Yak - Chapter 12 Employee Dissatisfaction and Grievances

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Describe and give an example of a due process violation.

Contractual agreement or common practice under existing rules or understandings, like statutes, may also give employees, even those who are not tenured, a property liberty interest in their employment.

What supervisory practices do employees oppose most in the enforcement of rules and regulations?

Employees often oppose the manner in which organizational rules are enforced more than the rules themselves. Inconsistency of supervisors in enforcing all organization rules is perceived far more frequently than any other cause as a reason for opposition.

What are some of the most prominent failures of management personnel that contribute to adverse employee reactions?

Failures of management give rise to many negative reactions of workers. Toleration by supervisors of wasted time, effort, and physical resources; unjustified abuses of equipment; supervisory negligence in protecting the interests of the organization; violations of employee due process rights; infringement on what workers believe are their rights to privacy; and arbitrary enforcement of rules and regulations are quickly recognized by employees and tend to erode organizational pride, morale, and efficiency.

What are the four categories into which employee dissatisfaction can be grouped?

The working environment; harsh, abusive, tyrannical, or inept supervision; misunderstandings about policies and procedures of the organization; and management failures of various types. 1. Dissatisfaction with Working Environment 2. Inept Supervisory Practices 3. Misunderstanding of Policies, Rules, and Procedures 4. Management Failures

What is a formal grievance?

When some factor in an employee's working environment causes him to complain orally or more formally, in writing, it is usually referred to as a grievance.

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