theatre final

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Today, a ticket to a Broadway musical typically costs?


What is a value sketch?

. A value sketch is a way lighting designers convey their ideas to others. Value sketches show how the designer wants the stage to look and what mood or shadows they want.

Why must the costume designer develop skills like a visual artist?

. Costume designers have to develop skills like visual artists because they must communicate their ideas through sketches in order to get everyone on the same page. They make sketches to present the overall look of the production and what they want made.

When did the modern concept of a director come about?

19th century

As is often the case, women in the theatre do not receive the same recognition as their male counterparts. Women have always sung, danced, and acted in musicals on the US stage, but for a hundred years, all the recognized composers and lyricists have been men. In which year did an all female writing team win the Tony Award for Best Musical?


Casting is so important that a common adage is that ______ of directing is casting.


A _____________ is a single unit of thought. It is a section of dialogue about a particular subject or idea.

A beat

Creativity is

A discovery

What is a dress parade?

A dress parade is when all of the costumes are finished and every single costume is viewed in order so that the actors can appear in correct combinations and make sure everything looks right in the light.

What does a gobo do?

A gobo selectively blocks portions of light from reaching the stage so that shadows and patterns of light are created.

A technique is

A procedure that has been proven to work repeatedly

Scene design is only one part of a total design, which includes costumes, lighting acting, and all the other elements of a production. It should evolve out in consultation with those responsible for the other parts of the whole. It is not, as a painting, complete in itself. Why can't scene design be judged entirely by its appearance?

A scene cannot be judged entirely by appearance, because it has to function appropriately as well.

A scrim is a specialized curtain that may be used for the appearance and disappearance of ghosts and apparitions, how does it work?

A scrim works by appearing dark and opaque when light is applied from the front, but then transparent when lighted from behind.

What does a sound score provide?

A sound score provides why each sound will occur, when the sound will occur, how long it will occur, and the origin of the sound.

In his book "The Empty Space," Peter Brook states, you only need these three elements to have theatre

A space, someone to walk across it, someone to watch

What are the wardrobe supervisors responsibilities?

A wardrobe supervisor's responsibilities include making sure costumes are ready for the performance. They must clean, press, etc. the costumes that need it and they also respond to the stage manager.

Stage areas are labeled from the point of view of the ____________ as they face the audience; for example, "stage right" is the audience's left


Who said, "the action of theatre, like that of plague, is beneficial for impelling men to see themselves as they are, it causes the mask to fall, reveals the lie, the slackness, baseness, and hypocrisy of the world

Antonin Artaud

This ancient philosopher believed that good theatre fortifies us because it allows us to release repressed emotions in a controlled, therapeutic way.


This person is in charge of the overall creative vision of theatre

Artistic director

This African American playwrights plays include Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Fences, Joe Turner's Come and Gone, and The Piano Lesson.

August Wilson

The song "Tonight" from West Side Story is an example of a


Greek philosopher Aristotle deconstructed plays into six elements. Which of the following is not one of those elements?


Why do lighting designers take an approach more nearly like that of the director than any other theatre artist?

Because lighting designers must unify the entire stage picture, they are most like a director than any other theatre artist.

How has film, television, and our interaction with computers influenced our expectations of theatrical events?

Because of film, television, and our daily interaction with computers, we expect time changes and other changes of that sort in theatrical events to occur rapidly and without long delays.

The movement of actors on stage is called


The commercial theatre is sometimes called?

Bourgeois theatre

What function of costume design is being addressed when the designer distinguishes between lower and upper classes, between rich and poor, or between more or less affluent members of the same group?

By distinguishing between lower and upper class, between rich and poor, or between more and less affluent members of the same group, it helps to show who the characters are and what their relationships are. This is a primary function of costume design and establishes the actors' social and economic status.

Many consider the two decades following WWII the golden age of American musicals. Which of the following is NOT from that golden age?


This notice indicates that an actor has been brought back for a second or third audition to narrow the field of candidates

Callback list

Which of the following is NOT a common method of drawing focus on a stage?


If a director deliberately casts actors who are the exact opposite of or very different from what is expected for the characters in a production, he is _________________

Casting against type

This kind of audition is also known as the "open call" where actors only have about one minute to strut their stuff

Cattle call

_____________ is the altering, restricting, or suppressing of information, images, or words circulated within a society


This person creates dances and teaches the steps to performers


The __________ is the moment when the antagonist is defeated


Big budget Broadway musicals like Beauty and Beast, or Wicked that are designed to appeal to the majority of people can best be described as __________ theatre


What are the "roadblocks" that stand in the characters way, preventing their success?


Desire+obstacle+lack of compromise=


__________ is the key to the movement of a story and is what qualifies a theatrical work as a play


What is the main problem for musical theatre today?


Explain the similarities and differences between a costume chart and a dressing list

Costume charts and dressing lists have some similarities but also some differences. They both organize and communicate what the designer's intentions are. A costume chart however is more broad than the dressing list. A dressing list carefully outlines what is to stay on and what needs to be taken off.

Costume design can establish or clarify relationships between character. Identify three distinct methods a costume designer can use to achieve this?

Costume designers can establish or clarify relationships between characters by sympathetic relationships wearing compatible colors, antagonistic relationships wearing contrasting colors, and by changing a costume which would indicate a change in characters' relationships.

Why must costume designers be well-grounded in social and cultural history?

Costume designers must be well grounded in social and cultural history, because it helps them make costumes that would accurately portray the time period, ways of life, and specific culture for which they are designing.

Operas originated 500 years ago during the Italian Renaissance. What were the artists of that time attempting to do?

Create family entertainment?

Which type of theatre borrows contrasting ideas from diverse cultures and joins them into a single work

Cross-cultural theatre

Films are often called a ______________ medium because this artist has a great deal of creative control


Explain the concept of distribution, as it relates to lighting.

Distribution is the placement of a light source as well as the area that it illuminates. Light sources can be placed anywhere in the theatre like in the auditorium, above the stage, on stands, etc. A designer may distribute light by frontlighting, backlighting, crosslighting, downlighting, or uplighting.

The _________________ is the inciting incident that upsets the balance of a situation and thereby creates an opportunity for conflict between the main characters


A ____________ is a literary manger and expert in theatre history who helps the director understand specifics about a particular play's performance history


They study the costume designers drawings and cut fabric into patterns


Final rehearsals, only days before the play opens

Dress rehearsels

Russian acting teacher Konstantin Stanislavsky was so impressed with the _____________________ staging that he used many of his techniques at the new Moscow Art Theatre to develop his famous acting techniques

Duke Saxe-Meiningen's

Part of acting teacher Konstantin Stanislavsky's method includes _________________. The idea is to think back over a certain incident and remember it well enough to re-live the accompanying feelings

Emotional memory

It's purpose is to reaffirm the audience's values and confirm their established belief systems


What is the element of a script that tells the audience what happened to the characters before the play began and what happened between the scenes and offstage?


T/F: El Teatro Campesino was founded in 1965, its purpose was to celebrate the successful integration of the Latino culture into the California agricultural industry


T/F: Rogers and Hammerstein wrote such famous musicals as Sweeney Todd and Sunday in the Park with George?


T/F: The dark moment is the point of the greatest dramatic tension in the play, the moment the antagonist is defeated.


T/F: actors who take focus when they aren't supposed to are said to be sharing focus or opening themselves to the other actors


T/F: artists want to please an audience; entertainers want to express themselves and challenge an audience to think


T/F: because theatres want to keep their customers happy and because theatre tickets are expensive most theatres allow audience members to return or exchange tickets up to the day of the performance


T/F: convergent thinking involves fluency and the ability to generate a multitude of ideas from numerous perspectives


T/F: creative directors attempt to translate the play from the page to the stage as accurately and faithfully as possible


T/F: creative people create chaos out of order


T/F: divergent thinking is measure by IQ and involves well defined rational problems that have only one correct answer


T/F: drama is about an audience witnessing a live production of a theatrical event


T/F: in 1950, South Pacific by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein became the first musical to win the Pulitzer Prize- the high test award given for American drama


T/F: painting and sculpture have three qualities that make them unique art forms: it's always live, it's all ways about human beings, and it's collaborative


T/F: the "super objective" is a production's ultimate quest to play on Broadway


T/F: the Russian acting teacher and director, Konstantin Stanislavsky observed that an actor's creativity is increased if their primary motivation is thinking of how the audience will react to their work


T/F: the arts are always controversial


T/F: the majority of roles in plays are written by and for women.


T/F: the root word Wright in "playwright" comes from the Middle Ages and similar to a "shipwright" means "one who sails"


T/F: the word art springs from the word artifact meaning all good art must be based on historical fact


T/F:generally an actor standing upstage tends to draw the audience's attention more than actor standing downstage


This person stages safe, realistic onstage fights

Fight director

The term "going up" means

Forgetting your lines

A ______________ begins whenever one character enters or exits and continues until the next entrance or exit

French scene

General illumination is most fully exploited on the proscenium stage, where it serves which three functions?

General illumination lights the background elements, blends the acting areas to provide a smooth transition, and enhances the color of settings and costumes.

Comedy, tragedy, melodrama, romanticism, expressionism, and absurdism are examples of different kinds of


A single bare light bulb mounted on a portable pole

Ghost light

As actors prepare for the part, they conduct background research. They study the character's situations, their problems, and the limits life has placed on them. The information gathered from this research is known as the character's

Given circumstances

The place where the actors wait before their entrances


The 1920s and 1930s was a time when black artists, actors, poets, musicians,and writers converged upon NYC and created what was known as the _____________

Harlem Renaissance

Theatre lingo for the place where the audience sits


This person deals with any seating problems, is in charge of the ushers, and makes sure the play starts on time

House manager

After the designs have been approved, the next step is to make working drawings. In addition to perspective sketches, floor plans, and scale models, the designer may have to supply the following: (list the five additional elements)

In addition to sketches, floor plans, and models, many designers are expected to provide the following five elements a) rear elevations. These tell the type of construction materials and methods to use when making the unit when seen from the rear. b) front elevations. These show the unit in two dimensions from the front with indications of molding, baseboards, and platforms. c) side elevations. These are the profile views showing the thickness and shape of each unit. d) detailed individual drawings. These show how units like trees, columns, steps etc. are to be built. e) painters' elevations. These show the base coat color and if any over painting will be used.

Powerful characters are often in conflict not only with others but also with themselves. This __________________ can be a ghost from the past or some sort of unfinished business that is so compelling that it handicaps the character until it is confronted

Inner conflict

Why, after World War II, did lighting design come to be recognized as a specialized field?

Jean Rosenthal's example of being such a great and influential lighting designer is the reason why lighting design after World War II came to be recognized as a specialized field.

Which influential lighting designer teaches at the Yale School of Drama?

Jennifer Tipton

Who is known today as one of America's most innovative and influential designers?

John Conklin

Theatre takes time and concentration and if an individual has neither then they do not have time for the arts or theatre. To make this point, which subway performance was referenced in chapter one?

Joshua Bell playing a Stradivarius

Who said "creativity is an imaginative process with outcomes that are original and of value "

Ken Robinson

Who said "creativity prospers best under particular conditions, especially where there is a flow of ideas between people who have different sorts of expertise"

Ken Robinson

LORT stands for:

League of Resident Theatres

Why must lighting designers adjust their work to enhance that of others rather than proceeding as they would desire?

Lighting designers must adjust their work to enhance others' instead of their own because they have to wait on a final floor plan and setting before making any decision about the direction and placement of lights. Lighting designers have to study the movements of actors first in order to adjust their work accordingly.

When is lighting usually integrated into the production?

Lighting is usually integrated with the other elements for the first time during technical rehearsals.

What is the purpose of lighting plots and instrument schedules?

Lighting plots and instrument schedules help organize the distribution of light. Light plots are divided into floor plans and vertical sections which both give different views of the stage but have the instrument and where it will illuminate. An instrument schedule is a chart that lists each form of light as well as its specifications.

When a film director wants to focus the audience's eye she simply zooms in on the subject. What do stage directors have at their disposal to focus the audience's eye?


Zoom Suit was the first Chicano play to be produced on Broadway, and its playwright _______________ was the first Mexican American to direct on Broadway.

Luis Valdez

Why does Ming Cho Lee prefer to work in regional and repertory companies?

Ming Cho Lee prefers to work in regional or repertory companies because he believes that is where collaboration is most respected and it functions almost as a family. He thinks that Broadway stars, producers, and directors have too much control.

For most of American theatre history, whites wearing heavy ethnic makeup acted at African Americans, Native Americans, and Asians. This led to a now discontinued form of theatre in which white people played black people. What name was given to this form of theatre?

Minstrel show

________________ is the reason a character takes a particular action.


_____________ intelligence is the ability to recognize, remember and organize tones and musical patterns


Which federal agency in the United States disbursed tax dollars to the arts?

National Endowment for the Arts

Many theatre companies do not have stockholders and pay no dividends or federal taxes. These theatres are known as...

Non-profit theatres

During this rehearsal, the actors must have their lines memorized

Off book rehearsals

Musicals that have less spoken dialogue than music, such as Les Misérables and Evita are also known as

Operatic musicals

The current custom of audiences giving the majority of performances a standing ovation is known as

Ovation Inflation

The director's job can be split into two phases, the rehearsal phase and the _________

Paper phase

To ___________ means to give away a lot of free tickets to the families and friends of cast members to make it appear as though the performance is well attended

Paper the house

___________ are exaggerated imitations of established scripts or songs that are performed for comic effect or political criticism


Individual contributors to the arts are called ______________ and can range from billionaire philanthropists to average Americans


This type of art is illustrative and includes drawing and painting

Pictorial Arts

Words are a fine method of storytelling but directors often go a step farther by composing pictures with the actors that reinforce the story. This technique is called


They are often solitary people who's need to communicate their thoughts about how life is or should be is so great that they often accept low pay to do so.


Who of the following generally keeps the copyright to their work?


The ____________ is the playwright's selection of events to create a logical sequence and as a result to distill the meaning from the chaos of life


_____________ are performances open to the public before the play officially opens


The term _________ has been used to describe the relationship between a theatre audience and the actors because of their physical proximity and the power the audience has to affect the actors performances


A ______________ is one that has assets such as access to housing, education, jobs, and opportunity for advancement that other members of a society find more difficult to obtain or are denied

Privileged group

The person who financially backs the theatre or orchestrates funding through grant money and ticket sales


When a screen entertainment company places an advertisement for a product into the story it is called?

Product placement

Directors often use a metaphor, thematic idea, symbol, or allegory as a central idea for a production. This central idea is known as the

Production concept

Explain how properties may be divided and what determines each division.

Properties are divided into "set props" and "hand props". Set props are identified by a property that is attached to the setting or it functions as a part of the design. Hand props are properties used by the actors and actresses on the stage.

Theatre lingo for properties and includes any objects actors handle while on stage


The central character who pushes the action of the play forward, usually the hero, is called the


They design and place advertising to promote the theatre and its productions

Publicity department

With her play Topdog/Underdog, Suzan Lori Parks became the first African American woman to win this coveted prize.

Pulitzer Prize

Explain how the texture of relatively smooth plaster may be achieved.

Relatively smooth plaster can be attained through a process called spattering. Spattering is flicking tiny drops of paint from a paint brush to the base coat, but one color must be lighter and the second color slightly darker than the base color. This will give the illusion of a raised surface but it is pretty smooth.

When do rented costumes normally arrive at the theatre?

Rented costumes normally arrive to the theatre in time for one or two dress rehearsals.

In this type of theatre actors never acknowledge the audience and go about their business as if there were no audience present


When a song is sung a second time in a musical it is called a...


This is someone's opinion of a play, which often includes whether it is worth attending.


Similar to paying rent, when a play is produced, a ____________ must be given to the playwright or the playwrights estate

Royalty payment

They help out backstage during the performance, and include stagehands, dressers, and riggers

Running crew

Why do scene designers need the skills of an architect and interior designer

Scene designers need the skills of an architect because they have to make up and build structures for humans to use. They have to be concerned with the size, organization, functionality, appearance, and construction such as an architect. They also have to be able to communicate ideas through sketches and models. Not only do scene designers need the skills of an architect, but also of an interior designer. Designers must pick out furniture, rugs, drapes, pictures, and other details.

Lighting designers selectively shape the controllable qualities of light to fulfil the various functions of light design. Which function is being fulfilled when the designer manipulates those controllable qualities to reveal or emphasize the three-dimensional nature of a structure?

Sculpting dimensionality is fulfilled when the designer manipulates controllable qualities to emphasize or reveal a shape.

Creative people

Seek criticism and accept failure

This person creates the scenic design for the production

Set designer

What musical combined comedy and serious drama to create what we know today as the American musical?

Show Boat

What is the big musical number that results in a torrent of applause called?


Explain how sound may reinforce the present action by preparing the audience for present or future events.

Sound can suggest offstage events such as gunshots, crashing dishes, doorbells, and other similar sounds to prepare the audience for present or future events.

This person creates a soundscape and effects for the show, so everything from the pre show music to the sound of a doorbell is exactly right

Sound designer

Sound may be divided into three categories - name them

Sound is divided into the following three categories: verbal (actors' voices), nonverbal (music and abstract noises), and realistic (identifiable by sources that are familiar).

____________ intelligence is the ability to sense and retain visual images and to mentally manipulate them


Rehearsals for fight scenes, musical numbers, or dance numbers

Special rehearsals

According to many creative people, the most important factor in solving problems creatively is

Specifying the problem

The First Amendment protects our right to express ourselves. Which of the following is not an exception to the freedom of speech?

Spiritual Injury

Notes in the play script that indicate the character's physical movements.

Stage directions

Why does stage lighting often escape conscious notice?

Stage lighting often escapes conscious notice because the audience can't touch it, it takes up no space, and is only seen when it reflects off a surface.

This person assists the director through a rehearsal process and runs the show during the performance

Stage manager

What materials may be substituted for wood because of their greater strength and support?

Steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and other metal alloys

One of the most accomplished lyricists and composers of American musicals wrote his first musical at the age of fifteen. Who is it?

Stephen Sondheim

___________ are shortcuts in thinking that attribute a generalized identity to people who are not like us


What is a play without music sometimes called?

Straight play

The __________ of a work of art is what the work is about, what it reflects or attempts to comprehend. The ___________ is the method, style, and technique used to create the work


This is the hidden meaning behind the words, the real reason a character chooses to speak


Explain how flying, a common method of shifting scenery, works?

Suspending different designs for the scene above the stage then proceeding to raise and lower them as needed for each scene is the common method of shifting known as "flying".

Emphasis on physical and mental stamina, including training the body so completely that actors are able to express emotion with their feet, are sting techniques taught by this teacher.

Tadashi Suzuki

Because there are so many close up shots in which actors express emotion with the face or even part of the face, film actors are often called...

Talking heads

An actor working from the outside in, concentrating on physical details, is often said to be using a __________________ to acting

Technical approach

This person supervised the construction crews, which includes painters, carpenters, electricians, stickers, wig makers and others

Technical director

Technical rehearsals focus attention on elements other than acting. What technical elements of the scenery must be available and functioning?

Technical elements of the scenery such as scene shifts, props, and anything on stage that deals with props must be available and functioning in the right way.

What rule about all masters of creativity from Bill Gates to Mozart to Helen Mirren, did Malcolm Gladwell popularize in his book, Outliers: The Story of Success?

The 10,000 hour rule

Which of the following uses more federal tax dollars?

The Army Marching Bands

Which play, produced in 1866, is often called the first modern musical?

The Black Crook

This is what the ancient Greeks called the "opposer of action"

The antagonist

What must the costume designer provide before final approval is given for the design?

The costume designer must provide the designs and sketches in color and in a way that clearly shows the final work before final approval is given.

What is the difference between drops and draperies?

The difference between drops and draperies is that drops are only used to be the background for a specific scene. Draperies are used to hide the sides of the stage so that the audiences' view is towards the stage. Draperies are hung on parallel sides of the stage while drops are at the back.

What does the dress rehearsal allow?

The dress rehearsal allows for costumes to be seen under conditions just as it would be on a performance night.

What are the four functions of stage makeup?

The four functions of stage makeup are characterizing age, status, health etc., emphasizing facial features for the audience to see better, restoring color and form that may be altered by lighting, and indicating performance style.

The imaginary barrier between the actors and audience is called

The fourth wall

Human beings have a tendency to act and react differently when they are in a group than when they are alone. This phenomenon is called

The group dynamic

Another Stanislavsky technique is called _______________. This technique is based on one question "what would I do as this character in these circumstances?"

The magic if

What are the master electrician's responsibilities after the show opens?

The master electrician must make sure all materials are in place and properly maintained as well as checking before every performance to ensure everything is in working order after the show opens.

In the theatre, this artist is considered the primary artist

The playwright

What is the scene designer concerned with?

The scene designer is concerned with both how the stage looks and how it is organized.

Identify the six standard procedures involved in making a costume.

The six standard procedures for making a costume include studying the play and meeting with the designer, creating a scheme for costumes, making sketches for what they want, studying the sketches to make sure they fit together, having design conferences to convey their sketches and collaborate with other people involved, and finally rendering the designs in color.

Explain how the visual characterization of the acting space depends on the production concept.

The visual characterization of the acting space depends on the production concept because how the scene is designed makes a strong statement. For example, to represent many of Shakespeare's plays, the scene shifts should be kept to a minimum because otherwise it would interrupt the flow and rhythm of the performance. Each designer has to have knowledge of the production concept so that the acting space will accurately reflect that.

Why must the work of the scene and costume designer be coordinated carefully?

The work of both the scene and costume designer must be coordinated carefully because the costume designer helps to define the characters who exist in the setting that the scene designer built.

Which type of theatre promotes a particular people's cultural identity?

Theatre of Identity

The central idea of a play or movie; it's moral or search for meaning is called the play's


There is no standard way of moving through the design process. However, designers eventually arrive where?

Though there is no standard way of moving through the design process, most designers end up making tentative, preliminary sketches to think through the many, endless possibilities.

What is the most frequently used method of significantly transforming an actor's appearance?

Three-dimensional elements such as a change in nose shape or a beard are the most frequently used way of transforming an actor's appearance significantly.

Why was the practice of taking intermissions introduced?

To replace spent candles

Who said "a healthy state needs vigorous, lively, pluralistic debate, not enforced acquiescence to a bullying majority"?

Tony Kushner

T/F: Bollywood is a term that refers to the Hindi cinema


T/F: Hollywood movies can lead to stereotypes of Americans


T/F: If you constantly censor your ideas, you will stifle your creativity


T/F: The majority of Americans feel that the arts and humanities contribute to the economic health and well being of society and that they are important to education


T/F: a play is essentially the history of a particular conflict


T/F: communication flows in only one direction during screen entertainment


T/F: creative people have a deep desire to understand the world and how it works


T/F: creativity takes time


T/F: empathy is the ability to understand and indenting with another's situation, feelings, and motives so completely that you feel you are experiencing that situation and those emotions


T/F: films are often shot out of sequence, meaning an actor rarely gets to perform the scenes in the order they appease in script


T/F: most plays go through an extensive process of readings and workshop productions


T/F: playfulness has long been associated with creativity


T/F: some of the rules of theatre etiquette include: not texting or tweeting during a play, not talking, and not arriving late.


T/F: stage characters are different from those written for novels, poems, or short stories because they must be able to express themselves and take action


T/F: the actor's body is his instrument. Modern actors train three specific aspects of their instrument: body, voice, and mind.


T/F: the director of a play is a jack of all trades


T/F: the union that represents stage actors is the Actors' Equity Association often shortened to Actors' Equity or simply Equity


Which of the following is NOT one of the five basic elements that all art has to a certain extent


__________ are the principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile or desirable within a given society


This person helps actors with speech clarity, volume, and preservation of their voices for the long run of the show

Vocal coach

Which best describes the term "public domain"?

When a copyright expires

Who said "acting for film is like a musician in a recording studio and acting in theatre is like playing live in concert"?

William Dafoe

When we watch a production of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, we don't actually believe we see on the stage is real but we do allow ourselves to give the story value on an imaginative level. What term is used to explain the decision we make to go with the flow?

Willing suspension of disbelief

This term has to do with the audience's ability to remove themselves from a work of art just far enough so that they can contemplate it—or even judge it.

aesthetic distance

This branch of philosophy deals with the nature and expression of beauty


Name the four categories of painted make up.

age groups, straight or character makeup, racial/ethnic groups, and special painted effects.

A musical has three parts: the music with orchestrated melodies; the lyrics or the sung words; and the spoken lines of dialogue. What other name describes the spoken lines?


Musicals that have particularly well-developed storylines, characters and spoken dialogue are called...

book musicals

This term means to prudishly remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material before publication.


How do the assistants, employed by established designers, assist the designer?

by making drawings that work, constructing models, looking for furniture and props, and being the communicator between the designer and studios.

This is a legal guarantee granted by the government to an author, composer, choreographer, inventor, publisher, and/or corporation to maintain control and profit from a particular creative work.


This term means the values, standards, and patterns of behavior of a particular group of people


We all see the world from our own point of view, and most people tend to think that their take on things, as seen through their culture, is the correct view. This is known as...


Why must three-dimensional units be three-dimensional?

hree-dimensional units have to be three-dimensional because they will support heavy weight.

What is a flat?

is the basic framed unit that is either wooden or metal frame. This frame is covered by a thin, flat, material in which things can be painted onto it.

What form of early American "entertainment" included comic scenes, dance interludes, and sentimental ballads, all based on white stereotypes of black life in the South?

minstrel show

What improvements have been made to automated lighting since its introduction in the early 1980s?

mprovements such as engineers making quieter and lighter motors, multiple internal color changers, and better light focusers have been made to automated lighting since the 1980s.

Talent is

natural ability

Which type of opera is sometimes called light opera?


Theatre is classified as which type of art?

performing art

This type of theatre makes no attempt to offer a realistic illusion on stage, and the actors openly acknowledge the audience and sometimes even invite members to participate.


When the word art appears in everyday conversation, it is used in a wide array of contexts but generally conveys three main ideas. Which of the following is not one of the three?


This type of art is created by manipulating material in space and includes sculpture, pottery, and architecture.

spatial art

When actors have little or no emotional bond with a character, they replace the character's emotions with unrelated but personal emotions of their own. This technique is called...


Which type of theatre objects to the dominant cultures control and demands that a minority cultures voice and political agenda be heard?

theatre of protest

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