Schultz Chapter 17 Quiz

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Why did Latin American not experience an Industrial Revolution of its own?

-90% of the population was poor which made the market too small, they benefited more from exporting agricultural products than manufacturing.

What industries did the "second" Industrial Revolution focus on?

-Chemicals, Electricity, precision machinery, the telegraph and telephone, rubber, printing, mechanical reapers, chemical fertilizers, pesticides,and refrigeration.

True or False:Europe enjoyed an economic lead over other world regions that explains why the Industrial revolution occurred there first.


What did Karl Marx think was going to eventually happen in industrialized capitalistic societies?

-He thought it was going to collapse and lead to a socialist society and end the ancient conflict of the rich and the poor.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the environment?

-It altered the landscape in many places. Sewers and industrial waste emptied onto rivers, turning them into poisonous cesspools. In 1858, The Thames River smelled bad to the point where the House of Commons had to stop the session.Smoke from coal-fired industries and domestic use polluted the air in urban areas and lead to increases in respiratory illnesses.

Define "caudillos"

-Military strong men.

Define "haciendas"


In what ways were women from the middle class given more opportunities outside the home as a result of the Industrial revolution?

-Some women began getting into teaching, clerical, and nursing professions.

How did the beginning of the Industrial Revolution differ from the Agricultural revolution that occurred several thousand years earlier?

-The Industrial Revolution began in one place.

What group benefited most from the Industrial revolution

-The Middle Class.

Describe the characteristics of middle class "culture"

-The middle class contained extremely wealthy factory and mine owners, bankers, and merchants. Such rising businessmen readily assimilated into the aristocratic life, buying country houses, obtaining seats in Parliament, sending their sons to Cambridge or Oxford, and accepting titles of nobility.

How were immigrants in the United States perceived?

-The newcomers were seen as inferior and "un-American"

In what way could you argue that Latin America was still a "colony" of Europe and the United States even though it was politically independent?

-They depended on on Europe and the U.S. to buy from them.

What percentage of Britain's population made up the laboring class?

70% or more.

Define "socialism"

A social system theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production and distribution of goods which would remove the idea of class

Describe Russian politics

Absolute Monarchy to where the state exercised far more greater control over individuals and society.

Define "capitalism"

An economic system where a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than the state.

Explain how Europe's contact with the following places aided them in the process of Industrializing (Asia, India, and China)

Asia had the world's richest and most sophisticated societies. in which they found Textiles in India, China's Porcelain, and Japanese Lacquerware.

Describe some of the technological advancements that occurred outside of Europe preceding the Industrial Revolution in the following places: China

Compass, Gunpowder, Paper making, and Printing.

What were some of the political challenges faced by these newly created countries?

Conservatives favored centralized authority and sought to maintain the status quo of the colonial era in alliance with the Catholic church. Liberals sought at least modest social reforms, and preferred federalism and opposed the Catholic Church.

Describe some of the technological advancements that occurred outside of Europe preceding the Industrial Revolution in the following places: India

Cotton Textile, Sugar production, Innovations, Agricultural Mathematical Inventions,

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (Agricultural innovations)

Crop Rotation, Selective Breeding, lighter plows, and higher yielding seeds increased agricultural output, kept food prices low, and freed up labor in the countryside.

What were some of the initial problems faced by Latin America after gaining independence?

Decimated population, diminished herds of livestock, flooded or closed silver mines, abandoned farms, shrinking international trade and investment capital, and empty national treasures.

What were the push and pull factors for the approximately 50 million Europeans who migrated away from Europe during the modern era? Pull Factors

Demand for labor overseas, ready available land, cheap transportation of railroads and steamboats.

True or false: The reforms made by the Russian tsar were lasting and quelled any future complaints from workers.

False. They were often reversed in practice, failed to tame working-class radicalism or to bring social stability in Russia

What types of goods were Latin American countries predominantly exporting? (Not looking for specific goods but a general term for the type of goods)

Food products and raw materials

To what extent was the British aristocracy unaffected by the Industrial Revolution

Individual landowning aristocrats, long the dominant class in Britain, suffered little in material terms from the Industrial Revolution.

What techniques of mass production were invented and used in the United States first

Interchangeable parts, assembly line, and the scientific management to produce for a mass market.

Specifically, where did the Industrial revolution begin?

It began in Western Europe, specifically Great Britain

What reforms took pace in Russian politics after the Revolution of 1905?

It granted a constitution, legalized both trade unions and political parties, and permitted the election of a national assembly, called the Duma, Censorship was ceased, and plans were under way for universal primary education

Did the output of goods and services increase or decrease as a result of the Industrial revolution?

It increased by fiftyfold between 1750-1900.

How was agricultural production affected by the Industrial Revolution?

It shrank in relative importance.

Describe Russian society

It was dominated by a titled nobility of various ranks,. Upper levels were great landowners, who furnished the state with military offers and leading government officials. And the other level were peasant serfs, bound to the estate of their masters, subject to sale, greatly exploited, and largely at the mercy of their owners.

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (Imperial possessions (in the Caribbean, North America, and India)

Its landlords had long ago "enclosed" much agricultural, pushing out small farmers and producing for the market.

What is the only other place outside of Europe and North America that underwent a large-scale process of industrialization?


What were some changes and continuities in Latin American society? Changes:

Legal distinctions within among racial categories changed.

Describe factory working conditions:

Long Hours, low wages, and child labor.

Why can focusing on who developed or discovered something "first" be misleading?

Most first achievements in history were not intentional but were the unexpected result of converging circumstances

What similar outcomes did Industrialization bring about in all countries that experienced it?

New technologies and sources of energy generated vast increases in production and spawned an unprecedented urbanization as well. Class structures changed as aristocrats, artisans, and peasants declined as classes, while the middle classes and a factory working class grew in numbers and dominance. Women either didn't get paid or got paid much lower and had difficulty joining unions and were accused of taking jobs away from men.New elements of social conflict were injected into industrial societies.

Who made up the lower middle class?

People who worked in the service sector such as Clerks, Salespeople, Bank Tellers, Hotel Staff, Secretaries, Telephone Operators, and Police Officers.

What were the push and pull factors for the approximately 50 million Europeans who migrated away from Europe during the modern era? Push Factors:

Rapidly growing population, poverty, displacement of peasant farming and artisan manufacturing.

What two jobs were extremely common for women in the lower middle class to hold?

Secretaries and Telephone Operators

Describe some of the technological advancements that occurred outside of Europe preceding the Industrial Revolution in the following places: Islamic World

Shipbuilding, Using Water to generate Power, Paper making, Textile Production, Chemical Tech, Water Mills,and Clock

What were some changes and continuities in Latin American society Continuities:

Social life, The vast majority of the population, such as the Blacks, Indians, and many mixed races of both people, remained impoverished, working on subsistence farms, the mines, or plantations.

What government actions fostered the growth of businesses in the United States?

Tax breaks, huge grants of public land to the railroad companies, laws enabling the easy formation of companies, and the absence of such overt regulation of an industry.

What industries did the Industrial revolution focus on?

Textile, Iron and Steel Production, Railroads, Steamships, Food Processing, and Construction

What types of goods were Latin American countries predominantly importing from Industrialized countries?

Textiles, Machinery, Weapons and Luxury goods.

Define "anthropocene"

The Age of Man

Where were Europeans migrating to?

The Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, and other parts of America

What was the name of the socialist party in Russia and who was its leader?

The Bolsheviks. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (Religious tolerance)

The British welcomed people regardless of their religious faith whereas France's Prosecution of Protestants drove out their skilled workers

Although a socialist party did not take root in American politics, what two new political parties did challenge pre-existing social systems and demand reforms for workers?

The Populists and the Progressives

To what extent could you argue the aristocracy was declining in importance as a result of the Industrial revolution

The aristocracy's declining political clout was demonstrated in 1840s on when high tariffs on foreign agricultural imports were abolished

What factors facilitated Europeans to migrate into Russia?

The availability of land, the prospect of greater freedom from tsarist restrictions, the exploitation of artisan landowners, and the construction of the Trans-Siberian railroad.

What breakthrough paved the way for the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

The coal-fired steam engine.

What is the difference between "social democracy" and "communism" according to the text.

The communist movement was more violent and revolutionary than social democracy

What factors contributed to the United States being the leading industrial power?

The country's huge size, the ready availability of natural resources, expanding domestic market, and its relative political stability.

Define "urbanization"

The process of transitioning to a rural city to an urban city with increased population.

Who initiated change within Russia and how did this differ from the United States

The state initiated change in Russia while in the U.S. it was society who created change.

Why did Russian workers go on strike and end up causing a revolution in the Russian government in 1905?

The strains of rapid change and the state's continues transience had reached the bursting point and Russia lost a naval war with Japan

What was the downside for Britain in it being the first country to industrialize?

Their technology later became obsolete.

Why is it more common for lower class women to work outside the home when middle class women didn't?

There was a need for people to take less-skilled and lighter jobs.

How did the American working class respond to poor working conditions

There were labor protests, formation of unions and strikes which lead to violence sometimes.

Describe the unsanitary conditions of Industrialized cities:

There were periodic epidemics, inadequate and polluted water supplies, endless row houses and warehouses, few public or open spaces.

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (Disappearance of guilds and rising population)

They allowed employers to run their manufacturing enterprises as they saw fit.

Even though most women stopped working after marriage, how did lower class women still manage to earn money for their families while staying at home?

They could earn money by taking in boarders, doing laundry, or sewing clothes in addition to her domestic responsibilities

What are some ways that workers tried to improve their working conditions and wages?

They created friendly societies, and provided insurance against sickness, a decent funeral, and an opportunity of social life and joined social unions.

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (British tariff laws)

They favored men with tariffs that kept out cheap Indian textiles with laws that made it easy to form companies and to forbid workers' unions with roads and canals that helped create a unified internal market and with patent laws that served to protect the interests of investors.

Explain how Europe's contact with the following places aided them in the process of Industrializing (Americas)

They found a lot of silver which helped them trade in Asia. They also found timber,fish, maize,potatoes, and sugar.

Workers often respond to poor conditions through strike; however, the only successful strike was the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Describe some of its effects on Mexico.

They had a new constitution, had universal male suffrage, provided redistribution of land, Removed the Catholic Church of any power in education and forbade it to own land, gave them minimum wage and 8-hour work days, and placed restrictions on foreign ownership of property

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (Geography)

They had a ready supply of coal and iron ore, often located close to each other and within easy reach of major industrial centers.

Describe the life of the lower class in Latin America.

They lived in rural areas, and got the short end of the stick in the export boom. Many of them were forced to move to poor and remote places where they could barely make a living. Some of them depended on the haciendas for work and some were also field laborers.

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (Parliamentary government)

They provided a freer for private enterprise than elsewhere in Europe.

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (British Royal Society)

They saw their role as promoting useful knowledge.

Why did Latin American countries actively recruit European immigrants?

They wanted to literally become more like Europe

Why did factories owners want women to work in their textile mills?

They were able to accept lower wages and they were thought as docile, and more suitable for tasks such as tending the machines.

Explain how all of the following factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution beginning first in Britain (British aristocrats)

They were interested in the world of business and took up mining and manufacturing enterprises.

What happened to children as a result of the growing need for educated workers in the industrial economy

They were put into schools.

In what ways were middle class women's' roles restricted by the Industrial revolution

They weren't able to vote, and were considered to only be useful at home.

List some of the positive reforms made in capitalist societies during this period after Industrialization.

Wages rose. Diets improved. Infant Mortality decreased. There were more shops that appealed to the working class. Men got the right to vote. Child labor was abolished, factory conditions became more regulated, a system fo relief for the unemployed was enacted, and there was sanitary reforms.

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