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Andrew Jackson was the founder of which political party?


Currently, young people in America are most likely to support the ____ party


From the Civil War to the 1960s, the south was a stronghold for which political party?


Jews are among the ___ Party's most loyal constituent groups.


That political conditions affect political beliefs is illustrated by the South's move from the ____________ to the ____________ camp.

Democratic; Republican

Which party has reserved slots at the national convention for elected superdelegates?


What clause in the US Constitution requires states to recognize actions and decisions taken in other states as legal and proper?

Full-faith and credit clause

Which of the following is an example of inherent presidential powers?

President Lincoln mobilizing troops at the outbreak of the Civil War

Expenditure limits are placed on presidential candidates who accept funding from which source?

Presidential Election Campaign Fund

According to the authors, President Obama's margin of victory in the 2012 election was built on

coalition of women, working-class voters, and minority voters in several key battleground states.

Which type of equality is most prominent in the United States? a. equality of opportunity; b. market equality; c. output equality; d. equality of results;

a. equality of opportunity

A party caucus is

closed meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislative matters.

An election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled, is a(n)

closed primary

Expanded ____ regulation in the 1970s in areas such as automobile safety and health care led to the growth in interest groups


Federal courts jurisdiction extends to

federal statues. treaties, and the US Constitution

Presidents typically depend on their _____ to get their policy proposals enacted in Congress.

fellow partisans

In the Senate, __ can be used to "talk a bill to death" unless three-fifths of the Senate vote for __.

filibuster, cloture

__ refers to an individual's right to vote.


What best describes the Supreme Court as understood by the Founders?

supreme court of the nation and its states

Eminent domain is the power of government to

take private property for public use

How did the British attempt to raise revenue in the North American colonies?

taxes on commerce

In addition to the filibuster, members of the Senate can delay bills by

their unlimited ability to propose amendments

527s and 501C(4)s play a significant role in American politics because

they spent more than $1 billion in the 2003 campaign

If you were an outside interest group and wanted to influence the Supreme Court's ruling on a case it will hear next month, what action would have the most influence?

filing an amicus curiae brief

Why was Joe Biden chosen to be the vice presidential nominee on the Democratic ticket under Barack Obama in 2008?

foreign policy experience

A government is made up of the

formal institutions that rule a people

Lobbyists are often likely to be

former government employees.

Selective benefits help overcome which problem?

free riders

The term amicus curiae means

friend of the court

The 1960s marks the time when the United States became a

full practicing democracy

Gibbons v. Ogden in 1824 was important because it

gave the national government significant new authority to regulate interstate commerce.

Political and voting differences between men and women are known as the

gender gap

State legislators routinely seek to influence electoral outcomes by manipulating the organization of electoral districts. This strategy is called


The elastic clause

gives Congress the ability to pass laws related to its expressed powers.

Which of the following is considered an electoral strategy by the authors of the textbook?

giving money to political parties or to particular candidates

The institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled is called its


New Federalism was generally characterized by

granting state and local governments greater control of nationally funded programs.

Known as "the Great Writ," ____ is guaranteed by the Constitution and can be suspended only in cases of rebellion or invasion.

habeas corpus

The primary job of congressional staff members is to

handle constituency requests and deal with legislative details.

Giving concrete definition to abstract constitutional principles

happens most often by Supreme Court rulings

Changing the structure or composition of the federal government

has been the motivating factor behind most of the post-Bill of Rights amendments

The use of the filibuster and cloture in the United States Senate

has increased to record highs

Political equality means that each citizen

has one, and only one, vote.

Inhibiting effective governance is a possible drawback of a government based upon which political principle?


Personal and economic freedom are both definitions of


The United States' core political values are

liberty, equality, and democracy

Even though Americans tend to value equality, liberty and democracy, they are sometimes willing to subordinate ____ to ____.

liberty; security

Civil liberties are

limitations on government action.

The bourgeoisie championed

limitations on government power

Nonvoters are disproportionately young, nonwhite, uneducated and


Because they were worried about the effect ____________ might have on policy, the Founders created a system that did not automatically let _____ translate into public policies.

popular opinion

Totalitarianism entails government having unlimited political


One important reason the United States has a two-party system is

single-member electoral districts

The Latino vote is often referred to by analysts as the

sleeping giant

__ limit what the government can do, while __ define how the government can act.

substantive liberties; procedural liberties

Which group is most likely to support the Republican Party?

the wealthy

What is the maximum amount of money an individual may contribute to any one candidate in any single election?


Since the passage of the 2002 Campaign Finance law, individuals may donate a maximum of ____ to any single candidate; a political action committee may donate ____ to each candidate.

$2,300; $5,000

Except on rare occasions, boundaries for congressional and state legislative districts in the United States are redrawn by the states every ____ years.


The massive increase in the number of interest groups can be traced to the


What percent of eligible American adults typically do not vote?

40 percent

According to post-election polls, __ of Americans has face-to-face conversations with family and friends about whether they should vote for Obama or Romney; __ had these conversations via Facebook or Twitter

48 percent; 30 percent

Nonprofit groups that also engage in issue advocacy and are allowed to spend up to half of their revenue for political purposes are called

501c(4) committees

A ____ is a nonprofit independent group that receives and disburses funds to influence elections.

527 committee

Turnout in the 2008 presidential election set a modern record, with ____________ of eligible citizens voting.

62 percent

In most European countries, national voter turnout is usually

70-90 percent.

The US Supreme Court is made up of one chief justice and ____ associate justices


The dependence of Americans on government was brought into particularly sharp focus after the

9/11 attacks

More than ____ percent of all court cases in the US are heard in ____ courts.

99; state

Which powerful interest group represents the interests of older Americans?


Which of the following groups has the highest proportion of Democratic voters?

African Americans

Which type of representation occurs when constituents have the power to hire and fire their representatives?


Which federal judges are appointed for life?

All Article III judges are appointed for life.

Which of the following is an example of a professional association?

American Medical Association

Today, ____ seem to view the courts as useful instruments through which to pursue their goals.

Americans of all political persuasions

Which of the following differentiates an interest group from a political party?

An interest group seeks to influence the government on a narrow range of issues, whereas a party attempts to win elections.

What is the best description of a political party?

An organization that tries to influence the government by getting it members elected to office.

The first governing document in the United States was the

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union

Which president used town hall meetings to effectively communicate with the American public?

Bill Clinton

The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the

Bill of Rights

Why are McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) relevant to understanding federalism?

Both cases established that national law was supreme over state law.

How have changes in judicial policy areas and judicial procedure affected the power of the federal judiciary since World War II?

Both policy and procedure have expanded judicial power.

In terms of federalism, which of the following statements would characterize the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barrack Obama?

Both presidents shifted power to the federal government.

Which of the following wanted to promote political participation for the middle classes?


The Supreme Court has upheld which of the following activities in public schools? a. teacher led prayer at the beginning of the school day b. prayer before football games c. providing activities funds for a student religious group d. having students take a moment for silent prayer

C. providing activities funds for a student religious group

The heads of major government departments and agencies collectively make up the


The President's ability to bypass the Senate and create foreign policy directly through the use of executive agreements was limited by Congress in 1972 with the passage of the

Case Act

Which branch of government has the constitutional power to declare war?


Who has the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among multiple states, and with Indian tribes?


According to the textbook, one reason why Congress has been unable to check the growth of presidential power is that __

Congress has a significant collective-action problem.

How did regulated federalism change the relationship between the states and national governments?

Congress imposed legislation on states and localities, requiring them to meet national standards.

The modern Supreme Court has nine member because

Congress set the size of the Court at nine members

What is a major problem with federalism and unfunded mandates?

Costs were imposed on state and local governments for which they were not reimbursed form the national government.

__ is the definition of individuals' being represented in government by officials of their same race, ethnicity, or gender.

Descriptive representation

A push poll might include a question with the following wording:

Do you think it was appropriate for President Bush to lie to start a war with Iraq?

What type of federalism occurred from 1789 to 1937?

Dual federalism

Which first spouse had considerable policy influence while her husband was in office?

Eleanor Roosevelt

How are election days in the United States different from those in Europe?

European countries typically hold their elections on Sundays or holidays.

The first party system was characterized by conflict between the ____

Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans

Miranda rights were established by the Supreme Court as an extension of __ rights.

Fifth Amendment

____ represents a critical resource that the national party organizations provide to state and local party organizations.

Financial resources

The Executive Office of the President was established in the administration of

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which president took an active role in proposing legislation to Congress and forcefully advocating for his agenda before the American public?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

President __ acquired significantly more powers due to the United States being in a state of war.

George W. Bush

The right to privacy was established in which case?

Griswold v. Connecticut

What cases involved the right to privacy?

Griswold v. Conneticut

Since 1900, which of the following groups has increase as a percentage of the overall population in the United States?

Hispanic, black, and Asian / All of the above have increased as a percentage of the overall population

Congress is a bicameral legislature, which means that its members are divided between the

House of Representatives and Senate

How can a bill become a law without the signature of the president?

If the House and Senate override the president's veto through a two-thirds majority

in 1996, how did Congress change welfare for the states?

It changed welfare form a combined federal-state program into a block grant for the states.

Most of the framers of the Constitution opposed choosing the president by way of a direct, popular election. Why did they oppose this method of presidential selection?

It could potentially male the presidency too powerful.

The inherent gulf between the rich and the poor was considered by ____ to be the most perpetual source of conflict in political life.

James Madison

What is the term for a court's sphere of power and authority?


Which of the following American wars was approved of by Congress through a resolution and not a formal declaration of war?

Korean War

The exclusionary rule was established in which Supreme Court case?

Mapp v. Ohio

Which of the following court cases set the precedent for judicial review?

Marbury v Madison (1803)

Judicial review was established in case of ____

Marbury v. Madison

The Second Amendment right to bear arms was applied to the states via selective incorporation in

McDonald v. Chicago

The theory that suggests that the most reliable strategy for a politician looking to get re-elected is to adopt the preferences of the median voter is known as

Median Voter Theorem

If you are a person with high education and income, you might be likely to consider yourself a


The textbook authors argue that, today, every president is strong. What do the authors mean by this?

Modern presidents have more institutional resources than president's before them.

Women in the United States are

overwhelmingly committed to the Democratic Party.

The president's power to __ is absolute; Congress plays no role in this power.


What era signaled the rise of a more active national government?

New Deal era

Which of the following is not an argument in favor of establishing a multiparty system in the United States?

No state has ever tried a multiparty system in the US before.

Is equal protection under the law related to the American conception of liberty?

No- freedom of speech, free enterprise, and freedom of religion are

Is equity of results part of American political culture?

No-free competition, individual liberty, and equality of opportunity are.

Is corporate personhood an important principle of American democracy?

No-majority rule/minority rights, limited government, and popular sovereignty are.

The right to privacy is explicitly granted

Nowhere in the Constitution

The most important and largest agency in the Executive Office of the President of the President is the

Office of Management and Budget.

__ offers a striking example of how new media can be used to mobilize offline participation in politics.

Online protests against the proposed laws known as SOPA and PIPA

____ have always been central to the electoral process.


____ is the belief that ordinary citizens can affect what government does.

Political efficacy

During the earliest years of the United States, who nominated the candidates for president?

Political machine bosses controlled the entire nominating process.

__ voting occurs when voting is based on the imagined future performance of a candidate.


The religious identification of Americans has shifted from predominantly ____ to just a little over half.


Which political party was formed from the coalition of antislavery forces?


The __ Committee in the House of Representatives allots the time for House debate and decides to what extent amendments to the bill can be proposed from the floor.


Opponents of the ___________ employed both online protests and modern lobbying techniques to oppose this legislation.

SOPA and PIPA bills

What is the name for the practice whereby the president, before formally nominating a person for a federal judgeship, seeks the indication that senators from the candidate's own state support the nomination?

Senatorial courtesy

Which event led directly to the Constitutional Convention by providing evidence that the government created under the Articles of Confederation was unable to act decisively in times of national crisis?

Shay's Rebellion

According to the authors of your textbook, in recent years, the House has exhibited considerably more intense partisanship and ideological division than the Senate. Why?

Since House members represent more homogenous districts in which their party is dominant, they are less willing to seek compromise.

Which type of representation takes place when representatives have the same racial, ethnic, religious, or educational backgrounds as their constituents?


Which difference between the former colonies made compromise over central government most difficult?

Some former colonies had a high population while others were small

Richard Nixon's ____ strategy was aimed at attracting white southerners to the Republican Party.


In contemporary American politics, solid support for the Republican Party comes from the

South and Mountain West

The party that holds the majority of seats in the US House of Representatives selects the

Speaker of the House

Which amendment is designed to reserve power to the states?


During the New Deal era, what did the US Supreme Court do to expand the national government's authority?

The Court converted the commerce clause as a source of limitation to a source of power for the national government.

Which of the following is an example of delegated powers?

The Environmental Protection Agency interprets and enforces the air pollution laws enacted by Congress.

After 36 years of dominating U.S. political life, the Republican Party lost power after ____________ began.

The Great Depression

Dollree Mapp was convicted through evidence obtained through an illegal police search. What happened in her case?

The Supreme Court ruled that illegal evidence could not be used in court.

Which amendment provides for the vice presidents to assume the presidency in the event of the chief executive's death or incapacity and sets forth the procedures that would be followed?

The Twenty-fifth amendment

What was the first nation to adopt federalism?

The US

Why did Heller v. District of Columbia fail to incorporate against the states the Second Amendment right to bear arms?

The case concerned the actions of the federal government and its territories.

Who selects the chairperson for the Republican and Democratic national committees?

The committee's chairperson, whose duty is to appoint a successor.

Which of the following is true about the so-called New Politics movement?

The movement is made up of upper-middle class professionals and intellectuals for whom the civil rights and antiwar movements were formative experiences.

If no presidential candidate wins a majority of votes in the electoral college, what happens?

The names of the top three candidates are submitted to the House, where each state would be able to cast one vote.

Which of the following statements describes America's growing population since its founding?

The number of elderly Americans has grown, and the number of children age 18 and under has declined

What trend has been observed in the congressional oversight power in recent years?

The power has been used as a tool of partisan politics

What is not accurately characterized as a traditional limitation on the power of the federal courts?

The president can dissolve the Supreme Court if it oversteps its powers.

What is a signing statement?

The president signs legislation while also noting how the new law will be interpreted; the president may also express concerns over particular provisions.

Why does the solicitor general have such a strong influence on the Supreme Court?

The solicitor general screens most cases being appealed by agencies of the federal government and only lets some cases advance.

Why is the idea of "states' rights" significant to understanding the historical relationship between the states and national governments?

The states' rights perspective was at the center of the dispute between southern and northern states prior to the Civil War.

The exclusionary rule of the Fourth amendment, the self incrimination clause of the Fifth Amendment, and the right to counsel provision of the Sixth Amendment are controversial because

Their application sometimes frees defendants who seem to be guilty as charged.

How did the Articles of Confederation specify that the executive be selected?

There was no executive leader specified in the Articles of Confederation

The agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention that determined that every slave would be counted as a fraction of a person for the purposes of taxation and representation in the House of Representatives was called the

Three-Fifths Compromise

What is a reason why the Articles of Confederation were rejected by American political leaders?

Trade between the states was inefficient

What US Supreme Court case was the first one to strike down an action of federal government under the commerce clause since the New Deal?

United States v. Lopez (1995)

The ____ is known for being a republic.

Unites States

_____ Americans are considered more likely to affiliate with the Republican Party.


If a president claims that his or her election victory amounts to an order from the American people to enact new environmental policy, he or she is claiming

a mandate.

What was the effect of the Motor Voter Act in the first presidential election after it was passed?

Voter registration rose, but voter turnout did not.

President Nixon vetoed the __, but Congress overrode the veto. Subsequent presidents have tended to ignore this law.

War Powers Resolution

Members of the _____ tend to be very close personal and political associates of the president.

White House staff

Which voter is most likely to support the Republican party?

White male

When Congress passes sweeping legislation, it often delegates significant power to the executive branch which gives the president

a great deal of discretion in the way the law is implemented.

What has been a common way for interest groups, corporations, and political parties to aid a candidate while avoiding campaign finance laws?

Work with 527 committees and 501x(4)s to run campaign ads and promote issues.

A perceived deep divide in American culture is known as

a culture war

We call someone who enjoys the benefit of a collective good without paying the cost a

a free rider

Senatorial courtesy refers to

a norm whereby the president consults senators of his party from a state where he is appointing a district court judge.

A party platform is

a party document, written at a national convention, that contain party philosophy, principles, and positions on issues.

The decision to run for Congress represents

a personal choice; candidates choose to run based on their own individual ambition and their ability to raise enough money to mount a credible campaign.

Primary elections are held to select

a political party's candidates for the general election.

A proposal to grant some kind of relief, special privilege, or exemption to the person named in a bill is the definition of __.

a private bill

US district court decisions are made by

a single federal judge.

The leaders of the parties in Congress are determined by

a vote of the members of each party.

According to the authors, all of the following except which one are influences from inside government that help determine how congress people vote? a. Constituents b. Party leadership c. the President d. Congressional colleagues

a. Constituents

Which of the following statements about the voting rights of felons is accurate? a. Some states allow felons who have served their sentences to vote, while others do not. b. The Supreme Court has ruled that convicted felons are no longer U.S. citizens and are therefore illegible to vote c. The recent trend is for increasingly strict restrictions on voting rights for felons d. The Supreme Court has ruled that felons cannot be deprived of the constitutional right to vote once they have completed their sentences.

a. Some states allow felons who have served their sentences to vote, while others do not.

Which of the following elections is most likely to have high voter turnout? a. a competitive election with two well-funded candidates b. an election with only one well-respected candidate running c. an election with an incumbent candidate d. one-sided election that favors a female candidate

a. a competitive election with two well-funded candidates

Which of the following is an agent of socialization? a. all of the above; b. education; c. social groups; d. the family;

a. all of the above

Political socialization includes all of the following except: a. attending church; b. saying the Pledge of Allegiance; c. participating in mock elections; d. participating in mock debates;

a. attending church

Which of the following is a component of the Lemon test? a. determining whether government involvement advances a particular religion b. determining whether the government has a compelling state interest c. determining wether the government can force Amish parents to send their children to high school d. determining whether the government involvement meets the standards of rational basis review

a. determining whether government involvement advances a particular religion

Which of the following issues is not debated under the right to privacy? a. drug testing in high schools b. birth control c. abortion d. right to die

a. drug testing in high schools

Of the following, which kind of speech is the least protected? a. fighting words b. symbolic speech c. political speech d. speech plus

a. fighting words

Which of the following is critical for recruiting candidates for local, state and national office? a. parties; b current elected officials; c. Political Action Committees; d. interest groups;

a. parties

According to the authors, which economic tool is the best predictor of presidential outcomes? a. the Consumer Confidence index (CCI) b. the Purchasing Power Index c. the inflation rater d. the Consumer Price Index

a. the Consumer Confidence index (CCI)

Which of the following is a brief filed in court?

amicus curiae

Which of the following is a brief submitted to the Supreme Court by someone other than one of the parties of the case?

amicus curiae

Appropriations are the

amount of money, approved by Congress in statutes, that each unity or agency can spend.

What is a closed primary?

an election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled for a period of time prior to Election Day

Which of the following are the requisite parts of a so-called iron triangle?

an executive agency, a congressional committee or subcommittee, and an interest group

Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Instead of treating that agreement like a treaty, Clinton submitted it for a simple majority vote of Congress. What President Clinton did was

an executive-congressional agreement.

Representatives make decisions about public policy in

an indirect democracy

In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the Second Amendment protects

an individual's right to possess a firearm for private use.

When items are put on the ballot, bypassing the state's legislature, that is known as

an initiative

Presidential high-level political appointments are

an institutional resource of presidential power.

The Bill of Rights mollified concerns about

an overly powerful central government.

Members of Congress are most likely to listen to the interest groups that

are connected to the constituents in the member's district

Impeachment proceedings

are highly political

The gender gap refers to the fact that females

are more likely than males to support Democratic candidates.

Personal income taxes

are recent phenomena for governments, arising in the twentieth century.

How many amendments to the Constitution have been successfully ratified?

around 30

In their fight against British taxes such as the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act of 1764, New England merchants allied with which of the following groups?

artisans, southern planters, and laborers

The practice of push polling involves

asking loaded questions to subtly shape the respondent's opinion.

In grassroots lobbying, interest gorups

attempt to involve the general citizen and voter

In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution, which

attempted to limit the president's use of troops in military action without congressional approval.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) was a. guidelines issued by the University of Virginia that allowed student activity funding to go to student religious clubs b. Congress's attempt to overturn Supreme Court decisions regarding free exercise of religion c. a Massachusetts colonial policy that declared that the Puritans would not longer be the official state church d. a court ruling that allowed for student initiated prayer

b. Congress's attempt to overturn Supreme Court decisions regarding free exercise of religion

Which of the following has shown the most promise for increasing voter turnout? a. permanent absentee ballots b. Election Day registration c. voting by mail d. early voting

b. Election Day registration

Public-sector groups include all of the following except: a. Harvard University; b. Google; c. The Brookings Institution; d. The National League of Cities;

b. Google

Which of the following groups has been considered the sleeping giant for many years because of its relatively low levels of political mobilization? a. African Americans b. Latinos c. union members d. seniors

b. Latinos

Which 1937 Supreme Court case established the principle of selective incorporation? a. Mapp v. Ohio b. Palko v. Connecticut c. Miller v. California d. New York Times v. Sullivan

b. Palko v. Conneticut

Which of the following best exemplifies a unitary system of government? a. The national government gives vouchers to parents for use in private schools; b. The national government selects the textbooks and curriculum for all schools; c. The national government establishes general guidelines for school policy; d. The national government makes funding for schools dependent on test scores.

b. The national government selects textbooks and curriculum for all schools.

Which of the following granted 18 year-olds the right to vote? a. Bill of Rights b. Twenty-Sixth Amendment c. 1965 Voting Rights Act d. Twenty-First Amendment

b. Twenty-Sixth Amendment

In which of the following countries is voter turnout the lowest? a. Italy b. United States c. Australia d. Sweden

b. United States

Which of the following individuals would be most likely to vote? a. a middle aged Latina b. a white middle aged college graduate c. a high school educated white male d. a young white male who is unemployed

b. a white middle aged college graduate

Which of the following issues has been considered by the Supreme Court under the right to privacy doctrine established in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)? a. gun ownership b. abortion c. double jeopardy

b. abortion

Direct democracy includes all of the following except : a. popular initiatives, b. advise and consent, c. recall, d. ballot referenda

b. advise and consent

Which of the following groups tend to wield outsized influence over policy makers? a. affluent and uneducated; b. affluent and educated; c. poor and uneducated; d. poor and educated;

b. affluent and educated

According to the textbook authors, the explosion of interest group activity in the US has been the result of the

expansion of the role of government

Which of the following best exemplifies the ability of the federal government to preempt a state? a. welfare reform, which preempts states from giving benefits to some residents; b. federal criminalization of marijuana, even when states or cities allow medical use; c. federal and state governments sharing the cost of a new highway; d. federal regulations in which the cost is borne by the states.

b. federal criminalization of marijuana, even when states or cities allow medical use.

The Bill of Rights originally applied to... a. only the state and local governments b. only the federal government c. both the federal and state governments d. only the state governments

b. only the federal government

Of the various factors that influence voters' decisions at the pills, which of the following is consistently the most important? a. policy preferences b. partisan loyalty c. candidate characteristics d. issues

b. partisan loyalty

As the textbook notes, four forms of speech fall outside the absolute guarantees of the First Amendment and therefore outside the realm of protected forms of speech. Which of the following is not a conditionally protected form of speech? a. obscenity and pornography b. political speech c. fighting words d. libel and slander

b. political speech

Which of the following represents the broadest barrier to voting in the United States? a. restrictions preventing incarcerated individuals from voting b. registration requirements c. photo identification laws d. restrictions preventing felons from voting

b. registration requirements

Which of the following campaigns is less likely to depend on issues and policy proposals and more on work designed to make the candidate more visible than his or her challenger? a. gubernatorial campaigns b. state legislative campaigns c. presidential campaigns d. U.S. Senate campaigns

b. state legislative campaigns

If the Supreme Court were to consider the speech codes (regulations on hate speech) that are common on college campuses, they would be likely to find a. that speech codes are not constitutional because they fail the Lemon test b. that speech codes are not constitutional because they are not content neutral c. that speech codes are constitutionally permitted by the direct incitement test. d. in favor of a college's right to regulate behavior on campus.

b. that speech codes are not constitutional because they are not content neutral

Members of a social group often have similar political beliefs because of all of the following except: a. They share objective political interests; b. They feel a sense of individualism; c. Individuals may consciously or unconsciously adapt their views to those of the groups with which they identify; d. Groups frequently endeavor their members' political views through education programs, meetings, rallies, and other activities;

b. they feel a sense of individualism

Because they understand how politics affects their lives, knowledgeable citizens tend to

be more engaged in politics

Why do most attempts to formally amend the Constitution fail?

because most attempts to amend the Constitution are legislation by other means

According to your textbook, why are knowledgeable citizens more engaged in politics?

because they understand how politics affects their lives

Battles between the president and Congress over federal court nominees have ____ over time.

become more common

Throughout U.S. history, Americans have

been suspicious of strong government

Efficacy is the

belief that citizens can affect government.

In a federal system, power is distributed

between state and national governments.

Congress is a(n)

bicameral legislature

Collective goods are those which are ____ available and ____ reasonably be denied to others.

broadly; cannot

General Motors is an example of a


Political Action Committees (PACs) are organizations established

by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns.

How did the framers of the Constitution grapple with the effect public opinion might have on government policy?

by creating a system that did not automatically let popular opinion translate into public policies

In most states, how do independent and third-party candidates qualify for the general election ballot?

by obtaining thousands of petition signatures

Which of the following concepts is the least related to the other concepts? a. precedent; b. stare decisis; c. judicial review; d. let the decision stand;

c, judicial review

Which of the following groups was deprived of the right to vote during much of the twentieth century? a. rural citizens b. union members c. African Americans d. seniors

c. African Americans

What mechanism was not instituted in the Congress to guard against excessive democracy?: a. bicameralism, b. staggered terms in office, c. direct election of representatives, d. selection of senators by state legislatures

c. Direct election of representatives

Which of the following is false about the Three-Fifths Compromise?: a. It had nothing to do with the number of senators a state would possess for representation in the Senate, c. The compromise created an acceptable middle ground between slave and free states, c. Only three-fifths of all the slaves were allowed to vote in national elections, d. Five slaves would count as three free persons when considering states' representation in the House of Representatives

c. Only three-fifths of all slaves were allowed to vote in national elections

Generally speaking, popular support for a president

declines over time

The digital divide refers to which of the following a. Differences in the use of social media by Democrats and Republicans b. The lack of political participation found among young Americans who regularly engage in social media c. Separating citizens with Internet access from those without Internet access d. The challenges that older politicians face when trying to engage young voters online

c. Separating citizens with Internet access from those without Internet access

Which of the following statements best reflects the nature of the Bill of Rights? a. Historically, the Bill of Rights has applied equally to both the federal and state governments b. The rights guaranteed to all in the Bill of Rights are self-executing c. The rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights have varied over time, according to decisions made by the Supreme Court d. Historically, the Bill of Rights has only been applied to the state governments

c. The rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights have varied over time, according to decisions made by the Supreme Court

Which of the following political activities is most common among Americans? a. volunteering for a campaign b. posting a campaign sign in one's yard c. attending a local community meeting d. wearing a campaign button

c. attending a local community meeting

Which of the following groups would be least likely to appeal to purposive benefits to gain members? a. religious groups; b. environmental groups; c. business groups; d. consumer groups;

c. business groups

Material benefits include all of the following except: a. discount cards; b. travel packages; c. helping a good cause; d. insurance;

c. helping a good cause

Which of the following is a core US value? a. equality of outcome; b. big government; c. individual liberty; d. communism;

c. individual liberty

Which of the following is not accomplished at a party's national convention? a. determination of a party's rules and bylaws; b. nomination of the presidential candidate; c. nomination of Senate and House candidates; d. development and ratification of the party's platform;

c. nomination of Senate and house candidates

Which of the following would be the least likely to improve voter turnout in the United States? a. erasing the absentee ballot process b. creating greater political awareness through education c. requiring all voters to show photo identification d. making Election Day a holiday

c. requiring all voters to show photo identification

Which of the following was not a reason why the Articles of Confederation seemed too weak?: a. the lack of a single voice in international affairs, b. the difficulty in passing legislation with 9 of the 13 states in agreement, c. the ability to legislate new law, d. equal representation of states no matter the size

c. the ability to legislate new law

Costs related to voting include which of the following? a. the emotional strains of supporting a candidate who fails to win the election b. poll taxes that state and local governments collect prior allowing individuals to vote c. the time required to become informed and cast a ballot d. membership fees for political parties

c. the time required to become informed and cast a ballot.

What is not included in the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

cases involving challenges to the constitution of state laws

Some people favor the use of caucuses to select party nominees because

caucus participants tend to be more knowledgeable.

Opinion assignment when he or she is in the majority is an important power of the

chief justice

Each _____ court exercises _____ jurisdiction over cases heard by the district courts within its region.

circuit; appellate

The Second Amendment was originally associated with

citizen participation in militias

A ____ is a legal action by which a group of individuals with common interests can file a suit on behalf of everyone who shared that interest.

class-action suit

In the House of Representatives, a bill's supporters generally prefer a(n) __ rule, which puts severe limits on floor debate and amendments.


Specific powers provided to the national government in the US Constitution are called ____ powers


The Supreme Court upheld a state university ban on Tupperware parties n college dormitories, upheld laws prohibiting the electronic media from carrying cigarette advertising, and upheld a Puerto Rico statute restricting the advertising of casino gambling. These are examples of restrictions on

commercial speech

In Congress, seniority - the length of time one has served in the House or Senate - usually determines

committee chairs

In general, the purpose of the congressional whip system is


The form of government that best describes the American system before the adoption of the Constitution we use today is


A group of senators or representatives who join together because they share certain opinions, interests, or social characteristics is the definition of

congressional caucuses

A politician who opposes abortions, government regulation of business, and gay right legislation would be best described as a


If you prefer smaller government, you are probably a


Justices appointed by presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush have moved the Court in a more ____ direction on issues, including affirmative action and abortion.


Protestants tend to be politically____


selective incorporation

considers the provisions of the Bill of Rights one by one and selectively applies them as limits on the states through the Fourteenth Amendment.

In what kind of case does the plaintiff charge that it has suffered because of another's violation of a specific agreement between the two?


What kind of federalism is created through categorical grants?

cooperative federalism

The total boycott of all British goods in the colonies came immediately after which event?

creation of the First Continental Congress

Cases of ____________ law are those in which the government charges an individual with violating a statute that has been enacted to protect the public health, safety, morals, or welfare.


In ____ cases, the government is always the plaintiff.


Unlike in ____ cases, the losers in ____ cases cannot be fined or sent to prison, although they may be required to pay monetary damages for their actions.

criminal; civil

The power to declare war is an example of which type of power?


Which of the following is a reason for the low U.S. registration rate? a. The Motor Voter Act has made it more difficult to register b. U.S. citizens generally do not care about civic engagement and politics c. Most states permit Election Day voter registration d. Citizens are responsible for registering themselves; the government does not do it for them.

d. Citizens are responsible for registering themselves; the government does not do it for them.

Which of the following statements is false about the ratification of the Constitution?: a. The struggle for ratification was carried out in each individual state, b. The Constitution was ratified in state legislatures, c. The Antifederalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution, d. The federalists was a serialized pamphlet that fought against the ratification of the Constitution.

d. The federalists was a serialized pamphlet that fought against the ratification of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that the right to privacy

extends to homosexuals

Which of the following set of statement is accurate? a. Latinos vote more than African Americans; African Americans vote more than whites b. African Americans vote more than Latinos; Latinos vote more than African Americans c. Latinos vote more than whites; whites vote more than African Americans d. Whites vote more than African Americans; African Americans vote more than Latinos

d. Whites vote more than African Americans; African Americans vote more than Latinos

Which of the following groups rely disproportionately on mobile phones for internet access? a. Republican boters b. seniors c. rural voters d. blacks and latinos

d. blacks and latinos

Public opinion is the term used to denote the beliefs people have about all of the following except: a. events; b. political issues; c. institutions; d. culture;

d. culture

Which of the following is most important in predicting conventional political participation in American politics? a. gender b. region c. race d. education

d. education

Of the various factors that influence voters' decisions at the polls, which of the following is consistently the most important? a. issues b. policy preferences c. candidate characteristics d. partisan loyalty

d. partisan loyalty

Which of the following is not important in determining the reliability of a poll? a. margin of error; b. size of the sample; c. wording of the questions; d. size of the population

d. size of the population

Which groups was not a part of the New Deal coalition? a. Catholics; b. farmers; c. organized laborers; d. upper-income Americans;

d. upper income Americans

In recent years, each of the two major parties have used ____ as a critical resource in the process of searching for votes, contributions, and campaign help.


The tension between liberty and national security is evident in

debates over post-9/11 government actions

Polling data is NOT used by contemporary campaigns to

decide which political party the candidate should join.

Party activists who are elected to vote at a party's national convention are called


According to the authors of your textbook, the Senate is a __ body where __.

deliberative; any and all ideas raised by members receive a thorough public airing.

Since the 1930s, African Americans have identified as


The people are sovereign in a


String parties may provide an important link between government and

democratic participation

Majority rule, minority rights and equality of opportunity are

democratic principles

The idea of transferring responsibility for policy from the federal government to the states and localities is known as


The executive leader or presiding officer specified by the Articles of Confederation

did not exist; the Articles specified no executive leader

If a proposed bill does not get voted from the committee to go back to the House or Senate, the bill has ____ in committee.


The process of amending the Constitution is ____, leading to a ____ proportion of proposed amendments succeeding.

difficult; very small

A number of states and cities permit citizens to vote directly on laws and policies, which is not permitted at the national level. This form of rule is called

direct democracy

When members of the polity meet to discuss policy and make decisions, it is known as a

direct democracy

The House of Representatives is __ elected by the people.


Fighting words fall outside constitutional protection because they

directly incite violence

Justices who disagree with the majority decision of the Court may choose to publicize the character of their disagreement in the form of a

dissenting opinion

Why did Congress confer on federal courts the authority to issue writs of habeas corpus?

distrust of southern courts after the Civil War

The courts ________ allow the government to regulate the time, manner, and place of expression of an assembly, _____________ the content neutrality of the regulation.

do; conditional on

The Fifth Amendment protects against

double jeopardy

When is it most likely that presidential powers would increase?

during wartime

In the early years of the Republic, political parties were seen as

factions that represented a threat to the social order of the country

Family is the most influential agent of socialization in

early childhood

According to James Madison, a good constitution

encourages multitudes of interests so that no single interest can ever tyrannize the others

Campaign activism involves an interest group

endorsing a candidate for office.

The federal courts have established __ as a critical factor in establishing the boundaries of legislative districts.

equal populations

Liberty, democracy, and ____ are the United States' core political values.


Liberals tend to believe that government should promote ____ and provide ____.

equality; social services

The __ is primarily concerned with Congress sponsoring or favoring a specific religion.

establishment clause

The idea of the separation of church and state is most closely associated with the

establishment clause

Which clause of the Bill of Rights has been interpreted to require a virtual wall of separation to exist between church and state?

establishment clause

The rule that prohibits evidence obtained during an illegal search from being introduced in a trial is called the __ rule.


A treaty requires a two-thirds Senate ratification vote. Presidents often use _____ to avoid this challenge to their foreign policy.

executive agreements

Iron triangles form among

executive branch programs, legislative committees, and interest groups

Presidents have used __ to withhold information on executive branch deliberations from other branches of government.

executive privilege

Romney was the front-runner for the Republican nomination because

he had a superior organization and financial base

In 2003, Californians voted out governor Gray Davis. This election was unusual because

he lost in a rare recall effort

As the leading actor in U.S. foreign policy, the president is known as

head of state

Congress conducts oversight over the executive branch by means of

hearings and investigations conducted by congressional committees and subcommittees.

In staff organizations, most of the work is done by

hired professionals

The tool used by Congress to remove a president for abuse of power is


__ is the formal charge by the House of Representatives that a government official has committed "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."


If the House and Senate pass different versions of a piece of legislation, the differences will be resolved

in a conference committee

What is the difference between a totalitarian government and an authoritarian one?

in an authoritarian government, certain institutions may operate independently of the government

Antifederalists' concerns about the Constitution

included a concern that the Constitution did not specifically enumerate protected civil liberties.

Ballot measures (referenda) have been found to

increase voter turnout among less educated citizens

Over the past forty years, the number of interest groups in the United States has

increased enormously

The percentage of foreign-born individuals living in the United States has

increased significantly since reaching its low point in 1970

The percentage of women members of the U.S. Congress is:

increasing over the last two decades.

A(n) __ is a candidate running for re-election to a position that he or she already holds.


In most congressional elections, ____ outspend ____.

incumbents, challengers

The Presidential Election Campaign Fund is made up of contributions from

individual taxpayers

In times of crises, presidents have issued executive orders without consulting Congress on the basis of

inherent powers.

Family provides most people with their ____ to politics.

initial orientation

Which of the following factors is not significant in informing our understanding of voting in elections? a. levels of religiosity b. socioeconomic status and attitudes about politics c. the political environment in which elections take place d. state electoral laws

levels of religiosity

Which of the following describes a written statement made with reckless disregard of the truth that is considered damaging to a victim because it is malicious, scandalous, and defamatory? a. speech plus b. libel c. fighting words d. slander


Most individuals who describe themselves as ____ identify with the ____ Party

liberal; democratic

Grassroots mobilization involves

interest group members contacting their elected officials.

Individuals with limited resources often depend on _____ to promote their interests and policy preferences.

interest groups

Who has taken advantage of open committee meetings in Congress to put forth their agenda?

interest groups

_____ try to influence elections, while _____ try to win them.

interest groups; political parties

The commerce clause of Article 1, Section 8, of the US Constitution affords Congress broad regulatory power over what?

interstate commerce

The Cabinet, consisting of heads of all major federal government departments,

is not discussed in the Constitution.

The right of candidates to spend their own money on running for office

is protected by the First Amendment right of free speech

The doctrine of stare decisis

is reasoning from precedent

The chances that an incumbent wins re-election

is very high, reaching as high as 98 percent of House members and 90 percent of Senators.

The power to __ can be categorized as a judicial power of the president.

issue pardons

The national convention is important to the power of the presidency because

it gives the presidency a popular base that eventually supports increased presidential power.

The Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Lopez is important because

it was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress under the commerce law

Establishing the court that has the power to hear and decide a particular case is called


The first prerequisite for political efficacy is


The AFL-CIO is an example of a

labor union

____ refers to a system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit with minimal or no government interference

laissez-faire capitalism

The Speaker of the House is the

leaders of the majority party

Party leaders are able to create party unity through which resources?

leadership PACs, committee assignments, and the whip system

Compared to Europeans, Americans are ____ supportive of income redistribution.


According to your textbook, reforms enacted in the 1970s to make Congress more accessible have made Congress

less effective and more susceptible to special interests.

The President Pro Tempore in Senate is __ the majority and minority leaders.

less powerful than

Republican governors and legislatures enacted laws that required prospective voters to present valid government-issued identification cards because

less-educated and minority voters tend to vote Democratic and were less likely to produce valid ID at the polls and thus would be barred from voting.

Stare decisis is a Latin phrase that means

let the decision stand

Interest groups were heavily involved in the recent Michigan affirmative action cases. Some groups sponsored the lawsuit; others on both sides filed amicus curiae briefs. All of these groups were using which interest group tactic?


Almost all interest groups engage in


Communication with lawmakers and members of the government by an individual or a groups to influence the passage of legislation is the definition of


What government has no recognition or protection by the US Constitution?


"You support me on billX , and I'll support you on another bill of your choice." This statements illustrates the concept of


Strong and often corrupt urban political party organizations during the late nineteenth and early twenties centuries were called


Cooperative federalism is also known as...

marble cake federalism

Which analogy best describes the federalism arrangement today?

marble cake federalism

While voting rights are granted to all American citizens over the age of 18, what is a legal reason for some states to revoke this right?

mentally incompetent

The original party system in the United States pitted the Federalists, supported by ___ against Jeffersonian Republicans, supported by ____.

merchants; agrarian interests

When a congressional election is held that does not coincide with a presidential election, it is called a(n)

midterm election

The use of digital technology in the 2008 and 2012 elections

mobilized new voters

Modern political campaigns at the national level are fueled by enormous amounts of


When people do not have strong feelings about the issue at hand, they are ____________ likely to change their opinions.


PACs can contribute ____ an individual can to a candidate running for office.

more than

Generally, America's demographics have become ____ elderly and ____ young since the Founding.

more; less

If you consider yourself moderate, you are like

most Americans

Compared to the House, the leadership of the Senate has __ over floor debates.

much less control

How big a role does money play in American politics compared to other countries?

much more

In the United States, which level of government is responsible for national defense and foreign affairs?


Third parties are least likely to achieve electoral success in which types of elections?


The Bill of Rights initially applied to the __ government(s). while today the Bill of Rights applies to the __ government(s).

national; national and state

In the case of Buckley v Valeo, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

no limits can be placed on candidates' expenditure of their own funds, since such spending is considered free speech.

The ____ is the process by which a party selects a candidate to run for each elective office.


Big government is ____________ considered a core U.S. value.


A belief in equality of results is

not a part of the U.S. political culture.

Research suggests that political participation in the United States is

not declining but rather changing by including norms of citizenship that are more expressive than voting.

The size of the population is ____ in determining the reliability of a poll.

not important

Variables such as income, education, race, gender, and ethnicity

often create differences of political opinion

The principle of political equality can be best summed up as

one person, one vote

During the 2012 presidential elections, the television's dominant role as a medium for campaigns was replaced by which of the following?

online campaigning

The concept of selective incorporation means that

only some of the liberties in the Bill of Rights are applied to the states.

Joe walks into his voting station and the election judge asks him which party's ballot he would like to vote on today. Joe is in an

open primary state

The New England-based merchants and southern planters

organized together in opposition to taxes imposed by the Stamp and Sugar Acts

The Constitution gives the Supreme Court ____ jurisdiction in cases involving foreign ambassadors and issues in which a state is a party.


In terms of sociological representation, the current Congress

overrepresents certain groups

Selection bias occurs when a sample ________ some opinions.

overrepresents or underrepresents

A two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress is necessary to

override a presidential veto

A two-thirds vote in both House and Senate is required to do the following:

override the president's veto

The effort of Congress through hearings, investigations, and other techniques to exercise control over the activities of executive agencies is called __.


The biggest influence on an individual's vote choice is

partisan loyalty

A vote on which 50 percent or more of the members of one party take one position while at least 50 percent of the members of the other party take the opposing position is called a __ vote.


While all members of the U.S. House take part in the election of the Speaker of the House, the actual selection is made by the

party caucus that holds a majority of seats in the House

As a tool for achieving political goals, presidents have found _____ to be mostly unreliable.

party members

____ refers to how parties are organized, the balance of power between and within party coalitions, and the issues and policies around which party competition is organized.

party systems

The 9/11 attacks were a key political event that helped to promote


The power of political machines to make partisan appointments to government offices and to grant special favors to supporters is called


Pork barrel legislation is a form of __ in which members of Congress __.

patronage, secure direct benefits for their districts or states.

A negotiated agreement in a criminal case in which a defendant agrees to tell the court that they are guilty in return for the state's agreement to reduce the severity of the criminal charge or prison sentence the defendant is facing is known as a

plea bargain

A bias in the interest group system that favors the wealthy is a criticism of which theory of government?


The idea that competition among interest groups will balance each other is called


The theory that competition among organized interests will produce a balance with all the interests regulating one another is


If the winner of an election is whoever receives the most votes, regardless of the percentage of votes received, the candidate has been running under a __ system.


A __ veto can occur when the president is presented a bill during the last ten days of a legislative session and __ be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress.

pocket; cannot

A state's authority to regulate health, safety and morals is commonly known as

police powers

Within the two major parties, ___________ are individuals who identify new ideas and programs that will expand their party's base of support.

policy entrepreneurs

According to the text, liberty inevitably leads to the growth of

political activity and the expansion of political participation

Political socialization is the process through which

political beliefs and values are formed

When the Senate refuses to confirm a Supreme Court nominee, it is typically because of his or her ____, not his or her _____

political ideology; qualifications

According to the authors, good citizenship requires

political knowledge and engagement

When citizens go to the polls, _______________ often provide(s) a central cue for them to cast informed votes.

political parties

The assignment of individual member of Congress to committees and the selection of committee chairs is largely decided by

political parties in Congress

The process by which Americans learn political beliefs and values is called

political socialization

Who gets what, when, and how is a definition of


The Articles of Confederation

preceded the U.S. Constitution

The three steps in the Supreme Court's procedures are, in order,

preparing briefs, giving oral argument, making and writing opinions.

According to the authors of your textbook, incumbency tends to

preserve the status quo in Congress

The electoral college is

presidential electors from each state who cast ballots for president and vice presidents.

Sections two and three fo Article II of the Constitution establish the

presidential powers and duties.

In order for a political party to select a candidate to run in the general election, it holds a

primary election

What government function did the states retain from 1800 to 1933?

private property

What clause in the U.S. Constitution requires that states must treat visitors from other states the same as their own residents?

privileges and immunities clause

__ liberties place restraints on how government is supposed to act, while __ liberties limits what the government has the power to do.

procedural; substantive

The electoral college was designed to

produce a nonpartisan president.

Vigorous political parties ____________ voter turnout.


Third-party candidates are better off under which system of election?

proportional representation

Third parties are most successful under which of the following election systems?


An election system that allocates to each political party representation in the legislature equal to its percentage of the total vote is called a ____ system.

proportional-representative electoral

Edmund Randolph's initial idea to limit executive power at the Constitutional Convention

proposed a three-person executive

__ voting occurs, when voting is based on the imagined future performance of a candidate.


An example of ___________ was the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City's Financial District in September 2011.


Closed rules in the U.S. House

provide the majority party more power by prohibiting the introduction of amendments on the House floor.

____ are specific instruments for measuring public opinion

public-opinion polls

The most important feature of a _____ is that it is representative.

public-opinion sample

What is wrong with the following polling question: Do you think is was appropriate for President Bush to lie so that he could start a war with Iraq?

push polling

After an amendment is successfully proposed, what step must occur in order for it to become part of the Constitution?

ratification by three-fourths of the states

According to ____ the average American exhibits little knowledge of political institutions, processes, or leaders.

recent studies by political scientists

The process of redrawing the boundaries of congressional districts is called


The __ was promoted by Progressive reformers at the turn of the twentieth century to allow voters to have a more direct role in governing.


During the 1980s, under the leadership of Ronald Reagan, which two groups did the Republican Party add to their coalition?

religious conservatives and working-class whites

In the U.S. federal system, responsibility for organizing elections

rests largely with state and local governments

In a committee markup, members of Congress

rewrite legislation to incorporate changes discussed during the hearings on a bill.

Which of the following civil liberties has been strengthened over time? a. right to an attorney (Sixth Amendment) b. double jeopardy (Fifth Amendment) c. exclusionary rule (Fourth Amendment) d. protection against self-incrimination (Fifth Amendment)

right to an attorney (Sixth Amendment)

The Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was based on the

right to privacy

According to the textbook, the trend line of Americans' trust in the federal government

rose in the 1990s and peaked in 2002

Because the American people used to be generally ____ the current political system underrepresents ____

rural; urban

Over what current issue has the "full faith and credit" clause become embroiled in controversy?

same-sex marriage

Polls are ____ instruments for measuring public opinion.


Most states in the 2012 election

seemed to be solidly in either the Democratic or Republican camp

Unlike Madison, the authors of the textbook argue that in the realm of group politics, liberty

seems inconsistent with equality

Under a system of dual federalism, the national and state governments are

seen as distinct entities providing separate services

The nomination process is a party

selecting a single candidate to run for an elective office.

Which kind of polling error arises when a sample of public opinion overrepresents or underrepresents some opinions?

selection bias

Which demographic group tends to vote the most?


The spirit of Montesquieu inspired the framers to

set up a system where branches had some powers to themselves and shared other powers with other branches

Because the Supreme Court has so much influence over American law and politics, virtually all presidents have made an effort to select justices who

share their political philosophies

The contemporary American political system is defined by

sharp partisan differences

Political science research has shown that ____ in public opinion ____ to changes in public policy.

shifts; lead

The increased use of new media in campaigns has done which of the following?

significantly increased the ability of dark-horse and third-party candidates to reach voters.

Women and minorities in the U.S. Congress are

significantly underrepresented compared with their percentage of the U.S. population.

Members of the House of Representatives are selected by

single-member districts

One important reason for the Unites States' two-party system is

single-member electoral districts

Conservatives typically favor

smaller government

In general, Democrats support

social programs and regulation of businesses.

The system of checks and balances gives each branch of government

some explicit powers, some shared powers, and some ability to check other branches

Men in the United States are

somewhat more likely to support the republican party

Speech accompanied by conduct can be regulated by the government to preserve public order is called

speech plus

The Congressional Research Service and Congressional Budget Office are examples of __ which are designed to provide the legislative branch with resources and expertise independent of the executive branch.

staff agencies

Historically, the most important arenas of congressional policy making have been

standing committees

The permanent committees with the power to propose and write legislation that covers a particular subject, such as finance or agriculture, are called __.

standing committees

In the 1990s, the Republican leadership in Congress shifted power from __ to __.

standing committees; party leaders

Most of the rules and regulations Americans face in their daily lives are set by

state and local governments.

Which of the following are critical in recruiting candidates for office and conducting voter registration drives?

state and local party organizations

Partisanship is most likely to affect voting in which of the following elections?

state legislative elections

The judicial doctrine that places a heavy burden of proof on the government when it seeks to regulate or restrict speech is called

strict scrutiny

Within the contemporary Congress, ______________ characterizes most voting.

strong partisanship

The most notable differences between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the first presidential debate were in terms of

style; Romney seemed alert and aggressive while Obama seemed disengaged and listless

Voter turnout in America is __ other democracies around the world.

substantially lower than

According to the authors, which economic tool is the best predictor of presidential outcomes?

the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)

McCulloch v. Maryland is an important case because

the Court interpreted the delegated powers of Congress broadly, creating the potential for increased national powers.

Which amendment in the Bill of Rights was most recently applied to the states via selective incorporation?

the Second Amendment: right to bear arms

The power of "advice and consent"

the Senate to approve Presidential appointments and treaties.

Presidential power to make treaties and to appoint top executive officers, ambassadors, and federal judges is subject to

the Senate's advice and consent power

What major public event do modern presidents use to propose new legislation?

the State of Union Message

Which branch of government constantly revises the Constitution through interpretation?

the Supreme Court

Selective incorporation is defined as

the Supreme Court's using the Fourteenth Amendment to apply civil liberties in the Bill of Rights to the states on a case-by-case basis

Presidents today are most likely to rely upon ____________ for advice.

the White House staff

Recent studies by political scientists show that

the average American exhibits little knowledge of political institutions, processes, or leaders.

The term public opinion is used to describe

the beliefs and attitudes that people have about issues

The result of voters casting their ballot for president or governor and "automatically" voting for the remainder of the party's ticket is called

the coattail effect

Who is the incumbent?

the current officeholder, running for re-election

The Eighth Amendment's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment is most controversial in its application to

the death penalty

According to the U.S. Constitution, the president is selected by

the electoral college

Protection from domestic or foreign threats is primarily the responsibility of

the federal government

The Bill of Rights consists of

the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

When men and women respond differently to issues of public policy, this difference is an example of

the gender gap

Riots and rural uprisings were relatively common in America until

the growth of elections and other formal mechanisms of popular involvement in politics.

National elections feature

the highest American levels of turnout because of media attention and voter familiarity with candidates.

Equality of opportunity is ____ in the United States.

the most prominent type of equality

Implied powers of the necessary and proper clause allows

the national government to interpret its delegated powers expansively

What does Article V of the Constitution detail?

the process of amending the constituiton

What is an example of concurrent powers?

the responsibility of both the national and states governments to charter banks and corporations.

Due process of law is

the right of every citizen against arbitrary government action.

In their argument against the need for the addition of a bill of rights, Hamilton and the Federalists pointed to rights already contained within the original text of the Constitution, such as

the right of habeas corpus

The Second Amendment concerns

the right to bear arms

The free exercise clause protects

the right to believe in and practice one's religion of choice.

Which of the following influences the flow of cases heard by the Supreme Court?

the solicitor general and law clerks

What are expressed powers in the Constitution?

the specific powers granted in the Constitution to Congress and to the president

Where was the execution of laws conducted under the Articles of Confederation?

the states

Sociological representation is important in understanding the U.S. Congress because

the symbolic composition of Congress is important for the authority of the government.

One problem with the pluralist explanation of democracy is

the upper-class bias of most interest group members

Counting slaves as ____ for the purposes of census did not allow slaves to ____.

three-fifths of a person; vote

Above all, a public-opinion sample must

to be representative

Block grants consist of federal aid to state or local governments that is

to be spent within a specified polity area, though the receiving state or local government can decide how to spend within that area

What is the purpose of the Tenth Amendment?

to limit the powers of the central government by establishing reserved powers for states and individuals.

Executive orders may be used by the president for which of the following objectives?

to more effectively manage the executing branch and carry out existing laws and policies

It is interesting that many of the same individuals who complain about what the government does ____ them also want the government to do a great deal ____ them.

to; for

In general, the Federalists' future vision of the United States

triumphed over the Antifederalist vision

____ has declined in the last 50 years

trust in government

Throughout its history, American politics has been dominated by

two major political parties

Prior to the U.S. Constitution, the issues of trade, economic, and political disputes between the states

typified the weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Regulations or new conditions for receiving grants that impose costs on state and local governments for which they are not reimbursed by the national government is the definition of

unfunded mandates

Throughout much of American history, a common form of political participation among those denied the right to vote was:

urban riots and rural uprisings

Generally speaking, Americans know

very little about current political issues but are able to identify high-profile political leaders

While Abraham Lincoln's 1860 presidential campaign spent $100,000, it also relied heavily on


Prospective voting occurs when

voting is based on the on the imagined future performance of a candidate.

Under the Great Compromise, the Senate

was an arena where large and small states would compete on equal footing.

As a political value, individual liberty

was preeminent for the Constitution's authors.

Controlling the negative impact of factions

was the central goal of governments according to Madison in Federalist No. 10.

One key demonstration of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation

was the size and duration of Shay's Rebellion

Members of interest groups tend to be


According to the authors, who benefits from the American system of private funding of campaigns?

wealthy interest groups

The reasons behind the British attempts to raise revenue from the colonies prior to the Revolution

were justified by citing the costs of defending the colonies from Indians and other threats

Which religious group became a significant part of the Republican Party base starting in the 1980s?

white evangelical Protestants

The famous political scientist Harold Lasswell defined politics as the struggle over

who gets what, when, how

The right to vote was granted by which group in 1920?


The internet and comedy television are the main sources of campaign news for

younger Americans

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