COMP B2 - Chapter 8 Key Terms

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A Microsoft technology that enables employees in an organization to access information across organizational and geographic boundaries.

signature line

A block of text that is automatically put at the end of an email message.


A form of blogging in which posts are limited to a small number of characters and users post updates frequently. Twitter is a microblog site.

asynchronous online communication

A form of online communication that does not require the participants to be online at the same time—for example, email.

synchronous online communication

A form of online communication that requires the participants to be online at the same time—for example, chat and instant messaging.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

A format used for distributing web feeds that change frequently—for example, blogs, podcasts, and news—to subscribers.


A funny image or catchphrase, often of celebrity or pop culture reference, that is spread by Internet users across social media.


A prerecorded radio- and TV-like show that you can download and listen to or watch any time.

podcast client

A program used to locate, subscribe to, and play podcasts.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

A protocol that encrypts information before it is sent across the Internet.


A real-time online conversation between multiple people at the same time in a chat room.

instant messaging (IM)

A real-time online conversation.

captcha (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart)

A series of letters and numbers that are distorted in some way so that they are difficult for automated software to read but relatively easy for humans to read.

VoIP (Voice over IP)

A service that allows phone calls to be transmitted over the Internet instead of over traditional phone lines.

Short Message Service (SMS)

A service used to send brief electronic text messages to mobile devices.


A short message posted in Twitter, limited to 280 characters and spaces.

social bookmarking site

A site that allows you to save and share your bookmarks or favorites online.


A small image that represents facial expressions, common objects, and people and animals.


A system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology.

viral video

A video that becomes extremely popular because of recommendations and social sharing.


A virtual body used to interact with others online in virtual worlds and games.


A website that allows users to edit content, even if it was written by someone else.

social review site

A website where users review hotels, movies, games, books, and other products and services.


A word or phrase preceded by a # symbol that is used to organize and make tweets searchable.


All the blogs on the web and the connections among them.

digital footprint

All the information that someone could find out about you by searching the web, including social networking sites.

virtual reality

An artificial world that consists of images and sounds created by a computer and is affected by the actions of a person who is experiencing it.

social network

An online community where people with common interests can communicate and share content with each other; a social network combines many of the features of other online tools.

massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)

An online game in which players interact with people in real time in a virtual world using an avatar, or virtual body.

blog (weblog)

An online journal.

social news site

An online news site that allows community members to submit content they discover on the web and puts it in one place for everyone to see and to discuss.


An online, asynchronous conversation, also known as a discussion board.


Business on the web; often broken into three categories—B2B, B2C, and C2C, where B stands for business and C stands for consumer.

subject line

Part of an email message used to give the recipient some idea of the content of the email.


Project funding from multiple small investors rather than a few large investors.

text messaging

Sending brief electronic messages between mobile devices using Short Message Service (SMS).

Web 2.0

Technologies used to communicate and collaborate on the web that enable you to be a creator, not just a consumer, of content.

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)

The integration of text, graphics, video, animation, and sound content.

search engine optimization (SEO)

The methods used to make a website easier to find by both people and software that indexes the web and to increase the webpage ranking in search engine results.

social media marketing (SMM)

The practice of using social media sites to sell products and services.


Trusting the collective opinion of a crowd of people rather than the individual opinion of an expert.

second screen

Using a computer or mobile device while watching television to interact with other viewers or view enhanced content.

user-generated content

Web content created by ordinary users.

social media

Websites that use Web 2.0 technologies that enable you to create user-generated content, connect, network, and share.

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