.


this leadership refers to individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness


this type of leader power influences employees to obey their superiors because they admire, respect, and identify with him or her


trait that is most common to top executives

expectancy theory

valence, expectancy and instrumentality affect the conscious choices that people make about their motivation

personal network

when a manager develops relationships with colleagues across the organization at the same level of management and at both upper and lower levels of management

making progress principle

when a manager gives an employee feedback that they are getting closer, even by a small amount, toward the eventual goal

nonverbal communication

when a manger sends signals to a subordinate without using words to show her displeasure at that subordinate's performance on an important task

upward communication

when an employee tells a manager that Project X will be finished by 5 PM, he or she is using this type of communication


when people realize they are wrong, when building social credits and maintaining harmony is especially important

vicarious learning

when someone sees someone else get rewarded or punished for a behavior and increases or decreases his or her own behavior accordingly

channel richness

when you have a face-to-face conversation with your manager, you experience much higher levels of this than when you see a standardized report distributed to your entire team

thriving workforce

workforce of the future. employees who are actively engaged in and passionate about their work, who are excited about learning and moving themselves and their companies forward


Affinity groups are best created by


An employee selection approach in which the organization and the applicant attempt to match each other's needs, interests, and values is known as human resource planning.

relationship oriented leaders

Based on the contingency leadership model, which type of leaders are more effective in situations of moderate favorability

high authoritarianism leader

Critically judges others, obeys established authority, concerned with power, sticks to conventional values

coercion with threat of punishment

Ross is Delores's supervisor. Ross threatens to fire Delores if she does not agree to have sex with him. Which type of sexual harassment is Delores experiencing?

task specialist role

Team members who take on this role initiate ideas, give opinions, seek information, summarize, and energize the group to achieve specific targets.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Which federal regulation requires continued health insurance coverage (paid by employee) following termination?


actions that fulfill needs

variable compensation

becoming more common than fixed salaries at many companies

encoding, decoding, and feedback

elements of communication

job enrichment

employees take on tasks that give them increased responsibilities and opportunities for growth

alienated follower

passive, yet independent critical thinker

reinforcement theory

people are motivated by the consequences of their behaviors

E > P expectancy

refers to a person's belief that if he or she works hard, he or she will be successful on the job


satisfies a need

content theories

these focus on what motivates people

poor listener

tunes out dry subjects, tends to daydream

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