Unit 2 Medical Terminology

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Which of the following is correct regarding the suffixes "stomy," "tomy," and "ectomy?" 1. -stomy (cutting), -tomy (opening), -ectomy (removal) 2. -stomy (removal), -tomy (opening), -ectomy (cutting) 3. -stomy (opening), -tomy (cutting), -ectomy (removal) 4. -stomy (removal), -tomy (cutting out), -ectomy (removal)

-stomy (opening), -tomy (cutting), -ectomy (removal)

There are ______ facial bones of the skull. 1. 14 2. 8 3. 25 4. 11


The cranium consists of ______ cranial bones. 1. 1 2. 3 3. 8 4. 15


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following is the best definition for the term "hypermobile patella?" 1. Reduced medial and/or lateral motion of the patella 2. Constant medial and/or lateral motion of the patella 3. Excessive medial and/or lateral motion of the patella 4. Absent medial and/or lateral motion of the patella

Excessive medial and/or lateral motion of the patella

Which of the following are carpal bones (choose all that apply). 1. Metacarpophalangeal joint 2. Scaphoid bone 3. Triquetral bone 4. Capitate bone

Scaphoid bone, Triquetral bone, Capitate bone

Which of the following is not true about the femur. 1. The femur extends from the knee down to the patella. 2. The femur is largest, longest and strongest human bone. 3. The femur articulates proximally with the acetabullum. 4. The term is derived from Latin.

The femur extends from the knee down to the patella. True ones are: The femur is largest, longest and strongest human bone. The femur articulates proximally with the acetabullum. The term is derived from Latin.

Which of the following best describes the role of the pelvis? 1. The pelvis supports the vertebral column and serves as the point of articulation for the lower limbs. 2. The pelvis supports the vertebral column and serves as the point of deviation for the lower limbs 3. The pelvis supports the arterial column and serves as the point of articulation for the lower limbs 4. The pelvis supports the radial column and serves as the point of articulation for the lower limbs

The pelvis supports the vertebral column and serves as the point of articulation for the lower limbs.

The coccyx received its name because of its resemblance to the beak of the cuckoo bird. 1. True 2. False


the spinal cord mediates reflex action and serves as a conducint pathway to and from the brain. 1. True 2. False


Which of the following terms means "surgical or pathological formation of a passage between any two normally distinct spaces or organs?" 1. anastomosis 2. antrectomy 3. anticholinergic 4. alkalosis


The term "pelvis" is derived from a Latin word for ______. 1. pelvic bone 2. hip 3. house 4. basin


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, the submaxillary glands should be ______. 1. beneath the jaw 2. behind the nasal passage 3. above the lingual duct 4. beside the tongue

beneath the jaw

Based on your understanding of medical terminology, the sublingual glands should be ______. 1. beneath the jaw 2. the upper part of the lip 3. beneath the tongue 4. behind the lingual passage

beneath the tongue

The greek word "chole" means ______. 1. bladder 2. container 3. bile 4. intestine


The term "cecum" is derived from the Latin term "caecum," which means ______. 1. junction 2. blind 3. intestinal tract 4. valve


Whcih of the following is the best definition for "cirrhossis?" cirhossis cirrhossis 1. a gurgling, splashing sound heard over the large intestine 2. condition in which the alkalinity of the body tends to increase beyond normal 3. a disturbance in the acid-base balance of the body in which there is an accumulation of acids 4. chronic disease of the liver that leads to dysfunction and jaundice

chronic disease of the liver that leads to dysfunction and jaundice

The term ______ is derived from a Latin word meaning "little key." 1. collarbone 2. scapula 3. clavis 4. clavicle


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is most likely to mean "pertaining to or in the region of the coccyx?" 1. coccoid 2. coccyalgia 3. coccygodynia 4. coccygeal


Which of the following are not considered sections of the small intestine? 1. duodenum 2. jejunum 3. colon 4. ileum


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is most likely to involve the premature closure of the skull sutures, by turning into bone? 1. craniospinal 2. craniostenosis 3. craniosynostosis 4. cranioschisis


The word "skeleton" is derived from the Greek word "skeletos" which means 1. skeleton 2. body 3. dried up 4. dead

dried up

Which of the following is not secreted by the pancreas? 1. endocrine glands 2. pancreatic juice 3. insulin 4. glucagon

endocrine glands

Which of the following is not one of the facial bones of the skull? 1. lacrimal 2. palatine 3. vomer 4. ethmoid


The bones that make up the wrist are called the tarsals. 1. True 2. False


The cecum bears the appendical veriprocess at its inferior end. 1. True 2. False


The difference between the male and the female sacrum is that the female sacrum is narrower and more curved than the male. 1. True 2. False


The gall bladder is also called the cholegland. 1. True 2. False


The term "esophagus" is derived from the Greek word "esophogus." 1. True 2. False


The term "ischium" is derived from the Greek word "ischion," meaning "pelvic girdle." 1. True 2. False


The term "stomach" is derived from the Greek word "stomachos," which originally meant "stomach." 1. True 2. False


The ulna is the outer and smaller bone of the forearm. 1. True 2. False


The word "scapulae" means "little knife" in Latin. 1. True 2. False


The term "femur" is derived from the Latin word ______, meaning "thigh bone." 1. femur 2. ferris 3. femus 4. femorialis


The technical term for "calf bone" is ______. 1. patella 2. fibula 3. femur 4. tibia


Give the proper word division for "gastrointestinal." 1. gastr / o / intestin / al 2. gastro / int / estinal 3. gas / tro / intestinal 4. gast / ro / intest / i / nal

gastr / o / intestin / al

Blood cell creation happens during a process called ______. 1. poietohemasis 2. hematopoigenesis 3. genatopoiesis 4. hematopoiesis


The greek word for "liver" is ______. 1. lifer 2. hepar 3. leber 4. leben


The Latin term meaning "upper arm, shoulder" is ______. 1. scapula 2. humerus 3. ulna 4. clavicula


Which of the following causes diabetes mellitus? 1. hypersecretion of insulin 2. hypoglycemia 3. hyposecretion of insulin 4. hyperglucoma

hyposecretion of insulin

The juncture between the ileum and the cecum is called the ______. 1. ileocecal valve 2. ileocecal union 3. ileocecal apparatus 4. ileocecal juncture

ileocecal juncture

The term "vertebrae" is derived from the Latin term "vertebra," which means ______. 1. spinal column 2. bone 3. joint 4. thorn


Which of the following is the Greek word for "bladder?" 1. kustis 2. chole 3. pharyngo 4. gall


Give the proper word division for "laryngopharynx." 1. lar / yng / o / phar / ynx 2. laryngo / phar / ynx 3. laryng / o / pharynx 4. la / ryng / ophary / nx

laryng / o / pharynx

. Based on your understanding of medical terminology, the term "posteroinferior" should mean ______. 1. upper bottom 2. lower bottom 3. upper front 4. lower front

lower bottom

The _______ is commonly referred to as the "lower jaw." 1. superior maxilla 2. maxinima 3. mandible 4. mandimina


What is the proper division of the term "mandibulopharyngeal?" 1. man / dib / ulo / pha / ryn / ge / al 2. mandibulo / pharyn / geal 3. mandibul / o / pharyng / eal 4. man / dibul / opha / yng / eal

mandibul / o / pharyng / eal

Which of the following terms is most likely to mean "inflammation of an interarticular cartilage, especially of the medial and lateral menisci of the knee joint?" 1. meniscitis 2. menisectomy 3. meniscocyte 4. meniscus articularis


Which of the following is not an accessory organ of the digestive system? 1. mouth 2. tongue 3. liver 4. teeth


Which of the following is not one of the salivary glands? 1. nasopharynx gland 2. sublingual gland 3. submaxillary gland 4. parotid gland

nasopharynx gland

The Greeks and Romans conceived of the relation of the fibula to the tibia as being that of a ______ to a ______. 1. spoke to a wheel 2. needle to a brooch 3. handle to a shield 4. tool to a die

needle to a brooch

What is the proper division of the term "patellofemoral?" 1. pat / ello / femor / al 2. patello / fe / moral 3. patell / o / femor / al 4. patell / ofem / oral

patell / o / femor / al

What is the proper division of the term "pelvicephalography?" 1. pelvic / e / phal / o / graphy 2. pelvice / phalog / raphy 3. pel / vice / phalography 4. pelv / i / cephal / ography

pelvic / e / phal / o / graphy

the adjective ______ refers to the fibula, and any muscles, nerves or blood vessels serving that region. 1. femoral 2. tarsal 3. fibulal 4. peroneal


What is the proper division of the term "phalangectomy?" 1. phal / ang / ect / omy 2. phalang / ectomy 3. phalangec / tomy 4. pha / lang / ect / omy

phalang / ectomy

Although the term "ischium" can be used to refer to the hip in general, it technically refers to the ______ part of the hip. 1. posterosuperior 2. preparoinferior 3. preparolateral 4. posteroinferior


The ileocecal valve 1. acts as a release valve for bile 2. prevents food from reentering the small intestine 3. regulates the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas 4. acts as the connecter between the ileum and the sigmoid flexure

prevents food from reentering the small intestine

Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is most likely to involve pain arising from the groin? 1. pubetrotomy 2. pubalgia 3. pubiotomy 4. puberal


Which of the following is not one of the ossicles? 1. malleus 2. ramus 3. stapes 4. incus


The large intestine concludes at the ______. 1. ascending colon 2. ileum 3. sigmoid flexure 4. rectum


What is the proper division of the term "sacrococcygeal?" 1. sacro / coccygeal 2. sacr / o / coccyg / eal 3. sac / ro / coccy / geal 4. sacr / ococcy / ge / al

sacr / o / coccyg / eal

The term "sacrum" is drived from the Latin word "sacer," which means ______. 1. bone 2. sacred 3. pelvis 4. triangle


Which of the following is not part of the human leg? 1. sacrum 2. tibia 3. patella 4. fibula


Which of the following are not primary organs of the gastrointestinal tract? (Choose all that apply.) 1. mouth 2. pharynx 3. salivary glands 4. esophagus 5. gall bladder 6. pancreas 7. stomach 8. small intestine 9. large intestine 10. appendix 11. rectum 12. anal canal

salivary glands, gall bladder, appendix, pancreas

What is the proper division of the term "scapulothoracic?" 1. scapul / o / thorac / ic 2. scapulo / tho / racic 3. sca / pulo / thoracic 4. sc / ap / ul / o / thor / ac / ic

scapul / o / thorac / ic

The tibia is commonly called the ______. 1. hip bone 2. foot bone 3. thigh bone 4. shinbone


The term "patella" is derived from the Latin term "patella," which means ______. 1. kneecap 2. small, round dish 3. joint 4. big, round ball

small, round dish

12. The Latin word "radius" means a "stake" or "______" of a wheel. 1. spoke 2. rim 3. tire 4. interior


What is the proper division of the term "sternopericardial?" 1. sternop / eri / cardial 2. sterno / pericardi / al 3. ster / no / peri / cardial 4. stern / o / peri / cardi / al

stern / o / peri / cardi / al

Which of the following is not part of the sternum? 1. manubrium 2. sternon 3. gladiolus 4. xiphoid process


Which of the following is not a function of the liver? 1. storage of bile 2. hormone production 3. detoxification 4. secretion of bile

storage of bile

The term "rectum" is derived from the Latin word "rectus," which means ______. 1. curved 2. straight 3. intestine 4. gateway


Another name for the submaxillary glands are the ______ glands. 1. postmandibular 2. supermaxillary 3. supramaxillary 4. submandibular


The _______ is commonly referred to as the "upper jaw." 1. mandible 2. superior maxilla 3. interior maxindible 4. mandibula

superior maxilla

The word "ensis" in "ensiform process" and "xiphos" in "xiphoid process" both mean ______. 1. spear 2. sword 3. extension 4. sternum


The coccyx is commonly referred to as the ______. 1. pelvis 2. hip bone 3. upper thigh 4. tailbone


All of the following are part of the hand except 1. carpals 2. metacarpals 3. tarsals 4. phalanges


Which of the following terms is most likely to mean "a surgical fracture for the correction of clubfoot." 1. tarsoclasis 2. tarsitis 3. tarsomegaly 4. tarsalgia


The term "phalanges" is derived from the Geek word "phalanx," which was ______. 1. the ancient Greek battle formation 2. a type of ancient ship 3. a generic term for bones 4. hand Return to Unit

the ancient Greek battle formation

Which of the following is not a possible meaning of the Latin word "tibia?" 1. flute 2. pipe 3. thigh bone 4. shinbone

thigh bone true ones: flute, pipe, shinbone

Which of the following is not a term associated with the thoracic cage? 1. true ribs 2. fixed ribs 3. floating ribs 4. thoracoid ribs

thoracoid ribs

The term "spinal column" is derived from the Latin term "spina" which means _______ (choose all that apply). 1. thorn 2. backbone 3. spine 4. joint

thorn, backbone, spine

Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is a synonym for "tibiofibular?" 1. tibiotarsal 2. tibiocalcanean 3. tibionavicular 4. tibioperoneal


Which shape does the sacrum most resemble? 1. triangle 2. square 3. circle 4. straight line


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is most likely to involve plastic surger at the upper part of the femur? 1. medialplasty 2. lateralsomy 3. fovealoma 4. trochanterplasty


In the term "pancreas," the "creas" part comes from the Greek word "kreas," which means "flesh." 1. True 2. False


The Greek word "stomachos" is related to the word "stoma," which means "mouth" or "opening." 1. True 2. False


The combining terms "gastr/o" and "abdomin/o" both mean "stomach." 1. True 2. False


The pharynx connects the mouth and nasal canals to the larynx and espophagus. 1. True 2. False


The pharynx is commonly called the "throat." 1. True 2. False


The radius is the outer and smaller bone of the forearm. 1. True 2. False


The term "liver" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term "lifer," which comes from a verb meaning "to live." 1. True 2. False


The word "cranium," meaning "skull," is derived from the Greek word "kranion." 1. True 2. False


The term "duodenum" is derived from the Latin word "duodeni," which means 1. twelve 2. two 3. twenty 4. twenty-two


The term "ileum" is derived from the Greek word "eileos," which means ______. 1. smooth 2. internal 3. intestine 4. twisted


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is most likely to involve the bones of the forearm and the wrist? 1. ulnoradial 2. ulnaris 3. ulnerythema 4. ulnocarpal


Based on your understanding of medical terminology, which of the following terms is most likely to mean "concerning the vertebrae and ilium?" 1. vertebroiliac 2. vertebrosacral 3. vertebrobasilar 4. vertebracalic


The term "tarsus" is derived from the Greek word "tarsos," which means ______. 1. upper portion of the foot 2. lower portion of the foot 3. wicker frame, basket, or crate 4. small sailing vessel

wicker frame, basket, or crate

The term "vermiform process" is partially derived from the Latin word "vermis," which means ______. 1. worm 2. shape 3. appendix 4. internal organ


Which of the following is not one of the cranial bones? 1. zygomatic 2. temporal 3. occipital 4. sphenoid


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