Nutrition Quizzes (6-10)

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Which of the following enzymes breaks down the triglycerides stored in adipose tissue to release fatty acids into the bloodstream?

Hormone sensitive lipase

Which of the following characteristics or conditions increases a person's risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)?


High-protein diets may contribute to osteoporosis due to higher-than-normal urinary losses of which mineral?


Which of the following foods naturally contains cholesterol?

Chicken, Roast Pork

Which of the following plant oils contains the highest amount of saturated fat per tablespoon?

Coconut Oil

Before the discovery and purification of vitamin D, what was given to children to prevent rickets, the vitamin's deficiency disease?

Cod liver oil

Name the coenzyme form of pantothenic acid, which is required for the breakdown of nutrients to yield energy and the synthesis of fatty acids.

Coenzyme A (CoA)

Alyssa is trying to become pregnant, and she wants to increase her dietary intake of folate. Which of the following key recommendations from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans will help to improve Alyssa's folate intake?

Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green, and red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas.

Which of the following is NOT associated with a positive nitrogen balance?

Increased levels of cortisol

Which of the following is the primary limiting amino acid in seeds and tree nuts?


Vitamin A plays a critical role in all of the following functions EXCEPT _______.

blood clotting

Vitamin D's primary role in the body is regulation of blood ________ levels.


Mrs. Kaplan is a 64-year-old woman who complains of extreme fatigue, frequent dizzy spells, and difficulty concentrating. Her blood tests reveal megaloblastic anemia and the presence of anti-intrinsic factor antibodies. Mrs. Kaplan's physician diagnoses her with pernicious anemia, the result of an autoimmune disease that impairs her absorption of _______.

vitamin B-12

During the refining of grains, many vitamins and minerals are lost as the germ and the bran layers of the grain are discarded. Mandatory enrichment procedures replace some of the nutrients during food processing. Enrichment of refined grain products adds all of the following nutrients EXCEPT _______.

vitamin B-6

Most proteins in foods and in the body are in the _______ form.


Mr. Stockton is a 64-year-old man who was admitted to the emergency room with extreme weakness, poor coordination, back-and-forth eye movements, and mental confusion. He had a CT scan to check for signs of stroke, but his results came back normal. After speaking with his family, his doctor learned that Mr. Stockton has a history of alcohol abuse. Based on this information, the physician should test the patient for a deficiency of _______.


Chase is a 22-year-old college student. According to recommendations of the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR), fat should comprise ________% of his total energy intake each day.


Amanda consumes approximately 2500 kcal/day. According to recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines (2015-2020), she should limit her saturated fat intake to fewer than ________ kcal/day.


While breast milk has a near-perfect nutritional profile for infants, breast milk is low in vitamin D. Formula-fed infants who do not receive much sunlight may also be at risk for vitamin D deficiency. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children receive how much vitamin D per day?

400 IU

Tomas, a 24-year-old male, wants to estimate his protein needs based on the AMDR. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that 10-35% of calories come from protein. If Tomas follows a 2300-kilocalorie diet, approximately how many grams of protein per day should he consume?

58-201 grams of protein per day

If Tomas is a healthy 24-year-old male who weighs 166 pounds, approximately how many grams of protein per day should he have to promote protein equilibrium and meet the RDA for protein for a healthy adult? (1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds)

60 grams of protein per day

One long-chain fatty acid that is present in food and in the body is stearic acid. Stearic acid is an 18-carbon saturated fatty acid. Beta-oxidation of stearic acid results in the formation of _______ molecules of acetyl CoA that can be oxidized in the citric acid cycle.


The amino acid profile of a protein in a food helps determine whether that food is a complete or incomplete protein. Which of the following contains incomplete protein?

A handful of peanuts

Which of the following statements about protein absorption and transport is FALSE?

After absorption, amino acids travel to the liver via the lymphatic vein.

Following a victory, Liyah's soccer coach takes the team out for a celebratory meal. A teammate orders French fries, noting that they must be healthy because the restaurant menu says they are fried in "cholesterol-free" vegetable oil. Which statement about "cholesterol-free" vegetable oil is correct?

All vegetable oil is cholesterol-free because cholesterol is only found in animal foods.

Which form of vitamin E is maintained in plasma and used by the body?


Protein is unique because it is the only macronutrient that has a nitrogenous component as part of its chemical makeup. When the carbon skeletons of amino acids are metabolized to produce glucose or fat, ammonia is the resulting product. What happens to ammonia?

Ammonia is converted to urea and excreted in the urine.

Which of the following allergic reactions to foods is the most serious and requires immediate treatment?


Why are older adults at increased risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency compared to younger people?

As you age, your stomach produces less acid, which limits cleavage of vitamin B-12 from food. In addition, decreased production of intrinsic factor by the stomach limits vitamin B-12 absorption.

The term that describes the build-up of lipid-containing plaque inside arterial walls is _______.


Gabe's grandfather has a history of heart disease and is on anticoagulant drug therapy. His prescription drugs include Coumadin (warfarin). What dietary precaution should his grandfather be taking?

Avoid any large increases in dark green, leafy vegetable intake because vitamin K can reduce effectiveness of anticoagulants and promote blood clots.

Sarah had her gallbladder removed one week ago. At her follow-up visit, she complained of having greasy stools. What dietary modification could help to alleviate Sarah's problem?

Avoid high-fat meals

A scientist has discovered a new molecular compound that is a long chain of 26 carbons bonded together, with a methyl group on one end and an acid group on the other end of the molecule. The compound does not contain any nitrogen or sulfur atoms. Based on this information, the compound is a(n) ________.

Fatty acid

An impoverished child living in a developing country is at risk of suffering from protein-energy malnutrition. If this child consumes insufficient dietary protein, what is the physiological consequence?

Insufficient protein intake inhibits the body's ability to make immune antibodies, some hormones, and enzymes.

Which of the following organs is key to the enterohepatic circulation of bile?


Which form of vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the large intestine?


Long-term vitamin B-12 deficiency results in nerve damage, because of the vitamin's role in the maintenance of _______.

Myelin sheaths

A scientist has isolated a chemical compound that is partially soluble in water. The chemical helps keep water-soluble substances mixed with fats. When analyzing the composition of the chemical, the scientist determined that, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the compound contains nitrogen and phosphorus atoms. Based on this information, the compound is a(n) ________.


________ contribute to the flexibility, structure, and proper functioning of cell membranes.


Which of the following foods contains the lowest amount of vitamin K per serving?

Raw cabbage

Which of the following statements accurately describes anabolic reactions of human metabolism?

Requires the input of energy to synthesize a molecule from smaller molecules

Which of the following foods has the highest vitamin E content per serving?

Sunflower seed kernels

Americans consume gamma-tocopherol from soybean and corn oils used widely in processed foods. How does the biological activity of gamma-tocopherol compare to the biological activity of alpha-tocopherol found in olive and sunflower seed oils?

The biological activity of alpha-tocopherol is significantly higher

Eating a diet high in trans fatty acids has been shown to increase circulating levels of LDL. Why do food manufacturers use trans fatty acids like partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in packaged and processed foods?

Trans fatty acids increase a food's shelf life.

Which of the following storage sites can yield the greatest amount of energy?

Triglycerides in the adipose tissue

Ketogenesis occurs when ______.

acetyl CoA production from beta-oxidation outpaces pyruvate production from glycolysis

The high-energy phosphate compound that cells use to perform work is _______.

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

The biotin coenzyme participates in the synthesis of glucose and fatty acids by adding _______ to compounds.

carbon dioxide

The reactions of human metabolism utilize the _______ energy that is stored in carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and alcohol.


Alanine, glycine, and serine are _______ amino acids because they can be converted to pyruvate and then metabolized in the citric acid cycle.


Tom read in a body building magazine that vitamin B-6 is needed for absorption of amino acids to support muscle tissue synthesis. He bought a container of Mega B-6 capsules, which contain 250 milligrams of vitamin B-6 per capsule. The recommended dosage is 1 capsule per day, but Tom reasons that he has a long way to go to reach his body building goals, so he will take one with each meal. Vitamin B-6 intakes at this level are most likely to damage the _______ system.


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme that carries high-energy electrons released by the catabolism of macronutrients within the cells. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is the coenzyme form of _______.


In the United States, newborns are routinely screened for PKU. PKU is a disease characterized by the body's inability to metabolize the essential amino acid __________.


Subcutaneous fat does not ________.

stimulate red blood cell production

Major functions of lipids include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

stimulate the production of vitamins and minerals

Gabe is interested in ways to maximize the vitamin content in his fresh fruits and vegetables. All of the following are good practices to ensure maximum vitamin content preservation EXCEPT _______.

storing fresh produce in plastic bags at room temperature

Collagen in cartilage, ligament, and bone tissue, and keratin in hair, nails, and skin are _______ proteins.


The bleeding gums, easy bruising, and poor wound healing that characterize scurvy are all related to vitamin C's role in _______.

synthesis of collagen

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