LIT2110 Quiz 1 - The Medea
Which of the following is not a reason Creon gives for exiling Medea?
Because she is not a citizen
How does Medea get back in Jason's good graces?
By apologizing first, then agreeing with his plan
How does Creon die?
By touching Glauce's corpse
According to your module, the Chorus:
Cannot interfere in the action of the play
According to your module and the text's introduction, which of the following is NOT a function of Greek drama?
It is a way for Greeks to show that they are a united front
Who is Glauce?
Jason's fiancee
According to the Judith Fletcher quote found in your module, when men and women enter into an oath, she says, they:
Also enter into a contract with the gods
Aegeus tells Medea that she has "much foresight for such negotiations" (line 725). Why does he tell her this? (choose 2)
Because she insists that he swear a pledge before the gods Because she recognizes that she is powerless in the community, while Creon and his family are strong
Why doesn't the Chorus reveal Medea's murderous plan? (choose 2)
Because they promised not to Because the Chorus isn't supposed to interrupt the plot
How does Medea leave Corinth? (choose 2)
By deus ex machina In her grandfather's chariot
How does Jason justify his decision to leave Medea?
He says it is for the good of her and their children
What bargain does Medea make with Aegeus?
She gets safe haven; he gets fertility drugs
Why does Creon allow Medea to stay?
So that she can plan where she and the children will go
What is not part of Medea's initial argument regarding Jason's plan?
That he has a crown waiting for him elsewhere
Which deities associated with Oaths and Promises does Medea refer to most frequently? (choose 2)
Themis Zeus
At the end of the play, why does Medea go to Hera's temple?
To bury her children
Medea says that "women are the most unfortunate creatures" (line 229). Which of the following is NOT a reason that she gives to support this statement?
Women cannot vote